3rinbkk - erin. 🎀
erin. 🎀

! [𝟮𝟮]’𝙨 🌷 •[𝙗𝙗𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙮] 🍡 ⠀⋆。’˚@/𝟱𝙨𝙤𝙨 ˖ ׂ ⋆ 🪷 [𝙨𝙚𝙗/𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣]⋆。’˚

892 posts

#humble King

#humble King
#humble King
#humble King
#humble King

#humble king

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More Posts from 3rinbkk

3 years ago

omg this was- i can’t even explain it, it was so good!!

the plot was amazing i really got invested on it, i’m gonna need more of this au 💓

bucky was so sweet and cute i love him so much!!

Omg This Was- I Cant Even Explain It, It Was So Good!!

— Nothing Burns Like the Cold

 Nothing Burns Like The Cold

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader


Word Count: 8.6k

Warnings: detailed descriptions of violence, some magic shit ( powers... ), sad bucky, angst, fluff, smut ( praise, fingering, some sweet sex 👁 ), mentions of scars & descriptions of injuries.

Synopsis: On a mission you are pushed to your limit, causing you to learn something about yourself you never knew. The aftermath is less than ideal, but Bucky is there every step of the way.

“We need to wrap this up. They’re going to have more agents on our ass in no time.”

Natasha’s voice crackled through the earpiece, filtered through a litter of gunshots and muffled groans. Pushing a creaky door open you pressed your finger to your ear before speaking. “My wing is clear. I’m headed back to the jet. Let me know if you need backup.” You said, cautiously making your way down the dimly lit hall.

No one was more desperate to get home than you.

This mission had gone from reconnaissance to a full-scale raid. You should've been home a week ago, and you could only imagine how worried Bucky was. The thought of going back home to him was possibly the only thing keeping you so determined. This entire facility had been a walking nightmare - just teeming with faithful Hydra agents. Twirling Bucky’s knife between your fingers you kept your senses dialed to ten - waiting for some sorry excuse of an agent to attack you. Turning the blade in your hands you felt the familiar ridges of the handle, reminding yourself of what Bucky had said.

“Bucky, I can’t take this. What if you need it?”

He pulled you towards him by the holster strapped to your thigh. Flipping the clasp up he pushed his knife into the pocket, then clicking it closed. He held onto the backs of your thighs looking up at you with a smile.

“When you come back – safe – then you give it back.”

It was a setup in all reality. Bucky knew your insatiable appetite to please everyone around you, and if all he had to do to keep you from being reckless was handing you a knife, then he’d do it every time. What had kept you from being careless was the fact you wanted to be able to return the knife, so it worked.

Shattered glass crackled beneath your boots making a screeching noise against the tile. The place was a mess. Technology from centuries ago sitting in each of the rooms you passed by, the occasional bloodied agent lying on the floor littered with stab wounds from their own comrades. On an empathetic level, you felt sorry for these people – clinging so desperately to an ancient belief. But knowing what you know – knowing what they’d done to Bucky all those years – all the sympathy and compassion you could’ve had for a human had been drained out of your body.

A set of fluorescent lights flickered, the humming sound stuttering for a moment. Reaching the end of the hall you were standing in front of a large metal door. The door was covered in runes. Lines and patterns running up and down in abstract ways, clearly meant to communicate something. Running your hand across the cool metal you immediately recognized it as tungsten – also known as you’re not getting out unless the Hulk rips the door off the hinges. Pressing your hand to your earpiece you waited for the beep, “Guys, I think I might be screwed on this one. I’ve got a door made out of solid tungsten and it’s got all kinds of runes on it. I would describe it but I might need an art history degree to even attempt it.”

Swiveling around you kept checking your surroundings, unable to let that eerie feeling go. There was a crackle on the line, “Shit. Well, head back the other way then. Seems pretty simple to me, kid.” Tony’s less than amused voice filled your ears. Looking back at the door you were struck with a morbid curiosity. If there were any agents left then they would definitely be hiding behind a door like this. It seemed obvious. Bad guys hiding behind a door made of metal that rivaled vibranium – doesn’t get more blatant than that. Looking down at your belt you grabbed one of your detonators, wondering if it would have any effect.

“Tony, give me some stats on those new detonators you gave us.” You asked, turning the device in your hands. Clicking a button sharp points curled out from the sides like spindly spider legs. Preemptively you pressed it against the metal watching the little claws sink into the metal like it was nothing. Enamored by the thing you nearly forgot to listen to Tony as he spoke. “No way. Not now. We’re finished. No more blowing stuff up.” His instruction was in vain because you weren’t listening anyway. Tapping on the little control pad you set it to blow. Running back down the hall you sniffled dramatically and worked up the saddest persona you could.

“Guys, I just want you to know I love you so much. Nat, I’m sorry for taking your laptop charger. Tony, I’m sorry for using your black card to buy a car whenever I was on that mission in Hawaii. Steve, oh my god, Steve. I’m sorry for saying bad wor-”

Your little joke was cut short by the sound of the detonator going off. The blast was a lot more destructive than you thought it would be. The force behind it was enough to knock you over, even from a distance. More glass shattered across the floor, tiny pieces embedding into your skin leaving a dull sting behind. Your earpiece made a buzzing sound before cutting off completely. Choosing not to focus on the pain in your back you stood up ready to fight whoever was beyond that door. Overhead lights swung back and forth, some of them now holding on by one wire.

Pulling your knife out you headed towards the door. Your ears were ringing, and it was hard to focus. Approaching the threshold you paused waiting for any sort of sound. Again, the ringing in your ears was too strong to focus. Stepping inside you looked around for any sign of anyone.

The room looked lived in. A pile of clothing in the corner, and a messy bed. There was a bottle of pills on the dresser simply labeled “SUPPRESSANT”. Grabbing the orange bottle you turned it back and forth watching the pills roll back and forth. You shoved the bottle into your pocket, wanting to save it for the analyst. For all, you knew it was a new drug meant to alter human DNA in some way. There were holes in the walls - walls made of tungsten with holes conveniently the size of a fist. The room was seemingly empty, but that didn’t satisfy your curiosity.

What was in here?

Who was in here?

The question felt eery, and you could feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing at attention. The ringing had stopped and you were left with a sinking feeling in your chest. Anticipation for the inevitable. There was a disembodied huff above you, making you freeze in place. Suddenly, you wished you had exercised restraint moments earlier. The breathing became louder and more labored. A low humming sound followed and you felt your palms sweating. “Who’s there?” You asked blindly.

In the face of fear, years of training could fade away in an instant. You just imagined the reaction it would pull from any of your teammates. No one walks into a monster’s den and asks such a question. You weren’t a child in a terrible horror movie, so you weren’t sure why you decided to act like one. Then you began to think of a way out. Your comms were down so you had no way of asking for a plan, you needed to come up with it on your own. Naturally, fight or flight told you to run, but logically you knew you had no chance of getting away fast enough. Whatever was in there was strong, and you’d rather not tempt fate.

You could pull out a gun, blindly shoot into the darkness, and hope you hit something and the bullet wouldn’t ricochet off the metal resulting in your ultimate demise. There were no windows, you were deep underground. Your chances of making it out were growing slimmer and slimmer - and whatever you were up against hadn’t even presented itself yet. Resolve hit you like a tidal wave, and you held onto the knife a little tighter. If this was it then you were going to fight until you couldn’t anymore.

“Don’t be a bitch let’s get this over with.” You said, not knowing if the thing you were about to fight could even understand you. In a darker corner, there was a thud, like something falling. Instinctively you backed up keeping your eyes on the spot. You could barely make out a shape through the darkness. A distinctly human form but malformed by what you assumed was muscle. They moved and you listened to heavy boots against the ground, your heart pounding in your chest. As they approached you kept backing up, stumbling over the threshold.

