allthingsmachinegunkelly - Machine Gun Kelly Imagines
Machine Gun Kelly Imagines

All things Kells / EST for life

45 posts

Imagine #8

Imagine #8

The first couple days of your guys' deal was easy. You went home to your apartment and did some work for a while then went out for dinner with Kells, the guys, and some other people from the tour. It was a celebratory dinner for the end of the tour. You interacted with Kells but you didn't feel any sexual urges come over you. He must not have either as he wasn't trying to take you home afterwards. You slept in your own bed, which you missed so much. The second day he was working in the studio with the guys so you didnt see him at all. He had been messaging you though. He woke you up with a good morning text and you guys just had a casual convo all day.

It was the third day and Kells had an interview with a local radio station. You had to be at his house because you had to ride with him there. As you walked in he was still in his breifs wandering around the kitchen. Somehow you felt nothing as he was supposed to be ready and you we're annoyed that he was going to be late.

After the interview he went to the studio with the guys and you went home. You thought he would've caved by now but he hasn't even been flirty which wasn't against the rules. You hope he is still interested in you... Just four more days and you'll find out.

It's the fourth day. You, Kells, and the guys have to fly to L.A. for an appearance. As you get to the private airport, the guys are already talking about partying tonight. You've learned to always pack for a party. It's basically a necessity with this crew. You all climb onto the private jet. You take a seat at the back of the plane and Kells plops down in the seat right next to you which catches you by surprise.

Quickly the plane starts moving and you know you're going to be in the sky soon. You hate flying. You've obviously gotten used to it with all the times you go back and forth from places but it still makes you nervous. Taking off is your least favorite part. You grab Kells' hand as your heart beats faster.

Kells doesn't seem taken by surprise that you held his hand. He's still deep in a convo with the guys but he obviously noticed. The plane is rising and you can feel your stomach turning. You squeeze his hand harder and grab his upper arm with your other hand. He stops mid sentence and turns to you and sees your discomfort.

"Awe shit, I forget you hate flying", he says and turns his body towards you. You say nothing to try to keep from possibly throwing up from the rising plane and nervousness. "Nothing's gonna happen". You still say nothing as you lean the side of your head down onto his shoulder, still squeezing his hand.

Finally, the take off is over, the plane is in the air, and it's done rising. You feel relief wash over you and let your hands relax so that you're no longer squeezing his hand.

Kells kisses the top of your head, "see it's all good now babe".

You lift your head from his shoulder and look at him. "Yeah but we still have to land and that's almost as bad", you whine. You grab the blanket you always carry from your duffel throw it over your legs and grab Kells' hand again. He didn't seem to mind.

"I can make you forget you're even on a plane." He kisses your lips. 

“Oh yeah?” you ask sarcastically. “How?” You think you know what he has in mind but you want him to be the one who caves. 

He looks at you and wipes his lips with his thumb. He cocks a little smile and whispers, “come to the back with me”. You smile and say nothing. you can see him realizing he almost lost the bet.“Wait, I ain’t giving in,” he pleads, “you don’t know what I was gonna do.” 

You laugh, “mhhmm, I know exactly what was going through your head.” 

“Nahh, we sittin right here the rest of the flight. You can hold my hand but I guess you wanna be miserable the whole flight.” He looks away from you and adjusts in his seat.

“It’s only a two hour flight I think I’ll be fine.” You keep smiling because you love that he can’t resist you. He looks let down. 

The flight is almost over and it’s about to land. You and Kells hadn’t really said a word to each other during the rest of the flight. He was too busy talking with the guys and you dozed off on his shoulder off and on. You could feel your stomach turning again as the plane descended. You sat up straight and squeezed his hand and laid your head back with your eyes closed. You can feel your heart race again so you try to breathe slowly. Suddenly you feel a warm hand glide down the loose joggers you were wearing. Your eyes shoot open and see Kells' hand slipping under the blanket. It's the evening so the inside of the plane is fairly dark plus you two are in the back of the plane. Your free hand grabs his hand and tries to stop it from going further into your pants.

He pushes his lips into your neck and whispers, "let me, baby".

You give in and let his hand slide under your thong. His long fingers slip inside your folds and begin rubbing your clit. You let out a breathy moan. You look to see if the guys heard but notice that most are wearing headphones.

