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70smaybank - "full Pogue" - Tumblr Blog
im so excited for this

season three is almost here and you know what that means….
it’s time for #obx3celebration!
feel free to come up with a prompt (can be from the new season, original, or from this incredible prompt list) and send it my way! please make sure you include the category and specific prompt if you use the list. I typically avoid smut but might make an exception depending on what it is!
characters I write for: john b, jj maybank, kiara carrera, pope heyward, sarah cameron, rafe cameron, topper thornton, & the pogues in general
woogity woogity baby!
i think im still processing it i have so many opinions
Can we talk about the first 8 minutes and 51 seconds of obx season 3????
obx3 Is not even out and the show has already been renewed for s4 that's insane
i can’t wait for the return of mr. “not much of a hugger” who proceeds to hug and squeeze and kiss and nuzzle his face in the neck of anyone who shows him the slightest bit of physical affection

one day i'll be able to finally sit down and write a fic cause i have a million idea
i neeed a jj maybank fic that's a slowburn someone pls make it
the trailer made me go insane
oh im so excited for this series i love it already
bound to falling in love || jj maybank
jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 2.8k
summary: after a hurricane, you and your friends find a sunken wreck in the marsh
warnings: underage drinking, swearing, mentions of a dysfunctional family (spoiler alert. it's yours),
a/n: thank you for reading my first part of this story!! i hope you enjoy! lowercases are intentional!
key: (y/n/n) = your nickname, (y/n) = your name, (y/u/n) = your uncle's name, (y/c/n) = your cousin's name
bound to falling in love masterlist

"we're the pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time."
you watch as john b stands on the roof, staring out into the ocean. he takes a sip of beer, sticking one foot in the air and spreading his arms like wings to better steady himself.
"that's what, a three-story fall from the deck?" pope asks. he squints from the sunlight in his eyes, staring up at john b intensely. "i give you about a one-in-three chance survival."
john b hums in thought, sticking his pointer finger into his mouth before lifting it into the air, feeling the wind blow against the digit. "should i do it?"
"yeah, you should jump!" you yell. the summer breeze blows your hair away from your face and you fiddle with bracelets around your wrist. you're sitting next to jj, desperately trying to ignore the heat of his thigh brushing against your own.
"i'll shoot you on the way down." pope raises the nail gun in his hand and john b raises his eyebrows. he makes a finger gun, pointing it at pope's head.
"you gonna shoot me?"
"they're gonna have japenese toilets with towel warmers," kiara says in disbelief as she walks out of the home. her dark brown locks falls down her back in waves, and her skin seems to glow from the setting sun. "this used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, i guess?"
"i care about the turtles, kie." you reach a hand over the railing, faking a pout towards your best friend. kiara smiles, interlocking your fingers together.
"i can't have cold towels," jj teases and you smack him in the stomach, scoffing when he lets out a dramatic oof.
kiara turns her attention to the boy dangerously close to breaking his neck. "can you please not kill yourself?"
"don't spill that beer," jj warns, "'cause i'm not giving you another one." as if on cue, john b loses his balance and drops the piece of aluminum. he lets out a small curse as the can drops to the floor, it's contents spilling everywhere.
"of course you did!" jj laughs.
"smooth," kiara mutters to you, while you only giggle as john b groans towards his lost drink in despair.
"a-plus," pope chuckles. he peeks around the corner when he hears a loud "hey!". pope slams his hand down onto the wooden railing, sending nervous looks towards the rest of you. "hey, uh, security's here, let's wrap it up."
"boys are early today," john b states, sliding down the roof, landing next to you. he ruffles your hair and you smack his hand. you grin, sliding underneath the railing and jumping down next to kiara. jj calls out something inaudible as he climbs down the balcony floor. you run into the house, dodging past paint cans and used equiptment.
you run down a flight of stairs, four of you going one way while jj runs in the other. he skids to the stop, sharply turning around to miss the hands of an officer.
"not much of a hugger, man!" jj laughs when another guard tries to get a hold of him. "go pope!" he yells. "go, go, go, go, go, go!"
jj follows after pope towards the large fence at the end of the yard. they jump over, and pope groans as he lands face first into the ground. jj slaps his back, "get up, pope! fatso's coming!"
the two of them run over to the honking van, jumping inside. they laugh as one of the guards starts chasing after the racing car.
"check out gary, gunnin' for a raise!" pope smiles. jj reaches a hand out of the open door, holding out a beer towards the running man.
"enough," you say, giggles still spilling from your lips.
"you're gonna give him a heart attack." kiara's comment only makes you laugh harder.
"you're so close! you can do it! there you go!" jj throws the can towards the older man, groaning when it hits him in the head. "they don't pay you enough, bro."
you grab onto the blonde's arm, pulling his body back into the car. "jj, stop," you scold, but amusement still lingers on your voice.
"oh come one. that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished."
"the outer banks, paradise on earth. it's the kinda place where you either have two jobs, or two houses. two tribes, one island. all right, so this is figure eight, the rich side of the island. home of the kooks, so guess where we don't live."
"and this is the south side, or 'the cut'. home of the working class, who make a living off of busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. the natural habitat of, drumroll please... the pogues. that's us. pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. lowest member of the food chain. okay, so the downside of pogue life is that we're ignored and neglected. the upside of pogue life? we're ignored and neglected. which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want."
adjusting his hat, jj leans back against his seat. one hand on the steering wheel, he looks out the window as he drives the hms pogue.
"that's jj, my best friend since the third grade. he's about as local as they come. latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who make their living off the water. best surfer i know, just don't tell him i said that. mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat."
you yelp as a pair of arms slither around your waist. they lift you in the air and before you can say or do anything, you're thrown off the boat and into the ocean. you swim to the surface, glaring at your assailant.
"jj!" you yell. he cackles as you swim back, reaching out a hand that he gladly takes, despite the fact that he's still letting out small huffs of laughter. you feel yourself blushing when he interlocks your fingers, and you internally curse yourself for the fluttery feeling in your stomach.
"that's (y/n). she's been jj's other best friend since they were twelve. even though we're not related, she's like my little sister. she's the mom of our group, keeping us in check and out of trouble. although, she's been acting different lately. it might be because her drunk of a mother kicked her out and now she's living with her kook uncle. or it might be because she's obviously in love with a special someone. but, i'm technically not supposed to know that."
staring at the flames of the open fire pit, kiara quickly shoves john b away when he traps her in a hug, but it looks more like a headlock. "get off me. don't even get me started on microplastic. have you even heard about that island? that little island of just-"
"and that's kiara, or kie, as we call her. and when she's not saving turtles, or listening to marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with the rest of us. i'm not really sure why though. so, she's a rich kid, actually. foot in both worlds. her family owns the wreck, this outer banks institution. total cash cow with the tourists. you know, i'm not really sure how her parents feel about us. i guess we all sorta have a thing for her."
watching his friends dance on the boat, pope leans back with his hands behind his head. he laughs as kiara spins you around, and you smack jj's hands away when he attempts to join in.