A peal of deep laughter filled the room, echoing throughout the hall. You focused straight ahead, still trying to get a grasp of whoever this was. They stepped underneath the flickering lights and you finally could see what you were up against. Before you was a woman - one hell of a woman. She towered over you with a smug grin on her face. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a tight braid. Her black kevlar jacket had to be tailored to fit her frame and there was a plethora of ranking pins on the chest pocket. Every sort of weapon you could imagine was attached to her. An AK-47 strapped to her back, a Remington 870 across her chest, a wild assortment of knives in different pockets and straps. In every sense of the word, she was massive. Muscles bulging from beneath her clothes.

The longer you looked at her, the more faith you lost in yourself. You weren’t one to back down, but this looked like a lot more than you could handle. “You steal from me,” She said pointing to the pills in your pocket, “- and you insult me.” Stepping closer towards you it was as if her footsteps were heavy enough to shake the ground. Her face was contorting into an expression of anger but you didn’t move. If you looked confident she would be none the wiser. She went to grab you but you grabbed her wrist faster than you thought you could. Staring at your hand for a moment she tilted her head to the side, seeming surprised that you were up for the challenge.

“Let's see who the bitch is.”

In a swift motion of her arm, she pushed you forward, your back colliding with the already crumbling wall. The impact was harsh, but you were too focused to let the pain linger in your mind. She was coming at you again, her fist pulled back ready to beat you to a pulp. Ducking down you watched her fist collide with the wall exposing the support beams that were in the middle. If she would’ve hit you, you would’ve died in an instant. Her strength was altered, and you were realizing that you were up against a super-soldier.

This situation was too familiar, and it was painful. Pulling her hand back she shook off the bits of concrete that had embedded into her knuckles. You pushed yourself between her legs standing behind her and pulling her braid as hard as you could. She yanked backward letting out a cry as you dragged her to the floor. On the way down she grabbed you by your leg making you kneel beside her. Knife in your hand you pulled back ready to drag the blade across her neck. Angrily she reached out grabbing the sharp edge with her bare hands, both of you struggling for the high ground. You watched the blood trickle down her arm and across the blade. That knife was no joke. It was sharp enough to cut through bone if it was used the correct way. This chick was strong.

Moving over she kicked you square in the stomach and you crumpled beneath the pressure. She ripped the knife from your hands and with your head down you could see the blood dripping into the tiles. Again she kicked you, making you fall straight back against the floor. Putting her boot against your chest she pressed hard enough that you could feel some of your ribs cracking making it hard to breathe. One move too sharp and she could crush your chest completely. You writhed around trying to find a way out, but it just wasn’t possible. Looking up at her you watched as she examined the knife - Bucky’s knife.

“Hm. The asset never was any good on his own.”

A wave of ungodly anger tore through you. Listening to any Hydra freak refer to him as an ‘asset’ made your skin crawl in the worst way. Pushing on her foot you tried relieving some of the pressure, but it only got worse. Whimpering in pain you stilled, not wanting to face the consequences of your foolish actions. Leaning forward she pressed the sharp tip against your cheek, adding just enough pressure to break the skin. You tried to reach up and grab at her wrist but the pressure she added to your chest made you wheeze and your arms fall back. She was staring you directly in the eyes like she was looking for something.

“So much wasted potential. I see something in you. Something great if it is used to its fullest potential.” She dragged the knife down your cheek leaving a hot trail of blood behind. The feeling of it rolling down your face and towards your neck nearly made you sick. In a last-ditch effort, you grabbed onto her boot again, pushing upwards as hard as you could. “Avengers have a tendency to take from others…justify their actions.” She started, but you were in no mood for a speech on morals. You needed out, and you needed out now. Pushing harder and harder you could feel the knife digging further into your skin. The pain was searing; it was like your entire nervous system was on fire.

“Let me go.”

You weren’t pleading, you were commanding. Stopping her in the middle of her speech only seemed to make her more agitated. She pushed harder on your chest, and you weren’t sure how many ribs had cracked at that point. “You’re being rude.” She said, there was a sinister tone to her voice. Looking over at Bucky’s knife in her bloody hand made something in your change. You weren’t just angry. You were absolutely seething. She trashed your friends, your reputation, cracked your ribs, cut your skin, and slung you around like a toy.

“As I was saying, all of you are wasted talent. Geniuses, superhumans, liars, and everything in between. It’s astonishing to me how you all choose to waste the asset. Without control, he is no more useful than a stray dog. I believe with control, you would be useful as well. I hate to waste good soldiers.”

Mind in a frenzy you pushed again, much harder than you had before. She stumbled - not far - but just enough to let you move away from her. Tearing the knife from her hand you stood up striking her shoulder as hard as you could, the blade lodging into the muscle. Labored breaths left your lungs as you tried to straighten your posture despite the state of your chest. Staring at the wound she just grinned. Reaching up with her bloody hand she pulled it straight out of her skin - not even phased by the blood that sprayed out. The tile between the two of you now stained crimson. There was no fear in you anymore, just righteous anger.

The asset.

Your hands were shaking at her disregard for Bucky. Your heart was racing and there was immense pain behind your eyes. She began walking towards you again. The look in her eyes was simply manic. Everything felt cold. The temperature of the room had to drop at least ten degrees within the span of a few seconds. You were trying to ignore the sudden change, but she was closing in on you. You had no weapon, no other option, and no time. Charging towards her a visceral scream escaped your throat.

Ducking from her outstretched arm you reached out grabbing onto her arm. With your feet planted firmly on the ground, you felt a frigid surge move through your veins. It traveled from your legs right up to your hands and you watched as a dull glow emitted from the skin of your hands. Your assailant whipped her head around, staring at your hands with a truly terrifying look on her features. A pulsing feeling came from your palms and you felt just as scared as she looked.

“What the hell is this?!” She shouted, going to shake you off. Your focus went back to her. All of your energy focused on making sure she wasn’t getting away from this. In a split second, you were overwhelmed with a sense of tranquility. Watching your breath form into the cold air you felt as if your very being was flowing through your hands. Engrossed in the way her face contorted in pain you didn’t even notice the way ice began creeping up her appendage. There was a ringing in your ears so you couldn’t hear the way she was pleading. You could just see the way her eyes begged for mercy.

In a last-ditch effort, she shoved the knife into your side. The pain was almost unnoticeable. It felt like the equivalent of getting a shot. Her actions only made you angrier. Squeezing her harder you felt that same energy coming from every pore in your body. Consumed with a fury you let out a frustrated scream.

“Why won’t you give up?!”

All the power that was building within you burst through your hands and across the tile floors. The ringing in your ears stopped as you watched the woman’s body go limp, a thin icy sheen forming over her wide eyes. Ice covered every surface within your general vicinity. Everything was frozen but you. Tearing your eyes away from her body you looked down at your unbelievably stable hands. There should’ve been at least a tremor to your body, but you were calm. While your mind was racing every other part of you was still. The corridor had to be below zero, but you felt no different than you had earlier. In fact, you were sweating beneath your suit.

Reaching down you pulled the knife from your side wincing at the cool air against the wound. Kneeling in exhaustion you looked over at the woman watching for any sign of life behind her now ghostly eyes. Nothing. It was like all life had been sucked out of the hall leaving nothing but you behind. Looking down at the scarlet-stained blade you tried wiping the blood away, but the moment you tried the tips of your fingers began to glow turning the liquid into a piece of solid ice. Dropping the knife, the clatter of the metal sliding against the slick floor brought you back to reality.

Steve’s voice was getting closer. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the handle of the knife. It didn’t even concern you that your teammates were finally coming to get you. Heavy footsteps came down the hall and slowed once they reached the edge of the sheet of ice. “Dammit! What did I tell you?!” Tony’s voice shook you a little. You didn’t bother to turn around reaching out and grabbing the knife again, running your fingers across the deep engraving that read: JBB. Footsteps got closer and you were terrified to reach out - to seek any comfort. Trailing your eyes across the woman again a deep fear settled in you.

