abramek - Anna Abramek
Anna Abramek

artist • trying to learn how to tumblrmy shop: store.abramek.art • www.abramek.art

637 posts

Which Shape Is Your Favourite? C:

Which Shape Is Your Favourite? C:

Which shape is your favourite? c:

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More Posts from Abramek

1 year ago
REMINDER: Russia Still Occupies Parts Of Georgia And Ukraine Since 2008 And 2014, Respectively.

REMINDER: russia still occupies parts of georgia and ukraine since 2008 and 2014, respectively.

1 year ago

Best thing with working in game dev is when you get to write stuff like “character now has a normal amount of hands” in your latest update in github and it is exactly what had been fixed.

1 year ago
I Saw Honduran Bats Drawn So Many Times, But Somehow I Only Saw A Photo Of Them Last December. They Look

I saw honduran bats drawn so many times, but somehow I only saw a photo of them last December. They look like ice cream when they sleep so I had to draw them as such 🍨

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1 year ago
Photo Study Of Opalite I Feel I Got The Hang Of It Just Towards The End So I Wanna Do Some More! More

Photo study of opalite 🩵 I feel I got the hang of it just towards the end so I wanna do some more! More study of various glass! They are shiny ✨

1 year ago
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"12 AM - Going to Bed"
PANEL 1: Ver is elated to see their dog sleeping on the bed. "Penny is on the bed!", they think. A small annotation explains that Penny usually sleeps in her kennel.

PANEL 2: A top-down view of Ver contorting their body around the sleeping dog to fit into the bed with her. Ver still seems very happy to be doing this.

"8 AM - Morning walk with Penny"
PANEL 1: Ver and Penny walk briskly in rainy weather. Ver thinks to themselves, "It's been raining a lot... I should check the dam."

PANEL 2: Smash cut to raging water, with a large, roaring sound effect overwhelming most of the panel. The small silhouette of Ver and Penny peering over a railing is visible in the back.

PANEL 3: Ver regards the water. "Yep", they think to themselves, "That's a lot of water."
 set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"9 AM - Getting breakfast at my fav cafe"

PANEL 1: Ver and Penny are entering through a door, smiling. Ver says, "Hello! Good morning!".

PANEL 2: The focus is entirely on Penny the dog, who wags her tail excitedly at the uproar she causes. Several off-panel voices exclaim, "Hello, Penny!", "Ooh, it's Penny!", "Penny!".

PANEL 3: We see the staff of the cafe waving sheepishly at a motionless Ver. "Hello, Ver!" "Hi, Ver." "Sorry, hi!", the staff says, their expressions somewhat apologetic.

"10 AM - Meeting with Eve and Ell"

PANEL 1: A small panel showing Ver sadly telling Penny, "I'm sorry baby, you can't come..." as they are leaving through the door.

PANEL 2: A large sign labeled "Eve" points to a lean figure smiling with confidence. Eve is wearing a beanie, a swish of dark hair poking out from underneath. They have checkered overalls and a relaxed posture. A caption states, "Eve and I both arrived early to the meetup."

PANEL 3:  Ver and Eve regard Eve's phone. Eve says, "Ell's still on her way, let's send her a message."

PANEL 4: We see the Discord message that was sent to Ell, a large font asks, "where are you" and underneath is a photo of Ver and Eve pulling exxageratedly sad faces.
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"11 AM - Lunch at a cafe"

PANEL 1: A figure labeled as Ell is in this panel. Ell smile sweetly at us, raising one hand in greeting. Ell has long, dark hair and wears comfortable, stylish clothes.

PANEL 2: The three friends are depicted chatting excitedly. A caption says, "We talk about a big trip we're taking together in October."

PANEL 3: Ver falls silent, as they look down with uncertainty. Someone asks, "Everything OK, Ver?"

PANEL 4: Ver expresses confusion as they say, "My latte tastes... sour?"

PANEL 5: A caption follows up to explain, "Turns out they made my late with spoiled soy milk lol. It was remade and they didn't charge us for it."

"12 PM - Shopping in Stockbridge."

PANEL 1: A large panel depicting a street with shops on it. A caption states, "I run errands in Stockbridge, but I'm usually with the dog and can't enter most of the art or charity shops."

PANEL 2: A manic Ver runs with exxagerated, rubbery limbs, trying to hold onto a bunch of items they presumibly bought. This figure is labeled with an enormous "get things".
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"1 PM - Ell is dropping me off home"

PANEL 1: We see Ell's car from afar. Ell says, "I hope you guys don't mind some tunes.". A series of noises labeled as "untz, untz, beep, bleep" stream out of the car.

