38 posts
Me Trying To Draw A Shocked Face But Accidentally Draw The Scream

Me trying to draw a shocked face but accidentally draw The Scream
honey-bell-aint-well liked this · 6 months ago
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me in the kitchen whenever my mom's cooking during winter

finally someone said it
The ice age movies where a key part of everyone i knows childhood but i never see anybody talk about them. So weird that they would have so much cultural impact on a whole generation then just disappear
this is epic and terrifying at the same time holy shit

Robots are funnier than us
TBH both Serizawa and Daijin deserved so much more
serizawa is so fucking funny. he dresses like some shady loan shark scammer but wants to be a teacher. he lied about souta owing him money for no reason whatsoever. he got a beat-up car for cheap and just patched up the door with duct tape when it fell off. he has a road trip playlist and switches songs to match the mood. he was willing to drive a whole seven hours to help this girl he barely knew find his friend no questions asked just because he had the tiniest bit of faith that she knew what to do. like yeah sure souta is hot or whatever but serizawa stole the whole fucking show and i've got nothing but massive respect for him he is THE king of all time and everyone should know it!!