And It Was Written | I Got Cursed Like Eve Got Bitten | Oh, Was It Punishment?I Guess A Lesser Woman
And it was written | I got cursed like Eve got bitten | Oh, was it punishment? I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope | A greater woman wouldn't beg | But I looked to the sky and said |
Please | I've been on my knees | Change the prophecy | Don't want money | Just someone who wants my company | Let it once be me | Who do I have to speak to | About if they can redo | The prophecy? A greater woman stays cool | But I howl like a wolf at the moon | And I look unstable | Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table | A greater woman has faith | But even statues crumble if they're made to wait | I'm so afraid I sealed my fate | No sign of soulmates | I'm just a paperweight | In shades of greige
Spending my last coin so someone will tell me | It'll be ok Please | I've been on my knees | Change the prophecy | Don't want money | Just someone who wants my company | Let it once be me | Who do I have to speak to | About if they can redo | The prophecy?
Who do I have to speak to To change the prophecy?
I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said Please
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kinda wanna high key wanna do some fantasy things.
by clicking THIS LINK, you will be redirected to a page with 53 gifs ( 247x140 ) of SASHA LANE as jane fonda in the miseducation of cameron post (2018) made from scratch by me, ya girl, sophie ! sasha was born in 1995 ! please don’t edit these or add them to gif hunts and like or reblog if you use them ! :)

"Yeah," she beamed at the thought of Dolly being over for a while. The company would be nice and she did like the canine and wished she would be able to have one herself. Her constant moving kept her from being able to keep any kind of pet so she would settle for having Dolly for a while. " I'll be there all day, stop by any time." Waving away his concern for not being able to keep Dolly for two weeks, she added. "Please, I can handle it. The company would be nice. We'll be fine. Just let me know what her favorite snacks are and what food you feed her and we'll be good."
The statement caught her unaware for a moment. Her head slightly tilting to the side for the moment as she let that thought sink in. He made her feel comfortable, that was a dangerous thing. "Yeah, being obligated would suck." The words were soft and low, still stuck deep in thought. Our time together made her chuckle, until he was looking at her with a eyes that said an idea was brewing. "I don't know about that," she said smirking and looking around the place again, out of nothing but habit, eyeing all the exits and possible security flaws. "A carousal of women sounds like a great way to spend a night." At his question, she turned her attention back to him, lips pressed tightly in a firm line as she considered it. Idea tossing around her head, it would be nice to see some more places around the place before she ultimately left. Dropping her shoulders, with a sigh, her mouth ticked up in half a smile. "Sure, why the hell not. Tomorrow, that's why I'm at the office all day. Just in case. It shouldn't take long but just wanted to make sure I didn't schedule something it if took longer. When do you get back? I can make sure I clear out somethings by the time you're back."
Her left shoulder rose and fell in the tiniest of shrugs. "I'm adaptable." Hazel eyes rolled around , she decided to let go and just laughed. "Me predictable? You haven't known me long." Or at all. "That part of your training? Predict random people? Or am I fitting some serial killer profile?" When he said that he liked her random quotes, a small gentle smile came to her face. She felt like a kid who got told they could have ice cream for dinner. Generally when people said they liked something about her it was under the guise of someone else, doing something that she wouldn't normally do, this hit different and she hated that she was admitting that to herself and simply nodded a yes when he said she could pick up the tab next time.

Taking the ripped up half of receipt, she scoffed with smile. He was weird, but god did she enjoy it. It was better than every other man she had to interact with. Being around Wally was just fun and it would be missed when she left. "Fine," she said sticking her phone and paper into the sweaters pocket. "I'll get us something cold."
It had been a tease, the last thing she wanted to do was incorporate her way somehow into this family of his. Not because she didn't like them, but because the more Wally talked about them, the more she did. It would make it harder to leave when the time came to do so. "Maybe its because you haven't asked."
Hmm, was all she could dull out as a reply listening to his take on why lighthouses meant hope, not minding the holding of her hand. There was something to his take but she couldn't quite grasp it. They usually signaled the end of her journey, a return to land that she looked forward to, to collect supplies and new reading materials, and despised because it reminded her that she could not run from all that she had done. "Oh, this is a quid pro quo thing." She teased as she waved to the staff he said goodbye to and let him lead her out. " Okay, shoot me. I'm a liar. There are things to see but I don't know you. You might be a serial killer yourself in disguise and just want to get me away from the office to kill me."
"Don't crash here?" A slight giggle in the tone of her voice. "I mean they simply adopted the previous method and made it better. People were lighting fires on the tallest hills to let sailors know that land was close. They just made towers to house the fires in and placed them closer to ports and harbors so it would be more obvious and less likely to overshoot land. They weren't original but made it better. "
"Ah," she smiled remembering all the she learned about lighthouses while out on sea. There was nothing but work and reading done during those months. "Misconception. That's a legend. it might have been, but first actually documented and witnessed would be the one in Egypt. Alexandra's lighthouse, poor thing toppled in an earthquake though." Before settling into the passenger seat again, she smirked at him. "Now, did you know that the Boston Lighthouse is the only manned lighthouse in the United States right now. All the others are either decommissioned or automated?" With that she settled in for the ride, excited to see the lighthouse and genuinely happy to be talking about a subject she actually loved. She couldn't recall a time they had talked about something else but work but that was mostly her fault never wanting to actually be friendly with anyone.
Zipping the sweater completely all the way up, she turtled half her face into the top of it, so only her eyes and top half of head were seen. Then tucked her hands into the pockets. It was comfortable. "I see why you always rock these when you're off work." Came from her mouth, slightly muffled by the sweater.

