a-random-citrus - Zip/Lemon☔🌈

Random cat creature thingy that draws

482 posts

Dear || Pepoyo Fanart

Dear || Pepoyo Fanart

Dear || Pepoyo fanart


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More Posts from A-random-citrus

9 months ago

Anytime i see a bunch of pride flags i have to restrain myself from saying "where mexico" bc i doubt anyone will know I'm referencing this

Anytime I See A Bunch Of Pride Flags I Have To Restrain Myself From Saying "where Mexico" Bc I Doubt

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9 months ago
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig
Bath Time!!! | Mr___choon On Ig

bath time!!! 🛁🦝 | mr___choon on ig

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

Here's 20 realistic reasons not to kill yourself today. Remember, anything that keeps you alive and keeps going is enough.

1. We would miss you. I would miss you.

2. Think of all the ice cream flavours you haven't tried yet, or the food combinations you haven't tried.

3. You can't discover a new favourite song if you're dead

4. Imagine all the funny moments you'd miss, all the pointless celebrity twitter fights or the niche internet drama, all the strangers tripping in the street

5. Imagine proving people wrong and going fuck you, watching all the people who doubted you be completely wrong

6. you'll never have finished decorating your room, or your wardrobe, or your collection, you'll always have something unfinished that's worth finishing

7. You'll never be able to meet your internet friends or heroes in real life

8. Imagine how many cool outfits you would miss out on wearing, how many people would think "damn that's a cool outfit" as you pass them on street

9. Your social media accounts will stay unfinished

10. What if your favourite TV show gets a second series? You'll never know how it ends

11. You'll never get to meet a potential best friend or partner

12. You'll never get to be all the fucking awesome versions of yourself you could be

13. You have games to win and arrogant people to prove wrong

14. You'll never get to watch hour favourite movie again, or realise a crucial detail that adds a whole new meaning to it

15. You never get to see the world become a better place if you're not in it.

16. You never get to try new things with your style, your hair or makeup

17. You never get to get that tattoo, or that piercing, or that really cool piece of clothing

18. think of all the debates you would miss out on winning, the feeling of pride swelling in your chest

19. You miss out on trying a new hobby or a new opportunity

20. Your pets wouldn't understand where you went.

Are these all relatively small things? Yeah. But what's important is that you see tomorrow. You give yourself one day more, go to bed and wake up tomorrow. That's what's important, not what happens in a week or a month or a year, just that you get through today and give yourself another chance.

It's okay if it takes you 10,000 'one more days' to get to 'i can't wait for tomorrow'. It's okay if the suicidal thoughts never leave as long as you wait until later and you stay alive now.

I love you. I care about you. I would miss you. Just give yourself another day.

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9 months ago

Packed my husband a slice of cake with his work lunch and he sent me this

Packed My Husband A Slice Of Cake With His Work Lunch And He Sent Me This

I am losing my mind over this.

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