Happy Pride 2023!

Happy Pride 2023!
(last years post)
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More Posts from All-hail-the-crows
❝ Take my soul (need control) ❞
slashers dating slasher reader | erratic!slasher!male!reader | fluff, smut | graphic description of violence, brief mention of animal cruelty in Brahms H. section, mentions of nsfw things | wc:

Amanda Young | Brahms Heelshire | Corey Cunningham | OG!Michael Myers | RZ!Michael Myers | poly!Ghostface (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis) | Sinclair brothers

as a preface, (Y/N) is implied to be erratic and unhinged as a slasher. their s/o's are the only ones who can calm them.

Amanda Young (Saw) -
You didn't fit in her future.
At least, that's what Amanda's initials thoughts are when you two stared down each other from across the parking lot, panting as you held your weapons.
She's heard of you through the news. The infamous (slasher name), the monster that lurks in the shadows and savagely crushes anyone who had the misfortune of wounding up as their victim.
Your methods were unlike hers. Not calculated, not planned, not meticulous - completely erratic, like a hurricane.
But she needs the man that one of you has knocked out in your scuffle. While you? You just saw him walking past you while he was making his way to his car and decided he'd die tonight. She stiffens and reaches back for the gun she brings for emergencies as you straighten up but finds herself bewildered as you begin laughing maniacally.
"Have 'im, Ms Piggy" She sees your grip loosen on your weapon and her fingers uncurl from the handle of the gun. "Ya' clearly need 'im more than I do" and just like that, you're gone. The only thing she hears is her own breathing and her racing heartbeat.
Amanda is feverish about finding you. She reads everything she can and scours wannabe psychos and sociopaths' blogs dedicated to your crimes. (slasher name) becomes an obsession.
When you meet again, you find 'Miss Piggy' eyeing the interiors of your home. She's unsure of what she feels as she imagines you moving about the space but she smiles when you begin chuckling like a hyena and reach for the knife you had on you.
"I need your help, (Y/N)"
"Will it be fun?"
Amanda's smiling under her mask. She's seen your research of her work. The newspaper clippings, paint (or blood) of your theories on the wall (among other 'deranged' scribbles) you were familiar with her.
"Wouldn't have asked if it wasn't".
Fun was an understatement. You were a wildcard, someone that could cost her this entire game but the carnage you spread was so beautiful...she wasn't sure if any device or game she sets up could compare.
You two end up working with each other more and more. Your unpredictability makes the FBI tear their hairs out - you were, ironically, the balance she needed in her scales.
When you two confess to each other, you're soaked in someone else's blood. She approaches you from behind, watching your shoulders and chest rise and fall.
You lick the blood from your lips, your smile stretching over your cheeks looking almost uncomfortable.
Her eyes flick to your lips then up to your eyes.
"Come 'ere, Miss Piggy" she leans in and you meet her halfway.
Most would argue that you would be the worst guy to be in a relationship with.
They're wrong.
Amanda knows the ins and outs of your twisted heart because you bare it to her as it beats for her in your palm.
She doesn't take advantage of it. Tests it? Sure, just to feel more secure, but never to the point where you doubt her love for her.
Amanda thinks your ingenuity and creative mind is her favourite part of you (among other things).
You've jokingly told her she could split your skull open to get those ideas fresh - she giggles and you gather her in your arms.
Amanda leaves the window of your bathroom unlocked. Just for you. She knows you need to 'hunt' sometimes and doesn't discourage it (though she makes sure you know her targets so you don't end up killing them). When you crawl back home, you make sure to shower first before you shuffle back into bed.
She tends to your wounds, scolding you only if she knows you could've avoided it in the first place. "More fun that way, 'Manda" she huffs "So you'd leave me forever just for more fun?"
She knows you're pretty screwed up in that brain box of yours, she's not above manipulating you to bend to her whims but she only ever does it out of love, (Y/N)!
She's highly protective of you. She'll ensure your identity is safe if there are any loose ends during your 'hunts'.
She can't lose you. You can't lose her. Both of you are monsters. Both of you belong together - can't live without the other.
If a victim manages to get an upper hand on either of you God help them.
The second one of you is in danger, the other only sees red.
You've literally taken several bullets for Amanda.
She was so gentle with you that night. Her kisses silent apologies. Seeing her cry as she looks down at you makes you move to sit - despite the pain and her protests. Her breath hitched as your tongue slithers in, Amanda's lips warmed by yours.
"You're hurt, (Y/N)" "Don't care, need you"
"You're hurt because of me!" her yell makes you tilt your head "I should've been more careful!" she continues.
"I want you, Amanda" you whine, cupping her weeping face in your hands. "I'll want you even if you hurt me, even if it kills me. Don't say no to me, Piggy?"
The nickname wins her over.
By the way, she calls you Froggy or Kermit (Kermy too!). It's cute.
(She buys green and pink items because they remind her of the two of you and you've gifted her two hearts that you'd cut in half, coloured pink and green and sowed together. She placed the gift on the desk she works on, it's displayed in a dome glass case and she fights back a smile every time she lays eyes on it)
The satisfaction she gets when victims scream as they spot you in the same room as them. Just so fucking proud of her killing machine.
When you go overboard, if the emotions get too overwhelming for you and you only think of how to get rid of the pain - Amanda grips the nape of your neck and pushes you onto your knees.
You bow because it's her. You breathe because it's her.
"(slasher name)" Your eye twitches, gaze still floating around the room but she knows she has your attention.
"You all there, Kermy?"
"I'm right here, Piggy".

Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) -
Initially, you'd taken the babysitting job as a cover to lay low. Things were getting heated in (insert wherever you're from) and this secluded manor was perfect.
The sight of the doll didn't make you falter. Hey, you got a few screws loose yourself so you didn't judge the Heelshires for how they cope.
Brahms was intrigued by you from the second he laid his eyes on you. The way you instantly gathered the doll in your arms without an ounce of judgement makes butterflies flutter.
He is elated to know that there's a chance you won't freak out if you see him.
He quickly finds out you're not exactly the Average Joe.
You brought the rat traps inside, he inches closer to the hole in the wall when you suddenly froze. The rat squeaks furiously and your non-dominant hand idly reaches for the drawers. Brahms did not expect you to pull out a meat tenderizer.
There's a mix of emotions in the boy as he skitters to his room. He laid awake that night, a part of him wondering if you were just like him and the other feeling guilt at the excitement.
His parents tried their best to nurture him into a decent man. Even if it didn't work, their voices still linger in his head but when he sees the tender way you cradle the porcelain extension of himself the next morning? Your voice sickly sweet, lips pressing into the cold temple of the doll?
Brahms craves you.
Malcolm, poor, stupid, Malcolm.
Brahms wasn't the only one that wanted him gone. The only reason you reciprocated his advances was to fulfil a different type of lust.
(Malcolm wasn't your type anyways.)
Brahms's nails nearly break as he digs them in the wood of the walls, breath labouring as anger consumes him. Malcolm was on top of you, unworthy hands gripping at you like you were some common whore.
He's moved from behind the walls to the closet when you're on top of him. The grip of the 'missing' meat tenderizer was so tight his hand was trembling.
Malcolm yells in pain and Brahm pauses as he watches you laugh in pure delight as you dig your thumbs inside Malcolm's eye sockets.
You turn to him, smile still etched on your features and Brahms gulps as you bring your thumb to your mouth to suck the blood and gore clean.
"Cute mask"
The kitchen utensil drops with a comical 'THUD!' while you two stare at each other.
Your relationship falls into a steady, domestic, pace much quicker than both of you anticipated. How could they not? The secluded land was beautiful when the weather wasn't so dreary. Even if it was, the grand fireplaces were extremely nice to cosy up next to. It's hard NOT to fall deeper and deeper into each other when everything was so romantic.
Malcolm's death was covered up thanks to the wild animals on the land. Brahms watches from the window as you whistle, beckoning the scavengers as you spread a few of Malcolm's innards around.
You tell him everything about your kills. Effectively burying his parent's voice in his head as you sink him deeper and deeper into your hell.
"You're beautiful just like this, Brahmsy" he pants from beneath the mask and you place a kiss on those cold lips. "They won't understand like I do, we're meant to be like this so we can find each other" his pupils are so blown out as he stares up at you.
"You're my good boy, Brahms, forever and always. Okay?"
"Okay, (Y/N)". Your smile was sculpted by the king of hell himself and Brahm's eyes roll back as you move your hips.
Brahms feels vindicated and free. For once, guilt doesn't whisper accusingly in his shadow. Instead, there's you.
Your routines overlap his. Your hands pull him from the darkness. Your voice haunts him every second of every day.
The bodies pile up in the woods. The rats are scarce with the sudden spike of scavengers drawn to the Heelshire manor.
You love spoiling him with victims, love watching him release his creativity and curiosity. He's so good with his hands and all that raw strength? It's not an odd sight for you to make love in the showers after 'play time' was done.
He loves helping you freak the shit out of your victims, pretending to be the ghost in the walls and making them so paranoid they think they've gone crazy.
When they're dealt with, Brahms often makes snacks for the both of you.
Oh! He makes a mask for you. To show his love and for you to wear when you need it.
He doesn't like that you leave the manor. It causes BIG arguments. Vintage vases flying to the wall kind of arguments. But you were a bloodthirsty hound, you needed to stretch your legs.
He'll be sullen but he gets over it. This routine annoys the shit out of both of you though but over time, he learns you need it just as much as he needs his quiet times.
He welcomes you when you get home, lifting his mask to kiss you and you giggle as your hands slide up his wifebeater.
"Miss me, big boy?"
"Always" he pouts.

Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends) -
Corey knew before you did.
You were just like him. The darkness spills from your eyes as you tell him how the front of your car got wrecked.
"A deer scared you?" he wipes his hands on the front of his uniform, turning to you as you nod and stroke the large dents and scratches on your hood. "Swerved into the woods, didn't hit a tree head-on - Thank God, right?" Corey nods.
He pretends not to see the splatter of blood and hoses down the hair and chunks of flesh from your tires.
Guessed you missed a spot, hm?
He's good at being undetected. People...people avoid him nowadays.
You don't have to ask around much to learn about the cute, outcasted, mechanic's past. You find it all a bit pathetic. These people were really that terrified of him over what sounded like an honest mistake?
Corey wonders why you've gone to Allen's family's abandoned house during his nightly routine of stalking you.
He watches you from the windows, knife in hand though with no real intent of using it...on you anyways. Blood had already stained the blade.
You pause at the sight of dried blood and gaze up the spiralling staircase. Much to his chagrin, you lay down and place your head right on the bloodstain.
Your laughter makes blood pool under the skin of his cheeks. Your hands splay out to your side and you're laughing so hard your sides hurt, Corey finds himself pressing a hand to the window and wishes he was right beside you.
The next day, Corey's parked right out of the supermarket just as you come out. He grins boyishly and you ask if he needs anything. He holds himself back from saying "you" and instead asks if you're free tonight.
You don't expect him to be so forward but you're intrigued. So you ask if he'll be the one to pick you up (considering your car is still in his garage) and Corey pretends to be interested as you write down your address as he imprints the sight of your semi-focused expression. He already knows where you live but you don't have to worry about that, (Y/N).
The night was perfect from the get-go. Your warmth pressed against his back as he drove the two of you to a bar that was further away than usual but was the only one he could go to without people whispering — you don't mind.
Then drinks got involved and suddenly you're dancing with him, some shitty pop song playing over shitty speakers but neither of you cared.
Then reality came crashing in. Someone had loudly — drunkenly — mentioned Corey's past. Everyone gives him looks and although he could care less he pretends to by pulling you out of the bar.
"Corey, wait" he's too drunk to drive and his hands are itching to feel blood so he pauses as you chuckle the command out. "Stay here, baby" The nickname makes his heart flutter and he nods as he leans against his bike. When you disappear back into the bar — probably left something, he thought — he curses and tries his hardest not to storm in and strangle the life out of that asshole who ruined his date and the closest bar he could go to without reproachful glares.
He contemplates the thought of moving away from Haddonfield with you when his phone rings. It's you. For a second, he thinks you're in trouble but when he answers you're breathless pants of glee tells him otherwise.
"Come to the back, Corey".
The sight that greets him is the asshole with a bleeding mouth and a broken nose. The burst veins in his eyes and the wooden plank that you held loosely in your arm paint a clear picture.
"Night's still young, baby" you muse as you make a faux swing that makes the man whimper from where he was sprawled on the ground. "I know you wanna" Your purr makes Corey shudder.
The Cheshire grin on your face is absolutely maniacal as Corey sheds his jacket and pulls out the pocket knife he kept in his back pocket.
The same one you'd felt against your thighs when you were riding his bike.
Haddonfield was lucky the two of you decided to spread your chaos elsewhere because the two of you were insatiable.
The fact that neither of you stayed in one city for too long also didn't help. You were basically doing an American-wide murder spree.
And Corey would not have it any other way.
You were just like him — wilder, sure, but you understood him in ways no one else had ever done.
"Fuck, baby" Corey has you on the bed of some engineer whose blood was currently being used as lube. The man's body was somewhere in the room but Corey barely gave a shit when you're looking down at him with that toothy grin that makes your eyes twinkle with bloodlust. "Mm, you feel so fuckin' good, Corey".
Somehow you two decide to settle down in a quiet town. Corey going under a different name as he works at a garage. Everybody around you thinks you guys are the sweetest couple — cooing at how young you are and sighing about young love.
They don't know that your weekend trips are spent with blood, guts, and sex. Two maniacs completely enamoured with one another.
"Baby, look" Corey eyes the silver band on your finger. Then the other one is on your palm as you extend it to him. You drop the chopped-off hand of the man the both of you had just killed and inched closer and closer.
"Pretty, hm?" he nods "Till death do us part" At that, he scoffs and pulls you in closer.
"Not even Death can keep us apart, (Y/N) (L/N)" he brushes the tip of your noses together and plants a bloody kiss but your giggle cuts it short.
"Don't you mean, (Y/N) Cunningham-(L/N)?" Corey's grin is nothing short of loving and he claims your lips again.

