I Dont Know If I Want To Be Him Or Want To Be With Him.

I don’t know if I want to be him or want to be with him.
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More Posts from Agustdsciggy
I chose Hobi for the love interest because i thought it would be funny to play into his scaredy cat persona! Him just screaming and sweating and hyperventilating at every turn 🙀

Carnival of Terror 🎪 Poll 2: Choose your friends

disclaimer: the results of this poll may be impacted by the other active poll(s), so the winner(s) may not be perfectly reflected by the final votes. visit the master post to check for active polls, and to request to be tagged.

friendly herbivore dinosaur 🦕 for @jung-koook
cr. namuspromised
WHAT IS GOING ON?!? Everything is so beautifully confusing and overwhelming i’m so off balance. I don’t know what to believe all i know is i’m along for the ride!!! 😈
Carnival of Terror 🎪 2: Get lost!

The carnival is in town, and it is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Will you make it out alive?

Yoongi x Female Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook
🎪 word count: 9.2k
🎪 choose your own adventure, lovers and friends to ???, carnival and circus au, dead dove, horror, possible minor & major character injury & death, supernatural elements & magic realism, nsfw, 21+
🎪 warnings: You remember everything; general feelings of discomfort and creepiness; (fake) graphic gore (the illusion of a body being torn in half and blood flying everywhere); anxiety; Yoongi is a handsy menace; semi-public smut (fingering, cunnilingus, sloppy vaginal sex, cum eating, multiple orgasms); assumption of infidelity (on Yoongi's part); momentary loss of time & disorientation; dubiously consensual hypnosis; magical realism; relationship drama; a bit of a physical altercation; He who has been wronged has been granted a wish. Just one wish.
🎪 note: all of the above details and warnings are subject to change as the story progresses & the readers vote. check the master post for an updated version of the details. although this fic does not deal directly with infidelity, if you are sensitive to that topic, the themes in this chapter might make you uncomfortable.
🎪 beta read by @neoneunnajimin!
🎪 posted oct. 2023 | read on ao3

Welcome back to the Greatest Show in the World!
We left off in the Illusions performance, with Ringmaster Namjoon spinning a terrifying tale, and you choosing heads to remember everything.

Music comes into sharp focus, and your head droops low and then shoots up, eyes focusing on the stage show before you. The song that plays is sensual, and there are three women in white leotards with short, flowing skirts that dance around a man wearing only black pants. They reach for one another, but every time the man almost touches one of the women, she is pulled away by long elastic bands connected to a white harness around their hips, and she spins somewhere high above.
Briefly, you consider turning to Yoongi or Jeongguk to remark on the blend of ballet and acrobatics as the women elongate their limbs and twirl high above your head with grace and fluidity. But you find that all you can do is watch the performers, eyes only moving to follow the lifts, spins, and falls of the women, unable to look anywhere else.
It seems as if this dance is going to be one in which the man chases and chases and never catches, but then he jolts forward and takes one of the women by the wrists, causing you to gasp as the other two women spin high toward the ceiling and do not come back down.
The music swells and builds at an alarming speed as the man begins to spin, holding the woman by the wrist while his feet move in tight, quick circles, around and around and around to the cacophonic sounds of fingers slamming into ivory keys.
You feel dizzy as the woman becomes nothing but a white streak, and you think that you might be able to hear her scream. The pounding of your heart syncs with the quick tempo and rate at which the performers spin.
And then, in a horrifying display, the woman rips clear in half at the ribs. Her waist and legs, trapped in the harness, go flying high above while her top half continues to be spun by the man, and you watch as dark red blood sprays and sprays from her torso, painting the stark white floor in streaks. Your eyes only manage to tear away when Namjoon – who seems to appear in a blink just outside the center of the ring, right in front of you, holds his cane high, forcing your focus on the spinning legs above.
Although it appears to be blood that rains from the ceiling, as soon as it reaches you, you realize that it is blood-red glitter and sequins that shimmer in the light as they cascade down. And then the music bursts loud and abrupt and the legs that spin high above turn into white flower petals that float toward the crowd, dancing in the air as the music slows and slows.
The slow, somber melody gradually stops and you return your gaze to the center of the stage, where the dancers all stand hand in hand. The man and all three women are in a line, and all intact, and they bow and spin and bow over and over, facing each side of the tent, while members of the audience begin to clap.
You feel too stunned to move and yet, your hands lift and clap with the rest, unable to resist joining in. And then Namjoon shouts something you are unable to understand, and with a loud single smack of his hands, you jump, heavy-blinking and looking around you as everyone else seems to be getting their bearings, as well.
"What the fuck was that?" you ask, turning first toward Jeongguk on your right, to glance down at the others, and then to Yoongi on your left.
"Pretty amazing, huh?" Yoongi asks, and although you nod, you are not sure exactly how you feel.
Everything looked so real, and try as you might, you cannot figure out how they managed to rip the woman in half like that. And what was up with the trance-like state you felt? Nothing seems to add up, including Jack appearing out of nowhere and asking you to choose heads or tails.
Heads, you see all; tails, you only remember what feels good.
You chose heads without giving it any thought, despite not fully understanding what his proposition meant. To your right, you can hear Jimin and Taehyung talking about falling glitter, and you wonder if they also chose heads, since they also seem to remember what they just saw.
"Where to, next?" Yoongi asks, voice low and deep, and so close to your ear that it makes you jump.
Yoongi laughs at you, and you shake your head, fixing him with side-eye before turning to the rest of the group and leaning forward to see the others, past Jeongguk.
"Where to, next?" you repeat for the group, waiting for Taehyung and Jimin to finish muttering and turn their attention to you.
"Hall of mirrors!" Jeongguk shouts but he is outnumbered by Jimin and Taehyung who say, "Tunnel of Love!"