He continues running his fingers in circles over your core and occasionally pushes a finger inside you. You exchange sloppy kisses as he tries to cover your moans. The plane lands on the runway and you see the guys take their headphones off and start to get their stuff together. You pull Kells' hand out of your pants and push him away from you. As you do, he pushes the fingers with your fluid, into your mouth. You suck them lightly before he pulls them out. You notice you have his saliva from his kisses on your chin so you wipe it away with your sleeve just before Dub turns towards you two.

You all exit the plane. Kells walks behind you from the plane to the Uber with his hand around your waist. He leans close to you and whispers softly, "how did you taste?"

You feel your cheeks turn pink as you smile and roll your eyes.

Kells' appearance is tomorrow morning and the guys came with so that they could go out to the clubs tonight. You arrive at the hotel.

"So I actually got us a room together. I booked it before we made this little deal." You laughed, "do you want me to get you a separate room?" You asked Kells.

"Nahh, it's fine." He shakes this head as he grabs your bag and heads towards the elevator.

You all start getting ready for the clubs. As you both are changing Kells asks, "so I lose right? Now I gotta take you shopping or something?"

You sigh as you pull your hoodie over your head, "noo, I mean we technically didn't have sex right? We should just keep going until our week is up. It's only three days." You insist.

"Alright, since it did make you forget about the plane landing... Like I said it would." He jokes. "It was for medical reasons or whatever" he says as he lights up the joint hanging out of his mouth.

"Exactly," you say as you realize he's watching you about to take your pants off. You grab your dress and change in the bathroom. His eyes follow you, his eyes begging you not to hide your body from his view. "No teasing remember" you smile as you close the door.

You all enter the club that's bumping with music and people. You always get a VIP area or else the people get too crazy and it's not fun anymore. You follow the guys and Kells to the dancefloor to make your way to the VIP section for you. You were following closely behind, but you quickly lost sight of him. You stop and try to figure out where you're headed, as you got turned around looking for Kells. You're short so you have a hard time seeing over people... And pushing them. You feel a hand grab yours from behind you and pull you towards them. It's Kells. He turns and makes his way to the VIP table as you follow from behind, never letting go of your hand. Granted all of these people are either wasted or high, this is the first time he's held your hand in public. It's giving you butterflies and a big smile washes over your face.

Finally you both make it to the VIP area where the guys have already made themselves comfortable. Kells pulls you in front of him and follows you through the ropes with his hand on your lower back. You guide him to the couch farthest against the wall. The couches are set up in a U shape and you want to be able to see the dancefloor. He sits down as he orders some bottles of Ciroc and Patron. You start to sit next to him but he quickly pulls your waist towards him so your butt falls onto his lap. You laugh and position yourself so you're sideways on his legs and swing your arm over his head. He lays his arm across your legs and slides his hand around to your ass. He squeezes it tight and pecks your neck lightly.

"You look amazing tonight." His breath tickles your ear.

"Awe, you're so sweet." You flirt, "thank you" you smile. You look down at your super simple silk deep red dress which has a long slit up to your waist and the neck dives down below your breasts.

"Kells we starting with some shots, come on Y/N." Slim yells from the booth next to us.

You swing your legs off of Kells and walk to the table in the middle that's lined with the bottles he ordered. You pour yourself a double shot of Patrón as the guys gather around and pour themselves some alcohol. You cheers each other and down your drink. 

You all have mainly been drinking straight alcohol, your favorite way to get drunk because soda or mixed drinks make your stomach hurt. You’re all feeling good really fast. The guys have started inviting some girls in. Everyone’s having a good time. A couple girls walk up to our section from the dance floor and you watch them pleading with the bouncer to let them in. It’s fairly dark in the building, aside from the lights flickering and moving above the dance floor but you recognize one of them. You walk up to them. 

“Oh my gosh, hi!”, you stumble to them with open arms and hug them over the rope once you’ve realized that you recognize all three. There are some fans who make it to a lot of shows and events, that you and the guys remember every time. These girls were at EST Fest last year. You remember them well because the guys invited them to drink and smoke on Kells’ bus after the Dome concert. They were super nice, hardcore fans who tried to make it to every show of his on tour. You definitely talked with them a lot more than Kells did. You actually got all of their snap chats. “How did you know we’d be here?” you ask excitedly. 

