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"Just Friends Dont Look At Each Other Like You Two Do."

"Just Friends Dont Look At Each Other Like You Two Do."
"Just Friends Dont Look At Each Other Like You Two Do."
"Just Friends Dont Look At Each Other Like You Two Do."

"Just friends dont look at each other like you two do."


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6 months ago
Magnus's Shoulder Slumped As He Wracked Himself With Guilt. He Had Always Done Only What Was Best For

Magnus's shoulder slumped as he wracked himself with guilt. He had always done only what was best for her the moment she was born. The moment the doctors said his wife and other child did not survive the birth, and the nurse placed a crying babe in his arms, he knew that everything he had to do was for her. This felt like a failure on his part. A sigh came from the man as he placed his hand over hers. Thankful that he had her in his life, for a moment he had doubted everything he had done to provide for his daughter. His career made it hard for them to call anyone place home, maybe he had found a place for them to settle too late. So many maybe's, could've, should've's raced through the man's mind.

As always, his friend was right. The choices were to either let her believe that his marriages had failed because love was not real, something broken by infidelity, or just a flitting fancy, leaving as quick as it came. Or tell her the truth, that the women he had come to want to share his life with had eventually wanted to ship her off to some boarding school or just away in general. Knowing her, she would take the guilt onto herself, blame herself for her father not being happy and that was just not an option to him. "You're right," he conceded. Mikayla in her wisdom knew them so well in the couple of years they had spent living next door to her. "How are you so wise?" He smiled at her knowing fully that she was an amazing parent who had done it with more children than Magnus's one. How he wished he had found someone like her when Elizabeth had longed for a mother in her younger years. "Do you think you could come over and have dinner with us tomorrow night? She flies back to college the day after and I don't want it to be so awkward and I know she misses you."

Magnus's Shoulder Slumped As He Wracked Himself With Guilt. He Had Always Done Only What Was Best For

Mikayla's heart broke with what she heard. To know that Elizabeth didn't believe in love was painful for the woman to come to terms with, and she wasn't even the woman's mother. Though she thought of Elizabeth as one of her own, and she could only hope that Elizabeth trusted Mikayla enough to come to her for anything that she'd need. But right now this was about Magnus, not his daughter.

And with that thought, she reaches forward, taking a gentle hold of his shoulders, "You've not done more harm to her than good. You've done what you know to be the right thing... if she knew about what you've gone through with your previous relationships, the outcome would be the same. A disbelief in love, but for entirely different reasons," the rationalization came with ease to her, "If you feel like the right course of action now is to admit the truth to her, then I will support you... but sometimes, things are better left unsaid."

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6 months ago
Mentions Of Her Late Nights Elicited An Eyeroll From Her. "As If You're Not The One Sending Me A Message

Mentions of her late nights elicited an eyeroll from her. "As if you're not the one sending me a message first, maybe you just wake me up. Ever thought about that?" Which of course was a lie. She was glad for the company, being a very light sleeper, every other new sound kept her awake. "Oh god, I paid you a compliment you're going to hold onto that forever now aren't you?" A playful groan came from her as she smirked to herself, it wasn't as if it was a lie, his voice was soothing.

"No," she said shaking her head, a tiny small smile as she stared out at the sea. "I just took it for what it was. Let it envelope me. I think I felt more whole there, it was weird." It wasn't like she could go into how or why without telling him everything about her. "It was the most peaceful my life had been in a very long time. I think the fact that I just had to accept the surroundings and respect it just felt nice. I don't know it sounds stupid now that I say it out loud like this. I think I'm just tired now." Getting into it now would have to be explaining the dominos that stacked in her life that led to the moment of her needing to flee and lay low for a while, who she really was. Right now was not the time for that, she wanted to be someone else for a while.

