It Is Nice To Finally Have Some Answers But Sadly My Reaction Of Becoming Bored When I Figure Something
It is nice to finally have some answers but sadly my reaction of becoming bored when I figure something out is starting to kick in
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“and there are people in my classes who are my age and are landlords for million dollar condos that their super rich parents bought them… and then talking about how we deserve more red tape and more harsh consequences for fucking up”
you mean the reason the high privlige class thinks we need more competition is that they feel how easy it is and therefor think we need harsher consequences?
“As it turns out, those who accumulate wealth tend to invest it in real estate, and the value of the land part of property trends upwards over time. There are a few reasons for this. Land, for the most part, does not increase in quantity. In fact, if we take rising sea levels into account, land is actually becoming scarcer. “
are you saying the rich is totally fine with global warming because it will raise their value of the property they own?
Public mind
The public mind, the public mind, the public mind, the public mind, the public mind, The people are the people, the people, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts, the hearts
There is no need to worry about the people. In the case of public opinion, the public mind, the public mind, the public mind, the public mind It is not the case that the public mind is the public mind is the public mind In the case of public service, the public service is called public service, while the public service is public service. I think that it is a good idea to have a lot of people. I am a citizen, a citizen, a citizen, a citizen, a citizen, a citizen, a citizen, a citizen, a citizen
I think that it is a good idea to have a lot of people in your life. I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, In addition, there is no need to worry about the fact that the government is not responsible for the actions of the public. I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen, I am a citizen
I had one tell me I ought to be more compassionate for “she just did the best she could”, like that excuses and removes any responsibility on her part, and earlier I just made a light joke how I wish I was never born, also made a joke about how I have no friends, (I haven’t charged my phone because there is no one to talk to)
I know you know how her situation is but you don’t know mine
Economists must be the one profession behind the most deaths, why? We simply can't afford not doing this.