Ami-chan-59 - Clownin

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like/reblog if u are:
a bitch
a bastard
an all around fool
an omnipresent all-powerful being
a sparrow
capable of moving at immense, incomprehensible speeds
an eldritch being
no one will know which one u chose! :D
horror writers and devs: this nasty garbage man is the scariest and most traumatizing thing we’ve ever created, isn’t he terrifying?
ya’ll every single time:
Y'all need to come down about #pennywise the homophobe.
Honestly never before have I scene a more ridiculous character to call a homophobe.
In that scene, the only homophobes, is the punk groups that beat up adyran and his boyfriend and threw him over the bridge. Pennywise was just taking a easy meal, basically offered to him.
If pennywise exclusively ate gay people, or refused to eat exclusively gay people, then those would be grounds to call him homophobic. Seeing as pennywise us just one hungry boi and he doesn't care, it's not really fair to call him a homophobe.
If a member of lgbt community was beaten up, and thrown over a bridge, and there was some other hungry animal waiting down there, it wouldn't care about your sexuality, you're food.
In conclusion, Pennywise is not homophobic, boi just hungry. It doesn't matter if the same thing had happened to some who's straight or lgbt, man or woman, you've been made weak and afraid, and Pennywise is gonna take advantage of it.
If you're gonna come after my boi, do it for something he's actually accountable for, like being a gross petty sloppy bitch.
Pitbulls are not aggressive unless you teach them to be
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