What if I hurt them?

“Hey. Come on. Buck’s waitin’ on you.” Steve’s voice got closer and closer. Finally turning your head you looked up at him, seeing the way he quivered in the cold air. You should’ve felt some comfort in his words, but you were slowly dreading your return. Steve reached out to you and you stared at his hands, almost grabbing him. Ignoring his offer you pushed yourself standing as steadily as you could. Your entire body was racked with pain. Injuries on any spot one could possibly manage. Natasha went to grab your hands and you pulled back forcefully.

“C-can I have your gloves?” You asked, hoping that none of them would ask questions. She gave a look before pulling the fabric from her hands. Avoiding any contact you took the gloves from her hands sliding them over your own. Steve shooed her off and picked you up as gently as he could. Tony used one of his scanners to assess all of your injuries. You tuned out all the noise and listened to the sound of your own pulse in your ears. None of them dared to ask you anything - your silence spoke for you. “You’re lucky we’ve got Cho with us this time. The poor woman is gonna be exhausted by the time she’s done with you.” Tony said.

Finally, in the safety of the jet, you thanked Steve for being so gentle. “Don’t sweat it. I made a promise to a dear friend of mine. Gotta keep my end of the deal.” He said, giving you that signature captain smile. As much as you wanted to smile back at him, you couldn’t. Cho came rushing towards you with an abundance of med-kits in her hands. You quietly asked her not to take your gloves off as she got to work. The request didn’t phase her as she began working on your mangled ribcage. Natasha wasn’t far off, watching you closely.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fixed up by the time we get back to the tower. Then you and Barnes can run off and hold hands in secret.”

While that should’ve provided you with some sort of comfort, it only proved to make you dizzy. Bucky would notice if a hair was out of place, and he would definitely notice if you wouldn’t touch him - or anyone for that matter. You were already formulating plans in your head about how you could avoid him but not make him worry. The logical part of yourself knew there was no way not to worry him.

It was Bucky.

If it was possible for him to have you attached to him twenty-four-seven, he would definitely make it happen.

“I’m going to unzip your suit, okay?” Cho said, giving you a little reassurance. Nodding you stared up at the ceiling as she began to work. The painkillers kicked in, making you relax. She spent the entirety of the seven-hour flight fixing four broken ribs, closing up a four-inch-deep stab wound to your side, and a dislocated shoulder. She also made a point to tell you how bruised up you were in certain areas. You could already hear the lecture you were going to get from Bucky.

Finally arriving at the tower you reluctantly had to give Natasha her gloves back. She questioned you about it for a moment, but once you gave her a clear sign you weren’t in the mood to talk she let the subject go. Cho gave you some instructions on caring for your stitches and told you to come to her if you had any issues. There wasn’t a chance you were going to be able to get away from Bucky at any point in the day, but you were planning to make time to see Banner. If anyone could figure out something as insane as what you were dealing with, it would be him. Everyone gave you some encouragement as they walked off the jet, but you were too afraid to really leave.

If you were to hurt any of them you would never forgive yourself.

If you hurt Bucky - Oh god if you hurt Bucky.

Shaking the thought you stood up and slowly walked off the jet. Of course, once your boots hit the floor everyone turned to look at you. You felt agitation creeping up on you due to their pitiful stares. The cold feeling began aggregating in your palms again. “Where’s Bucky?” You said, digging your nails into your palm. Steve gave you a sympathetic look before pointing upwards. Walking past all of them you tried containing that odd feeling that stirred in your chest. You wanted to be confident that you could keep yourself calm, but you were starting to panic.

It only got worse whenever you finally found Bucky. As much as those blue eyes and bright smile brought you comfort, you couldn’t allow yourself to calm down completely. Pulling the knife from your holster you reached out handing it to him. Looking down at it he grimaced at the traces of blood on the side. “Sorry.” You said, absentmindedly running your hand over the cut on your face. He didn’t seem too concerned about the knife - he was more concerned about you.

“What’s wrong?” He said, gently running his hand over your arm. As prepared as you were for the long speech you weren’t prepared for the touch of his hand. Specifically so close to your own hand. Immediately you pulled away, holding your hand to your chest. You contemplated whether you should be honest or not. Would it make it better if you somehow hid this from him, or would it only make it worse. The stress of lying to him would’ve probably made your brain freeze - literally.

“Something happened to me.” You said, watching the concern fill his eyes. Bucky stood up from his seat, his knife clattering onto the floor. Just looking at him you knew that if you gave the word he’d take care of whoever had wronged you - if only it was that simple. “I can’t...explain it. Help me find Bruce, okay?” You said a little shakily. He didn’t have to say anything, he gave a firm nod before grabbing you by your arm. The worry was radiating off of him, and only adding to your distress.


Bucky didn’t like this.

Watching Banner stick all sorts of wires to your skin, explaining the purpose of each one. He didn’t expect your arrival to be like this. He expected the usual. You ‘sneaking’ up on him, kissing all over his face, telling him how much you missed him, and hearing your dramatic retelling of everything you’d done.

He didn’t just expect it, he looked forward to it.

The mission had gone over, he wasn’t able to talk to you, and he spent the entire time worried. Needless to say, by the end of the week, everyone was steering clear of him due to his sour mood. He was relieved for a moment when he first saw you. Yes, there was a nasty cut on your cheek, but he overlooked it. You were here, and you were alive. That’s all that mattered.

Now, he was back to worrying.

And you were right in front of him.

There was a distant look in your eyes. A look he knew all too well - he knew the feeling behind that look. Fear of the uncontrollable and panic that wouldn't reach the surface.

What made it worse was the fact he couldn’t touch you.

You wouldn’t let him.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Banner asked, sitting back in his seat. As he began typing away, Bucky kept a close eye on you, curious as to what was wrong. You shifted in your seat taking a deep breath - trying to calm yourself. You glanced over at him, and he gave you the most reassuring look he could muster. Instinctively he wanted to reach out and hold you close, but he fought the urge knowing it would only cause problems.

“If you’re not comfortable talking about it we can try and pull some footage from the base.” Banner said, looking over at you. Your leg bounced up and down and you tapped your fingers on the armrest. Bucky could tell you were struggling to keep your composure, but he wasn’t sure what he could do.

“Pull the footage. I’m not sure what happened myself.” You admitted, putting your head in your hands. While Banner started looking through files Bucky came over to you, making sure not to touch you. “Don’t stress yourself, doll.” He said. Looking up at him you nodded. For a moment you almost reached out and touched him, but you quickly pulled away. “Sorry.” You said quietly, directing your attention back to whatever Banner was doing.

Bucky’s patience was wearing thin.

He wanted to know what happened, know how to fix it, and get you back to yourself again. “Damn.” Banner said under his breath. Bucky caught it though, walking over to him. “What?” He asked, a little too urgently. Banner just pointed at the screen.

It was you against some wall of a woman. The fight was pretty intense, but you held your own. Of course you did, you’re his girl. There was quite a bit of struggle, but you caught your footing again, pulling yourself up off the floor. Clearly, you were in immense pain, but you weren’t giving up. Though something shifted in your demeanor. Your posture straightened, you reached out holding onto the woman’s arm, and it was enough to make her stop.

She struggled for a moment shoving the knife in your side. That alone looked like enough to make an normal person give up. You didn’t move though. If anything you seemed more calm than you were moments before. The footage got all fuzzy for a moment, the edges of the cameras lens becoming blurry. The woman was clearly in an immense amount of pain trying to pry your hands off of her. Something was creeping up her arm, penetrating the layers of kevlar. You said something - no, screamed something - and the woman fell over. Not exactly limp, but stiff as a board - as if she were frozen.

