alex-issad - Hello

●I make tsams art sometimes• ●Maker of the swaped and switched au●

657 posts

Wow This Is Really Fascinating

Wow this is really fascinating

Time for science :]

WARNING: There's science under the cut. If you don't like to think about the expanses of the universe and wonder about astronomy and physics and the beginning of the universe and stuff like that, you probably shouldn't read it, it is long.

If you could assign star power and negative star power a real life counterpart, what would you say? There are a surprising amount of options I've realized.

I was watching a video about space and heard the word 'antimatter', which I had no clue existed in real life but it does! And it's FASCINATING! And it reminded me of negative star power, just from the name alone.

The issue though is that there's actually a lot of weird dark/negative space stuff that I did not know about. I actually feel kinda dumb for not knowing about this stuff, I wanna be a rocket scientist I should've already known this jesus-

So if negative star power were real, what would it be?

The first candidate is antimatter. Antimatter is just regular matter but with the opposite electric charge. So, remember learning in school about protons, neutrons, and electrons? Well, antimatter is just like those, but instead of negative electrons, there are positive electrons, also known as positrons, and that goes for protons and neutrons too. There are lots of anti-particles and anti-quarks. You'd think that matter and antimatter would be equal, but there is much much more matter in the universe than antimatter. If there were equal amounts of both, the universe itself wouldn't have been able to form, so we're lucky that matter came out on top. Scientists actually don't know what would've happened if antimatter was more prevalent, and it's pretty hard to study, but matter and antimatter are pretty similar so the universe might not even be that different at all. All that matters is that there's more of one than the other. This one's and interesting candidate because it's basically how dark star power is described. It's just the opposite of star power. Star power goes in, dark star power comes out.

The second candidate is dark matter. This one's interesting because it actually does exist in the TSAMS universe. Nexus makes Dark Sun a dark matter generator and Dark Sun used it to generate a witherstorm and a pocket dimension. So you'd think that clears it up, but not really. In real life, dark matter is a form of matter which scientists can't really observe because of how damn dark it is. It doesn't interact with light or the electromagnetic force at all, so you can't really see it or know it's there, but it does have a gravitational effect so we can assume that it exists. Dark matter and antimatter are NOT the same thing, as dark matter actually makes up most of the universe. It's literally just invisible stuff. It also slows down the expansion of the universe.

The third candidate is negative matter. Negative matter is a form of matter with a negative mass. If normal matter has a mass of 1 kg, negative matter would have a mass of -1 kg. For the time being, it's completely hypothetical, but it could exist. Although it sounds similar to antimatter, they are different, but negative matter could be another form of dark matter. I don't really know how to explain this one very well...

The fourth candidate is dark energy, not to be confused with dark matter. I know these names are confusing, scientists really need to start being more original. Dark energy is the energy that speeds up the expansion of the universe. That's basically all it does. The universe is really goddamn big and it keeps getting bigger and gravity should hold stuff in place but it isn't, and scientists needed a name for the force that's making the universe get bigger so why not name it some cryptic shit like dark energy. This one's kinda interesting because the whole think with dark star power is it makes the end of the universe come faster. When the universe expands, it also gets a little colder. When the big bang first occurred, the universe was so unbelievably hot that our human brains can't fathom it, but now it's cooled down enough to support life, and space is actually pretty cold. If the universe expands too much, which dark energy makes it do, it will get to cold, hence the heat death of the universe, so maybe this one's not too far off?

But that's dark star power. What is star power itself? This one I actually might have an explanation for. Star power first appeared in TSAMS when Moon made the neutron star, which are actually real! A neutron star is an incredibly dense type of star. Despite not being very big, according to google, on tablespoon of 'neutron star material' would weigh around a billion tons (very heavy). Neutron stars in real life sadly can't let you control the entire universe, but they are cool. A neutron star is the collapsed core of a supergiant star. When an extremely large star runs out of fuel and energy, it will collapse in on itself, forming either a black hole or a neutron star. Due to the intense density, most of the protons and electrons will come together to form neutrons, hence the title. Within neutron stars is strange matter, a form of matter that contains strange quarks. Despite the awful name, strange matter is its own type of matter, not jut any matter that's weird. Strange matter is hypothesized to be in the cores of neutron stars, and some scientists hypothesize that over time these neutron stars could become 'strange stars'. The extreme pressure of the neutron star allows quarks inside to become strange quarks, which then form strange matter.

I am not smart and I don't know what strange matter does, but the fact that it's related to neutron stars at all intrigues me and i feel like star power could in some way be tied to it, but let me know what you guys think. If you're smarter than me and i somehow accidentally got all of this wrong and am spreading misinformation, PLEASE PLEASE CORRECT ME. I still have a lot to learn.

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More Posts from Alex-issad

7 months ago

Queer 👏 people 👏 are 👏 not 👏 all 👏 fucking 👏 activists 👏

Stop quizzing us on queer history and asking us questions we aren’t qualified to answer about the world and about politics and about our identities

Stop trying to back us into a corner so you can justify your discrimination on the basis that we don’t know what we’re talking about or can’t “defend” ourselves to you

Stop treating every queer person that stands up and says “I want to be treated like a person” as if they’re an activist

Cut that bullshit out

Marginalised people just want to exist and be happy

I don’t know everything, and that doesn’t make me undeserving of your respect or my human rights you fucker

I don’t even owe you the stuff I do know- I still am entitled to basic fucking respect

TLDR; Queer people shouldn’t have to be historians or scientists for you to not be a fucking dick

7 months ago

"I don't want to read this" is totally valid.