“We didn’t!” the blonde with her hair in a ponytail yells over the music. “We came here for his event tomorrow. We were just at the club across the street and some girls said MGK was here.” 

“Do you guys wanna come in and have some drinks with us?” you point back to the table filled with alcohol. 

“Yeah sure!”, they all nod in unison. 

The bouncer unhooks the rope and lets them in. Kells is standing in the corner talking to the guys. You lead them towards him. “Look who I found”, you say to Kells as you motion to them behind you. 

“Aww shit,” he smiles and makes his way to you. He hugs them one by one, which doesn’t bother you, because they’re fans of course, but also because at EST Fest, they didn’t seem very interested in sleeping with Kells. You’re pretty sure two of them had boyfriends and the other was super shy. “How are you?” he asks them. He still cares so much about his fans, which is something you admire so much about him. You let them talk as you turn to the alcohol table behind you and pour yourself more patron. Most people aren’t fans of tequila so you grab a bottle of pineapple Ciroc and turn back towards the girls.

“Come on girls, lets do some shots.” They turn to you and you hand them some empty glasses and start pouring. You do a few shots with them. You’ve become unstable as you stumble a little bit. 

(Song of your choice that you love to dance to) comes on and the girl with short brown hair whines, “Uhhhh, I love this song.”

“Me too”, you and the girls say almost in unison.

“We gotta go dance, come on,” the brown haired girl grabs your hand and pulls you towards the dance floor. Her friends follow. You push your way inside the crowd a bit and start moving your hips to the beat. All four of you are feeling the music and the alcohol and barely notice the people around you. The song comes to an end way too quickly but you all want to stay and dance. 

You’ve been dancing for what feels like ten minutes, but was really about an hour. You need more to drink as you realize your glass has been empty for a while. “I’m gonna get more”, you hold your glass up to them and shake it. “do you want more?” The girls nod and follow you out of the crowd. You lead them to the VIP section and the bouncer opens up the rope for you guys. You don’t see Kells. You grab the bottle of Patron and fill your glass as you lean towards Slim “Where’s Kells?”

“Uhh bathroom,” he says quickly as he looks up to you. You can see how drunk he is and you laugh. You’re very drunk too.

You turn as you put the bottle down to see where the girls are. They’re on the couch behind you. The shy one with the wavy brown hair took her heels off. You make your way towards them and plop down at the end of the couch. Their glasses are full as well and you’re all laughing with each other. You see a couple girls sitting on the couch next to you. They both have light blonde hair and a perfect tan, but they don’t look related. They’re not all over any of the guys like the other girls in the VIP section, so you assume they’re there for the free alcohol. It wouldn’t be the first time. 

You see Kells coming back from the bathroom. He walks through the ropes and grabs his glass from the table in the middle, he’s stumbling a little. He makes eye contact with you and he smiles at you. You smile back. The girls you’re with don’t seem to notice which is probably a good thing. You don’t want them to make a big deal of it. Kells pours himself a drink. As he does, the two blonde girls on the couch next to you get up and make their way to Kells who is laughing with the guys now. The taller one with a light pink skin tight dress moves herself between Kells, faces him and holds her hand on his chest. Kells doesn’t seem to notice but he doesn’t push her away. You feel your stomach drop. 

“We’re gonna go back out!” the blonde with the ponytail sitting next to you yells over the music. 

“You go, I’m gonna sit for a bit,” you respond to them as they get up and go back to the dance floor. You want to watch and see what Kells does with the blonde who seems to have called dibs on him. You watch for a little bit. You see Kells try to reach for another bottle, but he has to reach over her, which seems to annoy him. He’s barely acknowledged that she’s there. Maybe he’s just being nice. You can’t figure it out or make sense of it but you continue to watch. 

He tries to walk towards one of the couches. He quickly turns out of her grip and walks away from her. You stand up and walk towards him as she follows right at his heels. He sits down at one end of the couch and she plops right down next to him. Her friend scoots over to block you from sitting down with them. Her friend obviously noticed you while she still hasn’t. You walk right up to Kells with your drink in your hand. To your surprise, he held his hand out for yours. You place your hand in his and he pulls you into him. You sit down on his lap. You watch the girl scoot away a bit and turn towards you and Kells.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she has a British accent which catches you by surprise. “Can you not see that I’m here with him?” 