He could make out the shock on your face as you fell to your knees, sliding against the floor. He still didn’t have the answers he was looking for. “What the hell happened?” He asked, trying to keep his voice low as to not freak you out. Banner was just as confused, analyzing everything before him. If anyone could catch something odd it would be him.

Bucky glanced over at you, feeling more and more faithless as time went on. He hated not having the solution to your problems.


Banner stood up abruptly causing his chair to fall back dramatically. You flinched at the sound giving him a look like he was insane. He went striding towards you and naturally Bucky was at your side quickly. Your breathing was a little erratic and you were trying to lean away to the both of them. “Okay okay. Hold this.” Banner grabbed a random water bottle pushing it into your hands.

Bucky thought he was just too old to understand what was happening.

You held the bottle in your hands staring back at the scientist waiting for some form of instruction. “Whatever you did back there. Do it again.” He said, clearly enamored by whatever he had seen. Bucky was feeling nervous, and really wanted to urge you just to let it go, to let him try and help you instead.

“Bruce, I don’t th-”

“Barnes, it’s alright! I just have to see something.”

You looked at the bottle and then up at Bucky. He could see the worried look in your eyes. Unable to help himself he reached out putting his hand on your face. “Don’t do something you don’t want to do.” He urged, reading that reluctant look on your face. Stubborn as ever, you shook your head looking back at the bottle.

You looked at the bottle and then up at Bucky. He could see the worried look in your eyes. Unable to help himself he reached out putting his hand on your face. “Don’t do something you don’t want to do.” He urged, reading that reluctant look on your face. Stubborn as ever, you shook your head looking back at the bottle.

"Whatever that focus was. Whenever you were holding her arm. Do that again." Banner encouraged, giving you a gentle nod. You took a breath staring at the liquid. Bucky wondered what he was supposed to be looking at, but he was in no position to question the validity of this experiment.

You shifted in your seat taking a deep breath. "Can you guys, like, back up or something? I can't focus." You asked. Bucky reluctantly stepped back and Banner backed up rather hastily.

The distance seemed to make you a little more comfortable. You closed your eyes taking in a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth. In that brief moment the temperature of the room became significantly colder. So much so that Banner was holding onto himself trying to suppress a shiver.

Bucky was rather used to the cold, but this cold was much different. It permeated the room making his blood feel cold. You squeezed the plastic making it crinkle underneath your hand. Furrowing your eyebrows together you let out a frustrated sigh.

He wasn't sure what he was looking at, but your hand seemed to shake for a moment and there was a dull glow in your palm. Worriedly he looked over at Banner, on the verge of making you stop, but he just looked on with an amazed look in his eyes. Where your feet were planted on the ground a thin sheet of ice began to form.

Your expression changed, and you didn't seem as frustrated as you were a moment before. Bucky was worried at this point. He called out your name beginning to walk towards you. You didn't say anything your just let out a sigh and the water in the bottle froze.

Not like it had only become cold, but frozen solid. As if it had been sitting in the freezer for hours.

Banner clapped his hands together excitedly, while Bucky was slightly enamored by what he had just witnessed. Banner brushed past him almost slipping on the ice that surrounded you. Once you opened your eyes the anxiety seemed to creep back up on you. Bucky cautiously walked across the ice coming over to you, ignoring Banner's rambling.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, gently holding your face in his hands. Despite the penetrating cold in the room a bead of sweat rolled down your face. Your skin was hot to the touch but you didn't seem like you were hurting in any way.

"I'm fine."

Finally, you smiled, but it didn't reach your eyes.

It was a slippery slope after that. Banner was running test after test and Tony had joined in at some point. Bucky didn't necessarily care about the specifics. He just wanted to know that you were okay, and from what he understood you were.

It was well into the night before you got up from that chair, peeling all the nodules off of your skin. You expressed your worry about accidentally hurting someone, and Tony explained that it was highly unlikely for you to hurt someone without the intent of doing so. From what they had gathered, it took a lot of focus in the midst of stress to even do something little. They weren't sure though, and they advised you to pay close attention to how you felt.

Bucky was tired of waiting around all day. He just wanted you to himself. It wasn't exactly his plan to spend the day of your arrival in a lab. In fact, it was quite the opposite of his plans.

He'd spent that entire week fantasizing about how he was going to show you just how much he missed you while you were away.

Instead he was walking back to your shared room - at a considerable distance - wondering if you were even in the mood to have a conversation with him.

He didn't want to stress you out, or make you feel like you were being treated like glass. So, he just waited for you. You'd quietly asked him to help you change clothes, and of course he did. The dim light of the lamp granted him a gracious sight of the different stitches that lined your ribs, and the dark bruising that decorated the expanse of your skin.

"Baby..." He sighed, lightly running his fingers against your skin. You looked back at him with sad look in your eyes. Gently he pulled one of his shirts over your head, then carefully wrapping his arms around you. You hugged him back, but he caught how you wouldn't lay your hands on him. "M'sorry, Bucky." You said, your voice breaking. Without a word he pulled you into bed slipping under the covers. Hearing you sniffle he was quick to hush you.

"Nothing to be sorry about, doll. You're just sleepy. M'not going anywhere." He said. It didn't take long for you to drift to sleep. Bucky took a bit longer to sleep. He knew this wasn’t going to be an easy adjustment.


He’d lost count of the amount of times you had pushed him away.

He knew it was inevitable, but he wasn’t prepared for the toll it would take on him.

“Bucky, I don’t want to hurt you.”

He’d lost count of how many times he’d heard that too. It wasn’t like he was unaware of your worries. What happened on that mission had left you very shaken. You avoided everyone, and you spent most of your day in one of those closed off labs. At night you would toss and turn, shoving your hands underneath your pillow letting out a frustrated sigh. What made it worse was the fact that you wouldn’t allow him to comfort you in any way. Truthfully, you were terrified of hurting him, and he realized that.

The distance started wearing on him. He felt more like a distant roommate rather than your boyfriend, and he didn’t like that at all. Bucky was a very touch oriented person when it came to you. After countless years of being on the receiving end of nothing but violence, he craved every loving touch you offered him. You would kiss him like your life depended on it, and everytime after he’d have to remind himself that this was his reality. You’d run your hands through his hair making him purr like a damn cat at all the attention he was receiving.

Sometimes he just wanted to be affectionate towards you. After a long day of dealing with tedious analysts you’d be all moody and he’d hold you in his arms listening to you rant until you fell asleep. He just loved you and he loved having you to himself.

Now, you wouldn’t let him within a foot of you.

You were hurting, and he understood that pain. He understood the fear of being a danger to everyone around you. He understood the fear of having no control, but he knew better now. You were the one that spent all that time assuring him that he wasn’t a threat. If you would do it for him, he’d do it for you. He wasn’t going to give up on you.

“Sweet girl…” He called out, knocking gently on the lab door. You’d been in there for awhile now, and he was becoming worried. There was no answer but he could hear you shuffling around. With a sigh he pushed the door open looking past all the tables and monitors wondering where you had hidden yourself. A faint humming came from the vents indicating the heat had kicked on.

Walking past the table he made sure to keep his steps heavy - just so you wouldn’t be startled. Pushing one of the chairs in he finally found you, sitting on the floor with your legs crossed leaning your head against the window. You hadn’t acknowledged him, but he knew you were aware of his presence.

“M’not in the mood for an argument, Bucky.”

He huffed at your stubborn nature, realizing you were more like him than he cared to admit. This was a mirrored image of the way things had been whenever the two of you had met. Him annoyed by your persistence and you completely ignoring his pushback. “Argument? Since when do we argue?” He laughed, taking a seat beside you. You didn’t look over at him, but you tucked your hands into your lap.