His smile widened a bit watching hers light up her face. "Alright then it's set. Dolly is yours. I'll drop her off when I come into your office tomorrow afternoon. You'll be there?" Currently that furball was knee deep in the play pen at home with the littles who excitedly played with her. "Have to pick her up from my sisters'. She's probably all glitterified with the way the kids love to run through the yard with her chasing them." He waved it off as that wasn't something he was worried. "Have fun. This one is a two week endeavor. There's a trail that opened up a cold case again. A black dahlia type. Happened in LA. I'm only being the assist for their lead detective there. But our agency got called in. I'm not expecting you to dogsit for two weeks but I'll check in. If you're at your wits end with Dolly by the end of the week. I'll have one of the guys come down to your office and get her from you." Dolly was used to him leaving for extended periods of time so he wasn't too worried about her. He did have to make a mental note to pack one of his old sweaters for his dog to lean on when she got angsty.

Letting out a laugh he hummed. "I think that's your sign that tells you something is really wrong. Me not talking your ear off causes for concern. But," he smiled like he had just gotten the key to a candy shop. "I'm glad I make you comfortable. That's good to hear. It sure beats the alternative." After a pause he shrugged. "Being here out of obligation of some sort."
Fair point she had but he wasn't going to say that to her. "You know what, I blame work too. They need to stop bugging us on our time together." But narrowed his eyes. "Here's a thought, you work hard, I work hard. Why not to keep us off the work course for a week. Spend time doing random things around the island. I wouldn't be asking if you didn't have help at your office and I've accumulated vacation days. They can live without my brain for a week." If he'd shut off his brain was going to remain to be seen. "Well, better work than a carousel of women." He was quick to point out as a small smile overtook his features. "Am I hearing a request to send all work calls to voice-mail?"
"I'm sure it will be. They've got the best working on their team." There was a lot of hope and faith Wally had in Liz and her work ethic. "When's the deposition?"
An eyebrow raised and nodded. "Color me impressed then." His smile didn't wipe his face as she figured it out but still didn't budge. With a zip motion against his lips he shrugged. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He had after all promised Orion whatever they talked about would be kept between the two of them. "Maybe you're just predictable."
He laughed being pointed at himself and shook his head. "There's a reason in there somewhere. I'll find it and then it'll totally be your fault. People are dumb. It's why I don't talk to many. It's not weird. It's fun. Like a pez dispenser of quotes. I happen to like that." He rolled his eyes as he finished and wrote a slight thank you. "I did say I'd treat you so you can get the next time." He wasn't going to ask her for half. He found that absurd to invite her to dinner and then have her pay for it. "This isn't a gentleman thing. I just want to get the credit." He grinned completely teasing. A second later he ripped the receipt in half. "Here's your half. Mental math is correct I hope. But seriously, this is my treat. You can get dessert after. I know walking up that lighthouse stairs will have me craving something ice cold."
He got up and frowned playfully as he scoffed. "Not at all. They're the worst. I once got flicked for not getting them to a fast food joint fast enough. Diana is the worst of them all." There was no bite to his words. She was loved like a third sister. "You should. I'll say it to their faces." No he would not but it was still fun to tease. "You do it and you'd be part of their womanhood wolf pack. Which is a club I'm not allowed in."
"Yeah, hope. A light ignites that flame of the future. Something to reach after the dark. You can't have one without the other just like there's no misery without hope." He closed his hand over hers and intertwined his fingers between hers. Like he was doing so in a protective manner. "Why not? This is what people usually call planning things. Or a quid pro quo." Wally silliness came through as they walked out and turned to say a quick goodbye to the staff, Liz's hand still in his. "That can't be true. There's about five things on the search tab right now." he said scrolling through his phone one handed.
He looked up and smiled back. That was something he knew but still wanted to hear more from her. "That's an interesting fact. Wonder what the Romans were thinking. Ever think about that? How they built something like that and know that it'd still stand centuries later. I wonder how that came about."
He mused as his hand let hers go and opened the door for her. "Did you know Greeks invented lighthouses?"

THE O.C. ( 2003 - 2007 ) ↳ season 3 episode 3