OG!Michael Myers (Halloween (1978 - 1982)) -
To be completely honest, the way you two met was a blur. Before you met Michael Myers your life had little to no meaning.
When he decided to break into your family home one night, he jump-starts everything. He had you pinned on the dining table, his mask already coated with the blood of your kin. Your feeble attempts at escaping his inhumanely strong grip leave you gasping for breath and you're sure that the building pressure in your head isn't a good sign.
But when you stare into Michael's eyes a sudden force tugs your lips apart into a bloody smile. Your laughter is nothing but strained gasps and squeaks and it makes Michael's grip falter enough for you to finally grasp the make-shift stake beside you (from the chair he'd thrown your way) and drive it into his shoulder.
Michael staggers and without missing a beat, you're lunging at him again. No fear, no hesitation, and frankly, no thoughts behind such a brash action.
The force of your body slamming into him throws his momentum off but he feels something in his chest suddenly beat as your shrill laughter fills his ears.
You, with your wild hair and wilder eyes...
Michael craved you.
He knocks you out.
Then, he watches you. From your recovery in the hospital to the 'safehouse' you were placed in. The detectives thought this could be their chance — to finally catch Michael Myers as he 'finishes you off'.
Michael knows you're done with your kill just from the shift in the air. He enters the safehouse and stares at the splatters of blood and bullet holes in the drywall. He follows the sounds of your laughter and finds you in the dining room in a familiar pose.
You have the detective pinned under you, fingers crushing his larynx as he weakly fights back against you. Michael waits politely, when you're done he moves to the back door and you wordlessly follow.
Eating rats was new but strangely enough the act of catching them was a great bonding activity. Your jokes about meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — and eating them — fly over Michael's head but his amused silence tells you he doesn't mind your babbles.
He learns fairly quickly that, unlike his silent, effortlessly, intimidating self, you're erratic, loud and pumped with energy when you're hunting.
He doesn't dislike it but it takes some getting used to.
You don't always go on hunts together but when you do he appreciates your gore-y creativity.
The Shape of Haddonfield now has Hellhound by his side — isn't that a cute nickname for yourself, (Y/N)?
While victims shit themselves at the sight of Michael, his stony demeanour is what makes him all the more Boogeyman-worthy. He feels inhuman. That both terrifies and comforts some — but you?
You're entirely too human. Your glee, your rambles as you stab your victims, you're laughter full of excitement.
"Mikey" he glances your way as your fingers stroke up the neck of his mask. Here you were, sprawled all over Michael Myer's lap like a goddamn kitten. You lean up and kiss his rubbery lips, he hums as your tongue licks his mask and pushes you back just enough to lift his mask above his nose.
"Thank you, Mikey" you chuckle, letting him taste the romantic spaghetti dinner you two had helped yourselves to after murdering the old couple.
Their home was isolated enough, that both of you could enjoy living above ground for a few days.
"You taste so good, Mikey" The grip on your waist makes that addictively sweet laughter bubble in your throat.

