Undertale art, writing, cosplay, and chaos. Mostly Papyrus though. Ko-fi.com/asnowpoff
483 posts
Heck Yeah! Go Reach Out To @jnpie
Heck yeah! Go reach out to @jnpie 💗
I have decided I want to be "officially" available for art trades now.
I probably would've been like "yeah alright cool let's do it" if someone wanted to do something like that before, but! I'm actively seeking it now. I have a lot more spare time lately. And I want to draw more but I don't have a ton of ideas. I would really enjoy sitting down and drawing something carefully, and I would also really enjoy requesting art or doodles of my HT Papyrus ; w;
If you are interested, or have questions, please send me a message/ask! I am completely interested in trading regardless of your skill level (i know that personally i pass over things like this even if i really want to because uhhh.....i'm not that good at drawing.....but!! you dont get to do that here. i love little doodle-y things so please do not use that excuse if its something you'd otherwise want to do haha)
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More Posts from A-snowpoff
Everyday I wake up and see what you've inspired the masses to do.... pure evil on your part, poff
No more papearus I'm begging /j
Me knowing full well I am about to drop more Papearus in your feed........

a cute papyrus as a DTIYS prize :3c

Quick update, rewrote the story to be sfw! Although I just updated the story and left the rest of the post as is cuz I'm lazy hahah... Anyways... enjoy 💗💗💗

POV: The hottest eye candy in Snowdin won your heart by saying the most beautiful compliment anyone ever did dare to say... " 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 " Perhaps it was a bit vulgar but it won you over nonetheless... and now the two of you are on a date at the most exclusive restaurant in Hotland. Sans may or may not have the hookup on reservations for his dearest brother.
( UPDATE!!!! I EDITED IT SO THAT IT IS SFW NOW! SO MORE COULD ENJOY THIS EPIC ROMANTIC TALE! PLEASE ENJOY!! ... although I just edited the actual story itself, gonna leave the rest of the post as-is hahah.. lazy lol) I just really had to get this idea out of my mind, wrote up a short ReaderxPrunsel one-shot but uh I felt like maybe it got a little too spicy so uh... you've been warned... don't judge me!!!)
Just one more warning guys this is what Grammarly expects you to think of this one-shot WHEEZE 🤣 ( I literally laughed so hard I cried when I saw this)

