No longer doing requests. Just posting my thoughts on things.
261 posts
1) Stan and Dipper go out to the forest to bond and do fae things together. Stan is super quick to tell dipper that mabel is still his sister, just like ford’s still his brother. species and lineage doesn’t matter to family.
2) Ford will occasionally take notes on Stan, but on the whole he’s actually a lot closer with him now that they both have something that makes them weird. He identifies with the supernatural so much, so now that there’s a supernatural creature that’s also his brother that’s always made him feel normal, there’s a lot of stuff Ford’s willing to just let go in this au.
3) Stan is genuinely surprised to know that Ford’s still (even mildly) insecure about the fingers thing. He all six of his eyes/sights out more often to make Ford feel a little more comfortable, and they really get a chance to talk. He’s in his fae form a lot more often after weirdmaggedon.
4) Ford and Mabel start a “My brother is a supernatural creature” club and their first order of business is to find out what hurts faes and make sure any of it within a fifty mile radius of the shack is destroyed.
5) Ford winds up helping Dipper cope with being a changeling, too, they talk about how weird it is to have a sibling that’s not their same species and ford secretly feels strange having felt like and treated as a freak all his life and as a result heavily identified with the supernatural, only to find that his brother is closer to an anomaly than he’ll ever be. But he keeps this to himself for the most part.
6) (not sure if this is already canon or not but) Stan molts. Every winter. Ford is very frustrated and the pipes have to be replaced every spring as a result because Stan cannot clean up after himself.
7) because molting happens in the winter, when dipper first experiences it, he panics and calls stan asking what to do. Ford picks up instead and awkwardly has to explain everything.
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More Posts from Adriander169
Lost Day Hour (ロストデイアワー) Translation
As always, my Japanese is not very good. Please take translations with a grain of salt and note they may be incorrect .
Lost Day Hour ロストデイアワー
Saying “let’s play again, okay?” I waved my hands They disappear in small groups
I see those blurring small shadows off While humming a tune
With the evening glow of the sunset on my back, Vaguely, my thoughts are of you
Recently, I’ve been wondering what I should do That’s right And wondering what we’ll talk about next time we meet
Ah, thinking about it, I’ve walked and come such a long way
Ah, even if I try thinking about it, The road hasn’t changed at all since yesterday
Geez, have I already become an adult? While still not understanding, another day comes to a close
Putting my hopes and even ideals on hold, Today, again, I think about what tonight’s dinner will be
The telephone poles are dyed orange In visibly alternating patterns
The simple-minded us of that day Raised our eyes to the same scenery
While singing of the lightly scorching sunset I carry bags from the convenience store
These repeating day-to-days will someday be uncoolly laughed at, huh?
Ah, even if mistakes are being made, The clock won’t turn back
Ah, when you realize it, The time and years will pile on
Sigh, even though I’ve already become an adult Nothing but stupid things come to mind
Hope and even ideals, even though I can’t find them Why? For some reason I don’t dislike it
Isn’t it such a strange thing? That even though I’ve become an adult, you are still my “friend”
Naturally and ordinarily, I think those things That’s right “It’s been a while” - let’s say that on the phone
Today, let’s laugh together like kids
Rescue and Adoption
In the heart of the fairy mound, there were two identical cradles, each with an identical infant inside.
“One of these babies is the one you bore,” said a fairy. “The other is the changeling we left. You may leave our hall with whichever child you claim as your own. Choose wisely.”
“But they are both my children,” the human mother protested indignantly.
The fairies whispered amongst themselves in surprise and confusion. At last, one asked, “How do you mean?”
“I came to get back the child you stole from me, the one who is mine by blood. I never agreed to give my adopted child back to you.”
Perhaps her words touched the fairies’ hearts; or perhaps her stubbornness impressed them; or perhaps they simply found the argument amusing, novel enough to merit a reward.
She left the fairy mound, an infant in each arm, and brought them home.
a thought:
Ford’s warnings about the portal were obviously written before he went through it, and are written in the theoretical (the portal if activated would…)
but Stan saw for himself that none of that happened when the portal really was activated. the effects were catastrophic, of course, but the universe was conspicuously still present afterward.
so it makes a lot of sense that Stan didn’t heed the warnings, and not just out of carelessness and brashness. from his perspective, they were basically a theory that he had seen for himself wasn’t actually true, at least not completely.
(another thought: thinking about someone being told that a device might destroy the universe and then charging ahead anyway made me think of the letter sorting machine from Going Postal and now I can’t stop laughing at the comparison)

I’m from a small town in Maine, and there is no ancient cult in this town. Unless you count the Masons. It is, however, possible that there are eerie unsolved murders. Have fun sleeping, everyone that can actually sleep! Unlike me, who has had sleep problems since elementary school!
What dark secret a small town is concealing, by region:
Northeast - ancient cult from old country
Midwest - a monster betwixt the corn
South - that reclusive family no one dares speak of
Southwest - experiment gone wrong
Northwest - eerie unsolved murder