RZ!Michael Myers (Halloween (2007 - 2009))-
You were the only good thing in his god-forsaken life.
The mental institution had made a big mistake in housing two monsters — especially when those monsters were always so drawn towards each other.
No matter what punishments they inflicted on either of you for sharing glances. It did little to stop this undeniable, instinctual, need to be close to one another.
Initially, the doctors had thought Michael's curiosity was a good sign. A sign that he was showing interest in making friends. Even if you were less than ideal in terms of 'fixing' him considering your own streak of homicide (that landed you in this shithole in the first place) but they were desperate.
So, they allowed controlled meetings. Michael's stare terrified others but you seemed to thrive under his attention.
Guards had reached out to pull you back as you climbed the table and got right up in Michael's face but he is as still as a statue as you carefully brush his long locks of blonde hair back.
"There you are, pretty boy" and with those words and your eyes that reflect back his darkened soul right back at him — Michael is smitten.
When he escapes, he finds you.
When he enacts his revenge, you're the shadow that devours any sacrificial lambs that managed to stray from his grasp.
Oh, he's all yours.
Michael swears that if you're not near him the air feels thinner.
He relishes in the way you mercilessly slaughter anyone in your way — he doesn't ask why you kill but knows that whatever the answer he'll support his batshit insane boyfriend.
"Is this for me?" he nods, showing you the new mask he'd created. You smile warmly, sitting across from him as you carefully place the mask on your face.
"How do I look, pretty boy?"
He places his large hand on your thighs and begins tapping. You encourage him with careful strokes to his bicep.
.--. .-. . - - -.--
Your grin makes his heart flutter. "Thank you, baby" and you reward your darling lover with a kiss which makes him grunt at the mask that blocks him from properly kissing you.

Billy Loomis & Stu Macher (Scream (1996)) -
They had an inkling you were just like them.
Billy says it's the way your eyes become devoid of any light when you're angry. While Stu tells you it's the way you lick the blood from your split lip and smile as you lunge at the opposing team's captain.
(Y/N) (L/N), an athlete of their school.
Meanwhile, to his boyfriends, he's an absolutely merciless murderer.
Everyone sort of avoids you. Even your coach rarely gets in your face to yell at you the way he does at everyone else. It baffles people that Billy and Stu are your lovers.
For them though? It's the perfect match.
You're not Ghostface, however, (slasher name) is always spotted with Ghostface.
A maniac with brute strength that takes hits and stabs and even bullets without going down.
Those who did live to tell the tale of an encounter with (slasher name) and Ghostface mutter that hurting Ghostface? Was a big fucking mistake if (slasher name) is there to witness it.
You're the kind of guy to body slam someone out a second-storey window and just walk it off while the victim who cushioned your fall is wheezing their last breath.
Billy reprimands your unnecessary displays of brutality while Stu simply gushes about how cool it was. They both tend to your wounds, kissing and massaging anything that hurts.
Ghostface is equally as protective of you, make no mistake, even if they're not throwing a chair at a victim they will ensure you don't actually get yourself killed in your bloodlust.
Stu has pulled a gun and shot someone in the face when they threatened to do the same to you.
Billy rushes to the two of you upon hearing gunshots but groans in relief as he sees you making out with Stu mere inches away from the body.
"Hey! Earth to perverts! Time to scram!" Billy is pulled into the make-out session by you and he all but melts under your hold.
"Want you. Now" Stu laughs at your huffy tone but eagerly circles his hands around your waist while you pull Billy closer to your front.