"and that's pope, the brains of the operation. finalist for the lucas t. vanderhorst merit scholarship. and the smartest person i know. a bit of a weirdo. alright, so his father's this legendary character, heyward. anything you wanted on the island, heyward could get it for you. now, i'm not sure what heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. he was a pogue, just like the rest of us."
"so, that's my crew. and that's me, john booker routledge. and this is where i live."
flushing the toilet, john b exits the bathroom. he peeks inside the room beside him when he hears whispering. jj looks away from the touron he's with, immediately grabbing an empty beer can and throwing it at his best friend. "dude, come on, man! get outta here!"
slamming the door, john b violently shuddered. he walked down the hallway, spotting you and kiara on the pull out couch. you're laying on your back, book in your hands. kiara rests her head on your stomach, scrolling through her phone and occasionally tilting it towards you while giggling.
"morning, kie, morning, (y/n/n)." john b raises a hand to the two of you in greeting.
kiara raises a peace sign, mumbling "morning", while you only hum in response. john b grabs a framed photo off of the table littered with beer bottles and hung it on the wall.
"an old fish shack on the marsh. the chateau, as my dad used to call it. that's dad. he disappeared at sea nine months ago, looking for a shipwreck. who disappears at sea these days? i miss him. and then there's mom. she split when i was three. last i heard she was in colorado. i think it was colorado."
"that's uncle t. since dad vanished, he's supposedly my legal guardian. at the moment, he's in mississippi, building houses... which means it's just me right now, hangin' with my friends. three months after my dad was missing, he was officially presumed dead. i refused to sign the papers. until i see a body, i'm not giving up."
walking into the kitchen, you nearly scream when you find your uncle sitting on the island. he sips from his mug, pen in his other hand as he stares down at a stack of papers. his head shoots up at the sound of you walking across the floor.
startled at his sudden appearance, you rest a hand on your rapid heart. "uncle (y/u/n), i didn't know you were home. i thought you were gonna be at the office today."
you feel his eyes following you as you open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "where were you last night?" he asks. "you didn't text or call to tell me where you were, and i was worried."
"i was at john b's."
"who else was there?"
"just my friends," you say. "pope, kiara, jj. you know, the usual."
your uncle spins in his seat, settling his hands onto his knees. "look, i don't mind you hanging out with your friends. i want you to go out, to have fun, not be a hermit like (y/c/n) was-"
there was a loud yelp from the living room, presumably from said cousin on the couch watching basketball.
"-but there are some rules in this house, and i'd appreciate it if you'd follow them," your uncle finished.
you stared at him from over the rim of your bottle. "i didn't mean to worry you," you state. "i just forgot to call, i'm sorry."
"no, there's no need to apologize. just next time, call." your uncle smiled, before turning back to the stack of papers in front of him. you stay rooted to your spot. you were expecting some form of punishment, considering your mother would chastise you over every little thing, but nothing came.
when your uncle didn't say anything for the next few minutes, you slowly turned around and headed towards the front door. you spotted your cousin laying on the couch, head resting against the arm rest and a bag of cheetos on his stomach.
quickly slipping on your shoes, you run out the door and towards the boating dock behind your uncle's house. you immediately spot the hms pogue, already occupied by jj, pope, and john b.
"sup, loser," jj says, reaching a hand out towards you. you take it, and the blonde places his other hand on your back to further aid you onto the boat. you smack his hands away, ignoring the way your stomach flips at his warm touch. jj retracts his hands, rolling his eyes at john b when he smirks at the pink dusting on jj's cheekbones.
"sup, blondie." jj pinches the skin of your waist at the nickname, and you elbow him in the stomach in return. you step away from your best friend, settling down next to pope and crossing your legs in front of you. the boat starts moving again, and you tilt your head to the sky.
"hello there, princess." you beam at kiara as she walks down the deck while she grins at you in response.
"o, top o' the morning to ya." your eyebrows furrow at the attempted irish accent jj pulled, but he only shrugs at you.
"whatcha got?" pope asks, referring to the cooler kiara holds in one of her hands. "you got some juice boxes?"
"you know, just some yogurt and some carrot sticks." kiara grabs your hand, jumping into the boat. she sits next to you, moving to rest her head on your shoulder.
"what about my kind of juice boxes?" jj asks, scooting over to create more room for the two of you. his lips stretch into a small smile at kiara's small "yeah".
soon, the five of you had opened a beer, laughing when jj suddenly says, "lemme show you a party trick. pope, can you go a little faster?"
"oh god, here we go, i'm movin'." john b walks backwards, standing behind pope as he watches jj stand at the edge.
"i got this! it's gonna work!" jj says, confidentely.
you sigh, "jj, you've tried this a thousand times and it fails every time." you move to the side, avoiding the beer that flies out of jj's mouth. kiara laughs, but soon complains about it getting in her hair like the others. you reach up to grab onto jj's unoccupied wrist to tug him down, but the boat suddenly jerks to a harsh stop. jj flips forward, falling into the water with a large splash. you lurch forward, harshly slamming into the edge of the boat, immediately groaning at the aching pain flaring in your muscles.
"jesus, pope!" kiara scolds.
"you okay, j?" you ask, seeing him resurface from the water.
"i think my heels touched the back of my head," he chokes out, panting with his eyes closed.
"kie, you alright?" john b questions, rubbing his forehead.
"i'm fine," kiara replies before turning to her best friend. she touches your back softly, "you okay, (y/n)?"
"pope what did you do?" jj demands.
"sandbar. the channel changed."
"no shit." jj starts swimming back to the boat, eyes flicking up to pope when he stands at the edge. pope peers into the water, brows furrowing as he stares.
"guys... i think there's a boat down there."
"shut up," john b says.
"no way," kiara adds.
pope points to the water. "no, no, guys. i'm serious. there's a boat down there."
looking closer, you can faintly see the outline of a boat. john b tugs off his shirt. you slide down your jean shorts, leaving you in your swim suit. kiara follows your lead as you jump into the water.
sure as shit, there's a boat - a nice one, at that - at the bottom of the marsh's floor. you want to get closer, have better access to inspect it, but oxygen soon becomes an issue. rising for air, hysteria meets your ears as you gulp down breaths.
"you guys saw that?" jj gasps.
"yeah, i did," kiara laughs.
jj starts swimming towards the boat, "that's a grady white. a new one of those is, like, 500 g's, easy." jj hauls himself up, offering a hand towards you.
"that's the boat i saw when i surfed the surge," john b states and kiara flickers her eyes towards him. you twist water out of your hair, mildly paying attention.