"I also vote for Tunnel of Love," Yoongi responds too close for comfort, but this time you ignore him, focusing on how your friends watch you anticipatorily.
"Well," you say, looking to Jeongguk, "since you're outnumbered anyway, how about Tunnel of Love first, then Hall of Mirrors?"
Jeongguk shrugs, for which you are relieved, murmuring, "Whatever. That sounds fine."
All around you, audience members are standing and making their way out, and before you know it, your group is some of the last people in the tent. Instinctively, you glance to the center of the ring, and you are surprised to find Jack – this time dressed in the same black outfit he wore at the rubber ducky game – standing in the center of the floor, facing you.
"So weird," you mutter to yourself, feeling a chill work down your spine as you tear your eyes away from the man in the black jester outfit. You are sure it is just part of their job to be creepy, in order to immerse audience members in the experience, but the way he watches you feels almost menacing.
Yoongi begins to stand, and so you do the same, followed by the rest of the guys. You walk out the way you came in, to the left, past the bleachers, then to the right, and along the back. The inside of the tent is dark enough that when you reach the exit, you find yourself squinting against the sun.
Shimmering in the bright sunlight, covering Yoongi's overgrown, dark hair, are little bits of red glitter, and you chuckle as you reach up and rub your hand over it, causing glitter to burst and fall around his shoulders like dust.
"Whoa!" Jeongguk exclaims, "where did all this come from?"
You turn to find Jeongguk running his hand through his own hair and then looking at the glitter as if he has never seen it before.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, realizing Jimin and Taehyung are also looking at each other's glitter-reddened hair with puzzled expressions.
"I thought it was blue," Taehyung murmurs, to which Jimin says, "Yeah, wasn't the glitter blue? Like rain?"
"Rain?" you ask, confused, trying to remember which part of the show had rain. Could there have been something that you missed while Jack was standing in front of you? But you are sure that he could not have distracted you from too much of the performance.
You open your mouth, but nothing comes out, and you find your lips moving around silent vowels and consonants. Too many sentences fight to be voiced, but you struggle to speak.
"Tunnel of Love is this way," Taehyung says, turning the group's attention to the right.
Although your body moves in line with the others, you almost feel tugged along by some kind of thread, partially dissociated from your skin. Your limbs feel heavy, the sun is hotter than you remember, and you worry you might be on the verge of a panic attack.
An arm slots around your waist from the left, and you breathe in a familiar musk, hoping that it will assist with centering you a little. Yoongi reaches over with his other hand to tap the bird keychain at your hip.
"Such a cute little ducky," he mutters.
You hum in response but feel suddenly snapped out of whatever weird trance you felt under. Perhaps it is the deep, comforting cadence of Yoongi's voice, or the weight of his arm over your shoulder, but you take in a deep breath of fresh air, and when you exhale, you feel much clearer.
"I like it," you respond belatedly, turning your head to smile at Yoongi, who smiles back.
He leans close, lips nearly touching your ear as he says, "I wonder if the Tunnel of Love will be nice and dark."
"Yoongi," you groan, leaning your hip into his as if to push him away, but putting hardly any weight into it. "Can't go one day without being a perv?"
Yoongi chuckles, shaking you with the rise and fall of his shoulders. "Never. I would have my hands and lips on you constantly, if I could."
Although Yoongi speaks quietly, you still clear your throat and look at the three in front of you. Sure, your friends are aware by now that you and Yoongi hook up – you may not have an official title beyond being friends, but there is no question that there are certain benefits the two of you provide one another that are not provided to the others.
At least, as far as you know. There does seem to be some kind of history between Yoongi and Jeongguk, but Yoongi has never mentioned what it entails and you do not feel it is your place to pry.
Still, you wish he would refrain from being so forward in public. If one of the others were to overhear it, you would feel really fucking embarrassed.
As you approach the Tunnel of Love, you see a short queue of people waiting outside. Luckily, there is a little awning over the entrance that provides shade, which you look forward to waiting under. As you approach, you realize this is a water ride, and you feel anxious at the prospect of getting wet.
On the left side of the building is an archway over which the words Tunnel of Love glow in bright red lights, where couples are lined up. As a small canoe-looking boat painted bright blue and pink comes out of a similar tunnel on the far right side of the building, in which a couple sits holding hands and giggling, you watch as the boat pulls around to the entrance and the couple gets out.
A new couple walks up three short steps and gets into the boat with the assistance of an attendant wearing all black, standing on the other side of the narrow water track that loops around.
"I wonder if the three of us will fit in one seat," Jimin says as he turns to assess the odd number of people in your group with a frown.
"I can go alone," Jeongguk responds with a shrug, eyes cast down.
"Tunnel of self love, eh?" Yoongi asks.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk all turn in time to watch Yoongi do a jerk-off motion with his hand, and they all roll their eyes. Of the three, Jeongguk seems the least amused.
There is one more couple ahead of your group, and you notice that several minutes pass until another boat comes from the exit. The boats seem to travel rather slowly, but you struggle to figure out how long the ride is. How big could this attraction possibly be?
As the couple in the boat exits and the couple at the front of the line boards, Jimin and Taehyung step up to be next. Jeongguk shifts on his feet, and you consider asking if the group would rather just do Hall of Mirrors, instead.
“Need another?” a friendly voice asks, and you turn to gaze past Yoongi, to where Jack stands in all black. He holds his hands up, causing long, loose black sleeves to fall to his wrists, fabric dangling to the ground as he wiggles his fingers and adds, “I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
Jeongguk chuckles and shakes his head but says, “Sure, fuck it.” When he turns, smile brightening his face, you are a bit surprised to see how welcoming he is. He holds out a hand and says, “Name is Jeongguk.”
Jack lifts his hand and, to your surprise, says, “You can call me Hoseok.”
“Hoseok?” you ask as confusion and discomfort settle in your guts. “I thought you were called Jack.”
