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Hang In There Buddy (uncensored And Just One Edited Version Under Cut Cuz I Love Editing My Art To Make

Hang In There Buddy (uncensored And Just One Edited Version Under Cut Cuz I Love Editing My Art To Make

Hang in there buddy (uncensored and just one edited version under cut cuz i love editing my art to make it look better ๐Ÿคญ)

Hang In There Buddy (uncensored And Just One Edited Version Under Cut Cuz I Love Editing My Art To Make
Hang In There Buddy (uncensored And Just One Edited Version Under Cut Cuz I Love Editing My Art To Make

Erm... time for me to disappear cuz i did NO homework and i got one week left *crawls back to where i came from*

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5 months ago
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis
Erm So I Wrote All Of This For My Homework Cuz I Don't Rlly Want To Do It So I Just Wrote Like An Analysis

Erm so I wrote all of this for my homework cuz I don't rlly want to do it so i just wrote like an analysis of Ted and Ellen (for now just them gonna do the rest tomorrow including AM) and here's the translation under the cut idk if it's coreect or not blame google translate chat ๐Ÿ™and ignore the repetition in some parts

Character is a literary concept denoting the "paper being" that takes part in the actions of an epic or dramatic text;ย  it exists only within the created fictional universe and has the purpose of indirectly conveying the artistic message and vision of the world and life of its author.ย 

Ted is the main character of the literary work "I have no mouth and I must scream" by Harlan Ellison, because he actively participates in all moments of the action, and the other characters gravitate around him. He illustrates the writer's conception of a complicated person, whose model is worth following in several aspects.Ted is one of the 5 survivors, and he is trapped in underground, under the control of AM. This story takes place after the third world war

It is characterized directly both by the narrator and by other characters, and the facts, gestures, language and relationships with the other characters are landmarks in the indirect characterization. The physical portrait is barely sketched, the reader's attention drawn to the moral portrait.

The moral portrait is made through his gestures and how he behaves with the other survivors. Ted is a very paranoid person, this shown through his thoughts. He thinks the others hate him because he is the youngest and least affected by AM. These thoughts are caused not only by the traumas from the AM, but also by the AM itself, having the power to enter their thoughts, changing their original personality. At times, he is a very mean man, his trauma and manipulation of AM causing this change in attitude. He speaks ill of Ellen, who is the only female of the five, several times. But despite his words, it's clear that he cares about others, especially Ellen, which is very contradictory considering how he talks about her at times. In one passage, as they walk towards the ice cave, he says, "at least Ellen would be safe". These words show that he puts Ellen's safety above his own. At the end of the book, he kills the others, knowing that death was the only chance to escape AM's hands. After AM turned him into a "big soft jelly thing", he is happy that at least the others are safe and resting, despite the fact that he is condemned to suffer for eternity.

Compared to the other characters in this literary work, Ted is the bravest, killing everyone out of mercy, despite the fact that he knew the consequences would be dire. He is also the most paranoid, rarely trusting anything.

His relationships with the other characters are very interesting. Sometimes he is very close to others, but other times, he thinks they are all after him, saying, "If I didn't have to keep them away all the time, be on guard against them all the time, I would it could have been easier to fight AM". His relationship with Ellen is very complicated. His actions show that it is possible that he is obsessed with her, not that he truly loves her, but only out of desperation for something normal in this hell.

In conclusion, Ted, the protagonist of the literary work "I have no mouth and I must scream" by Harlan Ellison, represents the prototype of the traumatized and paranoid man, who offers a model of behavior worth following in relation to the courage he had at the end of the book. In my opinion, Ted is an interesting character, whose complexity makes the whole story more interesting.We, the readers, see the story through his eyes, and we can understand why he has such a difficult personality.

Character is a literary concept denoting the "paper being" that takes part in the actions of an epic or dramatic text;ย  it exists only within the created fictional universe and has the purpose of indirectly conveying the artistic message and vision of the world and life of its author.ย 

Ellen is the main character of the literary work "I have no mouth and I must scream" by Harlan Ellison, because she actively participates in all moments of the action, and the other characters gravitate around her. She illustrates the writer's conception of a gentle person, whose model is worth following.Ellen is one of the 5 survivors, and she is trapped in underground, under the control of AM. This story takes place after the third world war

This is characterized directly both by the narrator and by other characters, and the facts, gestures, language and relationships with the other characters are landmarks in the indirect characterization. The physical portrait is barely sketched, the reader's attention drawn to the moral portrait. The only detail we know about her physical appearance is that her skin is a dark color, "Ellen's face, black on white snow, like dominoes in chalk dust."

The moral portrait is made through his gestures and how he behaves with the other survivors. Ellen is a very gentle and emotional person, this shown through her thoughts. Right from the beginning of the book, she comforts Gorrister, showing her caring personality. When Benny tries to escape from this place, Ellen begins to cry, worried for him, yelling for the others to knock him down. ,,โ€”oh ted, nimdok, please help him, take him down firstโ€ฆ he fell silent. Tears began to form in his eyes. He moves his hands aimlessly." When she sees that he is still alive after AM has punished him, she is happy. "but not before catching the relieved expression on Ellen's warm, worried face." When Benny starts drooling, she helps him wipe himself with the hem of her skirt. This gesture shows that he cares a lot about Benny. Ellen has a very contradictory aspect; she is a very fearful person, but when Ted killed them all, she helped him, and she kills Nimdok, after Ted kills her. She often talks about true love, recounting her experiences before the war. These gestures and behavior show that despite the difficult circumstances, she still remained a good and moral person.

Compared to the other characters in this literary work, Ellen is the mildest. She never said anything bad about anyone else and she helps everyone by taking care of everyone.

Her relationships with the other characters are very complicated. Sometimes the others take as much care of her as she does of them, ,,Nimdok and Gorrister carried Ellen for a while, hands tied to their wrists and the other's, a chair.ย  Benny and I went before and after, just to make sure that if something happened, they'd catch one of us and at least Ellen would be safe," but other times, the others treat her very badly, Gorrister thrusting into her as she began to cry.

In conclusion, Ellen, the protagonist of the literary work "I have no mouth and I must scream" by Harlan Ellison, represents the prototype of the gentle and strong man, who provides a model of behavior worth following. In my opinion, Ellen is a very interesting character , whose kindness can be seen as inspirational due to the fact that she still remains caring despite all the traumas she has suffered from AM.

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