I Am The Whorax I Speak For The Sluts If I See Any Girls Abuse Men Ill Rip Out Your Fucking Cunts.
I am the whorax I speak for the sluts if I see any girls abuse men I’ll rip out your fucking cunts.
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How far could he actually have gotten away with carrying Rindou for though?

Like would anyone have stopped him if he just left the whole train yard? Could he have just continued carrying him down the street? Could he get onto a bus like that?
He gets all the way back to his house and introduces Yuzuha to his hostage. He realised murdering Ran wasn't the answer so instead he just stole the thing Ran cares about the most.
Please I'm begging you give us a summary of jjk from what you've learnt from Tumblr and the first episode
JJK according to someone who's only seen the first episode and tumbr content
Ok so I should probably start off with plot, so it's set in this world where there are a bunch of demons, who are all bad guys. They keep murdering people and planning World domination so they need to be stopped ASAP. Luckily the humans have a way of fighting back (yay)! All they have to do is eat a demons finger then they get their powers. Seems easy right?
So the main story follows a group of these finger eaters as they attempt to fight off the demons. There's also a school involved somewhere.
The characters
Ok let's start off with the main character, blindfold man aka Geto Satosugo.

Everyone's fav, has his eyes covered because they're too pretty. But it doesn't work since everyone simps after him anyway. Pretty sure his demon his called Saltuna (everyone simps over him too). Has an ex who is now evil but it's all good because he's moved on with a blonde guy. Also has adopted at least one child if not more.
Then we have the old man character, this guy

Rip he died at some point which is why no one talks about him anymore. He ate a finger in the first episode but then Geto killed him???
We also have this guy

He likes dogs and was adopted by Geto, he's basically the Kiba of jjk. I know nothing else about him.
There's also a brown haired girl

She's good female representation, I don't know why, I just know that she is. She fights using nails, there may or may not be a hammer involved. She also has like a little straw doll that she carries around as a good luck charm. And she's dating glasses girl.
Which is this girl

She's a lesbian and a badass and that's all I need to know about her. She also cuts her hair into a bob style at some point and uses a gun.
Next up we have panda guy

He can't talk, if he talks then he transforms into a panda. I'm not sure how that helps him fight demons but I guess it does??? He also likes sushi and has a boyfriend who is evil.
This is his evil boyfriend

This guy looks like a baby but he's actually evil, he's on the demons side and is a traitor. He's dating panda guy but they'll probably have to break up at some point when his secret gets out. Also he murdered his girlfriend once???
We also have this very big man

His name is Tojo and he was friends with old main character guy before he died. Everyone also simps over him.
Then there's Geto's new boyfriend which is this tired office man.

He is just a normal guy who is trying to leave peacefully with his boyfriend and adopted dog son but keeps getting interrupted by demons. He's sick of this shit, he just wants a quiet domestic life.
Then lastly we have the big bad guy, this guy.

He used to date Geto but dumped him because of his evil ambitions. He probably wants either world domination or smaller ears. Everyone also simps over him. Pretty sure his name is Zenin, but I'm less sure on this one.
There's also some other background characters like
Woman with a scar- Pretty sure she's like a queen or a priestess or something important. She gives everyone their orders.
Witch girl- I actually thought she was someone's oc but apparently not?
Blue Sakura- She's useless
Boy who just wanted to watch a movie- Everyone's baby, pretty sure he dies though since people always seem sad about him.
Someone called Choso- He exists
I also know there was a movie released semi recently which was very good, everyone loved it. Stay winning jjk fandom.
(Big thanks to @swimming-with-taiyaki-kun for sending me the pictures of the characters)
Let's talk about Pah-chin, real quick, actually.
This man is a founding Toman member. He's been with them for forever and has seemingly been incredibly dedicated to them.
He's a loyal, caring, protective guy. He knows he's not the smartest but he's secure enough to joke about it himself. He has a short temper, but never fights without a cause. When he needed something from Toman, he still put the team first and stated that they didn't have to get involved because he'd hate to cause trouble for them (it was at Mikey's insistence that he accepted the help).
Fuck, he's close enough to pretty much every named Toman member that most of them were at his WEDDING.
He's literally just a sweet, bashful, slightly dumb man with a massive heart.
Why do y'all hate him so much?
Why do y'all portray him as gross or rude? Why do you think he's abusive? Why do I only ever see him angry? Why does no one ever draw him? Why do edits of the Toman founders specifically avoid showing him, and why are all the comments on those videos "Haha missed Pah-chin... I don't mind tho!!!!"
Don't answer that, I know why.
I know exactly why, and you know exactly why.
And the funny thing is that when a fandom arbitrarily decides to pick on the fat character, the "ugly" character, they'll usually come up with some excuse to hate them, as if if they were drawn as attractive it would even matter.
"Such-and-such was a pervert!" But the numerous pretty perverts in the same fandom get a pass. "So-and-so was obsessive, what a creep!" But when someone pretty is obsessive they're your yandere bf for lifezzzzz.
But at least they have excuses.
But Pah-chin?
Pah-chin did nothing, NOTHING.
Pah-chin helped found Toman. Pah-chin fought by his friend's side fiercely. Pah-chin helped Takemichi. Pah-chin sought revenge after his friend's girlfriend was assaulted.
The only excuse I've ever seen was "But he's so short tempered and keeps yelling at Takemichi 🥺"
Oh but Baji's the best character ever. Smiley is your baby.
Pah-chin (the person that got angry because Takemichi was trying to prevent him from GETTING REVENGE FOR AN ASSAULT VICTIM) is the irrational angry one, not the dude that sets cars on fire, or the dude that beats people to a pulp while gleefully chanting 'yay murder'.
Screw that.
Pah-chin is hated because he's fat.
Pah-chin is hated because he's ugly.
There's literally no running from that anymore and everyone that has ever deliberately overlooked him, or 'joked' about him being useless or irrelevant, or actually hated him, need to confront that in themselves.
Pah-chin. Fucking. Supremacy.

Kakucho’s hidden talent
cre: @alt 9774

The day Megumi meets his Divine dogs is also the last day he sees his dad, or so he thinks.
Headcanon that one of the most common games between the children of the Zenin clan is to make shawdow puppets (and is also used as a way to detect Ten shawdow users technique)
Megumi also learns how to do some of the most common shapes (Toji doesn’t remember that many), as a way to make him less afraid of the dark when he’s alone and Toji is away.