Jack or Hoseok, or whoever the man is, turns to you, cocking his head while grinning. The smudged black makeup around his eyes make them seem bright – menacing, almost.
“Jack..” he says, putting emphasis on the k, “…in the box?”
You swallow thickly, looking around at your friends, who watch Hoseok with amused smiles.
“I was going for a jester look,” Hoseok reaches for the long black ears dangling from his hat and tugs them outward, “but that works, too.”
Slowly, he begins to circle you, Yoongi, and Jeongguk, skipping while singing in a nursery rhyme fashion, “Round and round the tarpaulin pole, his hypnosis is feeble—“
You watch as a boat comes out of the tunnel, and briefly, you think there is a look of fear in the eyes of the couple sitting inside. “—but one deep quake is all it takes—“
Hoseok grips onto your shoulders, causing you to jump and scream at the same time he shouts, “—POP! Goes the weasel!”
Your friends laugh. Jimin and Taehyung at least have the decency to give you sympathetic smiles as the couple disembarks the boat and they ready themselves to get on next. You feel the urge to tell your friends not to go on the ride, but decide against it; they would probably think you sound paranoid.
“So jumpy,” Yoongi teases, and you close your eyes tight while taking in a slow, deep breath, resisting the urge to let your anger rise. Of course, you are jumpy; everything about this situation is fucking weird.
“Sorry for causing you a fright, ducky,” Hoseok says, and you exhale, body becoming instantly relaxed.
“It’s fine,” you slur, almost feeling momentarily drunk before everything comes into clear focus.
As Jimin and Taehyung get onto a little yellow and pink wooden boat, Hoseok and Jeongguk step forward, followed by you and Yoongi. Hoseok and Jeongguk talk about something lowly with their heads tilted toward one another, which you are unable to make out.
The sun is hot, making you feel somewhat heavy. "I should get some water," you mumble as you look around, only finding one nearby refreshments stand with a long line.
"We'll get you something when we get out of the ride," Yoongi responds, also glancing around the space as he wraps his arms around you.
Despite Yoongi's heavy arms caging your arms to your sides and his warm body pressing against you, it feels calming to be in his embrace. You tuck your chin in an attempt to curl further into him, both to block yourself from the sun and to inhale more of the familiar musk that soothes you.
Hoseok's voice calls, "Catch you on the other side," and you somewhat lift your head in an attempt to see whether he is on the boat, but even as Yoongi lifts an arm to wave them off, his other holds onto you tight enough that it is difficult for you to move.
"Have fun, lover boys!" Yoongi responds, making you snicker, and when he finally releases his hold on you to step forward in the line, into the shade, you rotate and find the backs of their heads disappearing into the dark entrance.
"What even is a Tunnel of Love?" you ask, getting on your toes to attempt to see into the building. Now that you are closer, you can see that there is a curtain of thin red shimmering strips that hang just past the opening of the entrance, blocking your view. You can, however, make out the fact that in the water, there is a sort of track that must be guiding the small wooden boats, which is how they seem to be moving at a slow, controlled speed.
"It's typically just some stupid animatronics ride, like something you would see at Disney," Yoongi responds in a tone that suggests he is too old for this sort of thing.
You turn to him with your brow knit, playfully glaring as you ask, "Then why did you want to go on it so badly?"
Yoongi's mouth turns sharp and devious, making your eyes widen, "Because…" he drawls slowly, stepping close as if he has a secret that only you are allowed to hear, but then his eyes drift upward, and his smirk turns to a grin.
Before Yoongi has a chance to say, "Whoa!" you have already caught onto the fact that he is distracted by something behind you, and you spin in time to see a boat exit the ride that looks different from the others.
This new boat is white with pink accents and has a sort of awning covering the back, sides, and top of it. You do not see anyone sitting inside until it comes around the little bend and the front of it points toward you. Two women sit very close to one another, appearing somewhat giddy as the boat pulls up to the steps and the two begin to exit.
"We even got a boat with some privacy," Yoongi mutters close enough to send a shiver running down your spine, making you hesitate before walking up the three wooden steps to get onto the ride.
On the other side of the track, the attendant is looking down at his phone. When you come into view, he glances up and says, "Step into the very center and then slowly scoot to the side," before looking down at his device again, as if he cannot be bothered that you are there.
You do as you are told, tentatively at first, feeling your pulse spike when the boat very slightly rocks from your weight. But then you realize it is actually rather steady – held in place, undoubtedly, by the track, and you take a couple slow steps to the center and lower yourself onto the seat.
Yoongi is beside you before you are able to settle in, arm slung over your shoulder and lips already finding your ear lobe with a welcoming groan. The attendant says, "Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times," monotone and practiced, and then the boat jerks before you are slowly entering the tunnel.
As the red shimmering strips part around the boat's awning, Yoongi's hand slides up from your knee, not stopping as it slides between your thighs, roughly cupping you over the fabric of your pants.
"Yoongi!" you half whisper, half moan as his fingers rub up and down, pressing firmly enough that you can feel every movement. Your thighs spread instinctively, and you look around at the Alice in Wonderland style scenery of bushes shaped like hearts, dripping with red, pink and white, as if paint had just been splattered over them moments ago. Faux flowers cover the ground and walls, some spinning and swaying to an upbeat song, but all you can hear is the rush of your pulse as Yoongi's fingers begin to undo your pants.
"Need to touch you," Yoongi groans as his teeth gently clamp down on your earlobe and his hand snakes into your pants.
"What if someone sees us?" you whimper, but as you glance around, you realize that there is nobody around to see you but animatronic animals that scurry behind and around all the love-shaped foliage. The lights are dim, and the awning gives you a surprising amount of coverage.
"Who?" Yoongi asks against your neck as his fingers rub circles over the thin fabric of your panties. The sensation makes you tense up and then relax, and although you can see that you are alone, you still feel anxious about being caught.
