| Oh No Matter - Youll Figure It Out Later, Youre A Very Smart Girl.a Dance It Is, One Well Rehearsed

◙ |“ oh no matter - you’ll figure it out later, you’re a very smart girl. “ a dance it is, one well rehearsed & simple in sequence. so familiar it’s like breathing. “ an evening of suffering with you. “

“So which sort are you implying?”
She can play this game. And she will play it, gladly. They fall into step, and the dance is very easy.
“An evening suffering my colleagues? You’ll have to keep up with the psychological banter. Exhaustive, really. But tolerable, in the right close quarters.”
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☤ | “ wo- woah woah. stop that, E A S Y . “ rushing, not running. hands on shoulders,gentle & far too tender of a touch -- why is she so care - ful? why does it comes so naturally? is that fate? “ you’re not leaving here tonight. “

…Hours? Jesus.
Another blink, vision clearing little by little. That dull throb is still present behind her eyes; not a good sign. “I’m… not sure yet. I need to—” Trying to sit up does her no favors. “—I need to make a phone call, I… have somewhere to be.”

☠ | “ well if you had come in when the injury first occurred i wouldn’t be having such a difficult time setting it -- “ kids these days with their adrenaline & their i can handle it attitudes. fuck. “ -- how did this happen again ? “

Sarcasm. She’d practically been asking for it, so she can’t REALLY be annoyed. If anything, Elizabeth can APPRECIATE the snark, knowing that had the roles been REVERSED, she likely would have done the same.
“ Do it quickly then. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’m a baby when it comes to pain, but everyone has their limits. ”

☏ |“ i guess even the best schools can’t handle their paperwork -- “ awkward chuckle insert here. new people were just a source of nervousness -- you never know who to trust or who to keep close. but pride can be a force more powerful than near death. &she wanted to try. a swallow,hard.fingers needing a anchor drop down. a warm muzzle finding them out of instinct& comfort. “ he’s sort of --- ( a beat. ) look, if i’m out of the dorm he will be too & he’s by my side unless i say otherwise --- he won’t bother you,scouts honor. “

“oh god, are you kidding?” she huffed, all but rolling her eyes, hands settling on her hips as she looks her ( apparently ) new dorm mate up and down with a critical eye and a quirked eyebrow; “i though they were DONE changing things around. and what on EARTH is with the dog?”
im dealing with my shit the way im dealing with it. are my methods unhealthy? yes. are they effective? no. am i going to change what im doing. no