☆Gata :þ ☆ She/Her/He/Him ☆ ☆Very Fucking Gay (Lesbian) ☆ ☆Demi Gender Fluid and Demi Girl (half girl half gender fluid), but I'm fine with being refrrred to as a girl ☆☆ Chilean ☆ ADHD ☆☆ Current Hyperfixation: Good Omens & Our Flag Means Death☆
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They’re so silly



day 1782

🎃 Pumpkin Spice Latte 🍁
Look at this smitten demon who's completely unbothered by the fact that he's third-wheeling right now
September's sticker!

I apparently really like drawing these two cuddling and napping together.
They deserve nice things ☀️

Art block is trying to kill me send help
I actually hate the Carmen Santiago finale. She had been systematically weakening to ultimately destroy v.i.l.e for 4 seasons but in the end she just tipped the interpol about the headquarters and the cops suddenly become competent enough to cach all the villains in 5 minutes long montage. And then Carmen ghosted the twins (two of the four people she considers family) leaving them only a note and suggesting they join the interpol. Netflix I am at your door
She always looks good but this was life changing:

flashback-centric episodes in carmen sandiego

uhh. lesbians
I'm rewatching Carmen Sandiego (again) and I feel like people don't talk enough about how Player could hear everything while Coach Brunt was literally squeezing the life out of Carmen. His best friend in the entire world, who he loves dearly and talks to nearly 24/7 and has a constant positive presence in his life, was genuinely dying on the other end of that call and he just had to sit there and listen knowing he couldn't do anything to save her. And imagine his momentary relief when Brunt is forced to let go, only to be replaced with absolute terror when he thinks for a second that Shadowsan just killed her instead. Like, the fear in his voice as he yells her name??? A fifteen year old boy desperately calling out for his best friend hoping the sound he just heard wasn't the sound of her being murdered???? HELLO????

Erm what the scallop

It's pride month you know what that means (this meme)
alt version and og meme this is based on under the cut

and the original

carmen and julia art dump I've been meaning to post for almost two months now<3
Completed color wheel challenge!

Am I late to the party
"i need someone who can match my freak"
my freak:

Somebody on twitter made a post about imagining Vaggie as Carmen Sandiego so it inspire me to draw Chaggie as JuleThief

my hair
that I believe everyone deserves a second chance
how easily I can understand poetry
that I can forgive people when they have proven to deserve to be forgiven
how I can learn stuff really fast most of the time
@mythologicalreader @sodomon @p3k1t4 @martinsharmony @makewayforbigcrossducks @merth-or-nothin @le0pard-pr1ncesspard @shadows-and-starlight
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers!!!
Ok? Uhh:
My Eyes
2. My intelligence
3. My style
4. My art
5. Music taste
@orchid-merryweather @iliveinyourfridge67
@samahs-chaotic-mess @whoisenver
@anime-nugg3t @jaydove-writes
@salty-and-spiraling @justaneedle
I would tag @polskasroka but you asked this