“I’m- I don’t know.” You sighed. Looking out the window he was still a little enamoured by the view of the city. This life was something he never even thought possible, but here he was. Sometimes he wished he could go back in time and let himself know that through all the horror he’d still end up on the other side. Not just on the other side but he’d have you too.

“I miss you.” He said plainly. The sentiment seemed to make you smile, but it was a sad one. Finally you looked over at him with your glossy eyes. “I know you don’t like hearing me say it, but I’m not worried about you hurting me - neither is anyone else.” He affirmed. Looking at him you blinked a few times before turning back towards the window. He wished he knew what you were thinking, but you were elusive as ever.

Shakily you held up your hand, not bothering to look over at him.

“I held onto her arm, and now she’s dead.” You said, closing your hand into a fist. You glanced over at him and he caught the tearful look in your eyes. There wasn’t much he could say. It was true. “Who's to say that I wouldn’t accidentally do it to you, or anyone else in this fucking building?” You said, your anxiety seeping into your tone.

Scooting closer to you he put aside his better judgement grabbing your hands. You looked at him with shock written into your expression, but you didn’t pull away. Lacing his fingers between yours he gave you the most sincere look he could muster. He was trying to make a point in the midst of his relief at finally feeling your skin against his. No one was freezing to death. The room wasn’t collapsing in on itself. Visibly you seemed to calm down, and he was becoming more and more satisfied with his patience.

“I trust you with my life, and I know you won’t hurt me.”

This was all an effort to make you trust yourself, and it seemed to be working. Finally resolve seemed to settle over you and you wrapped your arms around him. After what felt like a lifetime of not being able to touch you, he was finally holding you against him. He could smell the bit of perfume that clung to your clothes, and he’d never realized he could miss that smell until right then. “M’sorry Buck.” You whispered, placing a cool kiss against his neck.

“No no. You’re alright. Come on, I missed you, angel.”

Without much effort he pulled you and himself up off the floor. Really he couldn’t have made his way back to your room any faster. It didn’t take much to pull you out of your - no pun intended - chilly stupor. Already you were kissing all over his neck, your cold fingertips running against his skin. Just as quickly as he opened the door he kicked it closed behind him. “You’re nothing but trouble.” He laughed pushing you back onto the bed. Grabbing him by his shirt you pulled him down with you causing his balance to falter for a second. With his hands on either side of you he looked down at you with a smile, “You’re a damn work of art.”

Rolling your eyes you pulled him down into a kiss. Finally he tasted what he’d missed so much, sweet and savory all at the same time. A taste addictive enough to drive a man crazy. A new sensation was how invitingly cold your skin was. It wasn’t so cold that it was uncomfortable but just cold enough to feel nice against him. Propping himself up on his knees he made quick work of undressing you. “What’s the rush? You got something to do?” You said, clearly trying to get a rise out of him. That little smile you gave him was nothing short of mischievous.

“Don’t start with me.” He warned with a cautious smile. Pulling your sweater off he caught the way you tried putting your hand over the stretch of scarring on your ribs. Quickly he grabbed your hand pulling it away from your skin. “Not exactly pretty is it?” You joked nervously. Shaking his head he leaned down kissing your skin. “Hm, maybe not pretty but it’s definitely sexy.” He said honestly. You laughed a little, putting your hands on his shoulders.

Trailing those kisses further and further down he ran his hands down your sides resting them against your hips. Hooking his fingers underneath the fabric of your panties he pulled them off throwing them to them to the side. He paused for a moment looking back up at you, a little overwhelmed by how much love he wanted to show you.

“I love you so much.”

You smiled back at him.

“I love you Bucky.”

With a smile he put his hand between your legs, pushing his fingers through your folds. You writhed beneath him, reaching out and grabbing his wrist. “You’re so pretty, angel.” He said wistfully, ignoring the way his pants were becoming too tight. The bit of praise made you whimper, and he moved his fingers to draw slow circles into your clit. Already he could see your breathing picking up, and the slight shiver that raked through your body.

Dragging his fingers downward he eased them into you audibly groaning at how warm and wet you were. “I will never get tired of this.” He said, reveling in the soft moans that left your parted lips. Curling his fingers inside of you he watched the way you squeezed your eyes shut and tried closing your legs despite him being seated between you. Hushing you a bit he ran his hand up and down your thigh. It took a moment to calm you down, and once he did he picked up his pace again.

“Bucky- Please-”

Listening to you beg for him, and hearing the absolutely pornographic sound of how wet you were for him was driving him crazy. He could tell you were close by the way you squeezed his fingers. “Not yet, I wanna be in you.” He said, pulling away from you. “Oh my god.” You whined squeezing your thighs together. Bucky quickly pulled his shirt over his head, and kicked his pants off along with his boxers.

Wrapping his hand around his almost painful erection he took his hand - that he strategically kept your slick on - and stroked himself a few times. Leaning down he pressed his lips to yours expertly distracting you with his tongue as he slowly pushed himself into you. “Holy fuck, you’re so fuckin’ wet.” He moaned against your skin. “You’re gonna kill me, babe” You laughed shakily, sort of pushing your hips against him.

The act within itself caused him to grab you by your hips harshly. He was too worked up to do any of this slowly. Pulling you against him he felt himself seated deeply within you, your slick walls already fluttering around him. After a moment of soothing himself he started thrusting into you. “Oh, James, fuck-” A smile worked its way onto his face as he lost himself in his pleasure. The sound of your delicate whimpers and the slapping of skin had him sweating profusely. The feeling of your warm pussy wrapped around him was enough to throw him over the edge, but he wouldn’t let go before you did. “So good Bucky. ‘Love you so much.” Your words were rushed and slurred together. Groaning he reached out wrapping his arms around you, pulling you upwards so you were sitting in his lap, creating an angle that made his cock press further into you.

Wrapping your arms around him you buried your face into his neck. “You’re so good to me, angel. Can’t push me away ever again. I can’t live without you.” He moaned holding you by your waist to move you and down on his cock. Your legs twitched against his and you pulsed around him in such a way that he could feel the fuzziness on the edge of his consciousness coaxing him into a release. Your voice had been reduced to a mess of incoherent words as your nails dug into the skin of his back.

“I love you.”

His own simple admission sent him into his unraveling. The feeling of his cum shooting deep inside of you made you yelp and cling to him even tighter. Hot streaks of his release slowly began seeping out of you, and he was trying to stop the twitching in his legs. Everything was too sensitive for him to even focus, and he almost didn’t catch the way that the room had gotten significantly colder.

Not like the A/C had kicked on, but a cold that permeated the atmosphere, causing the moist edges of the windows to crystalize. It took him a moment, but then he realized what was happening. Reaching up he grabbed onto your face trying to pull you out of your daze. Saying your name a few times you finally looked at him through half lidded eyes. “M’okay. Highly intense emotions, things like that” You said simply, cracking a lazy smile. He didn’t question it, reaching over to pull the comforter around the both of you. You leaned forward kissing him gently, devolving into a bit of laughter.

“Highly intense emotions. That’s one way to put it.” He laughed, pulling you out of bed with him, shivering at the cold air. The both of you got cleaned up, and you had to take a moment to chase away those intense emotions, seemingly making the frost dissipate. Bucky brought you one of his shirts kissing you a few times before he finally pulled it over your head. He carried you back to bed, the both of you cuddling back up to each other. Running his hands along the skin of your back he sighed. He’d missed this closeness, and the feeling of having you so close. In the midst of your pillow talk there was a loud bang on your door. Bucky immediately got up ready to lay into whoever dared to interrupt his quiet evening. Swinging the door open he was met by an annoyed looking Tony.

“Tony, what the h-”

“Zip it cyborg. I don’t even want to know what you and Elsa are getting up to in there, but can you calm it down? This entire floor is below zero.”

