Are We Still Showing Each Other Our Favourite Pictures Of Roger Taylor? Cause May I Present This One

Are we still showing each other our favourite pictures of Roger Taylor? Cause may I present this one right here. This one’s mine.
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More Posts from A-killvr-queen
Game Over Part 1 (Roger Taylor x Reader)
W/C: 3,600 - ish Warnings: Cheating, cursing SMUT. ANGST Summary: An OPTIONAL angsty second part spin-off to The Game! If you didn’t read it, I highly suggest reading it before attempting to read this. I will attach links for it, as well as a link to my masterlist! Enjoy!
A/N: I imagined Ben as Roger Taylor when writing this, however you are of course free to imagine actual Roger Taylor. Anyway, read and enjoy!
The Game:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7*, Part 8*.

Tonight was not all that different from any other party at Freddie’s house. The drinking the dancing, midgets, people nearly 8 feet tall, acrobats, basically if they were a little different from your standard human being Freddie invited them.
Roger sat with his arm draped coolly around my shoulder. I giggled every time Brian or John took a dig at him. It was all in good fun.
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“A lot of people tell me I’m a bit dreamy. But I like the idea of that. Of being somewhere else.”
— Alex Turner (via quotemadness)
freddie trying to explain something to roger during the one vision video and roger being confused as fuck is a mood.
What It Means To Be A Father | Ben Hardy Imagine
Word count: 800 words
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, a mention of abortion, a mention of sex, giving birth, postnatal tearing - nothing graphic!
Summary: A girl’s long-term boyfriend breaks up with her after finding out she is pregnant. Her best friend Ben finds himself taking on the responsibilities of dad.
A/N: I wrote this in first person POV cause i fancied it, you can still imagine that it’s you/whoever you want

The baby had always been his, really. Right from the moment he’d walked out of the kitchen - can opener and all - and presented me with the small, wet, ruby red kidney bean, right in the palm of my outstretched hand.
Of course, we’d have to tell her eventually that he wasn’t her biological father - but we had time for that. Years, in fact. Years of her toddling around on the play mat, too young to understand. Years of pure, domestic bliss.
I had been with her father for around three years when I found out I was pregnant with her. Delighted, I’d wrapped the test up in an old hat box, tying it up with a glossy pink ribbon, like something plucked straight out of the 1940s. That had always been my vision of family - conventional. Shiny.
Naturally, he was furious and demanded that I get rid of it or he’d leave me. Broken and needing him, I said I’d choose the former, and then of course he left me anyway.
And that was how I found myself upstairs on the double-decker bus at one in the morning, on the way to Ben’s house completely unannounced. I could only hope that he was home, and, more importantly than that, alone.
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Dad!Roger Headcanons

With you being a little bit younger than Roger, he can’t help but feel guilty when you first tell him. Harbouring the news until he gets home from a tour, all he wants is to make up for lost time with you… in bed. But you’re quick to stop him in the heat of the moment. He feels rejected. You argue. And the news comes out. “I’m pregnant!” you blurt, on the verge of tears.
Roger’s demeanour instantly changes. He’s always so quick tempered, but just as quick to soften up. Soon enough, his eyes are looking glassy too, wide with shock as he pulls you close. “And you’re certain?” he asks.
“I don’t know if I want to keep it,” you’d admit. A child was far too much of a burden at your age, but another part of you felt like Roger was perfect for you. You couldn’t imagine anyone else to have by your side, for life.
Roger’s disappointed and wracked with guilt. He feels like he’s ruined your life. But Queen are nearing the end of their ability to tour constantly, and he’s aching for the next big milestone in his life. Kids. Preferably with you. He keeps his thoughts to himself, while you deliberate, but he’s always reminding you that he’s right there if you need him.
You never really decided on what to do. Your pregnancy just got further and further along. Roger was always there. And everything just seemed to fall slowly into place. Before you knew it, you were waddling around the house, wondering how the hell the time had passed so quickly. Roger absolutely loves the way your body keeps changing.
Not just sexually. Roger tends to address your bump directly, reading aloud to it whenever he’s settled on the sofa with a book. He’ll lean over and read entire chapters at a time to the baby.
Neither of you want to know what you’re having. Anytime your doctor asks if you’d like to know, you both end up saying, ‘surprise us!’ in unison.
It’s not until you’re about eight months in that you start talking about names. Realising that you’re only a month away from meeting your new arrival, and that Roger’s been addressing the baby as ‘bump’ for as long as you can remember, you decide to discuss names. Lying together in bed, you decide to broach the subject. Roger has no shortage of suggestions. “What about Crystal. But with a K? Oh no, god forbid she becomes a stripper. Oh! What about… Porsche? Or Ferrari? I think we’re on to something.” “Also very strippery, Roger!”
Of course, when you go to register the birth, you think you’ve agreed on a normal name for your daughter. Maeve Taylor. However, just as you’ve left the registrar’s office, Roger decides to duck back inside, without you realising. “I’ll give you a tenner if you slip Ferrari in there for her middle name. Say nothing to the wife.”
Roger constantly refers to her as Ferrari, and you constantly have to remind him that it’s not her name. Until… he shows you her birth certificate which he’s been expertly hiding for months. “Actually, darling, you’ll see here, it’s one of her names.”
The baby is Roger’s TWIN. When Queen head into the studio, the band think it’s hilarious that she’s wearing a similar outfit to her dad - a jazzy shirt. He’s even gone to the trouble of having tiny baby sized sunglasses made for her. She’s always with Roger. He’s the only person who can get her to fall asleep or keep quiet - she’s a noisy little thing, just like her dad. Plus he secretly hopes that she might pick up a set of sticks and clobber Brian with them at some point.
When him and Freddie get drunk in the studio, they decide to teach Ferrari some important life lessons. Like how to swear. Freddie and Roger prop the one-year-old up on the edge of the mixing desk and start spouting the word, “Fuck.” It’s short enough that she can spit it out, despite her limited vocabulary. “Let’s try one better. What do we say when mummy tries to feed us veggies, Ferrari?” Roger asks. “We say ‘fuck ‘em,’ don’t we darling? Yes! Yes we do!” The little girl claps her hands together, grinning, “fuck ‘em.”
Roger’s bursting with pride at your daughter’s first sentence, even though you’re quick to remind him that it isn’t a complete sentence. Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to wrangle two babies!
When she’s much older, Roger’s still teaching her life skills. How to break a boy’s nose (he reminds her that it should be you teaching her because you were very good at it back in the day - it’s how you two met actually), and which universities are better than others (not fucking dentistry, anything but fucking dentistry? Politics? I specifically called you Ferrari to rule that out!). Also, drinking? He’s totally fine with it - just as long as you do it in the house. Drugs? He’ll definitely kick off about it and willl absolutely threaten to chuck his kids out if they do anything that’ll ‘seriously fuck you up.’
But he does come to blows over driving. He’d insist on teaching her how to drive and get so impatient with her that he makes her cry when she doesn’t get a manoeuvre right. He feels awful. His way of making it up to his daughter? Cooking her favourite dinner - even though you and your other kids hate Roger’s cooking. Maeve’s the only one that can stomach it!
All in all, I think Roger would be the most protective, and proud dad ever. He’d be so laid back in his old age though - I think he’d be really satisfied knowing that he’s raised a really well rounded, intelligent and fun loving family.
This is way longer than I intended - whoops!