This is a Robin Buckley stan account
84 posts
Allgoodnamesaretaken69 - Tumblr Blog

if this news is true and i hear one ‘omg the new album is gonna be fire tho’ joke… im gonna start punching so quickly

Ken is just ken and that's what's great about him
I keep seeing barbie blorbo memes saying “this ken is a mass murderer” “this ken does drugs” “this ken is so special” like no you don’t understand. Gender is irrelevant. If your blorbo is special and unique your blorbo by definition is a barbie, not a ken.
Ken's purpose was to be Barbie's trophy husband. He barely had any good clothes or shoes to wear.

How are we supposed to live, laugh, cornelia street in these conditions
part of me hopes that taylor and joe are laughing at these speculations together rn
Im in denial rn
me hearing about taylor and joe

taylor swift x pete davidson (my minds third eye sees all)
I actually cannot wait for this movie.

for authenticity’s sake, barbieland should have wlw couples outnumber straight couples 8 to 1, because everyone had waaaaaaaaay more barbies than kens, and i cannot be the only one who just had my barbies living in a lesbian princess fairytale commune
As he should
I believe.

Ok that's the one

Iconic of him ngl
People being like "why is Ken just Ken" and thinking it's a gimmick for girl bossing Barbie clearly never watched Barbie Life in the Dream House because if they had they'd know that Ken is a very smart and capable guy but chooses to dedicate his life to Barbie because he loves her. He literally has a sixth sense for if Barbie is unhappy or needs something and will drop everything to help/cheer her up. Ken chooses not to pursue careers like Barbie does because it would interrupt his Barbie time. Ken is a self imposed trophy husband and I won't let people question his decision!

find myself listening to music i loved years ago and i realize i still am her
If the duffers know what's good for them they're going to have Mike and Lucas fighting in s5 because Lucas is going crazy trying to save Max. And in the heat of the argument Mike will say "I know what it's like Lucas!!" and Will will hear and know he can't be talking about El because he never went crazy trying to find her. And then Mike will realize what he said and just leave the argument at that like he always does. Send tweet
I think it's time to bring this back

Joyce and El being bathed in light because they are Hopper's "light." Will being bathed in light because he is Mike's lig[GUNSHOT]

Noah Schnapp coming out as gay on tiktok using a meme sound is the most Noah Schnapp thing ever

more proof gay people are funnier than straight people
This is fo fucking cool
the current thing trad losers are losing their minds over is one singular dude on reddit that refurbished and hand painted a grandfather clock and they keep saying the guy “ruined its value” or “threw thousands out the window by vandalizing a precious heirloom” and let me just say as someone densely familiar with the world of antiques, there’s a 99% chance that this clock was a mass produced reproduction and there’s a 100% chance that clock is not as valuable as ppl think it is. when people hear the word ‘grandfather clock’ they’re always gonna assume you’re talking about something that was handmade in a woodshop by a jolly old man when rlly repros take up a waaay bigger slice of the market far more than any handcrafted items. and besides people will repaint or redecorate these ‘oh so sacred handcrafted items’ every day there’s a huge market for them. it’s the same reason why people like long furbies or dolls that have been customized to have like gore mouths or something. this is literally like watching a bunch of pretentious farts make a mountain out of a molehill. also the clock is kinda cool if I’m being honest