"you surfed the surge?" kiara clarifies, her voice rough. jj laughs, reciting a handshake with the curly haired boy.
"that's my boy, pogue style!"
"do we know whose boat that is?" pope asks, chest heaving.
"no, but we're about to find out." john b grabs the anchor, saluting his friends before jj shoves at his chest, pushing john b down into the water. john b holds his breath, allowing the weight of the anchor to pull him down.
the rest wait in anticipation, and just when you think jj's about to jump in and drag john b back to the boat, he rises to the surface.
"oh my god, that took forever!" kiara exclaims.
"any dead bodies?" pope asks.
"looting potential?" jj questions.
"no." john b raises his hand to show his discovery, presenting a small, yellow key. "i found this motel key."
your excited smile dropped. "a key?"
"yes, a key, (y/n)."
"great, we salvaged a motel key." jj pulls the anchor out and places it back into the boat.
"guys maybe we should report the wreck to the coastguard," kiara suggests. "maybe we'll get a finders fee."
"yeah and not work all summer," you hum.
"thanks agatha, ya batch."
i ugly cried reading this

Summary: In which JJ is the only one who can ease the pain.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
Warnings: SA, mentions of SA, mentions of ED, cursing
NA: this story is about the reader dealing with the aftermath of a SA so be careful before reading. Also if you’ve been through this, please speak up to your loved ones. My dm’s are always open if anyone needs to talk.
This is very personal to me, it hits home, so please do not judge. Just scroll.
JJ Maybank had never been one to be silent.
He would constantly be telling stories, cracking jokes and teasing people. His voice would often be loud and he would sweet talk his way into just about anything, his way of speaking just captivating. He was the kind of person to lighten up an entire room as soon as he’d walk in, everything about him enthralling.
That’s why, upon noticing him grow quiet one Friday afternoon at The Wreck, the pogues immediately knew something was off with him. They silently decided to let him be, although they quickly grew worried over what was happening to him. They brushed it off as him being mad at something his shitty father had done, that usually being the reason of his bad mood.
However, Kie had noticed the way his eyes would linger on you. You were sitting, quietly, in front of JJ. She observed from her spot next to him as his eyes would frequently flicker to your frame. You were playing around with your food, not really hungry it seemed, as your mind wandered to what seemed to be a world of your own.
She sighed, eyes softening upon seeing her best friend look so off. You’d been distancing yourself from them for the past days, and she remembered how JJ had told them he thought it was weird you’d suddenly grown sick the day after the kegger that took place five days ago. That’s what you’d told them, you’d been sick and would stay in bed until you’d be better. JJ had told them he was worried when the fifth day had passed and you still hadn’t reached out but didn’t want to invade your personal space.
This was the first day you’d shown up since then.
Kie asked herself how she couldn’t have understood immediately JJ was acting this weird because of you.
She sighed, returning to her conversation with the boys and thinking of ways of approaching you later to ask what was wrong.
JJ’s eyes, however, never strayed from you. He watched you pick at your food with your fork and he furrowed his eyebrows; you loved fries.
“Hey.” He softly spoke up.
You didn’t answer, didn’t even seem to have heard him. His leg nudged yours under the table.
Your eyes snapped to his, for the first time today, and he was taken aback by the void dullness in them.
“You okay, baby?”
If this had been any other time, you would have blushed at the nickname he’d often use for you. He was your best friend in the whole world, your golden boy, and yet you couldn’t deny your feelings for him. Sometimes you’d wonder if he felt the same.
But this wasn’t any other time. Something had happened to you, and you couldn’t let him find out. So you put on the best fake smile you could before answering.
“Yeah, sorry. Just tired.” You replied, eyes averting from his own in hope he wouldn’t see right through your lie. He always seemed to.
JJ saw the way your smile didn’t reach your eyes. His frown deepened when he saw the sad look you were trying to hide behind them and he shook it off. You were already starting to zone out again.
“You not hungry?” He inquired, choosing not to say anything about your evident lie.
You shook your head lazily, placing your chin on your hand as you returned your eyes to him, then to your plate.
“You never say no to fries.” He spoke, and before you could think of another lie as to why you weren’t hungry, he did again, “C’mon, bub, you have to eat some.”
Your heart swelled at his sweet tone, but you couldn’t bring yourself to smile. Nor to answer.
You looked at him when you heard him move and saw him pick up a single fry, holding it up for you to bite. He gave you the best puppy eyes he could, and your heart quickened at the look he was giving you, and you would do anything to make him happy.
“Just one.” He pleaded, smiling at you, “For me?”
You sighed, finally cracking a smile at how cute JJ Maybank was. You could never say no to him. His grin widened when he saw you smile for the first time today and he brought the fry closer to your mouth.
You bit it, gently taking it from his hand. You chewed slowly, really, really not in the mood for eating.
“There you go.” He praised you once you were finished, “One more?”
Your friends took off to the Chateau, of course asking you if you’d be crashing there. They’d tried convincing you with the promise of a bonfire and a lot of beer.
Any other day, that would’ve done it. But this wasn’t any other day, so you’d gently reclined, telling them you were still feeling a little off. They’d eventually given up, telling you if you had changed your mind, that’s where you’d find them.
JJ had offered to walk you home, but you’d told him your mom was on your way to pick you up. A total lie, but he didn’t need to know. Of course, being the gentleman he was, he’d told you he’d wait for you but you’d insisted on him going with the others so he wouldn’t have had to lose his ride to the Chateau. He’d reluctantly agreed before taking off, too.
You’d walked the whole walk home in silence, trying to find peace within it.
The water now cascading on your skin did nothing to help you with the uneasy discomfort you felt in your whole body. This was the third shower of the day, and it was doing little to nothing to help you soothe that feeling. You scrubbed at your skin, too hard. You scrubbed every inch of your body, washing it again and again. Your skin became red when you scrubbed too hard in the places he’d touched the most.
You tried shaking the thought out of your mind.
Stop thinking about it.
You shuddered, a memory of the feeling of his hands grabbing your legs suddenly flashing through your mind.
It wasn’t long before you were sitting on the shower floor, knees brought to your chest with your arms around them.
You sobbed quietly, shaking, the hot water falling on you and burning your skin. You wanted to forget the feeling, you wanted to forget it all. The steamy water was nothing compared to it.
You’d ditched them again that night. This time you’d told them your mom needed your help with something.
You sure everything’s okay? JJ had texted you.
Please, God, don’t let him find out.
You hadn’t replied.
You were in your bed, knees to your chest as you laid on your side in one of JJ’s t-shirts he’d leave over when he’d sleep here.
You’d hoped JJ’s scent and the feeling of being in his shirt — it always comforted you, would make you forget about what had happened. About him.
