4evafvctional - Maxxx 🙌
Maxxx 🙌

professional yapper (i will comment and judge on almost anything i see)

81 posts

4evafvctional - Maxxx - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

yall keeping me sane

thank you to all the clarisse fic writers

1 year ago

I love it when I can yap without feeling annoying and like I’m having to force conversation

1 year ago

"Did I stutter?" PLSSSS đŸ€­đŸ€­đŸ€­đŸ€­

Kissin I Hope They Caught Us
Kissin I Hope They Caught Us
Kissin I Hope They Caught Us

Kissin I hope they caught us

Pairings - clarisse x fem! Daughter of Hecate reader

Synopsis - secrete relationship

Kissin I Hope They Caught Us

The Ares Kids scoffed as clarisse shoved them out of the cabin.

“This is our cabin to you can’t just kick us out when you want” kyler complained as he grabbed his shoes. Clarisse on the other hand didn’t care.

“You should be thanking me since your lazy ass can’t even swing that sword correctly” she shoved a sword into his chest. “Train and maybe I’ll let the rest of y’all back in— you all have been slacking and that’s clear since the other team has beaten us three fucking times this past month in capture the flag, get your act together”

The rest of the cabin didn’t say anything in response just quickly moving out. Once they were gone clarisse leaned back against the ladder that leaned upstairs.


“Holy shit!” She yelled. You stood behind her laughing, being a daughter of Hecate you had some minor godly abilites some being witchcraft and shadow travel. “How many times to I have to tell you to stop fucking sneaking up on me like that” she complained but wrapped her hands around your waist and place a light kiss on your lips.

You giggled and wrapped your arms around her neck before mumbling against her. “Yeah Well you love me so you’ll get over it, and I’m on time this time 9:30 am” you grinned against her lips.

She just chuckled and put a hand to the side of your face looking down at you with such a soft look that if anyone else saw it they wouldn’t believe it was her, her face soon turned more sarcastic however. “How does your mommy feel about you making out with the daughter of war”

you raised an eyebrow. “And How does your daddy feel about his favorite daughter making out with a Demi-Titan”

Clarisse scoffed. “Don’t call yourself that, your as much of a demigod as anyone else here” you rolled your eyes. “Ok Claire”

“I’m serious y/n—“

“Clarisse what is Hecate”

“A goddess” she answered almost as if it was fact. You however gave her an unamused look. “Fine she’s a Titan — but she has an honorary spot among the Olympians because she sided with them in the fight against Kronos making her a goddess”

“Still she’s a Titan so technically I would be a Demi-Titan theres nothing wrong we me admitting that and do you really think I give to shits what anyone else thinks” you leaned into her once again and kissed her. Clarisse Just sighed in defeat into the kiss and pulled you closer.

Soon you found yourself in clarisses bed which was a single bed in the corner of the upstairs part of the cabin, she had a curtian nailed to the wall for more privacy as her cabin was mostly guys and he bed placed against the window.

You sat on her waist while both of you continued to kiss. A few sly and sarcastic remarks here n there but that just made it all the more enjoyable.

You tucked a stray curl behind clarisses ear. “You know your pretty right”

“You tell me Everyday” she sarcastically replied but you just hummed. “Yeah Well It’s True”

The ares cabin door loudly opened and clarisse groaned knowing her siblings were back. “Fuck” she scoffed.. Clarisse moved you off of her and stepped out of her bed making sure the curtian was closed before looking over the side of the railing. “What the hell are you doing back so early?”

Her siblings didn’t noticed clarisses disheveled appearance. Mark spoke up. “Paula got into a fight with a Demeter kid so Chiron told us all to go to the cabin for the rest of the day because he didn’t want us to cause more problems.” Clarisse let out a pissed off sigh.

“Whatever” she groaned and went back to her bed.. Clarisse lifted the curtian slightly and slid in. she leaned into you and kissed you softly before whispering. “Get outta here k.. I’ll see you around”

You nodded and kissed her Mkay” before you left however she grabbed your wrist. “Sneak back in later tonight” with that clarisse let you go, watching as you disappeared into the shadows


The camp was down at the lake, they were all either swiming- in the canoes or on the rubber mats in the water.

