akelskeleton - Akel‼️‼️

Heyy!! I post my art/art wips here sometimes! .𖥔 ݁ ˖

180 posts

Akelskeleton - Akel - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

revenge true story

(ignore the app logo)

the whole tragedy of gay forbidden love ...

Revenge True Story

original audio: our love is god (heathers the musical)

6 months ago
Forgot To Post This Drawing From Last Month

forgot to post this drawing from last month 😐

7 months ago

if tim sutton has zero fans im DEAD.

7 months ago

Take off that mask 4 us & give us a big ol smile :)

Take Off That Mask 4 Us & Give Us A Big Ol Smile :)
Take Off That Mask 4 Us & Give Us A Big Ol Smile :)

Here you go.

7 months ago

When a content creator you like is outed as someone who's done harm/something bad, it sucks!

Your first reaction is usually thinking "Is it true?" or blatantly deny it because you like what the creator put out, especially when they're mentally ill and make something you find relatable to your own experiences.

When TWO people come out about it, and more provide eye witnesses to the account, with evidence, and you decide to not even look into it? Then stay out of the conversation. This place isn't for you.

If you decide to become a part of the conversation, be sure you examine EVERYTHING properly with a critical mindset for both sides. Who has more evidence? Who has counter evidence? Who is just talking out of his ass to make you hear what you want to hear?

With the case of Andreas and Sani, if this were fake, Sani would have been bored of this by now. I've made a post saying something along the lines of "Be careful around Andreas, minors, because he could groom you next" and I got a minor saying "I sure hope so!" and that is the very attitude Andreas fans have that I've personally witnessed.

Sani and Yulia are trying to warn people about what Andreas does with his reputation. He needs to take accountability for his actions. He needs to apologize.

Andreas has tried saying Sani admitted to lying, which was itself a lie. Then he said he's not accountable for his actions because he was under the influence, which is an admittance of guilt, and still should be held accountable.

And now he's copypasting a string of useless words to let everyone hear what they want to hear "Sani is just trying to ruin my reputation." FOR WHAT PURPOSE?? He's saying he's not transphobic despite him telling me he will only use someone's correct pronouns if he respects them, which is still transphobic. He says he's not homophobic but drew Purnell raping Simon as a respinse to people wanting gay characters in the game, which is homophobic. I could go on, but the evidence is there already, look at it.

And if you don't want to look at the evidence, and stay in your special little bubble where everything is right with the world and people who have an ounce of power don't abuse it? Then stay out of the conversation. This topic isn't for you.

You all complain about "everyone being outed as abusers" till your dying day but this is the harsh reality we live in. There's more shitty people as your neighbors than you'd think. EVERYONE IS CAPABLE OF DOING SHITTY THINGS. Even me, even you.

Fuck man, he released Sanis nudes, ssn, and other personal data to his discord. That's revenge porn, and shitty in of itself.

Sani WANTS to go to court, and has reported Andreas for stalking and harassing multiple times, but they've given up on it ever coming to pass, which is why there's so much evidence out there.

If you're new to the conversation, brush up on your history, you're in for a ride.

Yulias story

Sanis story part 1

Sanis story part 2

*edit: I'm not saying you can't interract with cry of fear content. Just think critically of the creator.

7 months ago
Free 2 Use Banner I Made Rq For Us Fat Artists Who Are So Tireddd :]

free 2 use banner I made rq for us fat artists who are so tireddd :] 👍

7 months ago

lord give me the motivation to finish this ddrawing. please. chat give me motivation.


Lord Give Me The Motivation To Finish This Ddrawing. Please. Chat Give Me Motivation.

i JUST have to ray then draw their bodies then im FREE but my brain is NOT allowing me do tjis HELP ME

7 months ago

Wait if we got pictures of bald Frank, pics of Mikey at comic con, and new pics of Gerard, does that mean if we get new pictures of Ray mcr5 is gonna come out????

7 months ago
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay
Millinaires Are Here To Stay

milli💋naires are here to stay

7 months ago
akelskeleton - Akel‼️‼️
7 months ago


Some practice with pics from pinterest

7 months ago

i don't think anyone talks about how funny this part of alex kralie's marble hornets trailer is. jay and alex sitting at some random bench, where they can coincidentally see brian. brian with his face turned as if he doesn't notice his two former classmates gawking at him from a distance. alex's terrible voiceover. alex shakily taking his glasses off as if it'll help him see brian better. alex's outfit (no seriously what the fuck is he wearing)

7 months ago

i love mcr because this is what the four albums were like

bullets: screaming about love and death

revenge: singing about love and death

the black parade: singing about death


7 months ago

Some recent art I did!

Some Recent Art I Did!
Some Recent Art I Did!

A wip ill probably never finish☠️

Some Recent Art I Did!

