mostly d2 reblogs, sometimes oc content
274 posts
Aldebaran-13 - Per Audacia Ad Astra - Tumblr Blog

got a look for Felwinter that I actually kinda like, despite me putting the green though several different colour filters lol, in this house we only use primary colours

an excerpt from the background dialogue in prophecy (full transcript here)

“The Iron Lords thought we could use our strength to bring peace. Saladin still believes this. But perhaps, a peace born from violence is no peace at all. “

I woke up today feeling like Shit but this was also attached to it and I needed to quick scribble it out of my brain. I have no idea if anyone else has done this yet but Helm of Saint-XIV slightly Vex'd up with the collars as the crest.

"Eliksni. Cabal. Awoken. Humanity. Hive.... The Witness started this war long ago.... but now… we end it."

My rendition of a Vex Hydra, not sure if I’ll add shields as this looks pretty cool? 😊✌️
The Final Shape

Thank you all so much for all the love you're giving to my art recently. It means the world to me 🌞

Every Ghost has a name.
Sound off, Guardians! What'd you name your faithful companion?