The boat approaches another doorway, this one covered in strips of shimmering black, and as you enter the even darker room, Yoongi's fingertips push past the hem of your panties, parting your lips as he begins to slowly tease your clit.
"Fuck," you whisper, eyes fluttering closed before you widen them in an attempt to stay aware of your surroundings.
This new room is dark with shimmering stars and an aurora borealis glowing in greens, blues, and yellows on the ceiling. You are unable to clearly make out the rest of the decorations, but there appear to be silhouettes of bushes and trees, only faintly lit up by the lights overhead.
"Mmm, so wet for me," Yoongi groans as his hand forces your thighs to spread just a little more and he plunges two fingers inside you. You whimper as arousal simmers throughout your body, lighting you up like the faux sky above. "Wish I could fucking taste you," he practically growls against your neck, causing you to let out a soft moan.
With a jolt, the boat stops, causing the two of you to gasp. Music still plays overhead, and Yoongi's fingers begin a nice steady pace of fucking into you. Although concern spikes, you settle back against the wooden seat and flutter your eyes closed, attempting to spread your legs a little more.
"Please stay seated," a somewhat robotic female-sounding voice announces, surrounding you from all sides and from above, "the ride will resume momentarily."
Yoongi's fingers leave you, making you whine, and then he sides off the seat and onto the floor. "Get these down to your knees," he instructs, yanking on your pants so forcefully that you squeal and slide nearly off the seat.
"Oh my god," you laugh as your garments are pulled to your knees as promised, and your bare ass settles on the wooden seat. "Yoongi, we can't—" you begin, despite not putting up any resistance and allowing him to hook your legs over his shoulders as his head slides between your thighs, caged in by your pants.
Yoongi's mouth is warm, wet, and heavenly as his tongue rakes over your clit and his lips close in. He sucks hard as his fingers find your entrance and slide in, wasting no time to fuck into you roughly.
You shudder and sigh, doing your best not to make a sound as one hand grips onto the edge of the seat and the other finds purchase in his soft, dark hair. "Yoongi," you whimper as softly as you can, feeling pleasure build and build at breakneck speeds. You're still sensitive from how hard Yoongi fucked you against the shower wall, this morning. Still sore from how he pressed you into your mattress and fucked you until you babbled absolute nonsense for hours last night.
"Please stay seated," the robotic voice calls, once more, "the ride will resume momentarily."
You listen for any voices – any sign that Hoseok and Jeongguk may also be in this room with you – but all you can hear are the twinkling sounds of the soft music playing. Yoongi's fingers and mouth are far too talented, and you chase your high quickly, squelching around him as your hands dig and press desperately.
"Gonna cum?" Yoongi asks, muffled and teasing.
"Yes," you whimper, eager for release as your body sinks further into the seat. "Yes, yes, yes, don't stop."
Yoongi groans and growls between your legs, sounds just loud enough for you to hear – just loud enough to make you shy. Never before has someone absolutely devoured you the way Yoongi does, and you practically feel drunk on how good he is at making you cum. You still find it insane that he has gotten this well-versed with your body after only being friends for a couple of months – only fuck buddies for about three weeks.
The memory of Yoongi's crooked smile luring you into the bathroom at Jimin's end of semester house party flashes through your mind – him pressing you against the tall mirror, hips digging uncomfortably into the sink as you watch his face twist with pleasure while he stretches you on his cock for the first time. The thought of how good he felt has your thighs squeezing around his head and you tremble through an intense wave of orgasm.
Yoongi sucks your clit as you cum, pounding his fingers into you. Above, the robotic voice instructs you to please stay in your seats, but the sound is clouded by your pulse pounding in your ears – covered behind the huffs of air you let out as you desperately attempt not to make a sound.
“Get down here and ride me,” Yoongi groans as he slides his fingers out.
The overhead music suddenly fills your ears, twinkling and melodic, as if the volume has been cranked up. Yoongi yanks on your pants, pulling your right shoe off in a rush.
“What?” you ask, feeling dazed from pleasure. “Yoongi, we can’t—“
“It’s fine,” Yoongi insists, sitting high to slot his lips against yours. “Come on, ducky; be a good girl and sit on my cock.”
Confused by Yoongi calling you ducky, you begin to mutter, “What did you just call—“ but everything feels hazy and twisted, and your body shimmers with desire.
Please stay seated; the ride will resume momentarily.
“Come on, baby,” Yoongi insists, fingers digging into your hips. “I’ll be quick. Just need to feel you.”
“What did you call me?” you ask, head spinning as you slide to the floor of the little wooden boat, no longer partially hidden – not that you care.
Yoongi holds onto your thighs as he lifts you enough to line you up with his cock, right knee digging into the floor of the boat while the left is still covered by your pants. You groan in tandem as he loosens his hold, allowing gravity to assist him in spearing you deep.
“Fuck,” he grits, fingers digging painfully into your sides. “Called you baby. Don’t you like it?”
You want to protest and explain that you don't mean when he called you baby, but your body feels electric, and you lift and drop your hips eagerly, feeling Yoongi stretch your already aching cunt. The little wooden boat creaks and whines with each of your movements, but it only slightly sways; whatever track it is attached to holds it tightly in place.
"This is exactly what I need," Yoongi mutters, head lolling back. "Your pussy is so good, baby."
Although his voice is barely above a whisper, you feel shy at the thought that someone could be able to see or hear you. You have already surmised that there does not seem to be another boat in the same room, but what if there is an attendant somewhere in the shadows?
You even glance around in the dark, feeling paranoia spike. Yoongi drives his hips upward hard enough to make you gasp – nearly making you moan before you catch yourself and swallow back the sound.
Please stay seated; the ride will resume momentarily.
Yoongi wraps his arms around you, clinging tight and burying his face against your neck. You hardly hear him say, "Won't last, baby," muffled against your skin.
