adreamoverlife - Welcome back, Welcome Home.
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It’s been a while, Names Seth, multifandom blog. Current interests - QSMP, Supernatural, Midam, the Egos. Don’t be a coward, yell into my inbox

928 posts

Now I Imagine Ayrobot's Bedroom In The LPM's Hacienda Be Like That XD.

Now I imagine Ayrobot's bedroom in the LPM's Hacienda be like that XD.

Now I Imagine Ayrobot's Bedroom In The LPM's Hacienda Be Like That XD.

(with more of flowers of course and redstones decorating the ceiling).

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More Posts from Adreamoverlife

6 months ago

Antoine’s prison vods truly are the gifts that keep on giving

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6 months ago

Recently, my last posts here were about things that sadden / frustrate me about QSMP. Today, will be... a little different.

It always makes me happy to see other people see and think how Furryduo/ Maxpierre/ Forestduo was so much more than it seems (whatever name you have for them ).

Because, yes, their relationship is complex. Many layers on it, that even them didn't fully see or understand, or even want to at some point.

First layer : The one everyone knows. The "old men toxic yaoi" as many say of them. The absurd but romantic even with some obesssion and denial in it. The love people can't really define, see where it comes and when and often compared to Q!Mariana and Q!Slime. The one where people thought Q!Max will be cheated on, and continue to suffer, the one where Q!Max was just using Q!Aypierre. Many of QSMP fan stay there. What happened in this layer create two type of reactions : people all for absurd and romance not so serious and with a pretty dark underlining and people who were..... absolutely shocked.

And under that, the second layer. The layer of hidden love, which has huge difficulties to be expressed correctly because not used to and because before it was seen as a weakness (Q!Aypierre ), and the love he didn't think he will find there, in someone like he thought he was but you can't have these emotions, no, not here, not now, maybe later, if he chooses you, but he didn't right, he chose his daugther, see, you were not worth enough, on this island you can't be happy, you can't fall in love, stick to the plan (Q!Max). But he is there, when Q!Aypierre refuses to cheat on him, wait for him for months (unbelievable when he arrived there ). He is there too, when one of the first name on his lips was his and when he decided all by himself to have him again in his life, now that Federation was out of the league (Q!Max).

And underneath all of this the third layer. The layer which tell a story of a man depressed who has death drive, feelings of guiltiness, low self esteem who learn slowly but surely how it feel to live again in someone eyes. It's a constant fight between life and death, thinking everything will be taken away the minute he gave in here and he didn't deserve it but a the same time wanting it so badly but he never had it, because the man he loves didn't have the guts to ask him and didn't seem to want him and here there was this man which he used, yes, which has some difficulties with his feelings but who try to reach him, even though (Q!Max). It's also the story of a lonely wandering soul, who has been betrayed and betray others so many times before to the point of thinking the world as "Use or be used " who finally find in someone a lonely soul like him which chase away for him this loneliness he didn't know he wanted out before. A soul he wanted to cherish, and even though he tried to fight it, this feeling grow stronger and stronger with time....And he continued to carry her around even thought they broke up and he didn't know where was this soul. (Q!Aypierre).

So yeah, this relationship is so MUCH more. But i will let my good friend talk about them in more details when she can ^^

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6 months ago

posting a paragraph from a few different qsmp fics I'm writing that should be posted this week

Posting A Paragraph From A Few Different Qsmp Fics I'm Writing That Should Be Posted This Week
Posting A Paragraph From A Few Different Qsmp Fics I'm Writing That Should Be Posted This Week
Posting A Paragraph From A Few Different Qsmp Fics I'm Writing That Should Be Posted This Week

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6 months ago

It seems the walls have started speaking French

the rats in my walls speak english and they tell me to make qsmp edits in the dead of night

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