Ami-chan-59 - Clownin
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OwO help

Plastic Beach phone wallpapers, please reblog if you use!
Let’s talk about Muds !!
First of all #FREEMURDOC !

Well, Gorillaz have created that automatic chat, where you can chat with Muds from the prison, I played the game, and he asked me if I want to know something, before we start to talk about his plan, so I asked about 2D and that’s his answer:

Besides the fact he said he loves 2D (it doesn’t matter in how way), he admits his guilty for hurting 2D, and he seems kinda bad for this. I really want to believe he did nothing and is innocent this time :), he got a good point in his defence

And for the people that are saying that “2D is VERY MUCH happy NOW, and Murdoc should stay in jail”, 2D was happy before too, he was happy trough all the clips of Humanz, for example the Strobelite clip, he was on Murdoc’s side, then he gets up and dance, and smile, and, ya know… happiness.
(Pls reblog)