You found yourself wishing to be with him right now, craving his touch.
You soon realized you needed to be in his arms, you needed nothing more than his comfort right now. The only comfort you could have.
You needed him now more than ever.
You grabbed your phone.
I need you
You hoped he would see the message, not feeling like calling him. You knew he’d leave his phone laying around the Chateau when crashing there.
You didn’t know JJ had kept his phone with him the whole time, hoping you’d answer his text or to have some news.
He answered just a minute later.
Are you home?
Leaving now
Twenty minutes later his last text you heard a knock on your window. He chose not to ring on your doorbell, assuming your mom would be home since you’d told them she’d needed your help, not knowing if you wanted her to know he’d be over.
A little startled, you looked up to see JJ standing there. You sighed in relief before getting up to open the window for him.
“You could’ve come in by the door.”
“Thought your mom was home. Didn’t know if you wanted her to know I was here.” He explained, climbing over the window edge.
You felt panic rise in your stomach, before you had to tell yourself he wouldn’t think much of it.
“She left a while ago.” You quietly told him, deciding to leave the window open, the summer breeze light on your skin, “And you know she doesn’t mind.”
JJ wanted to tell you about how he thought you didn’t want her to know because maybe, just maybe, you didn’t want her to know something was wrong with you. You didn’t usually go and talk to your mother about your problems, not wanting to burden the poor woman, already too much on her hands. JJ knew that.
But he decided to change the topic because you yet had to admit to him something was wrong. He was hoping you’d tell him tonight, given the fact you’d told him you needed him.
He got closer to you.
“What did you need me for, Y/N/N?” He gently asked you, his voice so sweet you thought this boy would be the death of you.
You shrugged, eyes tired. You grabbed his hand and pulled him to your bed.
“Just needed you here with me.” His eyes softened.
He couldn’t even be disappointed at you for not telling him the truth, you looked so tired and sad it was starting to pain him.
“Okay, baby.” He whispered, hand coming up to place a strand of hair behind your ear, then resting on your cheek, “Just let me change and then we can cuddle and watch a movie or something, yeah? How’s that sound?”
You smiled feebly, feeling the urge to burst out crying. You pushed your emotions back, nodding at him.
“Yeah? Okay, I’ll be a minute.”
JJ was quick to grab one of his sweat shorts from your closet, changing into that and removing his t-shirt. He placed it on your dresser before taking off his shoes and plopping down on the bed with you.
He adjusted himself on the pillows before tugging you to him. You laid down on your side, resting your head on his chest and your arm around his torso. His arms was around you as he pulled you closer.
“That’s better. Now, what do we wanna watch?” He asked, picking up the remote control on your nightstand.
You let him pick the movie, loving to hear him rent about the new sequel of an action movie he was dying to see once it came out. He settled for the first movie, telling you you just had to see it so you could watch the second one with him.
You smiled into his chest, comfortably nestling into his arms. You didn’t really care about movies right now, just his presence, but you loved listening to what he was saying. You always did.
You were the only one out of his friends who actually enjoyed listening to his bullshit. It made his heart warm.
The movie started playing, and it was a few minutes in that you spoke up.
“Thank you, J.” Your voice was low.
“For what?”
“For being here with me. I’m sorry if I forced you here, I know you’d have more fun at the bonfire.”
You felt him pulling you impossibly closer.
“Don’t say that, you know I’d rather be with you.” He replied, making butterflies flutter in your stomach.
You sighed, nuzzling further into him.
He was easing the pain.
You thought the conversation was over when you heard his voice again.
“I know something’s wrong. It’ okay, you don’t have to tell me right now. I’ll be waiting.” He whispered.
You didn’t know how you managed to keep the tears at bay this time. You held on to him tighter as you silently wished for it all to stop.
It had been a week and a half since that day. The Outer Banks’ summer breeze swept through your hair and gently caressed your skin as you sat on the HMS Pogue, silently looking out at the water.
This was the first time your friends had managed to convince you in coming with them on one of your ritual days on the Pogue. You relished in the feeling of comfort being here with them brought you, momentarily stranding your mind away from what tormented it. JJ had been by your side all this time, giving you your space but nonetheless providing you the comfort of his touch and presence whenever you needed him. He’d been so careful with you your love for the boy had become unbearable.
You flinched when you felt a hand on your thigh, quickly calming down when you turned your head to see JJ. He looked concerned at your sudden movement.
“Sorry.” You quietly said, your hand reaching down to touch his fingers on your skin.
A frown was on his face, but he didn’t let it sit there for long before he changed the subject.
“You wanna swim?” He asked, carefully.
You let your eyes roam around the boat, shamefully noticing it had been stopped at your usual spot and everyone had long dipped in. Your thoughts had distracted you from reality.
“Oh.” You let out, masking the surprised tone in your low voice, “I don’t really feel like it today. But you go ahead.”
JJ’s eyes stayed on you, eyes scanning your face. He gave you a small pout.
“Come on, a little dip.” He gave you that pleading look that always made you give in, “It’s really hot today, you’re gonna burn yourself.”
You sighed, already knowing putting up a fight wouldn’t be no use. With a little nod, you sighed softly before following him in standing up when he took your hand.
“Can’t have my princess all burned now, can I?” He grinned, happy you’d agreed.
He let your hand go when you needed to remove your clothes. You slipped out your shorts before removing your t-shirt.
JJ’s frown returned when he took in all the weight you’d lost. He took you in carefully, his eyes noting the way your ribs were starting to lightly show and the way your thighs did no longer touch each other.
“I’m ready.” You told him, averting your eyes from his scrutinizing gaze.
“Y/N…” He started, voice unsure.
He was worried now.
“Let’s go.” You interrupted him and pulled him away by his hand.
The water was cold against your skin, the refreshing sensation making you almost hum tu yourself.
With a little push from JJ, you timidly joined the others who were currently floating and joking around. Sarah and Kie were splashing each other when you swam towards them.
John B immediately lightened up at your presence, smiling softly at you.
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed when you felt your mind slowly begin to drift away as soon as they brought up a topic you didn’t really care about. Normally, you would have. You cared about everything your friends said.
The cold water was starting to make you shiver. You were starting to feel lightheaded, the contrast between the hot sun burning on your already hot skin and the water that minutes ago had seemed so refreshing was now starting to bother you. Your head felt hot and throbbing. You sighed as you started to feel dizziness fog up your mind.
“You okay, Y/N/N?” Kie’s voice brought you out of your daze and you looked up to see them all staring at you, worried looks painted on their faces.
“Yeah, you’re looking a bit pale right now.” Pope stated, eyebrows furrowed and a concerned expression on him.
JJ was immediately by your side, hands coming up to grab your hips and hold you against him.
In the suddenly confused state you were in, you remembered feeling relief just by his touch.
