aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence
A Corrupt Plane Of Existence

Oh.. uhh hi, Seems like you've unfortunately came across this plain of existence.. you aren't supposed to be here. That's okay, stay if you'd like. Just- Wash the dishes pls.

340 posts

I Finally Did That One Shitpost For The HAC, Of Their "relationship Dynamic" Meme.

I finally did that one shitpost for the HAC, of their "relationship dynamic" meme.

I Finally Did That One Shitpost For The HAC, Of Their "relationship Dynamic" Meme.
I Finally Did That One Shitpost For The HAC, Of Their "relationship Dynamic" Meme.
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More Posts from Aglitchysylveon

10 months ago
I'm Bad At Coloring, So... Let It Stay That Way

I'm bad at coloring, so... let it stay that way

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10 months ago

Yummy, someone pls ask me something.

with how much this site loves its writer ask games, im astounded ive never seen one for artists, soooo


1. what medium do you use most (if applicable, what software)?

2. most popular piece?

3. your favorite piece(s)?

4. piece you wish got more love?

5. how would you describe your art style?

6. favorite thing to draw?

7. easiest thing for you to draw?

8. thing you struggle to draw?

9. whats something you always come back to when drawing?

10. how do you deal with artblock?

11. do you listen to anything while drawing?

12. describe your process while drawing

13. talk about a wip you like!

14. whats your favorite thing about drawing?

15. least favorite thing about drawing?

16. how do you motivate yourself to draw?

17. what is something youre confident about in your art?

18. something you feel like you need to work on?

19. where do you find inspiration?

20. is your workspace, digital or not, organized (not neat, organized)?

21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?

22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with?

23. how many artstyles can you work in confidently?

24. whats a compliment about your art that has always stuck with you?

25. what size canvas/paper do you use?

26. what do you physically draw with (pencil and paper, tablet, etc)?

27. do you ever have multiple wips going at once?

28. whats a piece you would like to redraw at some point?

29. do you use a lot of references while drawing?

30. whats something youre proud of about your artstyle?

31. which fandom have you drawn the most for?

32. have you done a lot of collabs?

33. have you taken a lot of classes for art?

34. whats something you still like from your old art?

35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?

(remember to give the person you reblog from an ask!!)

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10 months ago

I'll do this for Cecelia (Rae'laliah).

✨ - I came up with Cecelia's from the real world saint "Saint Cecilia", she'd based off her, I just used a different way to spell her. Her real name is Rae'laliah, I basically just wanted to make up a demonic and bizzare sounding name but also pretty for her. She goes by Cecelia since that's the person she replaced.

🌼 - Cecelia is 23 years old, in human years, her real age so far is unknown, for all we know she could be as old as the planet. Or her father.

🌺 - She doesn't have a love interest, but she 𝘥𝘪𝘥 till they got together.

🍕 - Cece's favourite food is a difficult choice, since she isn't exactly a foodie, but if she had to choose she probably likes churros, or anything from a fancy restaurant (I know she's a lot)

💼 - Well.. Uhh Cecelia is an Alternate, so what she does for a living besides making people self-delete themselves, I'd say she also has a fondness for fashion??

🎹 - One of Cecelia's biggest hobbies, is definitely writing poetry, she also has a taste in the finer things in life.

🎯 - What Cecelia does best?? I'll say it's.. Uhh spreading M.A.D/j, She's good at blending in and suppressing her emotions in tough situations so she can further have control over the problem and solve it.

🥊- What Cece is good at doing?? She's good at following instructions told by her father and carry them out, she's persistent and confident. What she hates? She hates babysitting, she doesn't like being restricted from what she wants to do and be limited. She wants to go out there and get physical, not be the neighbourly babysitter.

✂ - Cecelia's worst memories? The times her father got mad at her for failing him, she hates getting his disapproval.. I mean, when you're the direct spawn of Satan, yeah.. It's required to love up to the best expectations.. Especially if said kid will eventually take over his rule.

🧊 - Cecelia's design had changed over the months, her design now is somewhat similar to the old one but more.. Refined?? Cleaner?.. I also completely changed her hair style.

🍀 - What originally inspired Cecelia? Like the first question, Cecelia got her name from the biblical figure "Saint Cecilia", she was based off her concept, the other big inspiration is Cesar Torres himself, I basically took those two and mashed them together to create the Alternate Cecelia, she's basically just genderbent Cesar tbh, but with different lore. Her real name is Rae'laliah when in demon form. (And the REAL Cecelia's name is "Cecilia P. "Perez" Chavez)

🌂 - The genre she belongs to is analog horror, or just horror. She's my TMC OC.

💚 - Cecelia's sexuality is Asexual, she's female, but she also goes by it/it's and they/them.

🙌 - Cece has 4 other siblings, though most of them are adopted or dragged into the family upon realizing what they are. Bappy and Nebby are her adopted siblings, Libidonna is her biological sister, and Adam is the one who was dragged in.

🍎 - Cecelia's relationship with with father the "Archangel Gabriel", or Lucifer is.. Not bad, but not good. It's tame, they merely have a complimentary relationship, he helps her and she helps him with benefits, like his approval. If anything, she's more close to him than her mother, she dislikes her, all because she's a Succubus. She doesn't understand why her father married a succubus.

🧠 - What I like most about her? It's either the sheer amount of lore I put into her in the span of maybe like... 1 year?? Or the way her design changed. Consistently drawing her really helped my ability at drawing human figures and characters.

✏ - All. The. Time. ALL. THE. TIME. I can't stop drawing her she's so fun, I love drawing my sassy Latina alternate mean girl, I could really draw her all day tbh.. Sometimes I forget to draw my other OCS because I'm too busy being like "HEHEHE TIME TO DRAW EMO LATINA AGAIN"

💎 - Maybe after my obsession with TMC dies down, but none of my OCs really die down, I just let them rest for awhile and work on someone else till I pick em up again.. Also I'll rather wait till we have a confirmed answer from Alex that Alternates can actually be killed.

💀 - Cecelia is a major Mysophobe, she hates anything that directly dirty. Even though she's a Alternate and human diseases don't effect her, she still heavily dislikes it if someone who was sick or extremely dirty was next to her. Like she'll start gagging hysterically and vanish. (Major hack y'all, just be sick you'll survive being attacked by this Alternate she'll be too busy sterilizing the room and cleaning it/j).

🍩 - Cecelia's arch-nemisis is anyone whose fighting against the Alternate invasion, but the one she's been having a problem with is her version of Mark.

🎓 - I've had Cecelia for 1 year, I created her on April 18th of last year. (Omg I just realized I missed her birthday)

🍥 - I was 18 when I made her, so not too long ago.

So yeah! That's Cecelia!.

Ask Game for someone’s OC(s)

✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?

🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)

🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?

🍕 - What is their favorite food?

💼 - What do they do for a living?

🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?

🎯 -What do they do best?

🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?

❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?

✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?

🧊 - Is their current design the first one?

🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?

🌂 - What genre do they belong in?

💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?

🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?

🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?

🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?

✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?

💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?

💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?

🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?

🎓 - How long have you had the OC?

🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?

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10 months ago

Can someone please give me that one meme where it's a guy in pajamas and a woman in a black fancy ass dress?? It's a thing people use to draw their OCs in and I wanna do it, I just can't find THE DAM IMAGE DNENCNNENC RAAAAAAH

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