Clarisse snuck away from her cabin and walked into the woods.. she saw you leaning against a tree and smiled. She grabbed your waist softly and pulled you into a kiss. You pulled away and giggled. “Mm careful clarisse my girlfriend likes to beat up people”

Clarisse Rolled her Eyes playfully. “Oh No, we better not get caught then huh” you giggled as she leaned in to kiss you once again. You gently tugged clarisses hair to mess with her, laughing into the kiss as she pinched your sides.

“Y/n where a—“ an aphrodite girl paused when she saw the scene. You shoved clarisse back some embarrassed.. you watched as the daughter of Aphrodite ran away worried that the cat was now out of the bag but clarisse didn’t seem to mind. “Lise” you complained and pushed her head off your neck but she just gave you a sarcastic look.


“We Just got caught by drew, drew Tanaka Aphrodite girl?! Lise she’s gonna tell everyone”

Clarisse Just shrugged her shoulders and continued to kiss you. “Whatever i hope she tells everyone, gives me more of a reason to show you off” she kissed your cheek before kissing your lips once again.

“Huh” you panted confused. Clarisse pulled away with a raised eyebrow. “Did I stutter? I wanna show you off, not let anyone else mess around with you”

She laughed at your blushing cheeks “let’s get back before the camp thinks we’re fucking out here, we both know how drew changes the truth” she grinned and grabbed your hand leading you back to the camp.

Kissin I Hope They Caught Us
Kissin I Hope They Caught Us
1 year ago
Luke: I-

Luke: I-

Me pushing him aside: it does not matter.

1 year ago

pjo show hades was told to serve his realm and all he heard was serve

1 year ago

child birth 💀

hi i am not okay i just found out dying of a broken heart is a real thing/medical condition

when you experience deep emotional trauma your "heart strings" or the tendons in your heart can snap, and if you loose too many your heart cant pump blood efficiently.


1 year ago

Percy: and I want you by my side forever, you're my best-

Annabeth: CAREFUL

Percy: annabeth


Percy: annabeth pls


Percy: annabeth pls im trying to propose here


1 year ago

i love clarisse SO MUCH but i cant tell u how badly i want to read a fic where clarisse betrays the reader.

just like how people write luke betraying the reader, but with clarisse. like

i just want angst so bad 💔💔

1 year ago

clarisse: “but i’m a bully-”

that don’t matter, come sign these marriage papers bbg.

1 year ago

ears hurt too loud will someone send me an audio of them saying kind reasurring things, sorry

1 year ago

i can confirm the ones about the Legos

Headcanons pt4 :D

dior goodjohn x reader

if youre on a insta live, as previously stated, she'll come cuddle with you.

once, you were on a live and you were cooking when dior hugged you from behind and was just talking to you and you forgot about the food and it caught on fire

your fans went crazy

other moments from insta live include:

"d, say the thing- the thing with the accent!"

*rolls her eyes* "she likes it when i speak in an australian accent."


"tada, look at my legos!"

"it's my legos, dior!"


"so we went to a restaurant and some guy tried to hit on me like (????) and dior sat there quietly and didnt bat and eye and the second she got home, she asked me about it, although i surely didn't flirt back." *walks over to dior* "baby, tell them what you told me last night?"

*dior's sitting on the floor and looks up innocently* "when, at the restaurant or in bed?"

*your face wasnt in the frame but you turned red and you kicked her foot which was out of the frame*

*dior's face brightens* "oh! i said i channeled my inner clarisse and i wanted to beat his ass up!"

-love love loves legos

"lego date at mine?"

"busy tonight, sorry, d, tomorrow?"