“Hey, hey, what’s happening, baby?” JJ rushed as your body slumped against his.
Black dots started to blurry your vision, and you shuddered against your best friend.
“I’m not-“ you started, “I think I’m going to faint.”
“Fuck, JB help me out here, man.” He frantically began, voice panicked as John B immediately swam to you.
They helped you back on the boat and you didn’t remember anything but the hot sun beating down on your skin, your head felt burning and your heart racing.
“Shit, don’t faint on me, baby. Come on.” All you heard in your semi-unconscious state was his voice.
They made you lay down on a towel messily laid on the floor where there was a bit of shade. Kiara grabbed the cooler and got you water as fast as she could, throwing the bottle to JJ.
“Lift her head up, JB.” He instructed briefly before helping you drink it.
You couldn’t really understand what was going on. Everything felt hazy, you tried waking up but you could feel sleep luring you into unconsciousness.
When you woke up a few moments later, a cold bottle of water was placed on your neck and JJ’s eyes were the first thing you saw.
“There she is.” His shuttered voice breathed out in relief.
You could hear the pogues muttering grateful words.
The concerned look in them, the desperation, almost made you cry and you wanted to apologize for making them worry but you couldn’t. You still felt a little dizzy.
“Come on, baby, let’s get you up so you can drink some more.” He placed a hand behind your back to help you up, then placed himself behind you so you could rest against his chest and between his legs.
“Feel any better, Y/N/N?” John B hopefully asked.
“A little.” Your voice felt hoarse, your head still a little dizzy.
You could fill the unspoken questions lingering in the air, the hesitant looks. They were debating whether or not to finally speak up, to finally demand to know what the hell had been going on, why you were suddenly so skinny and why you were acting so distant. You hoped they wouldn’t ask.
And they didn’t. Maybe they thought it was a conversation JJ should have had with you.
As the boat moved to shore, you became painfully aware of the swinging of the boat. You thought you’d be throwing up had you had food in your system. You were kind of grateful for that.
The rest of the ride home you didn’t remember very much. You still felt fuzzy, your mind fogged. You could hear the pogues worrying around you and offering water to you but the only thing that mattered was JJ’s touch on you. You were pressed up against his chest, safe in the protective embrace of his strong arms.
JJ carried you inside the Chateau as soon as the boat stopped at the dock, not even waiting to help. He placed you softly on his bed, the one in the guest room that was now practically his. You whined playfully at the loss of contact, reaching your arms out for him. He didn’t seem as amused.
“When is the last time you’ve eaten anything?” His blue gaze suddenly felt cold on you, he sounded angry.
You looked away, eyes immediately filling with tears. It wasn’t often that he was mad at you, and you hated it.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was low, trembling.
When you’d gathered the courage, your eyes found him again. His expression had softened, realizing he’d been approaching this the wrong way.
He sighed, hands coming up to cover his face.
“I’m gonna make you a sandwich or something, and you’re gonna eat it for me, okay?”
You relished in the familiar sound of his sweet tone, you couldn’t take him being mad at you.
Without even thinking, you nodded.
He disappeared, leaving you alone. Maybe it was time to open up. Maybe you had been hurting him and the rest of your friends for too long now. He deserved to know.
When he came back, you let him help you eat the sandwich. He sat beside you and encouraged every single bite, his voice honey as he helped you. You didn’t want to, you weren’t hungry; the bread felt disgusting in your mouth and you hadn’t eaten in so long you couldn’t even get past half of it.
But you did, because he was looking at you with this pleading look in his eyes and JJ Maybank was your weakness.
“There we go. All finished.” He happily praised you, a lingering kiss on your forehead.
You gave him a small smile, the best one you could master.
“I need to shower.” You told him.
You surprised yourself by not wanting to be left alone, by wishing he could come with you. Would it freak him out if you asked him to come with you?
“That’s fine.” He whispered.
When you got up to leave, he spoke again.
“I wish you’d tell me what’s going on with you.” His voice was strained, and when you turned back to look at him again where he was sitting on his bed, his head was in his hands.
You felt your heart shutter, pain immediately blossoming in your chest at the sight of the boy you loved pleading, begging you to just tell him why you had let yourself fall apart. To let him in. To let him help you.
It really was time to tell him.
You sighed, walking back to the bed.
When you sat down your hands began trembling. You didn’t look at him, you looked forward into nothingness. You could feel his gaze on you now.
How did one approach this? How did one get this kind of thing out? You spent what felt like minutes trying to get the courage to speak up, to say something.
And JJ waited. He sat silently, waiting for you to be ready.
It was only when his hesitant fingers touched your hand that you found the courage hand that you spoke up.
“It was that kegger.” You started, voice feeble, “It was like — like, two weeks ago.”
“What about the kegger?” You could hear the confusion in his voice.
“I don’t know if you remember that touron that flirted with me all night, the one I left with.”
A pause.
JJ was starting to get it, a terrible feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.
“What did he do?” His voice was stoic, hard. You felt your hands tremble.
It wasn’t unusual for you or him or any other of the pogues to leave with someone, to hook up with someone met at a party. You’d always told him you’d never went further than making out. Just once had you went third base with a guy, someone you’d been seeing for a few months at the time. (Of course, being in love with him, you’d always hoped JJ would be your first time, and so you’d been waiting for him. Even if you knew he certainly wasn’t a virgin himself.)
So It wasn’t anything new for you to maybe leave with someone, but what had him dreading your next words was that he’d already started connecting the dots. You’d been miserable for weeks and it had something to do with this guy. JJ didn’t think of himself as smart, but he also didn’t think it would take a genius to figure it out.
“He—“ how could you go on? How could you shutter his heart? “JJ I can’t…”
You felt your eyes beginning to sting, the burning anticipation of tears. You exhaled deeply, trying to look at him. You weren’t strong enough.
His hands found your face, gently forcing you to look at him. His eyes were begging you, an angry and desperate storm simmering behind the blue ocean.
You let go then, completely crumbling beneath his touch, his hold. A broken sob left your lips as the tears cascaded in an endless flow on your cheeks.
JJ shut his eyes, looking like he was straining himself, like it physically pained him to see you like this. He took a deep breath, his gaze found yours once again and this time his eyes were watering.
“Did—“ he stuttered, his voice completely broken, “Did he touch you?”
You knew he meant raped, but he didn’t want to trigger you even more. You knew he knew now the boy had taken you against your will, had taken the very thing you’d saved for someone special in a brutal, scarring way you would never forget. You knew he’d ruined you forever.
You found the will to nod softly.
His hands suddenly left your face, the absence of his touch leaving you feeling cold and alone. You sobbed, again, as you watched him storm out of the room. You tried following him, calming him down, but how could you when you didn’t have enough strength for yourself?
