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After watching:
Oh- yeah. It's the 1st of April- god, I almost forgot-
those motherf*****s-
I'm crying and I don't even know why-
(Minute 14:35) oh it was just another dream...*screaming internally*
(Minute 14:35-end) I don't know if this is funny or concerning-
I think Sun should stop drink like a entire bottle of wine a day or coffee before sleep...
It makes him have odd dreams-
And it's quite concerning for some reasons...I have a bad feeling about this situation: the fact he started drinking coffee too BEFORE going to sleep (which I think its a weird time to drink coffee-)...
it's a bit concerning, because it demonstrate that his mental-state it is getting worse from day to day (I mean, it was already bad, but it is getting worse)...
I'm very worried about him...I don't know what he will do in the future and seeing him going dive headfirst in the sea....
It doesn't give me good vibes...
irregulardemigod liked this · 11 months ago
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More Posts from 1ris5starlight
Yep...two years...that's a lot of time!

2 years already, jeezus fuckin' christ- /pos

Eclipse asked for Solar...???
Does- Does he care...???
(Character redemption??)
(I'm just surprised that he actually feel something except anger and revenge...
It's so weird, because he never really showed up his emotions except with Earth in his therapy session...
And seeing him acting that way...it's just a bit strange to me...)
(Minute 8:10)......................what....? Seriously??? You're not kidding right..??
(Minute 8:52)..............OH.....I SEE WHAT IS RUIN TALKING ABOUT...
(Minute 12:37).................omg. Is HE protecting HER?????
(So he DOES have a soft spot!)
I made a compilation of Earth messing w Suns rays
I just realized Suns rays are like an off button whenever Earth touches them he falters 😭

Idk if it’s cute or concerning😭😭

Uuuhh!! Today we have Foxy!!
(Minute 0:10) Hi Foxyy!!
(Minute 3:17) WHAT- (FOXY WTF-)
(Minute 3:30) *blinking* WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT DOG DOING-!?
(Minute 5:00) *deja-vu from that Sun broke Chica in a game-*
(Start - end) I didn't understand anything, but it was funny anyway!!!
The thumbnail: WHAT ARE WE PLAYING?!?!
Me: I don't know man- You're the one supposed to know and you're asking me like I know anything about this game!

What just happened-
Earth? Are you ok-?
I mean-
It's not exactly normal that a individual talks to an animal (and they're the only one that understand-)
(Minute 12:50-18:30)
Earth: *talking to Sun's cat like it's normal and telling him that shoving treats down Moon's through it's bad*
Lunar: *who's watching the scene* WHA-
Well... we know one of Sun's cats name:
First it was "Tux", now "Snugglies"
(Minute 15:42-16:56) *blinking* ppfft- WHAT JUST HAPPENED 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(Minute 18:21) WHAT-
(Minute 19:00-21:40) uuh other Sun's cat!!
Eerrmm...is it bad that your brother is dating some cat???
(Minute 22:23) uh sh*t he knows-
(Minute 25:50) just Moon fricking out-
(End) imagine if Moon actually heard this-