"Wait," you moan, suddenly hit with the realization that Yoongi is going to cum soon. "You're not wearing a condom."
"It's fine," Yoongi slurs, shaking his head.
"Yoongi!" you whisper-shout, slowing your hips uselessly as he bucks his upward to make up for lost movement. "I don't want to be gushing with cum all day."
With a low moan, Yoongi's arms squeeze you tighter. "Love your filthy fucking mouth, baby."
You smack Yoongi on the shoulder and somewhat weakly attempt to lift your hips all the way up. You are not trying to stop him, so much as slow him down, but he seems too lost in bliss to get the hint as his hands slide down and grip onto your thighs, lifting you and pushing you down in time with his upward thrusts.
"Swallow it, then," Yoongi suggests with a crooked smile.
With one more smack to his shoulder, you lift your hips all the way up. Yoongi groans impatiently and makes a feeble attempt to push you back down, but does not put up a real fight.
"Jerk off into your hand and throw it in the water," you suggest through a bit of laughter.
"Swallow it," Yoongi tries once more, whining through his words while his hands work over his slick length.
Please stay seated; the ride will resume momentarily.
Your legs feel weak as you get back up onto the seat – bare ass on wood that has begun to go cold in the absence of your warmth. Yoongi continues to jerk himself off with one hand, while he leans forward and spreads your thighs with his other.
"Look how messy you are," he says as his fingertips probe at your lips and hole, making you tremble as you only spread enough for him to see. You want to put your clothing back in order before the ride resumes again; there is no telling how many more weird rooms there are to this attraction, and you do not want to be caught with your ass out. Yoongi leans forward, stumbling on his knees as his head falls between your thighs. "Need one more taste."
"Yoongi," you groan through a smile, looking around nervously, seeing nothing in the dark but shimmering stars.
Yoongi's lips and tongue make sloppy work on your cunt, but it feels good. Not good enough to make you cum, but good enough to make you melt back into the seat and spread just a little further for him.
You close your eyes and melt a little deeper into the feeling. For just a moment, you even allow yourself to imagine that you could really be his. Not just his fuck buddy who is kept at arm's length despite how openly flirtatious he is around his friends. No more hearing, "We can't keep doing this, baby," and, "This has to be the last time."
There is definitely someone else in Yoongi's life. Nobody has so much as said it, but you have suspected it, all along. You wonder how he manages to get away with fucking you without your mutual friends knowing about it when he makes his attraction to you so obvious.
Please stay seated; the ride will resume momentarily.
You are penetrated once more, and it takes a moment for you to realize Yoongi is standing over you with your legs slung over his hips. He leans at a strange angle, with his hands gripping onto the sides of the wooden awning.
How Yoongi managed to change positions confuses you, but the feeling of his cock makes it difficult for you to dwell too much. From here, you can somewhat see his face in the dark, and his chin is so slick with your release that a new tingle of excitement works through you.
"I wonder if they can hear us," Yoongi says somewhat loudly before slamming his hips against yours hard enough for the sound to echo.
"Huh?" you ask, but it turns to a moan as Yoongi sets a punishing pace. There is absolutely no way the sounds are not traveling to the other rooms, but you are so lost in bliss, all you can manage is to cover your face. Your head digs into the wood of the seat back, and your body is scrunched and lifted uncomfortably, but you allow yourself to be handled roughly because his cock feels so good.
"Jeongguk and Hoseok. I wonder if they can hear us."
The thought of it makes you recoil. "I hope not."
"Hmm, why not?" Yoongi groans, head tilted downward with his dark hair hanging over his eyes, casting a menacing shadow. "Jeonggukie loves to listen and watch."
Unsure why Yoongi is so intent on discussing Jeongguk's sexual habits at a time like this – and puzzled by how he would know such a detail, in the first place – you refrain from responding to his claim, squeezing your eyes closed.
Please stay seated; the ride will resume momentarily.
The music suddenly sounds much louder, and you feel yourself melt further. Yoongi's movements are loud and forceful, and you can tell by his deep, quick huffs of air that he is close to blowing his load. You open your mouth to warn Yoongi not to cum in or on you, but two fingers press down on your tongue, and you clamp your lips shut, instinctively.
Hands rub over your hair, down your neck, along the curves of your thighs. Hands squeeze your breasts, touch your clit, tighten around your throat, and hug you close. Caught in a strange liminal space between panic and bliss, you only have a split moment to comprehend how any of it could be possible – how it could feel like so many different fingertips on you at once.
And then you are jumping with a start, sitting on the little wooden seat beside Yoongi. The boat seems to have jolted and is now moving forward; the twinkling music is soft and romantic; your clothing is all in place. Neither of you appear as if you just had sex, as far as you can tell, but your pussy is wet and throbbing as if Yoongi only pulled out seconds ago.
"Finally," Yoongi mutters with a chuckle. "I thought we were going to be stuck sitting on this ride for the rest of the day."
You hum in response, rubbing your palms over your thighs, allowing the soft fabric of your slacks to wick the sweat that has begun to form on your tingling palms. What the fuck just happened?
Although you are certain you and Yoongi just fucked on this little wooden boat, you have no explanation for the lost time, and you feel nervous to ask. Yoongi will definitely think you have lost your mind.
As you reach the end of the twinkling star room, you see Hoseok step into view near the exit, standing just to the right of the curtain, wearing all white. This jars you, causing you to sit up quickly; surely, he has to have seen and heard everything. And if he is there, then does that mean he and Jeongguk have somehow managed to get off the ride while you and Yoongi were stuck inside?
"Crazy how much that guy looks like Hoseok," Yoongi says as his hand snakes under your left palm and he intertwines your fingers together.
"What do you mean?" you ask, but as soon as the words settle, and you pass the man standing in white, you begin to spot differences. They are slight, but they are there.