You placed your hands on your ears when the yelling and shuttering of glass reached you. Despite this, you could still hear the rumbling of objects being thrown and the voices of the pogues now intervening. You could vaguely make out Kie’s voice trying to calm him down and John B screaming at him to tell him what happened.
You don’t know how you found yourself curled up in the corner of the room, knees to your chest and hands still covering your ears. Your eyes were shut as your chest heaved uncontrollably as you fought the panic attack you felt coming.
Then, silence.
A shattered sob. Someone crying.
You didn’t know how much time had passed before you felt the touch of someone on your hands, prying them away.
“Hey, hey, it’s me.”
Kie crouched down before you, her eyes glossy and lips trembling as she reached her arms out to you.
She knew. Everyone knew now.
“I’m sorry.” She cried and you found yourself engulfed in her embrace, her arms around your body and your head buried in her neck.
You couldn’t breathe, you felt the anxiety and the panic swallowing you as you fought to stop the sobbing.
“JJ.” You hoarsely let out between broken cries.
“Okay, okay, babe, calm down.” She whispered to you, standing back to hold your face in her hands, “Try to breathe for me, he’ll be here in a minute, okay?”
She turned around quickly, and only then did you notice Sarah standing in doorway. Her hand was on her mouth as she silently cried, too shocked to do anything.
“Sarah, please get JJ here.” She pleaded, her voice as serious as ever.
The blonde was gone in mere seconds, disappearing in the hallway to supposedly retrieve her friend.
You needed him, and hoped he’d find the strength to be there for you. You hoped he’d be there to hold you.
“Breathe for me, okay?” Kiara’s eyes found yours and you felt your heart warm at the worry you saw in them.
Your friends cared for you so much, and yet here you were making them cry.
You nodded, just for her sake but really couldn’t.
“I love you.” You sobbed out and reached your hands out to hold her hands, still trying to breathe.
She inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to show you how to do it. Tears flowed down her cheeks at your sweet words, and Kiara had never felt so guilty in her whole seventeen years. How could she have been so blind? It was so clear something had been wrong with you, yet she’d never pushed it as not to overstep any boundaries you had put between yourself and the pogues lately. She just though you needed your time.
“I love you too, Y/N/N.” She sniffed, her hands finding their way around your shoulders again in a desperate attempt to hold you to her, to protect you. It was too late, she’d been a shitty friend, she felt it was her fault.
“Kiara.” Sarah’s worried voice sounded from behind her.
Kiara backed away to look at her blonde friend, her eyebrows furrowed at the concerned tone in her voice. Something was wrong.
“JJ’s gone.”
You don’t know how you recovered from the sinking feeling in your chest and the panic attack that sentence triggered, you don’t remember how long it took them to calm you down, how long they’d tried helping you breathe for. At one point, Sarah had been so scared she’d proposed calling an ambulance. But then you’d grown so tired, slumping against Kie’s chest as she softly ran a hand down your back, silently thanking God. You just remembered them laying you down on the bed, each of them on either side of you as they held you close in their familiar, comforting embrace. The last thing you remembered was the thought of JJ in your mind.
Even in your sleep you could swear it was his scent that was engulfing you. You could vaguely sense his strong arms around you as you stirred awake.
You opened your eyes, and you could feel how swollen they were. They were probably red, too.
And there he was. You’d been right.
You don’t know when, but he’d moved you so you were laying on him. His arms were around you as he rested against the headboard, your face buried in his neck.
You moved your face away, slightly, just so you could look at his face.
You felt your breath hitch when you found him staring right back at you. An intensity in his eyes you’d never seen.
“JJ.” Your voice was hoarse, broken.
His eyes immediately softened. You could see the dark bags under them and your heart shuttered.
“I’m here.” His voice was soft, broken.
You sighed, falling back into his embrace.
You had a terrible feeling about his disappearance, a fear in the back of your mind about where you were almost sure he could have gone during the time he was gone. What he could have done.
You knew he remembered who the touron was, and knew for a fact he’d still be on the island for a whole month. The two things combined didn’t make for a good ending.
You didn’t want to ask, though, just wanting to be with JJ. You didn’t want to think about him, about what JJ could have done to him. The only thing that worried you was the consequences, but you knew your boy was smart, so you pushed the thoughts away for now and just enjoyed the way his presence subsided your pain.
“Don’t leave me again.” You whispered.
He inhaled, like it pained him to hear you say that.
“I won’t.”
You knew he wanted to say more, he was just trying to figure out the best way to do it. He’d never been one to talk, never good at expressing his feelings. You didn’t mind.
“Does it hurt?” He cut the silence, deciding on voicing his worries regarding the physical part first.
You frowned, tightening your grip on his shirt.
“Not anymore.” You let out.
You could hear his rage in the silence.
“What time is it?” You tried diverting his anger, suddenly wondering how long it had been.
“Four.” His hand found his way to your head, his fingers starting to play with your hair. He knew it calmed you.
You loved him so much, it hurt you. How you wished it was him instead. You’d always thought that maybe, somehow, he would be. That’s why you’d been waiting, saving your special moment for the person you loved most in the world.
Your mind started to wander. You imagined how it could’ve been, how sweet JJ would be with you. You imagined his lips on yours and his strong arms around you and his scent clouding your senses. You imagined his sweet words when it would hurt, and then your mind betrayed you and instead carried you to your pained cries and his threatens to stay still.
You opened your eyes, trying to forget about it.
In a daze, you let the words out.
“You know, I’d always hoped it’d be you.”
You felt surprised hearing yourself voicing your feelings for him after all this years.
You didn’t regret it, it was how you felt. And it was time he knew. You were kind of grateful of the numbness that brought you to confess yourself to him, or else he’d probably never known.
You felt his breath hitch, the movements of his hand stopped.
It took him some moments to speak up.
“What do you mean?” He tried, hesitant.
There was no use in trying to take it back, you wanted him to know.
“I’d always hoped you’d be my first time.” You admitted, being completely honest now, “For so long, I’ve rejected everyone because I was waiting for you.”
You didn’t want him to say he felt the same about you, that he loved you. You didn’t care if he reciprocated your feelings because you were just so glad you’d finally told him the truth that either way you’d be happy. You’d love him nonetheless.
Obviously, though, all of your heart hoped he would.
You didn’t expect what happened next.
You didn’t expect the broken sob that left his mouth, you didn’t expect him to pull his hands away from you to cover his eyes with their back.
You knew your heart was already completely broken, so why did it feel like this was the most painful thing you’d ever gone through and that it was shuttering for real this time? You felt devastated at the thought of being the cause of this. What had you done?
You sat back, looking at him and you felt tears running down your cheeks before you knew it.
“JJ, I’m sorry.” You hurried, “You don’t have to say anything back. I swear, I don’t care if you don’t feel the same.”