"but my new legos :(("

1 year ago
"the Dumb Kids" Otherwise Known As

"the dumb kids" otherwise known as

gatekeep girlboss gaslight

malewife mansplain manipulate

1 year ago

Im sam deprived, im using clarisse fanfics to cope <\3

1 year ago

Ares being a Twitter troll is the most in-character thing they could have done, bravo

1 year ago

badly edited episode 6 meme without spoilers 💅

Badly Edited Episode 6 Meme Without Spoilers
1 year ago


“We know who stole the lightning bolt”

Luke’s honest reaction:

1 year ago

this should be illegal im crying

Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong

Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong

set on becoming a Clarisse account atp

warnings: ANGST, breakups, hurt (comfort from sibling), Clarisse sillying too close to the sun

hope you enjoy, spicy-ish Luke content coming and then more Clarisse angst and THEN some Clarisse fluff!!

possibly a pt. 2 coming called “Hits Different” but we don’t know yet!!!

Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong

Clarisse La Rue had never loved you.

How could she? All you touch turns to ashes, grows thorns. Had she gotten too close, she’d be pricked. Her flawless blood, pulsing with strength and godliness, spilling on your thorns and your flowers. And you couldn’t have that.

She liked you enough. You were pretty enough, you were tolerant enough, you were good enough. It was always enough.

So, when you caught her and Silena Beauregard alone at a bonfire party, pressed against a tree with their lips interlocked- you lost it.

You were enough, that you knew. You always had been.

To your parents, you were the easy child. To your friends, you were the therapist. And, to Clarisse, you were a pawn.

The loveless game you two danced in, a hideous circle, came crashing down. Her face as you said her name, Silena’s quiet gasp as you stood there- that was all you saw. You turned, walking away.

You sucked in a breath as you heard Clarisse follow after you.

“Y/N,” she said, her voice elevated. She’d never— she would never— yell at you. “Y/n, it wasn’t like that.”

Turning to her, you paused. “Like what, Clarisse?” You tried to sound mad, you really tried, but it came out as tearful. “Like you weren’t kissing her? Like you weren’t doing that with her instead of me?”

“No-“ Clarisse tries, you cut her off. “Her of all people too? You know I can never compare, you know that I will never be enough like her!” You cried.

Tears brim your eyes, and you take a deep breath. You try to say something more but you just can’t. Like your body won’t let you.

“I love you, Clarisse.” You tell her softly. “I know,” she says back, a level of frostiness in her voice that you thought she could never have- not to you.

It breaks you.

She looks at you one more time, coldly, and she then turns on her heel. You see Silena waiting, they walk off together.

The walk back to your cabin is worse, you shake and cry silently with looks of pity and confusion thrown your way. When you finally get there, one of your siblings rushes to your side as you collapse onto the cabin floor. You try to suck in a breath but there’s a weight on your chest you can’t get off.

“She never loved me,” you sob to your sibling. “I love her so much. And-“ Your words are interrupted by more broken sobs.

“Y/n,” your siblings coos. “Love hurts, but it’ll be okay.”

You want to believe the words.

Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong
1 year ago

oh and clarisse baby we will clear your name

1 year ago

new uterine lining just dropped

1 year ago

i cannot wait.

Meet our girls!

Meet Our Girls!

Cassandra De young!

-16 years old (she will say "not for too long" when asked tho)

- The only daughter of the youngest and only daughter of the family

- Daughter of Apollo

- Lesbian (?)

- One of the heirs to one of the biggest media conglomerates of America

- In camp since 12

- Good in cooking, archery, and healing

- Absolutely great in all music matters.

- Tries to be another person in front of her family, she just hopes they see her as great as they see themselves.

Meet Our Girls!

Clarisse La Rue!

- 17 years old

- The youngest daughter of two, of the only and eldest daughter of the family

- Daughter of Ares

- Lesbian

- One of the heirs of many shares in one of the biggest media conglomerates of America.

- In camp since 10

- Good at fighting, strategy and history classes.

- Absolutely great at terrifying parents.

- Does not even thinks, for a second of hiding herself completely, she does pretend to be strong in times she just wants to fall down, poor girl, wishes to be enough for her father.

Meet Our Girls!

"Does your family knows that their golden girl wears stuff like this when they arent looking, sunshine?"

"Does your family knows you stare even harder when i do wear stuff like this, pepper?"

1 year ago

Clarisse and ivy bullying percy is my new roman empire. (i need more of this little family.)