Tags :
7 months ago

i want you to know that most abusers are just cowards. i see a lot of domestic abuse in my part of town. it's everywhere, all the time. being a trauma survivor, i am often re-traumatized and heavily triggered when i witness these things. i am overcome with nearly blind rage, because every part of my brain begins to scream "Don't let what happened to you happen to them!" the bystander effect does not apply to me. i am not the person who stands there too scared to move. i act.

earlier today while i was waiting for a ride to go see some friends, i overheard a guy fighting with what i assume to be his girlfriend or ex. normally i just leave people be when it's just words being exchanged, i can't really do anything to stop two people from spiraling into an argument. however, as i watched, i noticed the guy kept getting within inches of the woman's face, puffing out his chest- clearly showing signs that he was ready to hit her. he was throwing things and charging at her. these are clear signs of aggression. he was barely stopping himself short of body slamming her.

i couldn't handle it. from across the road, i screamed "Don't you FUCKING touch her." at the top of my lungs. instantly, the guy sank into himself, visibly scared. without turning to look at me, he kept telling me to fuck off and to not get involved while walking away from me. i didn't listen. i followed him and kept shouting for him to leave the woman alone. he wouldn't listen. finally, at the top of my lungs, now way closer to this asshole, i shouted "I'm doing this because I want you to know that people are watching you. We are watching you do this."

what did this guy try to do? he finally turned around. slowly, carefully tried to approach me. as slow as fucking possible. this guy was moving at a snail's pace. he could ZOOM up into this woman's face, practically bumping her with his chest, but the second it came down to approaching a masculine, 300 LB musclebound person with a beard, chest hair, and a deep voice, suddenly, he was scared. he didn't have that machismo anymore. suddenly, he wasn't the big man.

he would not get within 20 feet of me. he meekly backed off after I told him to fuck off several times. he was so fucking scared of me he was practically thankful for me telling him to get the hell away from me. he was thankful i didn't come over there and beat his ass and he should've been. i have had to step in in other situations like this, and the EXACT. SAME. THING. HAPPENS.

i have stepped in on 2 separate occasions before this to chase off abusive men from harassing their partners. one such occasion was my next door neighbors arguing so loud i could hear them in my apartment at maximum volume. like, as if i was in the room with them. the woman had divulged that she had been sexually assaulted by one of the guy's friends, to which he told her it wasn't assault, she was just cheating on him. obviously the verbiage was far worse than how i'm describing it here. same thing happened. i flew into a blind rage

by the time i got out of my apartment and over to theirs, they were throwing hands. luckily i was able to get myself between them and pull the woman under my arm. once the man saw me, he immediately turned into a sniveling coward. he would not come anywhere near me. this man refused to even take a step in my direction. he wouldn't even say anything to me. instead, he runs off to his car and tries to take off. because he's fucking scared of someone calling him out for his bullshit.

another time some guy was screaming at his wife on christmas eve in front of their children- this was my neighbors on the other side. i had this bullshit going on all around me. do you see why i couldn't take it? this guy was quite possibly the biggest idiot and the biggest coward. at first i told him that his kids are going to remember that for the rest of their lives and that he needs to get his shit together. he deflected all of it by asking why i was getting involved and i told him because it DOES involve me. everyone around you can hear you. you have now involved the community. this guy literally not ONCE turned to look at me. his head sank down into his shoulders and he would not even look at me. he was scared shitless. he kept pulling the brim of his hat down over his face: embarrassed. where'd all that confidence go, huh?

abusive people are genuinely the most cowardly people you will ever come across in your entire life. i'm serious. this pattern extends well beyond the times where i was willing to risk my safety and even my life to help other people. it really is incredible to see the transformation happen before your eyes- an abuser is with their victim, someone they can turn inside and out and they feel so cool and confident, but the second someone they can't control steps into the picture, its all over. they're a wreck. suddenly that composure is gone. they're not in control and that scares the shit out of them.

abusive people are not powerful. they're not stronger than you. they're not smarter than you. they're scared fucking cowards who will do whatever it takes to get what they want out of life without actually having to do anything. they can't even survive being confronted with their own wrong doings. if you are in an abusive situation, your abuser wants to make you think that they're a mastermind, that they're so much smarter than you and that you're a fucking idiot, but all they're doing is warping your perception of reality. these people are seriously fucking as cowardly as it gets.

now please read this: I know what i'm doing is dangerous. i am VERY physically strong and am always carrying a cane, meaning that i always have a weapon on me at all times. please acknowledge this. please don't get physically involved with anyone in these types of situations unless you are dead sure you can hold your own in a fight. i'm serious. i am also capable of identifying concealed weapons because i used to have friends who concealed carried. if you notice a weapon DO NOT ENGAGE. i ONLY approach UNARMED people.

you have no idea what could happen in a situation like this so be careful when attempting to close a gap. what's safer is to start recording what's happening on your phone, and to try to gather the attention of everyone around you. letting abusers know that people are watching them scares the fucking shit out of them. they don't want to be caught or observed, they just want to continue to get away with whatever they're doing because they're convinced they're in the right. forming a mob is the easiest way to diffuse a public abusive situation. the aggressor WILL back down if you bring enough people. outnumbering the person is the way to go, the more of you there are, the easier it is shield the victim, and chase away the attacker.

