97teddy97 - Teddy's Nonsense
Teddy's Nonsense

I occasionally post drawings of mine, but mostly I just do a lot of liking of high quality artwork & memes. (mostly memes)

54 posts

97teddy97 - Teddy's Nonsense - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
A Triple Fusion Of:

A triple fusion of:

Miltank x Gardevoir x Toxel,

Requested by "coolchildsworld"

It has a strong sense of waht emotions others are feeling, & it gains more power the more positive emotions are emanating nearby. So it aims to make others around it happier, despite itself being in a negative mood most of the time. & it chooses to do so by dance. If it can make at least 1 happier each day, it can go about its day satisfied. However, should it's dancing ever causes any negative emotions in others, it'll become disheartened & reclusive, going into a state of emotional emptiness for nearly a whole week!

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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2 years ago
A Togetic X Lickilicky X Bunnelby Hexafusion, Requested By "storymakinggoods" (yet Again!)

A Togetic x Lickilicky x Bunnelby Hexafusion, requested by "storymakinggoods" (yet again!)

~ each individual fusion can be found below, complete with their own short bios.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

A Togetic X Lickilicky X Bunnelby Hexafusion, Requested By "storymakinggoods" (yet Again!)

Togetic x Lickilicky:

- These creature are know for their huge appetites. The only thing they enjoy more than food is making others happy. If they see another wild Pokémon who's hungry, they will gladly give up their own food to help them out. The happiness of others is more important to them then their own endless hunger.

A Togetic X Lickilicky X Bunnelby Hexafusion, Requested By "storymakinggoods" (yet Again!)

Lickilicky x Bunnelby:

- They were once extreme pests to people's gardens, digging & eating all the produce from underneath. Eventually people realized they could be useful for tilling & cultivating their gardens because of their amazing digging skills - & they discovered that if they voluntarily offered up a portion if their produce, these mons would gladly off their digging services. Anything for a free snack!

A Togetic X Lickilicky X Bunnelby Hexafusion, Requested By "storymakinggoods" (yet Again!)

Togetic x Bunnelby:

- Being able to burrow and fly, it does a fun trick where it leaps from hole to hole (kinda like those funny fountains at water parks!) as a way to entertain children & young Pokémon, because making people laugh & smile is what it lives for.

[Idk, I was kinda at a loss on this one...😖]

A Togetic X Lickilicky X Bunnelby Hexafusion, Requested By "storymakinggoods" (yet Again!)

Togetic x Lickilicky x Bunnelby:

- With elements from each of the previous fusions, this creature loves to dig, eat, & most of all, create joy in the lives of others around them! They make for great household pets due to their help in home-gardens & how good they are with kids. (Despite needing to be fed an especially large amount of food!)

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2 years ago
A Quadruple Fusion Of:

A quadruple fusion of:

Miltank x Stunky x Toxel x Pawmi,

requested by "storymakinggoods" (again)

These critters hang around farmlands, & they can either be a farmers best friend or worst nightmare, depending on how they're recieved when they first appear. If a farmer treats them like a pest & angrily chases them away, they'll grow enraged & dash through the farm, leaving behind a trail of horrible stench that can make livestock sick & crops wither. Conversely, if a farmer stays calm & welcomes them in, they'll become so overwhelmed with happiness that they'll actually be of great assistance to the farm by secreting a rather pleasant aroma that has the ability to help rejuvenate the livestock & fertilize crops. It all depends on their mood & how they're treated by humans ~ let this be a warning to all who come across them!

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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2 years ago

Could you fuse Doduo and Bonsly?

It would be kinda fun to fuse mons from the same line, but.. I'm not too sure about doing so for these randomly generated ones. I may consider it for ones that I feel passionately about. (Either ones I hand pick, or random ones that turn out really really good.)

2 years ago
A Randomized Dodrio X Sudowoodo Fusion.

A randomized Dodrio x Sudowoodo fusion.

Like regular Sudowoodo, they try to disguise themselves as real plants, but in this case, they hide in more domestic areas as potted plants. If they're discovered & feel threatened, they'll pop their legs out of their pot & sprint away at surprisingly high speeds, comparable to those of regular Dodrio.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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2 years ago

Talk about Deviled Eggs! 😈

Talk About Deviled Eggs!