PANEL 2: In the car, Eve smiles knowingly "Oh. It's penis music." Behind them, Ver looks very confused.

PANEL 3: Ver swerves to look over at an annoyed Ell. "It's not penis music!" says Ell.

PANEL 4: Ell clutches onto the steering wheel with frustration. "It's acid techno and jungle.", she explains.

PANEL 5: Eve is unflappable and concludes "Yeah. Penis music.". A cartoonishly angry Ell retorts again "It's not penis music!!!".

"2 PM - Walk Penny"

PANEL 1: Small figures of Ver, Penny and a stranger are walking along a fence. A crow sits on the fence and caws loudly.

PANEL 2: The stranger smiles and speaks to Ver. A string of untinelligible words come out of his mouth, with only the word "crow" decipherable. Ver smiles and responds "Haha, yeah".

PANEL 3: A caption asks, "wtf did he say?" as Ver continues walking, confused.
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"3 PM to 5 PM"

This comic is just one large image of Ver sitting in the middle of a slightly discombobulated room, with boxes, binders and files strewn around them. A caption explains, "I spend the next few hours cleaning and organising storage in my office space."

"6 PM - Cooking dinner"

PANEL 1: A closeup of a knife cutting up some ingredients. A caption explains, "Making halloumi and veg pasta"

PANEL 2: Ver, who we see is holding the knife and doing the prep, holds up a slice of vegetable. An expectant Penny is in the foreground, perking up as Ver speaks to her. "Ok puppy, you want some courgette?"

PANEL 3: The courgette hits Penny in the head with a small "donk" sound effect.
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"7 PM"

PANEL 1: A hand places a bowl of pasta on the ground.

PANEL 2: As the bowl sits, steaming, Ver has settled down a distance away with a weary reverence.

PANEL 3: A darkened figure opens a door with a startling "DUNN!" noise. The steam from the bowl rises in front of them.

PANEL 4: An apologetic looking figure swaddled in a blanket holds up the pasta bowl, saying "Thanks for the food". Ver looks at them with concern. "I hope it helps!, they say. A caption above the two figures explains: "My flatmate felt ill today, so he mostly stayed in bed."

"8 PM"

PANEL 1: A caption states, "Working on the Wildercourt comic". The panel shows a closeup of a tablet stylus and a sketch of a character from the comic.

PANEL 2: A disgruntled Penny huffs with frustration, sitting and staring with annoyance. A caption states, "Every now and then, Penny checks in on me."

PANEL 3: A silent panel depicting Ver looking over at the frustrated Penny with mild confusion.
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"9 PM"

PANEL 1: An exxageratedly happy Ver counts rhythmically. "One foot, two foot, three fot, four!"

PANEL 2: Ver is singing to Penny, holding onto Penny's front paws and waving them around happily. Ver's song continues: "Penny, Penny, she needs more! Graft the Penny with more feet!"

PANEL 3: "She will be the dog elite!" concludes the song. In the panel, Penny looks annoyed and exasperated, as much as a dog can look that way.

PANEL 4: Ver regards the annoyed Penny in silence.

PANEL 5: Ver stares into the middle distance, reflecting: "I'm so glad my friends and family tolerate me."

"10 PM"

A series of panels illustrating the captions.

PANEL 1: Ver sits at their desk. "More comic work"

PANEL 2: Penny walks on some grass, harnessed and on a lead. "Last Penny walk of the day."

PANEL 3: Penny lays in a little kennel, snoozing soundly. "Penny goes to sleep."

PANEL 4: Ver's back is to us as they continue working at their desk. "I'm still up to do more work."
A set of two comics depicting each hour of the artist's day.

"11 PM"

PANEL 1:  Another frustrated little Penny huffs up at us.
A caption reads, "Penny got up to check on me."

PANEL 2: Ver turns from their desk and regards Penny with a slight smile.

PANEL 3: Ver beams down at Penny. "Let's go to sleep", they say.

"12 AM - Duolingo and sleep."

The entire strip is just one large panel, mostly shrouded in darkness, with Ver in bed and illuminated by the light of their phone. Penny rests on the bed much like she did in the very first comic of the hourlies.

A speechbubble depicts the text on the phone, the hiragana and romaji sctipts for "Mainichi ni sushi o tabemasu". The text is translated, "I eat sushi every day". A sleepy Ver comments on the exercise: "In this economy?". A little approving "dading!" noise follows as they submit their answer.

hourly comics? hourly comics

(feat. @evegwood @elljwalker and @stoutstoatpress and my beloved perfect baby dog penny)