Beauregard 'Bo' Sinclair (House of Wax) -
A new victim of Ambrose? That's what you are, right?
You'd been a solo traveller that coincidentally got grouped up with another group of travellers. You seemed normal enough, Bo thinks as he spots you making your way to his garage.
Cute and handsome, a darn shame you'd have to die but at least Vincent will immortalize your beauty.
He notices that you're not close with the others. When he asks, you explain your vehicles had broken down near each other so Lester rounded up all of you together.
You lean on the hood of the car he was clearly working on, jutting your hips and looking impressed. He shamelessly takes in the curve of your butt before putting on a charming Southern smile when you glance back at him.
"Good with your hands, hm?" Bo feels blood travel south but he just chuckles. The conversation is cut short by the others clearing their throats.
When he kills the group one by one, he immediately notices that you seem excited at the violence he spreads. You don't scream or yelp but you're helping him.
At first, he thinks you're just saving your ass from getting sliced down when you push someone in front of you. But while the others run, you're moaning as he's thrusting the blade repeatedly into the man's body.
He pants as you two make eye contact, gulping he pulls the blade out and offers it to you.
"Fuckin' finally" you coo, pressing a bloody kiss on his cheek before you slip to hunt the others down.
His brothers are definitely confused by his decision to let you stay as a real residence of Ambrose but after another group rolls in you prove your worth to them.
Between heated moments under the sheets and lip-locking with Bo, you confess that the reason you ended up at Ambrose was that the police were hot on your tail.
"It's fate," you say as you trace circles on his chest. "We were meant to meet, to be family" he would usually scoff at such a notion but the way you fit into his deranged life so easily...
"It's something", he gruffs out, watching as you take the lighter from his hand to light the cigarette between his lips. "Whatever it is, it brought you to me so"
"Aww, Bo, you gettin' sappy on me?" your teasing makes him threaten to shove the cigarette in your mouth but you just laugh it off.
"Love ya', Bo" he averts his eyes but mumbles.
"Love you too..."

Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax) -
Instead of catching Bo's eyes, it's Vincent's heart that you grasp.
A solo traveller that somehow got roped in with another group, a victim of circumstance is what Vincent would have called you.
But instead, you've ruthlessly wormed your way inside his heart.
While the others ran like headless chickens when Bo started killing, you were dragged by another girl to hide in the Sinclairs' house. Stupid move on her end really, but you were curious about their headquarters of sorts. So you follow, breathing raggedly to sell this whole 'helpless victim' façade.
You find the basement. Despite the chills that run down your spine from the scent of death (and wax) you convince her it'd be a good place to hide.
Vincent hears her as she shakily steps into his lair. He thinks she's the only one but finds it odd that she looks desperately over his shoulder as he slices her head off with a pair of garden shears.
Until he feels a blade pressed right at the base of his spine.
"You're pretty strong" Your eyes twinkle from the corner of his and he goes rigid as you dig the tip of the blade deeper. You reach to brush locks of his hair behind his ear, a growl raises from his throat but you shush him.
Your lips brush on the shell of his ear.
"I'll bring more of them here, I want to watch while you turn them into pieces of art".
Bo is feeling an inkling of worry at the sudden lack of victims. He rushes to see if they've decided to overwhelm Vincent and finds you swinging your feet while Vincent is organizing the bodies of the group.
Bo is distrustful. He thinks you've seduced his twin and while that is true, you've no bad intentions like he thinks you do.
Vincent is painfully awkward compared to your nonchalant energy. But it works, the two of you just work.
He scolds you when you get new wounds from the victims fighting back but it's a bit hypocritical when he does the same.
Though he prefers wax figures, he did dabble in oil paints again as he attempts to recreate the scene he sees of you demolishing victims.
A watcher, a stalker; an artist.
Vincent usually stays in the basement but ever since you came? When the hunt is on, he's watching you. Imprinting the image of your body shaking with muffled laughter as you pull your jaws away from the bleeding neck of a victim, spitting out their vocal cords with a satisfied hum.
"Vinnie" your coo makes him flinch but he walks out from the shadows as you beckon him with your hand. Your boyfriend stands in front of you, reaching to wipe some blood away from your cheek but really the only thing he does is move it around.
"Was that pretty, Vinnie?" he huffs through his nose and lifts your chin up so you stain his waxy lips with warm blood.
He pulls away to sign, 'Always beautifull'.