You laugh and shake your head, “He’s not interested” you say sweetly. You become so sarcastic when you’re drunk and mad. 

“Obviously he is, or he wouldn’t have let us in here. How did you even get in here with that cheap dress?” 

All you do is laugh because your dress was definitely not cheap, which only upsets the girl more. You look at Kells who is content with just letting you handle it. 

“You can’t just come up here and sit on his lap when he’s with someone else.” She stammers as she pulls the top of her dress up.

“That’s so disrespectful”, her friend chimes in. She has a British accent too. “You should just leave.” 

You watch as Kells tries to hide his smile. “Whoever let you in here must like cheap tits,” you laugh. 

“Excuse me? You need to go, no one wants you here, get the fuck out!” the girl in the pink dress yells as she points to the rope where the bouncer is standing. She’s getting heated. 

Unfazed you turn your attention to Kells, you ask quietly, “what time is it?” 

He looks at his watch, “almost two, we have to get up early”. 

You look back at the girls who are clearly upset. You swing your legs off Kells and start to stand up. “Well I’m gonna go, you two have fun here, since this is now the stripper section” you laugh as you stumble over your words a little bit. Kells gets up behind you. The two blonde girls shoot up with him. He’s both startled and annoyed that they haven’t gotten the hint. He puts his hand around your waist and starts walking you towards the exit.

“Wait where are you going?” Both of the blondes follow you both. The one in the pink dress puts her hand around Kells’ arm and rushes so that she’s in front of you both. She sees his arm around you and lets go of his arm. “You’re seriously taking her home? Over me? She’s just a fucking groupie. I’m a model!” Her voice gets higher and louder. 

Kells hates the term groupie. You can see him starting to get mad. “Dude, no matter how hot you think you are, nobody likes a bitch! How can you say I’m here with you? I’ve been trying to get away from you all night. If Dub let you in why the fuck are you following me around?” He uses his hands a lot when he’s angry. “You shouldn’t even be in here if you’re gonna act like that. I came with her, you need to respect that and get the fuck over it. There’s all these people here”, he says as he motions to the dance floor, “go find someone else. Damn.” Kells snaps at the girl as you both walk out of the VIP section. The blondes say nothing and stop in their tracks as they watch you walk out together hand in hand. 

You both make it out of the Club and get into an Uber back to the hotel. You slide in next to him and he puts his arm around you. “She really wanted you,” you slur as the alcohol flows through your system. 

“Man, I couldn’t get her away from me.” 

You roll your eyes, “yeah you really tried hard to keep her away.” 

“Dude, Dub let them in but they came right up to me and wanted me to have a threesome.” he laughs. “I was like nah, why don’t you ask Dub, and they just like never left my fuckin side.”

You laugh too, “are you serious? Another threesome. You should’ve taken it,” you joke, “since we can’t fuck for a few days.” You were joking but you also don’t want to seem overprotective especially since you’re not official. 

Kells looks you in the eye before he kisses you hard. He tastes like alcohol, but his lips are soft and warm. The car comes to a stop as it pulls up to the hotel. Your lips separate and you step out of the car. You both walk inside and enter the elevator, stumbling along the way. The elevator ride goes quickly and you make your way down the hall to your room. 

You open the door and he follows behind you. You turn the lamp on in the corner and you see Kells start to take his clothes off. You turn away from him and start to take your jewelry and heels off. 

“Can you unzip my dress?” you ask softly. He comes up behind you and you feel his hands on your back. Once it’s unzipped he pulls your straps down your shoulders slowly and slides your dress down your hips. You’re left in your strapless bra and lacy thong. You step out of your dress and turn to see that Kells has taken his shirt off and is left in his black jeans, which are undone. Before you say anything, he leans down and kisses you. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up. You wrap your legs around him. You pull your lips away from his. “What are you doing?” you say. 

He kisses your neck roughly, “I’m fucking you tonight,” he says. 

“What about the deal?” you say through a breathy moan. 