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2 years ago
A Smoochum X Scorbunny X Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested By "storymakinggoods"

A Smoochum x Scorbunny x Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested by "storymakinggoods"

~ The individual fusions that went into this Hexafusion, complete with short bios, are found below.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

A Smoochum X Scorbunny X Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested By "storymakinggoods"

Smoochum x Scorbunny:

- These little fellas are very friendly, & like to run around the woodland areas where they live, using twigs, leaves, & berries to 'dress up' or 'beautify' other small woodland Pokémon, as though they were applying makeup & running their own little fashion shows.

A Smoochum X Scorbunny X Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested By "storymakinggoods"

Scorbunny x Toxel

- These scamps are known for their extremely short tempers, & you do NOT want to be around when they throw a tantrum! When they cry, the flames on their head will grow to be extremely hot & begin spewing out searing hot ambers like a sparkler!

A Smoochum X Scorbunny X Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested By "storymakinggoods"

Smoochum x Toxel

- These little ones always seem to have a sour attitude about everything. They'll turn down any opportunity for social interaction, as they're much more comfortable being left alone. (Relatable amirite?) But with enough time & a strong enough bond, they can really open up to a trainer that they've made a good connection with.

A Smoochum X Scorbunny X Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested By "storymakinggoods"

Smoochum x Scorbunny x Toxel

- With attributes of all it's other components: They have a generally laid back nature & will tend to just go along with whatever's happening around them. They're open to engaging in social activity with other Pokémon & trainers, even if their face doesn't show it.. But, do anything to get on their bad side, & they'll hold a strong grudge and will go into hiding, shutting themselves out from everyone around them. To an outsider, that may seem like overreaction, but in reality they do this to protect others from the fiery rage they go into ~ they may look cute & harmless, but they can cause some serious havoc when they've been crossed ~ & they know it!

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3 years ago
What Is This, Some Kinda Beta Glaceon Design??

What is this, some kinda beta Glaceon design??

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3 years ago
A Hand-picked Wartortle X Gligar Fusion.

A hand-picked Wartortle x Gligar fusion.

These 'Mon live on rocky, cliffside beaches. Researchers & beachgoers alike describe the way they're seen gliding through the salty sea air as: like they're "surfing on the wind". They will often playfully glide right alongside surfers in the ocean.

~ Hopefully the little diagram on the side gets my idea across well enough.. It's meant to show that the wings connect right between the base of the shell & the back of the shell - also to show that it even has a shell in the first place! You can't see any of it in the main image! It's not fully inside a shell like the Squirtle line, it's just wearing a shell on its back (Yoshi Style)

Changed up the formatting a little compared to my previous fusions. Nice & centered now. Don't know why I wasn't doing that before... (Also tried out a new style of shading this time around - not sure how much I like it... Might have to experiment a little more.)

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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3 years ago
Someone Seems A Little Confused, But They've Got The Right Spirit!

Someone seems a little confused, but they've got the right spirit! 😅

(Or they're just being a troll. 😏)

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3 years ago
A Chikorita X Scorbunny X Skwovet HEXAFUSION, Requested By "dusthingpostsfash"

A Chikorita x Scorbunny x Skwovet HEXAFUSION, Requested by "dusthingpostsfash"

(My first ever Hexafusion! I've always been curious about trying one of these, so this was a great opportunity to give it a try! & despite being a LOT more work than a regular fusion, it was quite fun, & I'm inspired to do more hexafusions in the future!)

~ The individual fusions that went into this Hexafusion, complete with little bios, is found below.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

A Chikorita X Scorbunny X Skwovet HEXAFUSION, Requested By "dusthingpostsfash"

Chikorita x Scorbunny:

- This leafy little bun thrives both in Spring & Autumn. In fact, it spends most of the Summer & Winter seasons hibernating, which is when you would most frequently see other bunny type Pokémon out & about, making these ones a rather rare find.

A Chikorita X Scorbunny X Skwovet HEXAFUSION, Requested By "dusthingpostsfash"

Scorbunny x Skwovet:

- These little guys love both running & eating. However it's only capable of short, quick bursts of intense speed, before having to stop & stuff its face with berries in order to 'refuel' itself for it's next sprint.

A Chikorita X Scorbunny X Skwovet HEXAFUSION, Requested By "dusthingpostsfash"

Chikorita x Skwovet:

- This chunky creature is known for lazily wandering around in grasslands & forests. They love to eat, but they're almost never seen scavenging for food, likely because they have been known to chew on the leaves around it's neck & pluck out the buds growing in it's hair as a snack. Luckily for them, their foliage grows back incredibly quickly!