You let out a very amused laugh, and Bucky tried keeping a straight face. “Yeah yeah. Sorry. Intense emotions, you know?” Tony made a very dramatic gagging noise before walking off. Closing the door behind he looked over at you.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. That’s your fault.”

Shrugging he came over climbing back into bed with you. “I’ll take credit for that anyday.” He said, feigning a sense of pride. You wrapped your arms around him, placing kisses all over his face.

If an entire floor being cold meant he would have his girl, then everyone else should invest in good winter coat.

This post was taken down, and I am so upset about it. So this is a repost. I love this damn story, and fuck tumblr for taking it down...If you would reblog this it would be greatly appreciated!

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3 years ago

i love roommate!bucky so so much. this was soooo good 😩😩😩

Sleepless nights

Roommate!Bucky x Fem!reader

Summary - Weeks of not being able to get off leave you restless and without sleep, and after hearing your troubles through the thin walls, your roommate, Bucky, decides to help you out.

Word count - 4.6k

Warnings - (+18) Smut, masturbation, oral (f receiving), fingering, pet-names, dirty talk, friends to lovers, fluff.

A/n - Well. Let's just say I did not expect to write over 4k words of pure smut, but I'm not mad about it.


Sleepless Nights

Hours. It had been fucking hours of you tossing and turning and there was still no sign of sleep coming anytime soon.

Your eyelids were heavy but your mind was running a mile a minute, refusing you the simple release of rest.

It wasn’t just tonight that you lay awake half the night, for about a week now you’ve been running only on caffeine, barely sleeping at all and you were starting to lose hope that you’ll ever get a decent nights sleep again.

You could give a decent guess to why you couldn’t sleep.

Bucky had only moved in three months ago, but living with somebody else in a tiny apartment with very thin walls proved to be more difficult that you had expected.

You hadn’t been able to get off in weeks, and it was the most sexually frustrated you’ve ever been in your life.

There was a rule you made for yourself when he first moved in.

Never masturbate with Bucky home.

It was a simple rule, one fairly easy to follow. Your walls were thin and Bucky’s enhanced hearing was something you were very aware of. But your resolve was cracking.

You need it.

You’re fucking desperate.

You groaned quietly into your pillow, opening your eyes to adjust to the darkness of your room. There’s no point in trying anymore. You’re never gonna sleep again.

Your bed was too warm, your pillow too flat, everything uncomfortable for no apparent reason and it was driving you insane.

You adjusted your position again, lying on your back to stare up at the ceiling.

You can’t do this anymore.

The thought of finally feeling that release was enough to make you clench your thighs together, images and scenarios filling your desperate and horny brain as you let your eyes fall shut.

You thought about feeling the weight of someone above you, kissing your lips, slipping their tongue inside before lowering their mouth to your neck, marking you, then lower, teeth catching on your nipple before soothing the sting with their tongue, lower, lips against the soft skin of your stomach, lower, brushing against your navel, lower.

You thought about his lips on your clit as a teasing kiss as he looks up at you with a smirk when you moan, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously in the dim light of your bedroom.

You ripped your eyes open, your gaze shooting to the wall to the left of your bed.

The image of him between your legs stayed vivid in your mind.

It certainly wasn’t the first time you’d imagined sleeping with Bucky, but it was the most vivid daydream you’d ever had about him.

He was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen, of course you’d grow to have feelings for him, he was sweet, charming, caring, and too goddamn smooth for his own good.

It was agony sometimes, the way he’d flirt so shamelessly with you when you were sexually frustrated beyond reasoning, it led to a rather dangerous dynamic between you, both teasing the tension more and more until someone finally did something about it, but you were certainly just as stubborn as Bucky, and there’s no way you'd admit to your feelings first.

Your hand was resting on your stomach your body begging you to slide it down further, to feel the mess you’d already made of your underwear.

He’d most certainly hear you if you weren’t careful, but you couldn’t wait any longer, your clit was throbbing with need, your eyes falling closed again as your hand inched lower and lower, slipping under the waistband of your shorts and then into your panties to press two fingers against your clit, gasping at how sensitive you were before quickly snapping your mouth shut, taking a moment to listen for any noises from Bucky’s room and then making gentle circles with your fingers when you felt the coast was clear.

Your head sunk into the pillow, your hips lifting to grind against your hand as the tension in your body started to melt away, your teeth pulling harder at your bottom lip in attempt to keep any noises at bay, but when you started to speed up your fingers, a quite whine slipped out and you were to invested in your own pleasure to notice.

Bucky did though, he noticed everything, heard every damn squeak your mattress would make every time you shifted in bed, heard the quiet noise often playing through your phone as you scrolled aimlessly through social media, he could practically hear you think, so he most certainly heard the soft, whiny moan that made his cock twitch in his boxers.

He knew you weren’t getting much sleep recently, he knew that because he wasn’t either. It’s not like he blamed you, Bucky had his own problems, chronic insomnia being one of them, but knowing that you were also awake all night, tossing and turning just as he was, for some reason made it worse.

The noise wasn’t the problem, he’s had over 70 years to get used to his enhanced abilities, hearing the thump of someone’s heart in their chest was normal to him, the constant noise was more normal, more natural to him now, than the expected quiet he'd hear without the serum.

He liked that he could hear your heartbeat, he liked that he could hear your gentle humming as you showered, he liked hearing you laugh at whatever you were looking at on your phone, so loud and so clear through the thin wall that he could almost imagine that you were laying beside him, giggling at something he had said.

But god he fucking loved hearing the moans kissing his ears right now.

It felt wrong, it felt dirty, but you were making the most beautiful noises, and Bucky couldn’t help but imagine you laying in bed, your hand between your thighs, touching yourself like you needed, your pretty lips parted and eyes closed- no, eyes open, watching him as you let him hear you, let him watch you.

Bucky hissed and cursed quietly when he squeezed his dick through the fabric of his boxers, a soft groan escaping him when you moaned again.

This is wrong. It’s so fucking wrong, but how could he not.

He tried desperately to justify himself when he shifted in his bed, moving closer to the wall to his right to hear you better, his hand sliding under the waistband of his underwear to wrap around his cock, but the guilt and shame of it made him quickly come back to his senses and he ripped his hand away, sitting up in his bed and resting his head back against his headboard, closing his eyes.


He jumped forward, a sharp intake of air catching in his throat at the sound of you saying his name. At first he thought he had been caught, and the guilt worsened, but another moan followed and suddenly he was breathless.

“Fuck Bucky, please.”

He groaned again, his cock so hard that he could feel precum weeping from the tip, making a small damp patch in his boxers.

It took everything in him not to get up and burst into your room, the knowledge that you were thinking about him as you touched yourself was driving him insane, fucking feral.

His fists were clenched in his lap as he breathed through his nose, pushing away the urge to touch himself as he told himself that he could wait it out without being too much of a creep.

He didn’t have any headphones yet, that was still on his list of things to invest in, so he couldn’t exactly stop himself from listening. Not that he wanted to at all, but for your sake.

He waited, listening to your heavy breathing that was steadily speeding up, your quiet moans getting slightly louder as you drew closer and closer to release.

Bucky's cock was throbbing, begging for him to touch himself along with you.

Both of you were on the edge of your seats, waiting for you to climax, waiting for the release, but as you got closer, the tension in your core depleted, and you lost your rhythm, letting out an upset, frustrated cry when you couldn’t cum.

Bucky froze, listening to the muffled, annoyed groan you let out into your pillow, a whispered, “fuck.” escaping your lips.

It was silent for a moment.

Bucky could hear the loud beating of his own heart in his ears, but not a sound from you, not until he heard the quietest sob and he was standing in an instant, his previous lust discarded as he ripped open one of his drawers and pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He could hear your cries getting louder as he left his own room and walked to yours, his forehead falling to the cool surface of your bedroom door as he gathered enough courage to knock.