"This is disgusting to me" is totally valid.

"I don't want to read this because it is disgusting to me" is totally valid.

"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.

7 months ago
Danm Man, Didn't Have To Call Me Out So Hard.

Danm man, didn't have to call me out so hard.

I made a quiz

I Made A Quiz

find out now on short quiz





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7 months ago
This Was Published Weeks Ago, Yet I Haven't Seen A Single Mainstream News Source Covering This Massive

This was published weeks ago, yet I haven't seen a single mainstream news source covering this massive scandal. Read the full article here:

7 months ago

Alright, so.... I typed up all of this for a friend because they wanted to know more about this AU, and I was not about to let this amount of typing just go to waste. So I'm posting it. Think of this as an info post for this AU I guess

In other words: The basic story of 'The Cursed Tanzanite' AU - A sams/tsams AU I refuse to call a sams AU most of the time because of how irrelevant it is to actual sams


Ok, so let's start with Sun's backstory before everything (his backstory is like the only one mostly important)

You have Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon are royalty. Sun was the little sister (yes, sister) to Moon. She looked up to her older brother and thought he could do no wrong and that he was always right. Moon was her older brother who was training to be a fighter because having a warrior king is badass. He helped her learn how to fight, but also just hung out with her and was a pretty nice sibling to have, unlike most.

One day, the two heard a rumor from the townsfolk of a demon in a cave in the forest. Moon was uncertain of this and wanted to tell their parents so they could handle the matter, but Sun managed to convince him that they together were strong enough to defeat the demon

They get to the cave and meet Bloodmoon. He was a powerful demon, even though he would've been a younger and weaker demon at this time. Anyway, Bloodmoon brutally murders Moon as he tries to protect Sun, and Sun escapes alive. She's not really blamed (keep in mind this child is probably like a first grader-), but this event leads to her being closed off from everyone and kinda being a state or regret, shock, and depression for a while.

Eventually she starts fighting again and starts presenting themselves as male so they are taken more seriously (and you can't really fight in a dress ajpvlzjbpkab + just like- feeling comfortable with who you are because that's also a factor-). Eventually they work up the courage to go back to the cave to defeat the demon, or at the very least be with their brother again.

When he gets there, its abandoned. Bloodmoon left the area. But there was one thing he found. A purpleish gem that was later identified to be tanzanite. He wears it, as a memory of his brother at first. It is later discovered that this gem has magic, and this magic grows more powerful the more demons it consumes, and the more it's used, the more it takes over the user (in other words - it's cursed in a bad way). But of course, Sun doesn't know the second part of that-

After getting this necklace, he quickly becomes stronger and more powerful, eventually becoming a well respected demon killer [which is present day]

(Oh yeah I forgot to mention that he and Moon were really close to Solar since really young- Solar is a bit older than Sun, but young enough that Moon saw Solar as basically another brother)

Ok now the fucking actual story-

Sun casually is just going around killing demons, trying to track down Bloodmoon. Over this time, Sun creates alliances with several kingdoms. Two ruled by Earth (younger - and still a minor - brother being Lunar) and Monty. One being ruled by Solar - he was kind of already alleys with this kingdom though. One being ruled by an Unnamed King and Queen (daughter - and still a minor - being Ruin). Then of course you have Sun's kingdom chilling without a ruler most of the time - they're all chill though so it's fine. During this time, some shit kind of happens


-Solar gets possessed by a demon named Eclipse (neither of them wanted this)

-Ruin starts to learn magic from Lunar

-I kid you not like a few weeks later Ruin gets possessed by Jigsaw (both wanted this) and goes missing for a while

-K.C. - a demon - possesses a towns person in Sun's kingdom and is basically a spy

-Thyone - a demon - possesses a robot servant in Solar's castle

-Lunar nearly gets possessed by a demon that gets beaten the fuck up by Earth

-Sun is slowly losing his mind

-Solar adopts a child named Jack (He is blind when it comes to the normal world, but he can see things like Spirits and Demons)

After all this happens, Sun hears about Solar getting possessed and immediately heads over there and nearly kills Eclipse before finding out Eclipse is actually kinda nice for a demon and could be useful

Then after this Sun and more kingdoms end up hearing about the other possessions and more demons seen possessing townsfolk, the main royals decide to have a meeting to find a way to deal with these demons

And from there there is more to the story but like I dont want to spoil it yet

(This isn't really related to the story part of the AU anymore, so you don't really have to read this part if you don't want-)

Sorry if parts of this made no sense, this is straight up pasted from that conversation because I was not retyping/rewording all that

If you have questions about anything feel free to ask, or if I've gotten something inaccurate with how I portrayed it, or if I use wording that would be considered offensive, please point it out to me or correct me

I really like this AU, and it's helping me experiment with things I don't usually mess around with or touch on - but in consequence to that I am probably severely uneducated in some things that come up in this AU. But if I do make a stupid mistake, I would like the chance to try and correct it

(Thank you for reading all of this if you did)

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