A Chikorita X Scorbunny X Skwovet HEXAFUSION, Requested By "dusthingpostsfash"

Chikorita x Scorbunny x Skwovet:

- Taking the best attributes of each of it's base components, these lil cuties are phenomenal runners, & can run for longer bursts because it's able to munch on the nutrient rich, ever growing leaves around it's neck on the go, especially so in the Spring & Autumn when their leaves are at their strongest. Due to their limited seasonal appearances & incredible bursts of speed, they are very very difficult to capture!

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3 years ago
Here's A Hand-picked Aipom X Sableye Fusion

Here's a hand-picked Aipom x Sableye fusion

These little gremlins creatures are quite rare, as they are only know to be found within caves located in dense jungles. They love hoarding gems, especially due to their scarcity in jungle environments. Luckily for them, the gems on their tail act as a sort of dowsing rod to help them locate more difficult to find gems.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

Here's A Hand-picked Aipom X Sableye Fusion

(Here's an extra spooky version! ooOOoo)

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3 years ago
My... My Face Has... No Shadow?!

My... my face has... no shadow?!

Should I see a doctor? Or maybe... a witch doctor?! 😱

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3 years ago
A Hand-picked Quilava X Weavile Fusion

A hand-picked Quilava x Weavile fusion

With an ice cold stare & a red hot temper, you'd think it would be quite a challenge to make friends with these wild creatures. However, while they may act tough on the outside, with enough time & the right trainer, they can actually be quite docile!

(I've been doing a lot of random/request fusions, but I haven't done any personal picks. So I figured, why not start off with 2 of my most favorite 'Mons ever! & might I say, the end result is pretty sweet. 😋)

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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4 years ago
A Fennekin X Popplio Fusion, Requested By "pkmhardplayer" (Again, Again)
A Fennekin X Popplio Fusion, Requested By "pkmhardplayer" (Again, Again)

A Fennekin x Popplio Fusion, requested by "pkmhardplayer" (Again, again)

These adorable creatures a real hit at the circus, thanks to their incredible ability to breathe rings of fire that can stay suspended in mid-air long enough for them to gracefully leap through! It's a sight to behold!

(It's color scheme makes it look like a grass type - it's watermelon colored! That's just how these 2 Pokémon's colors ended up mixing.)

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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4 years ago
A Chespin X Scorbunny Fusion, Requested By "pkmhardplayer" (Again)

A Chespin x Scorbunny Fusion, requested by "pkmhardplayer" (Again)

(My favorite fusion I've done this far! Too cute!! 😍 Thanks for the suggestion!)

These little ones are known to run about the forests during Autumn, gathering & storing food in preparation for the long Winter months, though they are rarely ever seen, thanks to their Autumn colored coats.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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4 years ago
A Smoochum X Meditite Fusion, Requested By "pkmhardplayer" (My 1st Ever Request!)

A Smoochum x Meditite Fusion, requested by "pkmhardplayer" (My 1st ever request!)

This lil' yoga baby likes to join in on it's trainer's yoga/meditation routine, but often has too much energy to keep still for long, often negating the relaxing nature that it was intended for.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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4 years ago
Me & The Boys At 6PM Looking For EGGS!!!

Me & the Boys at 6PM looking for EGGS!!!

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4 years ago
The Gang's All Here! Treeko, Torchic, &....Mudkip.... ?

The gang's all here! Treeko, Torchic, &....Mudkip.... 🤨?

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4 years ago
The Gang's All Here! Bulbasaur, Charmander, &....Squirtle.... ?

The gang's all here! Bulbasaur, Charmander, &....Squirtle.... 🤨?

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5 years ago
A Randomized Sealeo X Kricketot Fusion

A randomized Sealeo x Kricketot fusion

Seals typically aren't the greatest singers, but this little maestro's got an ear for music, & as a result it's trained itself to sing quite beautifully. (At least compared to other seals.)

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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5 years ago
Huh, That's Not What I Remember Empoleon Looking Like.. Must Be Shiny Or Something..

Huh, that's not what I remember Empoleon looking like.. 🤔 Must be shiny or something..

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5 years ago
A Randomized Frillish X Magnemite Fusion

A randomized ♂️ Frillish x Magnemite fusion

(Male or Female was chosen by coin flip. I could both, but.. I'm lazy.)

This kinda turned out to look like a deep-sea satellite. With a different color scheme, this little guy looks like it could easily be a Bug/Grass type, especially if you see the tentacles as creepy-crawly legs (really puts the 'mite' in 'Magnemite'). It kinda gives me Sonic series Wisp vibes.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I'll add them to my to-do list.

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5 years ago

Heheheh... -w-

Heheheh... -w-

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