You froze when you heard the gentle knock on your door, startling you as tears continued to stream down your cheeks.

Did Bucky hear you? Was he at your door to tell you to shut up so he could get some sleep?

Your face heated with embarrassment and you sniffled and cleared your throat, calling out a small, “yeah?”

Bucky swallowed down his nerves, and cleared his own throat, “I heard you crying. Just wanted to check on you, make sure that you’re okay.”

You rubbed your hand across your forehead, there’s no way he didn’t hear you moaning the way that you were only minutes ago if he managed to hear your frustrated crying into your pillow, however, the worry in his voice made your heart swell despite the awkward circumstance.

“I’m okay Buck, just- just tired.” You replied and Bucky sighed, his eyebrows furrowed.

“D’you want me to come in? Could give you a hug if you want one?” He offered.

You bit your lip as you considered his offer, Bucky did give really good hugs, and you most certainly needed one right now.

It was probably a bad idea, and given the fact that you were just masturbating to thoughts of him certainly didn't make it any better, but you found yourself answering before your brain could catch up with your mouth. “Yeah.”

Bucky smiled to himself, reaching for your door handle and letting himself in, tutting gently at the sight of you sat in the middle of your bed with your knees tucked up to your chest, tear tracks drawing lines down your cheeks as you sniffed.

“What's the matter, honey?” He walked to the edge of your bed, his eyes soft when you reached your arms out for him, wanting that hug he had promised.

He sat on your bed and pulled you to him, his metal arm cradling your back as his flesh hand rested on your hair, holding you close to him as you tucked your face into his chest.

He laughed when you grumbled something into his shirt, “What was that, doll?”

You took a deep breath and moved your head to the side, your arms slipping around Bucky’s waist to squeeze him back, making warmth spread across his chest.

There’s no point in pretending what just happened didn’t happen, so you decided to just say it, “You heard me didn’t you?”

Bucky’s hand that was stroking your back stuttered in its movement, and you immediately knew the answer to that question.

“Uhh... heard what?”

You groaned in embarrassment and Bucky blushed, “I appreciate you trying to not make this awkward, but we both know that you definitely heard me.”

Bucky didn’t reply, he didn’t know what to say, he felt disgusted with himself.

“I’m so sorry, I obviously thought I was being a lot quieter than I actually was. Fuck, this is so embarrassing.” You pressed your face into his shirt again and Bucky’s arms tightened around you.

“Hey, you got no reason to apologise, you live here, you have every right to do whatever you need to do whenever you want. I’m the one who needs to apologise, listening in on you like some fuckin’ creep, I’m so sorry Y/n.” He frowned into your hair, the self-loathing was practically rolling off him in waves.

“Bucky, you did nothing wrong, what could you have done? It’s not like you could’ve turned your hearing off or anything.”

He went quiet again, his frown deepening at your words. If only you had known the thoughts that were running through his mind as he listened to you, the way he imagined how you would feel squeezing his fingers, or his cock, how you’d taste.

“You don’t understand, Y/n I-“ He trailed off, unsure on how to word his confession, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but he couldn’t sit there and lie as he held you in his arms. You pulled back slightly, just enough so that you could look at him, and you took in the guilty look in his eyes as the blush deepened on your cheeks, connecting the dots yourself.

“Oh.” Was all you could say, your hands were suddenly clammy, your throat dry as you imagined Bucky touching himself to the sound of your moans, it made your heart thump harder in your chest and he most certainly heard it.

“I didn’t come in here to embarrass you or anything, and I definitely didn’t come in here to try to start something, I just couldn’t sit there knowing that you were crying in here by yourself. I can leave if you’d like. I should probably leave.”

You quickly shook your head, holding him tighter to stop him, “No, stay. I’m not upset Buck, I still think you have no reason to feel bad.”

Bucky pulled a face, his confusion obvious, his dark eyebrows furrowed, eyes squinted and you pulled away from him to switch on the lamp on your bedside table, smiling when you could finally see his features better in the soft, dim light.

“But I- the things I was thinking, doll. Had no right to creep on you like that, I even-“ He stopped himself again and you bit your lip, sitting on your knees in front of him.

“Did you touch yourself?” You asked quietly, watching Bucky’s adams apple bob as he swallowed, his tongue darting out to wet his lips like he so often did.

He nodded and you squeezed your thighs together.

"But I stopped myself. It was wrong.”

Bucky watched you chew on your lip and the sight made him breathless, the previous excitement from earlier making a quick return.

“So you didn’t cum?“ You almost whispered it, your face inching closer to his and he shook his head, “Neither did I.”

You didn’t know where this boldness was coming from, but you weren’t about to question it when Bucky was staring intensely at you like you were a goddess to be worshipped.

His hand slid to your waist, squeezing slightly and urging you to move forward, onto his lap.

"You never told me why you were crying." He reminded, gently running his hands up your bare thighs as you made yourself comfortable.

The two of you had never been so close before, so close to crossing the lines you've both been longing to cross since you'd met, and after a three month long game of cat and mouse, you were finally ready to bite the bullet.

"I needed to get off so bad, it's been so long Bucky and I needed it, but I just couldn't." You didn't care how whiney you sounded, all you cared about was feeling Bucky's erection straining against his sweatpants between you.

“You want some help, kitten?” He asked, his voice rough in the early hour of the morning, his eyes gleaming with hunger, just like the image of him that your mind had made earlier.

You nodded and glided your hands into his hair. Your face so close to his.

“Want me to make you cum, sweetheart? Make you feel good?” You kept nodding his words sending shivers down your spine, eyes falling shut as you grinded your hips against his, earning a hoarse groan from Bucky.

“Please,” You begged, raking your nails through his hair as he hummed, letting himself relish in the sensation before he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and stood, walking to the end of your bed and laying you down before crawling on top of you.

“Of course, honey.” He whispered gently, and then his lips were on yours, softer than you could’ve ever imagined, sweeter than you’d ever dreamed. His tongue was like silk as it slid against your bottom lip, teasing you before slipping into your mouth, exploring in a way that wasn’t too much, just enough to leave you wanting more.

You moaned into his mouth, pulling gently on the hair at the nape of his neck and he responded by nipping at your lip, making you gasp.

“I heard you say my name. Were you thinking about me? While you touched yourself?“ He spoke in between kisses, moving to the spot just below your ear and leaving open mouthed kisses there to give you the opportunity to respond.

You could barely form the words, so focused on how Bucky’s body felt pressed against your own but he nibbled on the lobe of your ear to get your attention.

You nodded, holding his head to your neck to tell him to keep doing whatever he was doing when he traced his tongue below your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.

“I always think about you.” You replied breathlessly and he moaned into your ear, his breath hot on your neck.

“Fuck.” His left hand shifted to your waist, slipping under the hem of your t-shirt and slowly easing it's way onto your skin, you gasped and clenched your stomach when the cold metal met your skin, Bucky almost pulled away, but you arched your back, pressing yourself against his hand, "I always think about you too."

The confession sent you dizzy, along with Bucky's touches as he carressed your soft skin, slowly returning his lips to yours when he felt that your neck was appropriately marked up for him. His hand moved higher and higher, until his fingers brushed the underside of your breast and you arched your back even further, pushing your chest to his.

"Please, buck-" You gasped against his mouth and he pulled back to get a good look at you, his fingers drawing teasing patterns around your nipple.

Your eyes were half-lidded, lips all pretty and swollen from his kisses as you writhed under him, fucking desperate to be touched.

He swore the sight was enough to send him delirious.

"Please what, honey? Talk to me, tell me what you want and I'll give you exactly that." His voice was sweeter than the nickname he'd given you, the pretty words whispered into your ear and all you could do was moan back at him.

"I want-" You paused, you wanted everything, you wanted all of him, all at once, wanted him inside of you, but you thought back to the way you had imagined him pleasuring you earlier, and suddenly you wanted to feel that soft, hot mouth of his in between your legs.

