MATCHING PFP WITH MY INCREDIBLE WIFE @zukoromantic, BRO I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!💕 She/Her 💕 23 💕 Respect Bentina Beakley or die by my sword. 💕Mostly fangirling about Ducktales2017 24/7 bc the show might be over but it still lives rent-free in my head. Also precure!! 💕 Inuyasha side blog -> @kagura-the-wind-tamer
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A Drawing I Did About A Year Ago That I Never Got To Post Here.

A drawing I did about a year ago that I never got to post here.
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More Posts from Ai-higurashi
Oh. my .stars.

I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!

Ok. It needs touching up. I’m probs gonna redraw this trash from scratch in the future, along with shading and a real background, but I just couldn’t wait anymore.
So here it is. Mind Link AU: Star’s possessed!Butterfly form!
Today’s drabble is dedicated to @krzed to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a lovely day full of wonderful things, friend! :)
“You can’t be serious.”
“Come on, dude, it’s just for one night. No one will even realize,” Nino said, loosening his bracelet.
“You’ve looked in the mirror, right?” Nathaniel frowned. “I think people are going to notice the scrawny white guy in the turtle suit.”
“You’ll have the hood and it’ll be dark. Alya will help keep you hidden too. And Wayzz is totally okay with it for just tonight, right, Wayzz?”
“I personally think this is a foolish way around the problem but haven’t seen any better options,” the kwami sighed.
“See, great idea,” Nino grinned, slipping the Miraculous off and offering it to Nathaniel with a kiss on the cheek. “Adrien is only publicly out with me and Marinette right now so we have to be there for him at the Gabriel press event tonight.”
“And there are the rumors going around that he’s Chat after that cell phone video,” Nathaniel pointed out.
“Exactly, which is why Chloe is going to be Chat tonight so they can be seen in the same area at the same time.”
Nathaniel tightened the bracelet on his wrist. “How come Chloe gets to be Chat?!”
“She just got that cute little pixie cut. It works better.”
“Also, I look fabulous in black, as you well know,” Chloe grinned, sauntering into the room and showing off the thick silver ring on her finger.
“Chlo, this is just for tonight,” Adrien warned, trailing after her with a disgruntled Plagg and Pollen.
“Sure, sure,” she replied, waving him off.
Nathaniel shook his head, dropping to the couch and pulling Adrien down with him. “So what, Alya is going to be Ladybug?”
“That’s what I wanted but alas, no kwami swap for me tonight,” Alya answered dramatically, entering the room with Marinette following in amusement. “I’ll project Ladybug and Queen Bee across from us. No one suspects Marinette so it shouldn’t be a problem that Ladybug isn’t available for comment. And I’ll have a thin layer over Chloe and Nath so no one will see anything too different.”
“And you guys aren’t really going to speak either,” Marinette added, laughing when she saw Nathaniel’s relieved look. “This is all just precaution.”
“Why not just project Chat and Carapace too then?”
“Because that’s a lot of moving pieces and I’m already going to be stretching myself thing as it is,” Alya admitted.
The group all settled down on the extended L couch. “This is some sitcom-level shenanigans stuff. You guys realize that, right?” Nathaniel pointed out.
“Oh yeah, it’s definitely going to bite us in the butt,” Nino agreed.
“Excuse me, my illusions are flawless. No one is going to realize a thing,” Alya sniffed, leaning against Chloe’s shoulder. “I do hate that we can’t all be there for Adrien though.”
“I could say something,” Adrien said quietly and Marinette took his hand.
“There’s no pressure from us, Sunshine,” Alya supplied. “We all love you and we’re here for you. And we sure as hell remember the reaction of you coming out with Nino and Mari. We don’t want you to go through more of that.”
“I guess,” he sighed.
“Besides, we don’t need anyone’s approval.” Chloe stretched out across Alya and Nino’s laps. “We love each other and that’s all we need to know.”
Nathaniel ran his fingers into her hair and smiled. “Yeah, that’s all we need to know.”
Buy me a coffee?

Poche Posh is the first and only store where all the clothes have pockets
Poche Posh was created by me (Jessica) and my best friend Visha who noticed that most of our clothes didn’t have pockets. After seeing years of Tumblr complaints, and being excited every time our clothes had pockets, we decided to create Poche Posh. All the clothes have pockets. Yes - all of them!
Thank you all so much, this entire company was inspired by the people of Tumblr (I have another account, and have been on the site for 6 years, and after seeing people constantly talk about pockets I knew that something had to be done <3
Share this with anyone who loves pockets on their clothes!
Hi! I'm not sure if you answer these kinds of questions (or have already answered a question like this), but do you have any tips on how to pick and use colors? I always feel my colors are fine when I'm drawing a piece but comparing my art to other artists' drawings my colors look dull.
Ohhh, colors. Gosh, to be honest it took me a while myself to get a hang of it - because I usually used just one color scheme + i shadowed the whole picture just picking a ‘darker’ tone of each color, like if a sweater was orange, i created a layer above it with ‘darker orange’ color. And I did that for each layer, which is so not convenient, takes a lot of time and it just looks dull after some time.
I made a little “tutorial” (it’s hardly a tutorial but I explained there what colors i choose for lighting and for shadowing) on colors that you can find HERE
Essential word here is LAYERS. Now what I do, firstly I color the picture with the base colors - like skin, hair, clothing etc. I also set up shadows - like I did in the tutorial linked above. Lemme show you on my latest klance picture -

Next, (it depends on what environment the characters are in - if they are situated in a well lit room, a dungeon, if they are on a meadow and there’s sunset/midday/sunrise/evening or night) I select all the character layers and just bucket color it with bright blue or light pink and change different layer modes.

In this case, they are laying on the beach, after the sunset - so the base colors here are blue AND pink. All as said above in the picture.

The final steps here - a vivid light layer, peach pink color. I added in on the things that are exposed to the light the most - which are boys’ hair, a camera, soda cans etc. I also added a bit of glowy-sparkly dots to imitate the sand reflecing the setting sun.
As I said, it all depends on the atmosphere, and this is the way I do things. I hope it was helpful and thanks for asking such question! I am not that good at making tutorials but this was definitely fun. Have a nice day dear and good luck with your art!
Breathtakingly beautiful

I saw a pink-yellow rose and it reminded about Star. Then I thought: ‘I never drew roses. Can I draw roses at all?’ Well I tried and I liked the process. But I would like not to do it again for the few next month :D