@voidashh gave me this idea so credits to them i love this little family

synopsis: ivy and y/n comforting clarisse after her spear breaks!!!!!!

basically you and ivy do nothing the entire game

you like hang out in the woods

near enough to clarisse so she’ll hear you if you shout for her

but far enough away so you don’t draw attention

except this particular game clarisse says she’s changing her strategy and you’re like hm ok suspicious

so she leaves you by the flag/her siblings protecting the flag

and you and ivy are just having a fun time she’s running around and jumping up and down and you’re like ok girl!!! jump!!!! run!!!!!! do it!!!!!!!!

then you hear the conch blow and you do do do do make your way to the beach and THE BLUE TEAM WON?????

ivy is so pissed off bc red is her favorite color

she’s about to have a tantrum in your arms and then you look at luke and chris and start jokingly yelling at them




so then you go to find clarisse bc you KNOW she’s gonna be mad and ivy loves screaming with her about how STUPID the blue team is and how AMAZING the red team is

but she’s nowhere to be found

and then you overhear someone talking about clarisse, her spear getting broken, percy being claimed

you’re like oh đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±

so you and ivy go walking around looking for clarisse and she’s not anywhere near the cabins or in hers or yours and ofc you find her in the training field

she’s beating the crap out of a dummy with some random sword

you’re like stressing and like AGGHJJDHJN

but then ivy just let’s go of your hand and starts running towards her


she drops the sword in shock and laughs as ivy jumps up into her arms




then ivy kind of realizes OH clarisse is REALLY sad so she’s like “what”

and clarisse is like “it’s nothing” bc she’s a baby and you can’t rly burden her w that

ivy then proceeds to fall asleep

playing is really hard work ok!!!!!

so you go back to your cabin and lay ivy down in bed and then you’re all just like cuddling tg bc it’s cute

and clarisse is telling you about what happened while ivy is asleep in between you

you try to comfort her as best you can but she doesn’t really want to talk about it

she got most of her initial anger out

now she just wants to be sad

which she never gets to do

so you all just take a nice nap together

and clarisse is sad but she has her girls here so it’s okay

like she loves her spear but she would snap it in half on purpose to save you two

also when percy actually found out that ivy is like yours and clarisse’s adopted child he is so SCARED




ofc ivy over hears the two of you talking in bed so the next day she finds percy and kicks him in the shins





@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex

1 year ago

roman empire

𝐋𝐹𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 đđšđ­đ­đ„đž, 𝐖𝐱𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 đ–đšđ«


Clarisse la Rue x fem!demigod!reader

summary: your fighting lessons with clarisse are getting put to the test in a game of capture the flag. you just wished you didn't have to fight her

a/n: there's gonna be a prequel of their lessons together and maybe more parts after. this is my first work, i hope you all enjoy!

warnings: slight enemies to lovers, NICKNAMES!! (princess), clarisse falling for the reader HARD at the end

wc: 1.1k


"I can't do this," you exclaimed, looking between Annabeth and Luke. They shared a sympathetic glance at your revelation. You were close friends with Luke and Annabeth and, you trusted them with all your heart. But at this moment, you were starting to regret agreeing to participate in Annabeth's so-called master plan. 

Annabeth let out a sigh. "Don't worry, just follow the plan." 

You gave an exasperated look. "You mean the plan where I distract the Clarisse? The most feared prettiest person at this camp?" you emphasized. 

"Is someone talking about me?" Speak of the devil, you thought. You rolled your eyes, turning around to face the one and only Clarrise la Rue. Her mouth lifted into a smirk, and her eyes crinkled in satisfaction at your displeased expression. "Didn't know you were such a fan princess," she chuckled.

"Still not a fan of that nickname la Rue," you snapped back.

Her eyes were trained on yours, not even sparring a glance at Luke and Annabeth behind you. "I'll see you on the battlefield, princess."


You had wandered the forest, wishing this game would be over. Your eyes darted across your surroundings at any sudden noise you had heard. You were hoping for an uneventful Capture the Flag, not wanting to get hurt. However, luck wasn't on your side today as you didn’t expect to end up with Clarisse La Rue pointing a spear at you. 

“Where’s your little friend?” She sneered, referring to Percy Jackson, the newest camper at Camp Half-Blood. Since his arrival, she had taken a distaste for him.

