adreamoverlife - Welcome back, Welcome Home.
Welcome back, Welcome Home.

It’s been a while, Names Seth, multifandom blog. Current interests - QSMP, Supernatural, Midam, the Egos. Don’t be a coward, yell into my inbox

928 posts

Pspspssp Ayrobot Fans And Etoiles Fans New Fic In Like 2 Hours Pspspsps

pspspssp ayrobot fans and etoiles fans new fic in like 2 hours pspspsps

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9 months ago

Pac: No- WHAT– Nonononono—

Poor Pac, every time Sims Fit and Pac kiss he's zoomed in staring RIGHT at them 😂

Pac: No- WHAT Nonononono

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9 months ago

I will forever stand by the fact that one of the funniest things to ever happen on the qsmp server was, after weeks upon weeks of build up for Etoiles' fight in the Colosseum, when he finally gets there he makes a whole scene of getting his playlist ready, 100% convinced the admins were about to drop a nuclear bomb on him and dance on his corpse, and he just starts absolutely blaring centuries by fall out boy, just top volume, which he then STOPS the second he enters and sees 'Pomme' imprisoned in the Colosseum, just full on record scratch, bro took his earbuds out, and then he just never put the music back on mans was actually FED UP

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9 months ago

Gay test

Gay Test

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