He/him, autistic, 18, sad little gay person

287 posts

I Seear My Keyvoard Hates Me

I seear my keyvoard hates me

My Beautiful Boyfriend @alittlebitgayactually Everyone

My beautiful boyfriend @alittlebitgayactually everyone

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@shorttrans Me to you

Sometimes people seem so cool I just want to yell at them about how much I love their art or their opinions on stuff or. Idk. I have a lot of love and I need to throw that love at everyone but I'm shy and nervous and if I tried to dm someone about how cool I think they are I'd probably instantly delete it because I'd worry that they'll think I'm weird. But I wanted to compliment a cool tumblr person anyway so I'm making this post so I can forget about it because I never pook at my own account and I won't remember making this unless I get a note on it but uh @ohposhers I think your art is so good and you seem so cool and your opinions about everything is so right and your trolls Velvet and Veneer au is awesome and the way you draw Floyd amd the concept of Fliff in general, your art introduced me to that ship and I love it. Sorry for such a long post, this is such a long winded way to compliment someone, but I Get Nervous

Same energy

Same Energy
Same Energy
alittlebitgayactually - Gay People
alittlebitgayactually - Gay People



Actually I believe that

A post on the r/energydrinks subreddit with a picture of a monster drink frozen into a popsicle and the title "Does making energy drinks into popsicles lower the efficacy if the caffeine? I enjoy mixing together multiple kinds of energy drinks and freezing them into caffeinesciles... but if the freezing process is degrading the caffeine molecules, I'll stop immediately. I need maximum torque."
A comment from u/longrange_tiddymilk that reads "No it shouldn't change the caffeine bioavailability or it's effectiveness. Have you tried shoving the Popsicle up your ass?" 
OP u/Limo-Dick_Calvin replies, "No, I haven't but if I were to boof an energy drink I think this would definitely be the way to do it. I think I'll schedule a time for myself to boof a caffeinesicle tomorrow at 11am. Edit: I did it. [link to update post]" 
u/Glad-Jellyfish-69 replies, "bro is going to the ER with frostbite in their colon [frozen emoji]"
Post from u/Limp-Dick_Calvin on r/energydrinks reading: "Update: Energy Drink Popsicle Successfully Boofed. Trip Report: 
Hey guys, its limp dick calvin, many of you might of seen my post yesterday about my practice of freezing my energy drinks into icy caffeinesicles for my sucking pleasure. Now, quite a few creative folks recommended that I boof the popsicle for maximum caffeine absorption. I've always wanted to boof something, whether that be alcohol, acid, or caffeine, but I never have. Acid is feasible I guess, but the idea of pouring a liquid down my rectum just sounds difficult and unpleasant. For one, my butthole is rather tight as it has never been penetrated, so I can't imagine my brown balloon knot would be accepting of any liquid visitors, if you know what I mean. Another thing is if I managed to get the liquid in there, and then stood up, is it just coming right back out? Just a total mess of a concept imo. However, a caffeinesicle actually provides me with the perfect way to get an energy drink up my asshole. So, I froze a thinner than usual popsicle last night with a mixture of C4 and monster energy, and this morning at 11am, I went into my backyard and used a chair to sit on the popsicle, successfully booing it. I didn't know if I should bob up and down on it like a dildo, so l just sat there. And boy, was it COLD. I felt like I was being possessed by a frost demon. However, I felt absolutely electrified. Like my blood was made of energy drink itself. I don't know if it was the freezing cold, or the rapid absorption of caffeine through my colon, or both. This felt like adderall being mainlined into my veins."
continued from previous post: "After about 3 minutes or so, the popiscle had completely melted in my asshole. I looked around for witnesses, stood up, pulled up my pants, and went to go take a shower in case any leaked out onto my legs. It's been 3 hours since and I still feel like a thousand bucks. I feel like all my brain fog is gone and if I wanted to, I could teach myself how to do commercial real estate in like 6 hours of research. I feel like my brain is limitless. Anyway, just wanted to share with you guys. I'll probably be doing this a couple times a week now. That's about it. See ya."

Comment from u/ImpactFire1021: "I need to get off this app man"

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