Your eyes narrowed in response. "Why do you care?" you questioned, reaching for your sword. 

Clarisse's grip on her spear tightened. "I just want to have a simple chat with him." She growled, stalking closer like a predator and their prey. "Where is he," she pressed.

You scoffed at her tempered response. "There's no way in hell, I'm telling you, Clarisse." For a moment, her eyes softened as her name left your lips.

She raised her spear, "Then you leave me no choice," she snarled. Taking a step towards you, "Get out of my way, princess," she warned. The nickname made the butterflies in your stomach flutter for a moment. Not now, you thought in your head, you have a job to do. 

You raised your sword in response, praying she wouldn't be able to hear the falter in your voice. "Bring it."

The spear twirled in her grip in a practiced motion, and she lunged suddenly. Her blade shot forward with a blinding speed, aiming for your head. 

Your eyes widened at her ruthlessness, "Are you trying to kill me?" 

She smirked, "Don't take it personally, princess." Her eyes searched your face, "I just have a job to do."

You stepped back, dodging her quick attacks as if it was instinct. Your sword clashed with her spear, startling both parties. 

Clarisse was knocked back slightly, and she grunted as her spear jarred in her hand. "Good," She breathed, her face tight with cold focus as she readied another attack, "At least you're not completely useless." The spear came forward once more, aiming for a blow to your stomach.

"Well, I had a decent teacher," you playfully grinned, referring to your lessons together.

Your lessons together... Clarisse thought, and a smile crept onto her face, her spear missing you by only inches as you managed to dodge out of the way.

"I taught you well," the daughter of Ares replied, her tone smug. She launched the weapon again with a forward thrust aimed at your chest.

"Yeah," you replied. "Thought I'd put those skills to good use."

"Good use?" Clarisse smirked before she attacked once more. 

Clarisse was confident, cocky even. She was an experienced warrior. She knew she could defeat everyone, especially you, who had only just received a few lessons from her.

She came at you with another strike of the spear, hoping to end the fight quickly, secretly not wanting you to get injured. 

"You're not gonna win this battle princess. Remember, I'm the one who taught you everything you know."

You rolled your eyes at her, "We'll see about that." The comment pushed you to take the offensive, swinging your sword in an attempt to disarm her. 

Clarisse tsked as she was able to deflect the strike with the edge of her spear, though it left a small dent in the metal tip. 

She chuckled and then countered with a series of stabs towards your heart, all of which you deflected as well.

"Pretty good," She said, her smile widening. As arrogant as she was, she was proud of your skills in battle, too. She had spent some much-needed time teaching you her methods, and there had been immense improvements in your skills on the battlefield. 

You couldn't stop the blush that appeared on your cheeks at the compliment. I can't get distracted at a time like this you thought.

Clarisse noted the pink that crept on your cheeks for a moment before her attention was focused on the spear in her hand. 

She was enjoying herself in this fight, a lot more than she thought she would. There was no rush, no feeling that she needed to finish this fight quickly. She was having fun, the same kind of fun that she had the last time you guys were in combat together.

"You've gotten better, you know," She muttered as she continued attacking you again, not letting you have the chance to catch your breath.

"Thanks," you reply hastily. Your mind drifts to what Annabeth told you before the game started. Distract Clarisse. 

Clarisse's pride grew as you continued to attack her while also defending yourself. She was enjoying herself.

She moved forward even more, pressing herself against you more and more, forcing you to stay on your toes.

Your weapons clashed together, making your faces only inches apart. 

"You know you can't win, right?" She whispered, her grip on her spear never faltering.

"Lose the battle, win the war," you whispered back, looking into her eyes.

Clarisse froze, her eyes locking on yours. Her mouth opened as she heard the sound of Chiron's horn in the distance, signifying the end of the games. She felt your breath on her neck, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized how close the two of you were.

She let out a curse, her smirk growing on her face. "You did good princess." A proud look adorned her features as she continued studying your face. Although she lost, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of your battle. 


1 year ago

i just realized my aunt lives in the same place where percy jackson is being filmed.

what are the chances.

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