Lester Sinclair (House of Wax) -
You rode with him on the way to Ambrose.
He's taken by your looks and feels a sense of pity and regrets that you'd be dead soon. Especially since you were the only one among the others that weren't a complete asshole to him.
"Ambrose, huh" he nods, tapping his steering wheel as his eyes flit between the road and you. "Must be pretty secluded, haven't even heard of it", he laughs and tells you it's because you aren't from around here.
"See ya'" he waves at you but you scan him from head to toe in a way that's not scrutinizing but lustful. He feels his cheeks warm, you nod to him as a goodbye before you turn to walk into the death trap that is Ambrose.
He's surprised to find you covered in blood and right outside his shack later that night. Jonesy growls near his heel but you were just sitting there on his porch, casually testing the weight of the hilt of a hatchet in your hands.
"Your brothers should use you more than a glorified Ferryman" he is confused but tense. His muscles are rigid like a snake coiling to bite.
Blood drips from the ends of your hair and nose, you place the hatchet down and crouch, beckoning Jonesy' with a sweet baby voice that has the poor pup confused between staying by Lester's side or sniffing you.
"I like Ambrose," you tell him, your eyes squished into an adorable crescent shape.
"Can I stay, Lester?"
His brothers aren't aware of you until at least a week. They were extremely distrustful of you, their baby brother was someone that they did not want to be harmed. Hence why he stays out of the nitty-gritty of it all.
When you show that you're just as protective of Lester, they approve of your relationship. Not that you would let their approval get in the way of your love for him anyways.
Your boyfriend has to get used to your sudden disappearances and reappearances.
And he has to learn how to stitch you up as well. He doesn't scold you though reminds you to be more careful but drinks up your stories of the victims being crushed under your foot.
Whoever manages to stray far enough from Ambrose to find Lester's shack will find themselves in an entirely different but just as torturous hell.
Jonesy enjoys the raw feed though.
"I gotta go" Lester laughs as you whine and drag him back to your side. "I gotta check if anyone's 'lost'" he reminds but you stubbornly shake your head.
"Can't leave me, I'm hurt and defenceless"
Yeah, Lester's seen you shove the end of a rake down someone's throat with a broken arm and a concussion all while laughing. You could protect yourself with the scrapes and boo-boos from the night before just fine.
Feeling yourself lose this battle, you press a kiss to the nape of his neck as he sits and it makes his breath hitch.
Your hands circle his waist and his head hangs low as you slip your fingers down the band of his underwear.
"Stay" you plead.
"Jesus H. Christ" he turns and you grin triumphantly as he kisses you.

a walk at gotham university
I'm falling down a pipeline where I think the Joker is cool.
Could someone come assassinate me please?
I don't want to be that person.
I really really really don't want to be that person.
It's one thing to be inspired by someone's fic. It's one thing to see a concept and think "I want to try that out!" and remix it. No one owns concepts or tropes.
But it's another to completely rip off someone else's story. Lifting the entire plot structure, words and phrases used (especially when one is very specific to said fic), and overall vibe of the story is not okay. Not when everything happening is almost identical between the original fic and the "new one".
As I said above: tropes and concepts are free range. No one owns them. But there's a big difference between writing out a concept in your own style, words, voice, and making the story uniquely yours - and actively stealing another writers fic.
Copying other writers stories is not okay.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.