“Fuck the deal, I’ll buy you whatever you want. I can’t wait any longer. I need you.” 

“So you lose?” you smile. 

“I didn’t lose anything, your sexy ass is going to be in my bed tonight.” He groans as he squeezes your ass cheeks and walks you over to the bed. 

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Tags :

Why is he so pretty when covered in blood

Why Is He So Pretty When Covered In Blood

Imagine #9

You’re asleep next to Kells. You’re on your stomach and the sheets are tangled between your legs. The sun is shining between the curtains. Kells shifts towards you as he wakes up. He runs his hand across your back and down to your butt. Your eyes flutter open at his touch. You turn over so that you are facing him. With his hand still on your butt, he quickly pulls your waist close to his.

“Morning,” he smiles at you as he kisses you lightly.

“Good morning”, you smile through kisses as you push your hips into his. 

“How was last night?” He asks you as he pulls his lips from yours. 

“Mm it was good,” you reply as he squeezes your ass cheeks. “How was losing?” you laugh. 

“I didn’t lose anything.” he replies as he laughs into your neck. 

“So you’re not going to take me shopping?” you whine jokingly. 

“I will. We can go today. I’ll buy you whatever you want.” he assures you. “Hmm?” he pushes his body onto yours. You can feel his hard boner on your naked hips. 

You slide out from under him and pull the sheet with you to cover your body. “Let’s go then,” you say as you grab some clothes from your bag. 

Kells looks disappointed that you got up, but he rolls out of bed too and heads to the bathroom for a shower. 

“Are the guys going to come with?” you ask him as you step into the stream of water behind him. 

“Nah, there’s no way they’re up right now.” he replies as he runs his hands through his wet hair with soap. 

You both finish your shower and step out. Before you wrap your towel around your body, he smacks your ass. A smile washes over your face and he kisses your cheek. You both stand in front of the mirror and get ready to go out. You decide to look somewhat cute as you are about to go into some high end stores. You pull on some ripped skinny jeans that hug your curves and a navy blue body suit that has a low cut v-neckline. You pull on a nude pair of heels that lace up just above your ankles. You do your makeup and blow dry your hair. You decide to put some loose curls in to finish your look. You step out of the bathroom to see that Kells is looking dope as usual. He’s wearing bleached ripped skinny jeans and a simple white t-shirt with a leather jacket that hangs open. He’s also wearing black biker boots. He always looks so put together next to you since you go for more comfy clothes. 

You’re both ready to go. You catch an Uber and head to a few stores that are on the same block. Even though you’re the one shopping, you both step out of the car, your hand in his, and he leads you into a Louboutin  store. He knows you love shoes, but you don’t think he realizes just how much. The workers welcome you and get you both bottles of water. Kells wanders to the men’s shoes section. You tug at his hand and pull him up to the second floor to the women’s shoes. 

You quickly start pointing out all of the shoes that you like, asking for them in your size. Kells is sitting on an ottoman in the center of the room watching you pick out more and more. You’ve spent about two hours trying on pairs of shoes. They are all piled and scattered across the ground as the workers run back and forth from the backroom to you. To the right of you, there is a pile of stacked shoe boxes. There are about fifteen pairs of heels. You see Kells getting nervous as this is only the first store you’ve been to. 

“You said whatever I want right?” you ask him sweetly. “That was the deal.”

Kells just shakes his head yes as he rubs his chin. 

“I think I’m done.” you say as you look around at all the shoes on the ground. 

Kells stands up and points to the big pile of shoes, “Package these up and we’ll be at the desk.” he seemed eager to leave. 

As he makes his way around the corner, you whisper to one of the workers that you only wanted one pair. The classic black studded heels that were sitting on your left. The worker nods with a smile as she grabs the box and heads to the back room. You meet Kells at the desk and you wait a few minutes. The lady that helped you gets your and Kells’ attention. He makes his way over to the counter and she lifts a single bag onto the counter and reads out the total. 

Kells looks confused, “we had more than that, she had that whole pile of shoes.” 

“No i didn’t,” you interrupt, “these are the only ones I wanted.” You smiled at him. 

“You serious?” He asks surprised as he hands over his card. “You could get whatever you wanted.” 

“No I’m not going to do that to you.” You laugh as you grab the bag and he takes his card back. 

