akiratrebound - What am I even doing? XD
What am I even doing? XD

Welcome to my weird art/story blog, I hope you enjoy your stay~

466 posts

Speedpaint:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rtDNGY4dBo&feature=youtu.beStorm Winds Blow On The Golden

Speedpaint:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rtDNGY4dBo&feature=youtu.beStorm Winds Blow On The Golden

Speedpaint:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rtDNGY4dBo&feature=youtu.be Storm winds blow on the golden barley Birds lie dead on the fields of Athenry I'll stand strong while you stand beside me. Take my hand and we'll Dance until we die! I just love how this drawing came out~ It's of my two first ocs, Akira and Dakota. These two are very precious to me and when I heard the song Dance until we Die by Omnia I thought of them because they are very much live how you want, fuck your rules, fuck the system, nature is all we need kind of people. It was awesome drawing them again QwQ I should draw them more... *shrugs* Also yes, Akira is where I get my most used user name. I used her name as an alias on Facebook once many years ago to avoid kids from school finding my account. And it just stuck as a nickname and in my art as my signature is AT, which stands for Akira Trebound. Haha fun facts about me you didn't need to know. Anyway the song is Dance Until We Die by Omnia: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw_tiJ… It's a really good song by a really good band~ Akira and Dakota both belong to me! Do not use them without my permission!                

More Posts from Akiratrebound

9 years ago

Please….listen to this if you are feeling worthless…alone…sad.

9 years ago


There is a guy on YouTube that is uploading videos from tumblr, to his own channel. I discovered them, thinking they were an animator by this video. No big deal, right?

Until I went through their videos…and the rage set it in. “But Dawn,” you must be thinking, “Why do you care? It doesn’t affect you!” And there goes my other point. It DOES affect me. First off, they did upload my videos as well. here, here, here, here, and here. Second, they also stole from someone who I admire a lot, who makes montages and parodies. You know her as @stariousfalls.  The video was downloaded directly from her tumblr page, and onto to youtube. And yes, she does have her own YouTube channel as well, but that’s not it. And she never uploads them individually, unless its an amv or something like that. Anyways, if you don’t believe me, here is the video so you can see it for yourself.  And worst of all, HE NEVER EVER GIVES CREDIT! It’s bad enough that he’s doing all this other stuff, and then doesn’t have the decency to actually link back to the tumblr, or just say, “Hey, this isn’t mine!” I’m tagging all my followers because this needs to be heard.  Please help me take this channel down.










































































































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9 years ago

Shout out to artists who draw their personal character tons but hate themselves

Shout out to artists whose personal character looks like a cooler version of themselves

Shout out to artists who use their art to not only express but to learn more about themselves

Shout out to artists who love complex character designs not because they think they’re “special snowflakes” but because they’re more fun

Shout out to artists who never finish anything

Shout out to artists who think others draw their characters better than them or love another artist’s style more but still pursue their own

Shout out to artists who draw vent art and share it without caring what people think

Shout out to artists who draw to keep from hurting themselves

Shout out to artists who draw mainly for themselves

Shout out to artists who draw a lot of the same thing

Shout out to any artists who do their own thing regardless of others’ uselessly negative opinions

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9 years ago
This Is The *other* Result Of My Doodles. Hahaha Yeee~Ftr I Didn't Know There Was Such A Thing As Kittybrine

This is the *other* result of my doodles. Hahaha yeee~ Ftr I didn't know there was such a thing as kittybrine until someone showed me it on the stream. Haha oops. All characters who are not mine belong to their respective owners!

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