Bucky took in how gone you were, pushing your hips up to grind against his, you needed the release so bad.

"Want to know what I want?" He offered and you nodded instantly, your legs wrapping around his hips to push him down onto you, grinding against him.

"Fuck- wanna taste that pretty cunt of yours, wanna eat you till you can't form a fucking thought, doll." He rolled his hips as he spoke to you, feeling how soaked you were through your shorts, "You want that, honey? Want me to clean up that mess you're making between those pretty thighs?"

You nodded breathlessly, drunk on the feeling of Bucky's hand roaming your skin, you needed more.

You tugged at his shirt, making Bucky chuckle when you struggled to get it off him, he sat back on his knees and reached behind his back to grip the soft material, pulling it over his head and tossing it away, revealing to you his beautifully ripped torso.

It was hard not to gape up at him like he was carved by the gods, because he was, and Bucky almost blushed at your unabashed staring.

He loomed over you with those broad shoulders, silver dog tags hanging from his neck, hunger in his eyes. Of course, you noticed the scars, hundreds upon hundreds of them, scarred tissue that had been broken and left to heal without care, decades of anguish and pain and torture, written deep into his skin, carved into his left shoulder, where skin met metal.

You reached forward, your hand caressing his chest with a barely-there touch, brushing over his dog tags, tracing lightly on a pink scar that stretched across his right collarbone, and settling over his heart, feeling the steady beat beneath your finger tips.

"Beautiful." You breathed and watched as Bucky's lips parted in surprise, it wasn't often he'd receive pretty words in response to the ugliness that was his scars. His tongue darted out to wet his lower lip and pull it between his teeth before he let go and breathed a short laugh, head shaking as he leaned over you.

"That's my line." He lifted your shirt ever so slightly and pressed a kiss to your sternum, his eyes darting up to meet yours as his lips touched your skin, "Can I take this off, sweetheart?"

You let your fingers glide along his back, nodding before lifting your arms to let Bucky guide the shirt over your head.

You didn't feel self conscious to be exposed to him, you didn't really get the chance to before Bucky was groaning out a soft 'fuck' and his mouth was already wrapped around your left nipple.

Immediately, you were a mess again, moaning out in pleasure as Bucky's hot tongue laved over your peaked nipple, sucking it into his mouth before pulling away and blowing cool air onto your heated skin.

He then swapped sides, paying his attention to your right nipple and sending shockwaves down your spine when he used his metal fingers to twist and tweak at the left.

"Fuck, Bucky please-" You groaned, lifting your hips off the mattress, needing to soothe the ache between your legs, he hummed against your skin.

"What is it, honey? You getting all desperate for me huh? I can practically feel you throbbing, sweetheart."

God, this man and his mouth.

He smirked when you didn't respond and lifted his head from your chest, kissing your lips and dipping his tongue into your mouth for a moment before pulling away and kissing your throat.

You shivered as he travelled lower and lower, another kiss to you nipple, lower, a slower, sweeter kiss to your stomach, lower, just below your navel, lower.

He tucked his fingers under the waistband of your shorts, licking his lips and meeting your eye, "Off?"


He smiled at you and nodded, pulling them from your body without hesitation, taking your ruined panties with them. Then he parted your legs.

"Fuck." His lips parted, completely breathless as he stared down at you layed out before him, "God, Y/n- So fucking pretty, never seen anythin' so fucking pretty."

You were soaked, your cunt glistening and throbbing, and all for him.

Bucky felt like he had died and gone to heaven.

He laid on the bed, between your legs, staring at your pussy with half lidded eyes, and just as you thought he was about to finally touch you were you needed it, he turned his head and kissed the inside of your thigh.

You whined out in protest, wiggling your hips and glaring at him when he smirked at you, moving to the other thigh and nipping at the soft flesh with his teeth.

Your eyebrows were pulled tightly together, your hands gripping at the bedsheets. The anticipation was fucking killing you.

"Bucky- shit- just-" You were cut off by a throaty moan when Bucky suddenly moved forward and licked a long stripe through your folds.

Your legs practically wrapped around his head, your hands gripping his hair as he circled his tongue around your clit, teasing you in the most delicious way before finally wrapping his lips around it and sucking hard.

Bucky groaned against your cunt when you pulled his hair, the vibration sending a jolt through your stomach.

His hands then squeezed your thighs as he moved his head lower, tongue-fucking you and moaning at the taste.

"Taste so fucking good, pretty girl." He moaned against you, before burying his face impossibly closer, his nose nudging your clit.

You were a mess, pulling harder on his hair as every swipe of his tongue sent waves of ecstasy through your veins.

His right hand drifted from your thigh, caressing up the inside of your leg and reaching your cunt, Bucky pulled away to watch you.

He parted your folds with his fingers, gently rubbing your clit with the soft pad of his thumb long enough to have you writhing beneath him. You watched as he bit his lip, his eyes gleaming as his hand travelled lower, his index finger sliding inside of you, feeling you clench around him as he fingered you slowly, adding a second finger shortly after.

"God, you're fucking soaked." He murmured, and then his mouth was back on you, sucking on your clit with his fingers pumping inside of you.

It was heaven.

You could already feel the coil in your stomach tightening and you wrapped your legs tighter around his head, pushing his face against you as you rocked your hips below him, urging him to add more pressure.

You'd always imagined he'd be good at this, but the orgasms you'd achieved at the hand of the wet dreams you've had about your roommate paled in comparison to the earth-shattering orgasm that tore through you when Bucky rubbed your clit in tight circles with his pointed tongue and curled his fingers inside you at the same time.

Black dots filled your vision, your heart thumping in your ears as Bucky rode you through the orgasm, his tongue replacing his hand at your entrance, lapping at your soaked entrance, only stopping when you hissed at the oversensitivity.

It was only as you came down, returning to your body and mind, that you realised you were holding onto Bucky for dear life, your hands fisted in his hair and your legs wrapped around his head, ankles crossed at his back.

"Sorry," You breathed, releasing him and softly raking your nails across his scalp, making him smile and shiver when they reached the nape of his neck.

"Never apologise for anything like that, doll. That was fucking amazing." He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, and then another one to your hip as he crawled his way back up your body, finally kissing your lips again.

You blushed when you tasted yourself on his lips. He chuckled and kissed you deeper, his tongue sliding against yours.

He then pulled back and kissed your nose, taking note of the tired smile on your face.

He was practically throbbing with need, but you were exhausted, so he pushed the unholy thoughts to the back of his mind and took a deep breath.

"C'mon, kitten. Time for bed." He whispered, kissing in-between your eyebrows when you furrowed them and standing from the bed, walking to the side and lifting you into his arms.

"But Bucky-" You started as he knelt on the bed and laid you down on the sheet.

"No buts. You're exhausted and you need to rest."

You tried to protest, but your eyes just grew heavier as you sunk into your mattress. Bucky slid into the bed beside you after taking off his sweatpants, leaving him just in his boxers, and you felt the perfect warmth of his body wrapped around yours from behind, his arm wrapped around your waist and holding you close.

It has been weeks since you'd gotten a proper nights sleep.

"What about you?" You whispered sleepily, very aware of his erection pressed against your ass, Bucky laughed, his hot breath fanning against your shoulder.

He tucked your body closer to him and pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck, "What about me?"

"I didn't get to touch you." You were half asleep already, your tired voice way too cute for the vulgarity of your words, "Wanted to make you cum. Wanted you to fuck me."

"Oh honey, we have all the time in the world for that, gonna make you cum more times than you can count, but I need you rested."

You moaned at the thought, pushing your ass back against him, smiling when he groaned, "Promise?"


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3 years ago

"ur so quiet" yea i'm daydreaming 80% of the time

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