we HAVE to start taking care of each other as a community again. this is literally HOW abuse propagates. this is literally how abusers gain their power in the first place. when you are completely closed off from your immediate community, no one can help you. when your community ignores each other out of fear of 'stranger danger', your community falls apart. you don't have one. there IS no community- and you can't just live like that. we NEED community. the reason why capitalism is both killing us and cannibalizing itself is because it destroys communities.

please look out for your neighbors. they are people. they are real fucking people. they are not an inconvenience. they are not an annoyance. they are real humans with real problems and sometimes they get into real danger. i don't care if you're young and you think it's weird to try to befriend your elderly neighbor. you never know when they might be able to help you. you never know when they might need your help. you never know when, hell, they might just want to, i don't know, talk. please look out for each other. please don't just stand there when you witness someone being hurt. please don't go "oh it'll resolve itself" or "I can't step in because that girl will just go back to him later" or whatever dumb excuse our brains come up with when we're scared.

if you're scared watching an episode of violence, think about how scared the victim is. you are experiencing nothing in comparison. please do what you can to protect the people around you. even if it's calling for your other neighbor who is bigger and more physically imposing, whether it's calling your family members or friends to come help, please rally together your local community and help each other when and where possible. literally even shouting things like "hey, what's going on over there?" "hey, what are you doing?" "what's with all the shouting?" can rattle their nerves and diffuse the situation. your voice can be a weapon.

as someone who went through years of severe emotional, emotional and physical abuse at the hands of a really abusive ex, i desperately wished at multiple times during our relationship that someone would've stepped in and helped. and no one ever did. and it resulted in me getting my fucking right leg broken. i have a permanent injury that will stay with me for the rest of my life because i wasn't able to walk away and nobody stepped in to help me. look. if i can do something to stop that happening to anyone else: i'm going to. nobody deserves a broken leg over a verbal argument over literally fucking nothing. nobody deserves to be treated like shit just because someone else is a sniveling coward who thinks they can get their way by pushing other people around. i'm not humoring this shit. if i can be the voice that haunts abusers in their nightmares, i'm happy to fucking be there.

7 months ago
Hey There Bud Or Whoever This Is, Maybe Lets Not Play This Game.

Hey there bud or whoever this is, maybe let’s not play this game.

You spamming me by sending 31 messages within the span of 3 minutes..? Are you sure that this was a good idea, although whoever this is I suggest you stop it, I have no clue what so ever with what you are saying and I don’t think I would want to know either whoever this “HarvestedFaith” person is, tormenting me- I mean sending the first message on the 12th of July? In the middle of the night where I would be presumably sleeping..? That’s kind of creepy.

8 months ago

wouldnt it be nice if we could wake up in the morning, when the day is new?

Wouldnt It Be Nice If We Could Wake Up In The Morning, When The Day Is New?
8 months ago

Today I run out of my medication, it's an SNRI so it's rlly bad to just stop taking them! My commissions are open ! Prices start as low at 10€ !

Please share if you can't buy some art, I'll give u a gentle smooch on your forehead for helping out /p

Here's some of my art, from fun pieces that took like 30 minutes to serious pieces that took 5-7hours

Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
Today I Run Out Of My Medication, It's An SNRI So It's Rlly Bad To Just Stop Taking Them! My Commissions
8 months ago

felt silly

Felt Silly

theyre besties i promise...

oh also theres this guy

Felt Silly
8 months ago

what he doin

What He Doin
What He Doin

i am having a blast drawing this guy SJSJBS

8 months ago


8 months ago
 If You'd Like To Help Us You Can Donate -> Here
 If You'd Like To Help Us You Can Donate -> Here
 If You'd Like To Help Us You Can Donate -> Here
 If You'd Like To Help Us You Can Donate -> Here

✶ If you'd like to help us you can donate -> here <- (via Buy Me a Coffee)

✶ OR you can commission me!

 If You'd Like To Help Us You Can Donate -> Here

Here's the link to my Price List

✶ Even just reblogging will help us a lot! Thank you!!

8 months ago

alright. i hate ranting cause i hate coming across as rude but i just saw something and now im kinda pissed

i hate that i even have to say this but guys.. you can like habit and not support what he's done. not every single person who likes habit is a nazi who supports murdering people and kills rabbits. yea there are some fucking awful people in the fandom, and we shouldn't support or condone those people. but come on. assuming every person who likes him supports that shit is so dumb. if it wasn't clear media literacy is dead, there you go

maybe people idk.. like him cause his lore is very cool and interesting. and he's a well written character. and he's funny and charming. maybe that's why.

but yea. please stop demonizing every single person who likes habit. oh my god

8 months ago

Patrick got the best outro to his death video, and thought we would just let it go?