Charlie Hummed Into The Kiss, A Smile Coming To His Lips. "Wine And Dessert It Is My Little Computer

Charlie hummed into the kiss, a smile coming to his lips. "Wine and dessert it is my little computer bug." Putting his glass back on the counter, he then grabbed Ivy by her hips, kissing her again before lifting her so she sat on the counter and he stood between her legs. Chuckling against the skin on her neck, "You're saying I'm never romantic?!?" His teeth grazed against the sensitive skin. " What about," his lips came up to her ear, nipping softly at her earlobe. "What about Spain?" The words were breathy as the memories overtook him too. The days that they would spend sight seeing, the nights that they would become tangled up in each other. Hell, even a day or two there when they couldn't bear to untangle from one another in the morning.
He knew what she meant though. Sharing this house, while as big as it was, felt weird when someone you considered your sister was just in a room down the hall. "As we please, huh?" His voice was low, deep, wanting. "And what is it that you would like me to do?" He'd take his time with her, properly. One hand stayed on her hip, pulling her against him as he stood there between her legs and the other snaked up the bottom of her shirt to cup her breast as he stole more wine-tasting kisses from her.

On some level Ivy was grateful for the blackout. It gave her a chance to switch off the screen. While she loved her job, she needed a break once in awhile. And what better excuse than no power? Not only that but it gave her and Charlie and chance to be together without the added stress of hiding their feelings - even if Elizabeth had already figured them out by now.
"I don't know," she said with a smirk, glancing between the bottle and ice cream before looking to him. "Wine and dessert sounds pretty romantic to me," she added, letting her smirk tick higher as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his lips.
She kept her arm around him a few moments longer, her fingers playing at the ends of his hair. Her smile softened as she looked at him. She was genuinely lucky that she'd met him when she had and for the first time she felt content. She wished she could shout it to the world that she was his. She highly doubted The Collector would be happy that two-thirds of his team were sharing a bed however.
"It's just too bad we had to wait for a blackout to have any romance," she continued with a slight pout, taking the bottle from him. She grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and poured their drinks. "But at least the house is ours..." she started, reaching for him and pulling him close. "...which means we have free reign to enjoy ourselves wherever....we....please," she finished mischievously, giving him another kiss before taking a drink.
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He knew what he wanted, but he needed to take it slow. They had always been rushed with the nature of their careers. The never ending nightmare that this journey to get the book had become. He would take his time with her.
Kissing down her neck, he took a moment to kiss and suck upon her breasts before continuing down her stomach and settling in between her legs. Hooking both of them over his shoulders as his hands on hips pulled her against his face. He wasted no time, letting his tongue lap do all the work as his arms hooked around, one hand splayed on her stomach as the other rubbed at her sensetive bundle of nerves. "Cum for me, baby." He demanded for a moment before his mouth went back to work.

Part of her felt she should be checking on Rafe, and reluctantly Elizabeth. Bit she shrugged the thoughts away. They had each other, Rafe would take care of her. It was time hers and Charlie's attention were spent on each other.
Soft laughter left her as he kissed and caressed her upper body, adrenaline slowly leaving her as heat replaced it. Lifting her her lower half, she wiggled out of her pants before pulling Charlie back down to her. "You're wearing too many clothes, off now!" She ordered sucking and biting his lower lip before releasing it.
Wherever you go, that's where I'll follow
If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you If the party was over And our time on Earth was through I'd wanna hold you just for a while And die with a smile If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you
You already know what you mean to me
And our love's the only war worth fighting for
. @clubsmarties

— Leo Tolstoy, from, “Anna Karenina,” originally published in 1877
Someone being patient with you is one of the softest forms of love