Jack does not have a piercing on the bridge of his nose, and his bangs are straight and sort of fan out over his brow, from under his white hat, whereas you remember Hoseok's bangs having a slight curl to them. At least…you think you recall him looking that way. Jack also does not appear to be wearing much makeup, whereas Hoseok's is always smudged around his eyes.
Yoongi only chuckles beside you and squeezes your hand as the boat parts another shimmering curtain. Ahead, you can actually see Jeongguk and Hoseok's boat passing through a curtain on the opposite end of the room. This room is a large, open square with the track snaking through it, decorated with fake fields of flowers and robotic butterflies, bright with a fake, sunny sky, and no dividers to keep you from seeing through to the very end, allowing you to notice the backs of their heads as they disappear from the room.
"See?" Yoongi says, lips grazing against your neck and giving you chills. "Two different people."
There is more evidence that Hoseok and Jack are different men when you think back to interactions between the two of them – Jack commenting on the bird keychain, and Hoseok responding like an absolute maniac when you called him Jack.
"Creepy," you respond, feeling inexplicably unsettled. The prospect of two identical men potentially pretending to be the same one all along, unbeknownst to you, makes you uncomfortable. Especially given their behavior all day.
How is Jack always right in front of you? And how many times has he been there without you realizing it?
This room is much shorter than the last two, and as the boat reaches the curtains, Yoongi presses a kiss against your neck and mutters, "Wonder if he saw anything in there?"
The boat exits the final curtain, and the bright, hot sun hits you, causing you to recoil and squint. You question whether Yoongi just confirmed that something did, indeed, just happen inside the tunnel, but the sound of Jimin shouting for your attention pulls it away, and you glance up in time to see him taking a picture of you and Yoongi.
Hoseok is still around, standing with Jeongguk, just off to the side from Jimin and Taehyung. Although he appears to be speaking directly to Jeongguk, his eyes find you, and he grins. Your cheeks warm as you look away, becoming embarrassed by the thought that the two of them definitely heard something.
Jack is near the stopping point, where the boat docks, so to speak, standing to the right of the track, closest to you. He reaches over the wooden wall that divides you with a golden card that has Lost & Found scrawled on it in raised black text. You hesitate to take the card, and he pushes it closer.
"Seems you have lost something in there," Jack prompts, mouth pulled into a smile. "Take this to the smallest tent, where the older of the two Kim brothers will assist you in retrieving what has been lost."
"What—" you begin, as Jack cocks his head and says, "You chose heads, ducky. Heads, you remember everything. Please take this card to Kim Seokjin-hyung, and he will assist you in retrieving the time you seem to have lost inside the Tunnel of Love."
How the fuck Jack must know what you experienced in the ride fills you with dread and annoyance, and you begin to wonder if perhaps it had all been a trick – an illusion. But how on earth could someone create the illusion of you having sex? You can still feel your arousal wet between your legs.
You take the card from Jack's hand when Yoongi calls your name from outside the ride. You had not noticed him get up or exit the boat, and you sit there alone while the next two people in line stare at you with impatience in their eyes.
"Sorry," you mutter to nobody in particular as you duck your head and stand up.
Your legs feel somewhat weak as you step onto the wooden platform and take the three steps down to the gravel path.
"That ride was short and kind of boring," Jeongguk complains, kicking at small rocks and seemingly avoiding making eye contact with you or Yoongi.
"That's weird," Yoongi says, wrapping an arm around your lower back and rubbing his hand up the path of your spine, "it felt to me like it went on forever."
Yoongi's hand falls away and Jimin begins to hop impatiently in the direction of the Hall of Mirrors. "Let's go," he whines, elongating that last vowel, making you chuckle as you walk with the crew toward the attraction.
Hoseok walks in the same direction before veering off, toward the three red and white tents, and you lift the Lost & Found card in your hand, rubbing your thumb over the raised text.
"Hey guys," you say, lifting the card higher when everyone turns to look at you. "You, uh…you go ahead and I'll meet you in there. Jack gave me this card, and I want to go see what it means."
You expect the vagueness of your explanation to raise alarms and cause your friends to interrogate you, and you are surprised when Taehyung simply nods, and Jimin shrugs.
"See you there," Yoongi says, planting a kiss against your forehead once everyone has turned their attention away from you. "Don't be too long, yeah?"
"Sure," you mutter, eyes trailing to Hoseok, who enters the smaller of the three tents, smack in the center of all the chaos. "Yeah. See you in a bit."
The moment Yoongi leaves your side, you become acutely aware of how loud everything is. Creepy chiptune music plays from various booths, shouted over by booth attendants and the occasional scream or cheer from a customer. With each shrill sound, your feet walk a little faster and your shoulders hunch a little higher.
Somewhat desperately, you reach the entrance to the smaller of the three tents, and you fling the heavy plastic red and white striped flap open without giving it a moment of thought. Hoseok stands near a wooden desk on the far end of the space, and when you realize you have just entered someone's personal quarters, you gasp and leap backward, toward the exit.
"Shit," you mutter as your hand fails to find the tent flap, and you spin quickly in an attempt to avoid seeing whatever transpires in the center of the space.
"Don't worry, little darling," you hear a familiar voice call, halting your movements. "I was expecting you. Come, sit."
When you turn back around, Seokjin is standing with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing a wide, welcoming smile. Hoseok bows his head and walks past, toward the exit. You hear the sound of the tent flap rising and then falling, and you approach a small wooden chair with a low back and thin armrests, and you slowly take a seat.
"Nobody enters this tent who is not meant to," Seokjin says as he rounds his desk and steps close. "Now, in order to retrieve what has been lost, you will need to consent to hypnosis."
"Hyp—" you begin, wiggling uncomfortably in your seat as your hands grip onto the armrests.
"You will be cognizant of every little thing, I promise."