Prunsel seemed nervous at dinner tonight. For being a giant eyeball he didn't seem very good at maintaining eye contact. At least he wasn't challenging you to a high-stakes staring contest. You know you'd be at his mercy had such a challenge come up, but perhaps that's something you wanted... How does one even flirt with someone like Prunsel, you thought of throwing a wink his way but held back in fear, and perhaps an uncomfortable amount of excitement, of how he might return the gesture back... if it was even possible. He was a man of few words but every utterance made you weak and dimmed the surrounding environment in a mood-enhancing red. Just as you were about to break the ice you felt... something... bump against your leg from underneath the table. It was... his twin brother Papyrus?! "Sorry, Prunsel! I think I dropped my..." you hastily dragged an elbow across the table to drop your utensils on the ground, "..my fork! Ahah... I dropped my fork oopsie, let me just grab that!" Unceremoniously, you clambered under the tablecloth and joined Papyrus. With a harsh tone and a whisper you asked, "What are you doing here???"
Papyrus handed you your utensils back, he whispered but really it was just a normal speaking volume... the only thing keeping the rendezvous a secret was Sans starting his stand-up routine and Prunsel having no ears, "Wowie! You are so clumsy, human!" You snatched the utensils from Papyrus and yeeted them away, you wouldn't even be surprised if it slammed into that one guy chewing on the decorative ficus. "Tell me.. right now... what are you doing here???" "Nyeh heh heh.. well about that... I had something very urgent to say actually! VERY IMPORTANT!" Papyrus started to raise his voice but you were quick to shush him. "Hold on..." you stuck your head out from under the table and looked towards Prunsel, he was quick to notice you and set your heart ablaze. Truly, he had a penetrating gaze in more ways than one. "Uh... sorry... it's just really dark under here can't seem to find that fork.. let me just..." You grabbed the candle on the table and brought it down below. Honestly, this was a mistake because as soon as you had, you realized the glow would likely show not just your shadow but also Papyrus's cast onto the table cloth. In your panic, the candle fell from your hands and proceeded to light the cloth surrounding you on fire. "OMG!" "OMG!!!" Papyrus echoed as he stood up and toppled the table over. Sans stand-up routine came to an abrupt stop and all eyes were on you, especially one big eye in particular. You were ready to run from the embarrassment and well... also the growing fire when Papyrus held you still by the shoulders. "Human this is URGENT!" "More urgent than the fire starting to form???" you pleaded. "WHAT? THAT'S JUST GRILLBY!" Papyrus countered. "Huh?!?!?!" You looked back and sure enough, Grillby was now just laying seductively beside the table that had been flipped over. Like it wasn't weird enough to be on a date with a floating eyeball.... "W-well what did you want to tell me?" The sooner he let go the sooner you could run off with Prunsel. "FINALLY! NYEH HEH HEH I THOUGHT I'D NEVER GET TO TELL YOU!" Papyrus leaned in close, his teeth brushing up against your ear as he attempted to whisper, each word accented by his warm breath tickling your neck, "What I wanted to tell you, dear human... is that you have been thoroughly japed by the great Papyrus and nefarious Snow Poff as we would both like to say you've been bamboozled! Had! Pranked! APRIL FOOLS! Nyeh heh heh heh! Now to continue the charade I do hope it is alright that I change my tone and continue this conversation in the romantic language of Lorem Ipsum." Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pharetra urna id nisi hendrerit elementum. Mauris lacus elit, pulvinar at gravida sit amet, laoreet a ligula. Mauris interdum sollicitudin turpis et sodales. Mauris tincidunt lorem eu ultricies malesuada. Mauris posuere purus non dolor congue, commodo ultricies enim fermentum. Fusce cursus metus vel tincidunt tristique. Mauris fringilla luctus ullamcorper. Morbi pellentesque eu arcu sed accumsan.
Praesent sodales fermentum efficitur. Nunc sit amet congue dolor. Donec a maximus nunc, ac volutpat augue. Aliquam sit amet sollicitudin tellus. Nam semper porta molestie. Fusce elit erat, vulputate eget nisi vitae, pretium sollicitudin lectus. Curabitur auctor lacinia nisl, non tincidunt sapien. Suspendisse egestas metus ac dictum convallis. Nam id purus dictum ipsum tristique ullamcorper. Nunc diam est, facilisis non magna convallis, eleifend aliquet eros. Nullam scelerisque, nisi non auctor porta, arcu nisl aliquam ante, at sodales velit est et nibh. Donec eleifend ullamcorper lacus ut gravida. Phasellus convallis pharetra magna quis ornare. Donec ac egestas libero. Integer ornare vestibulum erat, nec dignissim leo semper at. Fusce sed orci id ex congue volutpat.
Vestibulum convallis ante non placerat pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales, tortor vel auctor finibus, ex turpis vehicula mauris, et lobortis magna lacus pharetra diam. Curabitur sed sodales tellus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut eleifend lacus et leo congue faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris finibus imperdiet neque, sit amet fringilla elit condimentum ut. Ut lobortis vestibulum justo, non blandit odio pulvinar non. Nullam lacinia consectetur elit, eget eleifend lorem pulvinar sit amet. Sed quis maximus ligula. ----- Thanks for reading ;3
I implore you to share this with your fellow Prunsel appreciators LOL

I mean... other people drawing what I have failed to do myself......... PERFECTION LMAO..... I literally cannot tolerate looking at my drawing of Papyrus with ears... but this... this is special @alittlegreenghost I can look at this with a smile, I am pleased, I am tapping my fingers together like a villain admiring the chaos they have unleashed. Thank you 💗