Wait Onlooker Fucked????
Wait Onlooker fucked????
Y e s and he was the one who gave birth to Faceless Lady.
More Posts from 0reoliaflop69
I mean as much as I like the trope where the heavens aren't actually all that perfect and decent it still feels kinda underwhelming that hell is just this misunderstood or angsty place and that it's supposed to be the "good" side who want what's best for humanity despite the atrocities that were committed and that heaven is just a place filled to the brim with self righteous and hypocritical assholes.
I recall from a segmented piece of various doodles an angel character mentioned portraying hell as just misunderstood and heaven as bigoted is not a solid/valid way to critique those realms, explain/elaborate on that please?
It's just swapping things that aren't even better than the other ngl not to mention how it portrays hell is better than heaven and that it represents freedom while not bothering to acknowledge the actions of what those beings have done.
Killing people with no grasp of recent medical history with hammers
All Colonized People

All Colonized People
See Themselves
In Palestine.
They See Same Aspect Of What Was Done To Them In Palestine.
All Colonizers
See Themselves
In Israel.
Do the slenderbrothers exist on Silly Pasta?
Splendor and Onlooker are both related and creations of Dina while Trender is just another imaginary friend that ended up under Dina's wing and care after being left to rot when the kid they looked after abandoned them. Operator has no relations to all the other three I mentioned aside from being enemies.
(And if any one of you dares ask if Offender Man is here FUCK NO ain't no way I'm adding that literal abomination to a silly side project I made for fun and goofs.)
natural voice change
Boom Your Voice
How to deepen your voice naturally
How to talk with a deeper voice
How to deepen your voice (pre-t) Voice masculinization
Vocal androgyny in speech and singing
This Phone App Helps Transgender Users Change The Pitch And Tone Of Their Voices (buzzfeed article)
Voice Feminization
Pitch, range, resonance, depth
How to develop a female voice
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