The prospect of hypnosis seems too grand, and you shake your head, feeling a wave of discomfort settle over you. With a sigh, Seokjin uncrosses his arms, and he sits on the corner of his desk, just to your right. Even with him seated, you have to crane your neck to look up at him.
Seokjin taps the nails of his fingers quickly against the surface of his desk – taptaptap, taptaptap, taptaptap – while he appears to choose his next words. You watch his fingers, eyes stuck on a large emerald green ring that rises and falls melodically. Taptaptap, taptaptap, taptaptap.
"Hmm, yes, I understand," Seokjin responds. Taptaptap, taptaptap, taptaptap. "The unknown can be quite intimidating." Taptaptap, taptaptap, taptaptap. "But the hypnosis we do here is only to calm and dull the senses, allowing us to reach into the mind and rearrange things a little so that what has been lost can be found." Taptaptap, taptaptap, taptaptap. "You understand…don't you, ducky?"
You do understand, and you sigh as you relax into the chair and slowly nod your head, muttering, "I understand."
"Good," Seokjin responds, grinning. "Now sink nice and deep for me."
Seokjin reaches forward with his emerald clad hand and taps two fingers to the underside of your chin. Suddenly, the room melts away, and you feel heavy, dragged down into what can only be described as dark oblivion, while Seokjin drifts up, up, up – further and further away.
Then, suddenly, you are back on the Tunnel of Love ride, seated somewhat haphazardly, and Yoongi's cock is buried deep. His hands travel slowly over your body – fingers press down on your tongue, then slide away to rub over your neck while he touches along your hairline. He fucks you hard and fast and deep, making you scream and moan as orgasm rushes over you, and although your eyes are squeezed tight, you know that it is only him who touches you.
Only him who touches your breasts, rubs your clit, grips your throat. You have two crashing, intense orgasms while the robotic voice urges you to stay seated, and you are loud and unabashed, nails digging into the wooden seat of the ride.
Yoongi pulls out and cums on your pussy – rubs the head of his cock over your outer labia and moans loudly as he makes a mess. Your eyes open as he trembles through his high, and you watch as he sinks to his knees and begins to lick his own release off you.
"Yoongi, what are you—" you ask before his tongue and lips slurping at your messy cunt cuts you off and makes you moan.
"Fuck, you taste like heaven," Yoongi groans as he sits back and rubs the back of his hand against his face. "But we should put our clothes back on before the ride starts again.”
You feel fucked out and exhausted, panting through each breath as you sit up and begin to make sense of your clothing. Your slacks are still on your left leg, but your right leg is completely bare, and your shoe has managed to end up past where Yoongi sits high on his knees and buttons his tight black jeans.
Yoongi hands you your shoe while you slide your leg back into your panties and pants, and you stand just enough off the wooden seat to pull up your garments, lightly bonking your head on the wooden awning as you struggle to get yourself put back together. The two of you giggle and sit for only about a minute before the ride jolts forward and begins to move again, causing you to jump.
"Find what you were searching for?" Seokjin asks.
You gasp as your eyes fly open, and you find yourself in his tent, right where you should be. Paperwork covers his desk in stacks, and there are wooden bookshelves covered in books and trinkets behind it. You wonder how practical it is for him to have so many belongings in a traveling circus tent, but do not question it. There is something unfathomably wrong with this entire situation, and you feel the sudden urge to get the fuck out.
"I did, thank you," you say as you stand in a rush, pushing the chair back roughly against the grassy floor.
Seokjin smiles kindly and waves as you spin and rush to the exit, yanking open the tent flap once more and finding yourself back out in the loud, hot afternoon. How you could possibly feel so claustrophobic out in the open is beyond you, but you run toward the Hall of Mirrors, relieved to find no line at the entrance.
Just as you approach the attraction, Jack steps in your way and you brace yourself as you nearly pummel into him, stopping just in time.
"Shit," you complain, side-stepping to move past him, but Jack steps along with you, and holds up his hands.
"He who has been wronged has been granted a wish. Just one wish."
Impatient and exasperated, you huff, "What are you talking about?"
"You chose heads, ducky. Heads, you remember everything. This may include premonitions and changes in the continuum. The Tower crumbles, but change is good."
"Get the fuck away from me," you grit through your teeth as you shove past Jack and run up the metal stairs that lead into the mouth of the Hall of Mirrors.
As soon as you run into the entrance, multiple yous stare back at you, and you halt in your tracks, turning slowly to find the way out of this area and on to the next. You really just want to find your friends.
You feel disoriented and dizzy as you press forward, holding your hands at chest-height as you step in circles and around sharp corners. Reflections stretched and squeezed and twisted cause your anxiety to rise, and you do your best to steady your breathing.
Then you come out into a hallway of sorts, and feel equally thrown off by the lack of strangeness. The black stretch of space has violet string lights along the floor and ceiling, broken by squares of space that you realize are entrances to other rooms.
To the right, you think you hear Jimin's giggle, and you begin to step in that direction before you hear the unmistakable sound of Jeongguk shouting, "That's fucking bullshit, and you know it, Yoongi!"
The sound of his voice is coming from your immediate left, and you slowly turn and get closer. Thin black strings create a door of sorts, and as you approach, you can see through the strips, finding Yoongi leaning against a mirror with his fingers hooked into the waistband of Jeongguk's jeans. You are unable to make out what Yoongi says in response, but you can see the unmistakable smirk and fuck-me-eyes that you are so used to having directed at you.
The room they are in is so small – an almost circular space with mirrors on every wall, on the floor, and on the ceiling. There appears to be a sliver of black to Yoongi's left that someone may be able to squeeze through, and the two of them are only about six feet away from where you stand.
"It's been weeks, Yoongi," Jeongguk huffs, attempting to step back but getting caught on Yoongi's hold of him. "When are you going to break it off? Have you even told her?"