Feeling his fingers run through her hair, she closed her eyes for a moment. Old memories that flashed through her head. There was something to be said about how Wally just opened up to her that she couldn't put her finger on, made her want to open up and tell her why she had fears too. This small moment they shared, the sounds of the waves crashing and the salt in the air filling her lungs, it felt intimate in a way that she hadn't experienced before. She didn't feel pity for him, having been on the end of many brutal things as a child, and an adult, she found herself sympathizing with him. The sympathy ended abruptly when he suggested going into a cave. "I trust you to not shove me off the top of this thing, but you trying to make me go into a cave," she shook her head. "We're back to square one now, Agent. Maybe send me a picture of the damn thing and then I'll see. "

Mentions Of Her Late Nights Elicited An Eyeroll From Her. "As If You're Not The One Sending Me A Message

The thought of just the sound of a man breathing heavy made her shiver, unpleasant memories surfacing. Inside the the hoodie, her fingers curled into fists, digging her nails into the palms of her hands. "Yeah," she said trying to shake it off, taking a deep breath and letting it out slow forcing herself to remind herself that she was here, not there. The talk of Annie helped ground her memory back to now, chuckling at the thought of the girl swimming in one of his sweaters. She could understand the attachment that the girl had with her uncle, it was the way she herself missed her father. He had doted on her while he was around. "Of course she does, she loves you. You're her favorite person. Anything that takes you from her, she'll hate. I feel sorry for the one you end up dating or marrying, Annie will be someone to contend to. People usually have sisters and brothers to grill their significant others, you have an Annie." The thought alone had her giggle.

"Lobsters all look the same," she bumped her shoulder into his with a wide grin on her face. "So you're saying I can't shake you in any lifetime? What did I do?" A small groan in a jestering manner came from her as she stretched out a bit, beginning to tire from sitting in the same position. Stretching her legs out straight in front of her, she took her hands out of her pocket and stretched out to touch her toes before sitting back up with her back against the wall, but she looked at him the entire time, letting him know that she was still listening to him. "That sounds nice and not boring at all." When you were haunted by ghosts of things done and done to you, it seemed like such a weird concept to her that people would willingly want to see them, but a dream about it seemed just as strange to her. Shrugging at the thought of past lives, she looked back out across the ocean. "My dad believed in reincarnations, fate, gods, fairies and all of that but I don't know if he actually believed in it or just was curious and loved stories. When I was in India I learned about karmic lives and reincarnation, and," taking a deep breath, she thought about her life, what karma would her past self have to make up for having to live this life? What karma would her next life have to pay off for everything she did in this life? Letting it out, she looked over at him. "I think there's some truth to it but I don't think we're meant to really know. I mean yeah I've thought about it once or twice but what good would it do me now? You know?" Shrugging she didn't know how to respond fully without also being angry about what she had gone through this life if any of it was true, then she had to have been a terrible person before, karma comes back to you 10 fold, the woman had told her. What would her next reincarnation have to go through for what she did in this one? "I just don't think that I've given it much thought. Just sort of wanted to make it to the next morning kind of thing. What about you? You believe in it? Seen a psychic, have them read your palm and tell you all about your past and future?"

"I don't know, I'm not much of a fisher either. Just because I was on the boat doesn't mean I did much fishing. Helped with the traps most of the time and looked for the lobsters with eggs. So we might both be shit fishers." Shaking her head, she chuckled. "No thanks, I think thats enough me being carried around for a while. And of course you do. Everyone loves my voice." It was joke said teasingly as she brought a shoulder up to her face and smiled over at him. "Again with that! You really don't let things go, do you?" Laughing, she shook her head. "I don't know, you held back bringing me here for how long? I don't think I should be taking you anywhere just yet." Or ever, she thought.