“Why not, I should spoil you,” he says as he puts his arms around your waist and walks you out the doors, “like you spoil me” he says as he grabs your ass. You laugh and push away from him playfully as you walk down the block. “Where do you want to go now? I think Balenciaga and Chanel are down here.” 

“Umm I actually don’t want to shop anymore.” 

Kells stops walking so you stop next to him, “what? that was the deal, I buy you whatever you want.” 

“Yeah and all I wanted was a pair of Louboutins,” you smile, “maybe you haven’t noticed, but I don’t own a pair... until now. That’s all I wanted. I just wanted to make you think I was going to get every shoe they had to make you nervous,” you laugh. 

“I would’ve bought them all for you.” He begins to walk again. 

“I never would’ve let you.” You say sweetly. 

“But maybe I wanted to,” he grabs your hand. “Tell me where you want to go.” 

You look to him, “you can buy me lunch, that counts right?”

He laughs as he replies, “Okay, I guess, what do you want.”

“hmm... sushi,” you smile as you squeeze his hand. 

“Alright let’s go,” he says as he pulls his phone out to get an Uber. 

After your lunch date, you walk hand in hand, out of the restaurant. You changed into your new Louboutins in the Uber and you love them. You love even more that Kells is always grabbing for your hand when you’re walking next to each other. He’s not being shy about being affectionate with you either. He pecks you on the lips ever so often. 

It’s been a few days since you two went shopping. He’s been in and out of the studio. You guys flew home yesterday and Kells has been focused on the new album he’s coming out with. 

You came to visit him at the studio to bring him and the guys some coffee. You hung around on the couch to chill for a while. You’re scrolling through your phone and you see a news story about Kells so you open it. 

“Oh my god,” you stand up, “Kells,” you holler to him. He’s sitting in the recording booth. You realize he can’t hear you so you push the microphone button,”Kells,” you yell again with a worried tone. He swings his guitar strap over his head and sets it down and walks out of the recording booth door. 

“What’s up?” 

You hold your phone out to him. He grabs it from you. “So much for keeping it a secret and away from the media.” 

He scrolls through the pictures taken by paparazzi of you two hand in hand walking down the street. The article is titled Does Machine Gun Kelly Have a New Girl? and the entire article is filled with pictures of you two holding hands, kissing, and going on a date; all from a few days ago when you went shopping. It has so much information about you. You almost feel like a celebrity yourself now. 

“Shit,” Kells says softly. “I didn’t even notice any paps” he says as he hands you your phone back and lights up the joint in his mouth. 

“Well what the fuck does this mean now?" You panic as you tuck your hair behind your ear.

He sucks in and pulls the joint out of his mouth. "I don't know. Are you my girl?” He blows the smoke out of his mouth and maintains eye contact with you. 

“W... well do you want me to be...your girl?” You bite your lip out of nervousness.

He takes a step towards you, “I thought you already were,” he grabs your face and kisses you. 

“I don’t want to be your girlfriend,” you say quietly, looking around to see if the guys are listening to your convo, they’re not. You look back up at him and he lets go of your face. “Not yet,” you add as you grab his hands. “I want to be but making it official complicates so much. I like what we have.” He says nothing as he lights up his joint again. “Do you not feel the same?”

“Nah I do,” he inhales, “it’s only been a few weeks.” He walks around you and grabs his coffee. “Wouldn’t want to go too fast.” 

You can’t tell if he’s disappointed or not. His back is facing you. You walk up behind him and put your arms around his waist. You hold your face against his back. “Don’t be mad at me, please.” you say quietly. “I’ve never been in the media like this and once we become official, everything about us is put out there for everyone to see,” Kells turns around towards you and you let go of him. “If anything happens between us--”. 

“Nothing’s going to happen.” He can tell you’re beginning to stress and pulls you into a hug. “Don’t worry about it.” He releases you and you turn to go back to the couch. He slaps your ass as you turn. You look back and smile at him as your cheeks turn pink. 

You eventually leave the studio and head home. Kells and the guys can spend all night and morning at the studio most of the time so you sleep in your own bed. 

It’s about 2 am and you’ve been sleeping. You get a phone call from Kells which wakes you up. You answer, “I’m not bringing you guys food again,” you whine through the phone. 