Yoongi bites his bottom lip and reaches with his other hand to cup Jeongguk's crotch, squeezing until Jeongguk shudders and finally takes a step back.
"Let's find a dark corner, love," Yoongi offers with a bat of his lashes and a sweet, wide smile, making your heart sink like a brick. "Let me make it up to you. Then we'll tell her together."
"Fuck you," Jeongguk responds sharply, swatting Yoongi's hand away. "I don't want you to make it up to me. I'm not playing your games anymore."
"Ggukie—" Yoongi tries, and Jeongguk shoves at him, causing Yoongi to stumble back into a mirror and press his palm against it.
"No," Jeongguk snaps. "We're not speaking anymore. I wish you would fucking get lost!"
Yoongi shakes his head and stumbles as Jeongguk turns toward the exit – to where you are frozen in place. Then Yoongi takes a step forward and seems to fall backward but Jeongguk quickly walks forward and slams into you, obstructing your view and causing you to scramble away from the room, bump into Hoseok, and scream with surprise and frustration. You wish you could shrink in on yourself and disappear as Jeongguk looks at you and snickers.
"Oh, great," he snaps, rolling his eyes. "It's you. How much did you hear, hmm?"
It is shocking the way Jeongguk speaks to you, voice laced with anger and madder than you have ever seen him. But what is more alarming is that Yoongi is nowhere to be found.
"Where did Yoongi go?" you ask.
Jeongguk snickers and shakes his head. "All you fucking care about is Yoongi," he says under his breath. "You know he was playing you, right? He and I are dating; have been for almost a year."
"What?" you mutter, looking around frantically for Yoongi, who seems to have disappeared in thin air.
"We're somewhat open," Jeongguk huffs, running a hand through his hair, sending red glitter to his shoulders and to the floor. "We fuck other people sometimes. But never more than once; you were just meant to be another easy mark on his long list. He was supposed to tell you."
"Oh," you respond, feeling defeated and more worried with every second that passes.
"Yeah, oh," Jeongguk mocks, making your frustration rise. He has every right to be angry, but taking it out on you right now of all fucking times is not going to do anyone any good. "Let me guess, he stayed at your place last night?"
"Can we do this later?" you ask, panting as sweat breaks on your forehead. "I need to get out of here; I feel—"
"Yeah, whatever," Jeongguk responds while he turns, adding, "I don't give a fuck how you feel," under his breath as he walks off.
Ordinarily, you would want to run after Jeongguk and attempt to assuage his anger, but you feel desperate to find Yoongi. You remember the sliver of a possible doorway in the small room, and wonder if maybe Yoongi is taking a breather in there while the dust settles.
"Lovers quarrels are never any fun to witness," Hoseok says, and you sigh angrily as you step into the room Jeongguk just exited from. "Which is why I granted him the wish."
"Can you fuck off?" you ask angrily as you spin on your toes and face a smiling Hoseok. "Leave me alone, please!"
"You won't find him," Hoseok calls, but you ignore him, walking through the small space and pushing away the black strings that hang over the narrow passage. Only there is no room to walk in that direction; it opens into a much smaller mirrored space that is lit up with bright, disorienting flashing lights and does not appear as if it is meant to be entered.
"Where did he go?" you demand as you turn. You are angry at Yoongi, and he has a lot to answer for, but your priority is finding him.
Hoseok, who stands just inside the entrance of the room with his arms crossed over his chest, shrugs and says, "He's lost."
"What does that mean, he's lost?"
Jack appears in the entrance beside Hoseok, obstructing your way out and holding yet another gold Lost & Found card. "He's lost," Jack says, voice nearly identical to Hoseok's – just slightly more nasally. Seeing the two of them standing side-by-side makes you feel nauseous with unease. "Meaning, he needs to be found."
"But not immediately," Hoseok adds, taking the card from Jack's hand and turning it over in his fingers before pocketing it. "Seokjin-hyung isn't in his tent at the moment."
"When will he be in his tent?" you ask, desperate. How Seokjin and his fucking parlor tricks will help you find Yoongi is beyond you, but so is everything else you have experienced since entering this cursed fucking carnival.
"When the time comes, you'll know," Hoseok responds.
"When the time comes, the flap to his tent will reappear," Jack says.
"Until then, you should really find your friends, little ducky," Hoseok suggests, tilting his head.
A wave of dizziness hits you and you sway somewhat before feeling calm and clarity take over in a blink.
"Don't want to lose them, too," Jack adds.
You feel exhausted as you rub your hands over your eyes and squeeze them shut, taking in a deep, fortifying breath. When you open your eyes, the only thing you see is your own multiplied reflection and the black strings in the entryway swaying. With a sigh, you shake your head and begin to navigate the Hall of Mirrors once more, listening for a familiar voice.

note: some of the magic that occurs will have explanations, but some will not! keep an open mind to the idea that not all of the magical realism will be explained, as we move further into the story.
are we having fun, yet???
i said i would be a little mean about Yoongi being chosen at the love interest, because i have a lot of Yoongi-focused fics going on at all times. and, don't worry, you will get to vote on who, if anyone, catches the attention of our vulnerable mc next! (polls coming soon! keep an eye out for the tags!)
thank you so much for reading!!! comments and reblogs mean the world, and likes are appreciated, too!!! stay hydrated and i will be back to torment you soon! 🤍 polls will begin to go up in the next 12-24 hours for chapter 3!
🤹♀️ tag list: @agustdsciggy @andreargu @bangtan-tee-86 @eoieopda @idkjustlovingbts @itsshaydeekaydee @kiki-zb @mamidescarada @manuosorioh @melancholy-of-nadia @mgthecat @moonleeai @secfir @sweetestofchaos @unsureofwhathappens @violetsiren90 🎪 visit the master post to read the disclaimer & request to be tagged!

Carnival of Terror is a Goosebumps-inspired fic, copyright theharrowing 2023. no translations or reposting allowed!