He cried, his knees coming up to his chest and his hands staying on his face, shielding its view from you.
It took him so long for him to speak up, you’d already concluded he was feeling guilty about not feeling the same. You waited, tears cascading down your skin as you watched the boy you loved break down in front of you.
You didn’t know how long it passed when his voice cut the silence.
“Maybe-” he started, but had to breathe a few times in order to go on, “Maybe if you’d known — if I had told you I love you and I’d do anything for you, you would have never met that fucking sick-”
He stopped, now sobering up and realizing the mention of that guy could have triggered bad memories for you.
You stayed silent, refusing to believe this.
JJ actually felt the same about you?
You felt something, something for the first time in almost a month. You felt happiness swirl inside of you and you had to breathe out in relief at the feeling of something other than pain.
JJ removed his hands from his face.
“This is my fault.” His eyes were completely broken.
You could see behind them the guilt that would forever torment him. Suddenly you put your happiness aside and the realization hit you that he believed if he’d confessed himself to you, this could have been avoided.
“JJ, what are you saying?” You rushed to him, your hand coming up to meet his beautiful face, “Don’t ever believe that. This is none of your fault. It’s his. No one else’s.”
He shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows. JJ looked away from you, a pained expression on his beautiful features.
“You don’t understand, Y/N.” His voice was strained, “I could have avoided all of this.”
You couldn’t believe he was blaming himself.
You shook your head, “No! JJ, you couldn’t have known. You couldn’t have know how I felt about you. Stop blaming yourself, please. You’re hurting me.”
He turned to look at you again, his gaze immediately finding yours.
Only then did something shift in his eyes. Another realization. This time, JJ felt extremely selfish. He looked into your eyes to see the pain behind them and could only think about how extremely selfish he was being in giving you another burden to carry. The worry of him feeling guilty.
“I’m sorry, angel.” It was all he said.
Exhausted, he slumped against the headboard again, laying down on the cushions. You were hesitant, not really knowing if he wanted your comfort. It was paining you, the absence of his touch. You needed him, but also knew he was fighting another battle in his head.
Then he extended his arm to grab you by your waist and pull you against him. You sighed in relief once in his arms again.
“I really want you to know that it had nothing to do with you. Nothing could have changed it.” You sniffled, your hand coming up to play with his hair.
JJ felt like shit. Here you were, trying to make him feel better when you were the one who’d gone through it.
He nodded for your sake, although in his mind he’d always think that if he’d just told you, maybe you two could have been together. Things could have gone differently for you.
It wasn’t about courage. In fact, JJ didn’t have a single amount of shame in him. It was just that he loved you so much and he was so sure you could never reciprocate his feelings that he preferred not to ruin your friendship. He always thought it was pretty clear he liked you, that the pet names and the constant physical contact gave it away. But apparently they didn’t. Not for you at least.
There wasn’t time for you to wonder about what was going to happen now, the distraction from this moment already subsiding to the pain you’d constantly felt all of this time. It was draining.
You’d love him no matter what, whether he wanted to be with you or not. That, you knew.
Now, you just wanted to feel the comfort he brought you and you just wanted to be with him. To have him so close to you. Because he was the only one who could ease this never ending pain.
His voice cut your thoughts off.
“I wish it could have been me, baby.”
You guessed with all of the tears you’d cried, it’d be physically impossible for you to have any more in you to spill. But apparently not.
“I know, now. That’s all that matters.” You spoke, “You’re all that matters, JJ.”
You felt his heartbeat quicken underneath your head.
“We’ll figure this out together, okay?” He asked.
You held him tighter. You nodded, grateful for his presence.
He spent the rest of the night whispering sweet nothings in your ear, wiping away your tears and caressing your hair. You’d barely speak, too drained from everything.
At some point, you felt sleep carrying you away. But not before a thought occurred to you.
“I love you, too, by the way.” You whispered softly.
haven't logged in this acc in so long it's weird

one this is so good and i love it two I'm obsessed three i need more of them and four I'm screaming rn
Ooooohhh if you ever get the chance please do another story w/ my bad! Vinnie! like somewhere his teasing is too much and the reader gets sad or something. Idk I just stories like enemies to lovers lol
𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗳𝗮𝗿

𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x fem!enemy!influencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: vinnie doesn’t seem to understand what the word ‘no’ means.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, teasing, vinnie being a bully lmao + angst
𝗔/𝗡: this is a part two of my bad and was highly requested so i hope you guys enjoy!
y/b/f/n = your best friends name!
it had been almost a month since the whole ‘perfume’ situation with mia, and things were going fine. vinnie was still a major pain in the ass to you, for reasons still unknown, but it wasn’t the small things he did in the house that pissed you off anymore.
it was when he’d do it in public.
the entirety of coachella, vinnie was a constant stick up your ass. instead of being able to enjoy the performances, vinnie would ‘accidentally’ kick the heels of your feet. you’d turn and yell at him to stop, but he’d keep going. constantly stepping on your shoes and bumping into you, you were surprised that you hadn’t fallen yet. to say that it was childish and annoying was an understatement and you ended up having nai stand behind you to block the boy from kicking at your heels.
he, of course, didn’t do the same thing to nai when she took your place, and instead was a complete gentleman, asking the girl if she could see okay and if she needed water.
you, though? never. you just get picked on and annoyed by the boy until a high-pitched ringing floods through your head and you have to blame it on the speakers instead.
texting y/b/f/n, you double checked to make sure that she was ready before setting the phone up and looking over your appearance in the camera. the house was completely silent, a rare occurrence that only happened when everyone was out, or at least it was supposed to be.
hearing the sound of footsteps leading to the familiar room beside yours, you felt your heart sink. rolling your eyes and leaving the phone set up, you quickly marched into vinnie’s room to see him doing exactly what you feared he’d do— start a stream.
“seriously?! mind knocking first?!” he threw his hands up in the air, his headphones wrapped around his neck.
“what the hell are you doing here, vinnie?”
“streaming, what’s it look like.”
“why aren’t you with everyone else at jaden’s party?!”
his confused expression was a complete façade and you knew it, your arms crossed and jaw clenched as you waited for his shitty excuse.
“i left early! already told fans i’d be on tonight.” he shrugged, holding his attention on his computer and clicking away at his mouse as if you weren’t even there.
“yeah right!” you scoffed.
“it’s true!” his gaze never left the screen, playing with his bottom lip with his thumb and leaning forwards to read something.
“vinnie, just be quiet, okay? i have a stream tonight with y/b/f/n and she’s really nervous so it can’t go wrong okay?”
“stream?” vinnie looked at you, suddenly interested in your words.
“yes, just on instagram. we were gonna talk about our predictions on the new stranger things season but she’s never met my fans before so we are just gonna go live on my spam account so there’s less people and it’s more chill. she’s really, really nervous and i need everything to go well, okay?”