“Come over,” he begs you. 

“What?” You sit up in bed.

“Come on, just come over for a bit.” His voice is very breathy and deep, which you’ve learned means he’s horny.

“I’m not coming over,”, you say as you lay back down. 

“Please baby,” he groans.

“No, I’m going back to bed. Goodnight.” Before he can argue, you hang up and roll over. 

You fall back asleep but less than an hour later, you hear a knock on the door. 

You groan as you get up, “what the fuck?” you say to yourself as you get to the door. You look out the peephole. It’s Kells. You open it up as you rub your tired eyes. “Babe, what are you doing?”

He walks in and pushes himself against your body. He kicks the door closed behind him. His lips crash into yours and his arms wrap around you and his hands grab your butt, squeezing it hard. You pull away. 

“Kells, I’m tired, come on. I told you I was sleeping. You taste like alcohol. Are you drunk?” You turn and walk towards the bathroom. 

“I had a couple drinks, you know what that does to me.” He whines as he goes after you. He stumbles and misses you as you hurry to the bathroom. 

“Kells stop, you should go to bed, come on.” you turn and say to him as he stumbles into the couch. You reach the bathroom and flick the light on. “Come on, do you need to shower?” 

Kells stands himself up and makes it into the bathroom. You start to turn your shower on, but Kells grabs your hands. “I don’t need a shower, I need you.” 

You try to pull away, but one of his hands has already started rubbing your pussy. “Kells,” you whisper. “Stop.” You reach down and grab his hand, but his gentle rubbing turns you on so you let go of his hand. 

He pushes you up against the wall next to the shower as he slips his hands into your shorts and rubs your clit gently. You give in and let your body relax as you grab his face with your hands. Usually he pays a lot of attention to your neck, always sucking or kissing, but you’re just staring into each other’s eyes. He’s watching your every moan and deep breath as he keeps rubbing. 

Your hands travel from his face down to to his waist. You undo his belt and unzip his pants. You reach down his briefs and begin stroking his hard boner. He stops rubbing your clit and pulls your face into his, pushing his warm lips into yours. 

He spins you around and pushes your waist into the counter of the vanity. The giant mirror above the sink lets you watch him behind you.The hot water from the running shower has started to lightly fog the mirror up. He pulls his shirt off, exposing his sexy tattoos, and pulls his jeans down. With his briefs still on, he pushes his hips into your butt. His arm reaches around your body to your neck and pulls your head back. He leans forward and kisses you from behind. He pulls your shorts down, exposing your cheeks and squeezes them roughly. He quickly pulls his briefs down and you watch his member, in the mirror, slap his stomach. 

He turns his attention to you as you both lock eyes in the mirror. He positions himself at your entrance, as you’re bent over the counter, ready for him. He slowly pushes himself into you. His tip enters you slowly then he pulls out. He thrusts in and out of you with just the tip, slowly. With your eyes still locked, he watches as you whimper. 

“Ugh don’t tease me.” You moan through heavy breaths. 

“You want me inside you?” He asks softly. 

You push your butt back into his hips, “I want you deep inside me.” 

He continues to squeeze your ass as he keeps teasing you. He begins slowly pushing himself deeper inside you. “Like this baby?”

You let out a loud moan as you shake your head yes. He starts thrusting harder and deeper inside you as you both watch each other in the mirror. You love to see the way his body and hips move as he moves in and out of you. The steam from the shower has made the bathroom steamy and Kells’ skin is glowing from the moisture in the air.The pleasure on his face turns you on even more as you watch him breathing heavy and letting out light moans. You can see him watching your breasts jiggling in your shirt with every thrust. His arms move up from your butt, up your waist and around to your boobs. He grabs one and starts squeezing lightly as he bends over your body. He stands back up and thrusts quickly in and out of you. His groans become louder as you feel his thrusting get sloppier. You watch his face in the mirror as he climaxes. 

He pulls out of you and you stand up and face him. He kisses you and pulls you in for a hug. He kisses the top of your head. “Now I need a shower,” he laughs. “You going to join me?” he asks as he lifts up your butt and swings your legs around his waist. 

You laugh and throw your arms around him as he carries you into the shower.  

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