adreamoverlife - Welcome back, Welcome Home.
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It’s been a while, Names Seth, multifandom blog. Current interests - QSMP, Supernatural, Midam, the Egos. Don’t be a coward, yell into my inbox

928 posts

I Could Save Them All

I ́c҉o̶̶͡u͝͝l̸̷̨d ̢̛͢s͘͜a̢͡v̨͘e̸̢̛ ̧̀t́h̶e͟͠m ̷́al̵l͢͞

Jack? Can you hear me?

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More Posts from Adreamoverlife

7 years ago

*The mask is smooth, almost soft, as the plastic bends lightly in our fingertips. The pulsing is getting fainter, and it's frightening because, for all we know, it could somehow be linked to the magician himself still, beating in time to what can only be a fading heart. It's warmth, what little comfort there is to have in this scary situation, is leaving and we can't bear to see it go. A thought, a quick one, races by. Do we put the mask on?*

Schneeps snaps awake, eyes sharp and mouth pulled down to a frown. All traces alcohol gone. He's staring at the mask like it was the scum of the earth. The doctor can almost taste the feeling of hope, and his mouth pulls back to a growl."Put zat dovn!"You jump and hold the mask closer to you."You don't need to know vat it does! It vas his fault he got stuck in zat, you schouldn't be zee one to comfort him. You're making a mistake."His eyes only grow angrier, you're left wondering where the Zee Good Doctah went."I'm varning you..."You look him stright in his burning eyes and bring the mask up to your face. Despite the anger and threats in his last words, his eyes gain a new shine to them as he breathes out,"Please..." And suddenly you aren't so sure whether he's telling you to leave Mavin alone, or begging you to help his friend.The mask has gone mysteriously lukewarm.

7 years ago

A Quick Recap!

A lot of you are probably wondering why the event happened, the truth is, on September 8th, it was my birthday. So I decided to have to make a ‘birthday wish’. And the wish was for the egos to comfort me on my birthday, and as a thank you for 35 followers! So that’s why this chaos happened. Now a lot of you are probably wondering why my avatar hasn’t changed back, the reason behind that is because that the original Avatar that was there wasn’t my art piece, and I kind of wanted something that I have I had drawn, so I plan on updating it when I’m done with the drawing, so I’m going to change it soon, probably later tonight. I want to do one of these again it was incredibly fun, but, I kind of want to space them out because I’m afraid that, it’s kinda like Anti, if I do it too much it will lose its power and its excitement, you know? But it was so much fun and I want to thank you all for participating and in sending all the asks! I wasn’t expecting to get as many, so thank you, thank you thank you so much! And I really wanted to do this every time there’s an egos birthday, but, that would mean I would have to do one this week because of Dr.Scheeplesteins birthday and I don’t know, I feel like I’m having it too close together. So, thank you for 35 followers! And I’m sorry this was really late, I just got caught up in school, and blah,

Now a lot of you are probably wondering about the next part in Abandoned by God, oh God, let me tell you. So I’m trying to work on it when I can, but again, I just got back to school it’s a little bit of a cluster. I want to have it sometime by next week, and I know that’s probably not what you guys want to hear, but please remember I was kind of lucky to do the event and answer in a timely manner, so please be patient with me, I’m human, I’m trying my best here.But okay, I feel like I’m rambling too long here. But just know that.

Thank you for 35 followers

Thank you for participating in the event

the next part will probably be out by next week and

I hope you all have a wonderful day. C: I’ll see you all on the next post!

7 years ago

Jackieboy Man is... dead? *the news is shocking, painful even, but what's more is that confirms that the mask does indeed contain the soul of one poor, well meaning magician. But that still leaves so many questions unanswered.* But what about Chase? *Jack's name almost leaves her lips when she remembers what it takes for Anti to manifest corporeally.*

You’re starting to wonder if Schneeplestein will ever answer, but then his ice cold gaze flys up to you.

“Zee hero is gone, I don’t know if he’s dead, probably faded. Chaze fell to his ovn despair, and zen gave his mind up to Anti to make it all go avay. I-.”

He swifty turns his back to you to give and retrieve the beer bottle.

“I am zee only one left vo hasn’t combletely lost zeir damn minds.”

Despite not being able to see his face you get the impression he’s no longer scowling.

“But I von’t be for long… ”

His words are broken at the edges, and for a second you question if this is the real Henrik Von Scheeplestein you’re talking too. But then, all good things must come to an end as the doctor turns back to you Scheeplestein straightens up and his dark eyes become sheets of newly cut glass, sharp but there’s a certain shine you can’t help but think it means more than you know.

“Give me zee mask.”

7 years ago

*shakes her head rapidly, taking a few steps back* Schneep, this isn't you. It's not. Whatever's wrong... we can find another way to fix it! *hugs the cat mask tighter*

He stops for a moment, wondering if he heard what he thinks he heard. "Vat?"He looks confused, the anger set aside, but still very much a threat. He tilts his head, no, this couldn't be right. He had just threatened your life. Laughed in your face when you were terrified for Jack. Insulted Mavin and mentioned Chases undoing like it was nothing and implied Jackaboys death just to piss them off and yet- and yet, here you were. Trying to help him and- and Protecting Mavin- Protecting Mavin from him.The realization hits him like a semi-truck and his face falls. He feel his chest ache with something new. He feels r-And he remembers,'Vey just vant to live, Vey'll do or saying anything to save Vemselves. You getting caught up in a trick. Snap out of it!'But, yet. Seeing you hold the mask so close... The broken poor mask that holds his friend captive. How could he do this? He wanted to break it further, push Mavin beyond the threshold to never return. One less heartbreak. Kill them so they wouldnt have power over you,Kill them so it won't hurt anymore.If they're gone they can't keep you up at night,If they're gone they won't be able to keep you from finding peace. Protect yourself. He cracks his neck to either side before a smirk appears."Vel, it was worth a shot."He's giggling but he doesn't move. He's still got one more trick up his sleeve...

7 years ago

I saw that! What are you doing to Marvin?!

Anti’s head glitches to side, and he is no longer grinning.

“It'̀s͝ ̡n̛ot͞ ͟M͡Y f͜a͘u̧lt͘!͘ It҉'s͜ h̢i̸s̨!”

The glitch demon points his knife off the the right side, but when you look to see where he pointing, you find nothing but darkness. Regret settles in the pit of your stomach as you whip your head back around to see where Anti is.

You find nothing.

You call out Anti’s name and hold the mask close to your chest and it almost pulses in response. You like the mask.

Glass shattering gets your attention and twirling around you see someone in a white coat, and some kind of blue hat? His head is tilted downwards, you wonder what that’s about.

“Vhy! I beliefe I can help vith that!”

The mask seems to resonate with energy hearing the voice, but you refuse to let go, terrified of what could happen. His voice is bouncing and loud, but it’s shaking. Looking to the ground, you see a broken bottle of alcohol. You look close to see his clothes are torn and smeared with dirt, and his right sleeve of his coat is pulled up reveling his arm. No…He looks up,

Here he is, the birthday boy.

Dr.Henrik Von Schneeplestein.

Or what’s left of him.