Yawning, she took a look at her phone. "I should get back to my place. Get at least an hour or two of sleep before I have to get ready for the lawyers." Sighing, she began to get up slowly, not wanting to leave. "If this case wasn't important I'd probably reschedule it, its really nice up here." Taking one last look out across the sea, she looked back at him and smiled. "Honestly, thanks for bringing me. I know I can be a bit of an ass, but thanks. This was a million times better than getting laid. "

Mentions Of Her Late Nights Elicited An Eyeroll From Her. "As If You're Not The One Sending Me A Message

That half chuckle half smirk crossed over his features as he shrugged. "I can play dirty. But see, the idea of a fun story would get you to change your mind on listening to them. So maybe I will leave you a ton of messages each day a different story. Maybe if I'm feeling nice I'll do a whole audiobook for you. Use it on those pesky nights where you stay up way later than normal." As he had found when he'd get a quick text back in the middle of the night when he supposed she was asleep. Something he noticed but had never said anything about. "I knew it," he chuckled fully amused.

As he listened he could picture the scene playing out in front of him. Green eyes washed over the glistening darkened waters. He could assume that being out there without much light would not only disorient but also terrify anyone. "Did you ever try to adjust your eyes so you could see it better?" He would but only because he used to that to Christmas lights when he'd focus and unfocus his eyes.

Feeling her scoot closer, the gesture was immediate. His hand reached up to softly caress through her hair as he felt her head rest on his shoulder. A silent but I survived. He didn't tell her something so deeply personal to get pity but to tell her in not so many words that through darkness there was always light. Something to look forward to. Something better. He trusted her which was huge since he usually kept things close to his chest. Only choosing to let it be known if it became necessary. His family history for one, was one of those that he kept under lock and key. People assumed what they needed to but would always see him be the well adjusted man he had worked hard to become despite his short comings.

The heaviness dissipated as a laugh erupted from him. "No but you got me thinking. If we went together would you trust me enough to do it? There's a space that looks like an igloo actually huge ceilings and the like that I have been curious about. But, that's the type of cave exploring I'd take you to. The small spaces are creepy. I'd never submit you or myself to that. I saw a video last time where this guy had taken a video of a cave that was pitch black and all you could hear was his heavy breathing and saying it was a little hard to breathe."

That Half Chuckle Half Smirk Crossed Over His Features As He Shrugged. "I Can Play Dirty. But See, The

"She does. It's her favorite days because I'm safe and she can see me. It's also because I take her out for ice cream so she likes that benefit of having me home. Last time she started to wear one of my hoodies around and snuggling into me when I had to type up a report. I can't say that I hate those days. I know she would never admit it to my face but I know she hates when I leave and possibly even my entire job as a whole."

A grin was shot in her direction as his eyes followed her fingers. It was something so mesmerizing coming from her. "Interesting stories nonetheless. I actually can't picture you as a boring lobster. You're anything but boring. Though you as an actual lobster? Cute." The thought of a Liz lobster made him chuckle. "I don't know. I think if we lived at the same lifetime again, probably be a crab crawling around annoying this cute little lobster just wanting to be left alone." So, really not much changing from human form. "Probably go around being a guardian. I feel like I can't shake that off my DNA. Though I'm the baby brother, being a protector will always be a thing. I'd try my hand at coming up with cures for diseases. I'd have plenty of time. Maybe try being a chemist. I'd read the books I've not read. Basically live out a quiet boring life not really getting in the way. I had a dream I could see ghosts once so maybe that was a past life. Do you ever think about past lives? Is that a thing in your mind you believe?"

"We could go fishing on our adventure week? I'm no Andy but I'm not bad." He bumped her shoulder and roamed his eyes over her face. "You don't bore me. If you fell asleep I'd carry you home. I like hearing your talk. Your voice." Why did she think he asked her so many questions. Following her gaze he stared at the sea then quickly went back to stare at her profile. Drinking in every detail of her face under the moonlight. "I'm sorry and you didn't lead with that?! I'd like to go to Iceland one day. Maybe I can convince you take me."

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6 months ago

this last week has been *a week* if you too have been going through it, I am sending you lots of love and hugs and positive vibes.

This Last Week Has Been *a Week* If You Too Have Been Going Through It, I Am Sending You Lots Of Love
This Last Week Has Been *a Week* If You Too Have Been Going Through It, I Am Sending You Lots Of Love

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