“i’m serious vinnie, no bullshit.”
“okay! can you leave now?!”
you started the live and once y/b/f/n was ready, you invited her into the stream. she had always been super shy and the idea of you being an influencer was quite frightening to her. the two of you had been friends since sophmore year and had always done everything together, and you had made a promise that internet fame wouldn’t split you two up.
sure, your fans had heard you talk about her before and some of them had done some digging and followed her, but for the most part, they didn’t know much about the girl and that didn’t sit right with you.
y/b/f/n was a huge part of your life and you were sick of leaving her out of your content, but at the same time, you wanted her to be comfortable.
everything was going fine and there were only around 4k viewers which was a perfect amount for you to get y/b/f/n started on. after introducing her to everyone, you two began to answer questions and read comments— all of them extremely positive but that was to be expected since it was your spam account. your main account was where all the hype house fans where while your spam was a bit more personal. you loved using it as a way to talk to your fan pages and get ideas from people without all the madness.
“ugh, i’m sorry, can you guys hear that?” you questioned, pulling your hair back and trying to keep your cool as vinnie’s loud screams echoed and streamed through the walls.
“yeah, is that vinnie?” y/b/f/n asked.
“do they know about your guys’ feud?”
you weren’t expecting y/b/f/n to say anything about it and assumed she knew not to, but clearly she didn’t. your eyes widened and looked through the comments.
@ userone: fued?!?
@ usertwo: HUH?
@ userthree: vinnie and y/n hate eachother?!!
“uh, guys. she’s kidding, we don’t have a fued. hold on, i’m sorry. i’ll be right back.” you spoke through the sounds of slamming keyboards and screeches coming from the boys room.
keep your cool, y/n.
he’s on stream, fans can hear you.
“vinnie?!” you called out, peeking through his door.
“huh? yeah?”
“can you please keep it down a little?”
“oh, god. guys, the party pooper has come to tell me to be quiet. yes your majesty!”
you rolled your eyes and closed the door, making your way back to your room.
“sorry guys, i can’t stand being roommates with her. she hates fun and sucks the fun out of everything i swear.” vinnie read through the comments, people asking why you shushed him. “she’s doing a live stream on her spam account, you guys should go tell her to leave me alone, goddamn it!” he hit his table, laughing. “i wanna play valorant in peace. fucking christ.”
people in vinnie’s chat began commenting amongst themselves, repeating the username to your spam for viewers to access.
you felt so fucking awful.
4k viewers turned into 11k and the once kind comments were now blatantly attacking you and y/b/f/n. you could feel her become overwhelmed and rushed to end the live, texting her to make sure she was okay.
the comments were flooded with the familiar name, vinnie.
people accusing you of pestering him and bothering him on stream, while others were making rude comments on you and your friend. not only that, but your followers on your spam skyrocketed and not in a good way.
you knew not all of his fans would like you but you had no idea why they would all attack you like that, and they especially had no right to attack your best friend.
you okay?
i swear, y/b/f/n i had no idea that would happen
i’m so sorry
you panicked, wanting to go scream at the boy on the other side of the wall but knowing it would only make it worse.
i’m fine.
you knew that was a lie.
you checked instagram to see that tiktok pages were already talking about it, captions of you being a ‘bully’ and ruining his stream were all over your homepage.
“fucking vinnie.” you whined, trying not to breakdown then and there. you wanted to go tell him off but remembered that he was still streaming. you instead sent him a message.
thanks for ruining my stream and traumatizing y/b/f/n. hope yours was good.
vinnie opened the message on stream, frantically leaving the game and saying that he had to go.
whatever i’m done. goodnight
gulping, he tore off his headset and made his way to your room, stopping outside of the door as he heard a noise.
you were crying.
vinnie had never heard you cry before and he never expected it to hurt him as badly as it did. he knocked lightly.
you poked your head out from under the blanket, the room completely pitch black.
“go away!”
he could hear the pain in your voice and he wasn’t sure what to do. the only thing he wanted to do was something that he couldn’t, so he sat outside of the room, his legs crossed and facing the door.
“i didn’t think that they would actually do it.”
“yeah, right!” you cried, shoving your face in your pillow.
“y/n, i swear. i didn’t think that they would do it, and i’m so sorry—“
“i don’t want you apology vinnie!”
he looked down at his lap, contemplating what you were thinking. “then what do you want?”
“i want you to leave me alone. just stop talking to me, stop competing with me and pretend that i don’t exist unless other people are around. not everything is a fucking joke, vinnie! if you don’t like me, fine, then just fucking ignore me! that’s what i want.”
it took everything in him not to pry open that door and tell you just how wrong you were. tell you how much he in fact did like you and help wipe your tears away, but he didn’t.
instead, he walked away with the guilt weighing him down and tried his best to sleep through your cries.
@radioblah-blah @eilishbby @lolalee24
i think i have a type

i'm so excited for all of these, can't wait to read them
hey guys!
just to prove to you guys how busy i am, here are all of the requests i have to do. some of them were requested MONTHS ago.
plus i have the boxer that i need to update 😭
AND the rest of the hype house fics.

disclaimer: i am not super comfortable with smut so i don’t really do it! :)
i only write angst with happy endings! so if the ending is sad, there will be a part two <3
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 CLOSED
♥︎ angst
☀︎︎ fluff
♡︎ smut
♫ based on a song
𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ♥︎☀︎︎
☞︎ 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁♥︎☀︎︎
𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ☀︎︎
𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 ☀︎︎
𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 ☀︎︎
𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗻! ☀︎︎
𝗺𝗶𝘅𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ♥︎☀︎︎
𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 ☀︎︎
𝘀𝗮𝘆 𝗶𝘁 ♥︎☀︎︎
𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗻 𝗜𝗜 ☀︎︎
𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 ♥︎☀︎︎
𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴♥︎☀︎︎
𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 ☀︎︎
𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘀 ☀︎︎
☞︎ 𝗴𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗲 ☀︎︎
✔︎ 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟵 ♫
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘂𝗽 ♥︎♫
☞︎ 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗼 ♥︎♡︎♫
𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆 ♥︎♫
𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻♡︎
𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿 ♥︎
𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗲𝗽 ♫☀︎︎
꧁ᴀᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ꧂
𝗰𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀 ♫♥︎
𝗵𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 ☀︎︎
𝗷𝗮𝘄-𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗽 ☀︎︎♥︎
i miss jj
my boyfriends sharing something, that's it

i missed them so much

this is one of the best days im not kidding
my baby sadie is getting the recognition she deserves for the all too well short film, her and dylan's performances were insane, they're so fucking talented. i'm so happy for her, she deserves this so much

the fact that i have all this fics ideas and i can’t write a single one is so annoying