anauthorofsorts - “Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account”
“Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account”

Wow I should really post on this account since it’s technically my main

91 posts

Anauthorofsorts - Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

My boyfriend has to go to the ren fair for work but i can come and he wanted to do a matching costume. He was like “I want to be Frodo” and I was like “oh cool I can be Shelob” which was, apparently, not the couples costume he was thinking of

6 months ago
This Shouldnt Be The Funniest Thing In The World To Me But Here We Are

this shouldnt be the funniest thing in the world to me but here we are

6 months ago

Went to the Aboriginal artifact exhibit in Chicago. And it’s interesting. How many blankets and masks and totem poles say ‘unknown source’, because every five seconds my mom would stop and point to something and say. “Pauline’s grandmother made that,” or, “That belongs to Mike’s family, I should call him” because. It’s all stolen

7 months ago

ed zitron, a tech beat reporter, wrote an article about a recent paper that came out from goldman-sachs calling AI, in nicer terms, a grift. it is a really interesting article; hearing criticism from people who are not ignorant of the tech and have no reason to mince words is refreshing. it also brings up points and asks the right questions:

if AI is going to be a trillion dollar investment, what trillion dollar problem is it solving?

what does it mean when people say that AI will "get better"? what does that look like and how would it even be achieved? the article makes a point to debunk talking points about how all tech is misunderstood at first by pointing out that the tech it gets compared to the most, the internet and smartphones, were both created over the course of decades with roadmaps and clear goals. AI does not have this.

the american power grid straight up cannot handle the load required to run AI because it has not been meaningfully developed in decades. how are they going to overcome this hurdle (they aren't)?

people who are losing their jobs to this tech aren't being "replaced". they're just getting a taste of how little their managers care about their craft and how little they think of their consumer base. ai is not capable of replacing humans and there's no indication they ever will because...

all of these models use the same training data so now they're all giving the same wrong answers in the same voice. without massive and i mean EXPONENTIALLY MASSIVE troves of data to work with, they are pretty much as a standstill for any innovation they're imagining in their heads

7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Yes I am adding my own fic on my own alt blog post. Because They drove me so crazy I had to write this.

“A pair of binary stars circle each other in the systems center while a third star orbits the central pair”

You know who THAT SOUNDS LIKE?????

Scogean. Scott/Jean/Logan .Them.

A Pair Of Binary Stars Circle Each Other In The Systems Center While A Third Star Orbits The Central

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

“In Physics, specifically classical mechanics, the three-body problem involves taking the initial positions and velocities (or momenta) of three point masses that orbit each other in space and calculating their subsequent trajectories using Newton’s laws of motion and Newton’s law of gravitation. Unlike the two-body problem, the three-body problem has no general closed-form solution.” -Wikipedia, The Three-Body Problem


X-Men - All Media Types


Jean Grey/Logan/Scott Summers

Jean Grey & Logan & Scott Summers


Logan (X-Men)

Jean Grey

Scott Summers

Mentioned Illyana|Magik

Mentioned Stephen Strange | Dr. Strange

Mentioned Laura Kinney | Wolverine

Additional Tags:

POV Third Person Limited

Fighting as a way to show relational synergy

Unnamed Cosmic Entity - Freeform

Literally because I just wanted to write a fight

Scott/Jean/Logan could be Queerplatonic. could be Romantic

They are drawn to each other

The three body problem as a way to explain a relationship dynamic

mentioned broken bones

Mentioned injuries

Comic Book Violence

was told slight whump

so do with that what you will

Fight Scene

Language: English

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7 months ago
anauthorofsorts - “Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account”


7 months ago

it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can how was I supposed to be prepared for this.

this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!

I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??

7 months ago
A diagram splitting a chunk of text into five parts labeled, in order: Yippie! Writing!. Oh wow I’m bad at this. I don’t know what I’m doing. How do I keep getting worse every time I write. This is my magnum opus.

Anatomy of a writing session

7 months ago

On Being a Soldier and Man: A Scott Summer's Centric Fanfic/Character Study
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The question of identity was not a hard one for Scott Summers. Well, it wasn’t anymore. He could claim many titles, really. Experiment, leader, revolutionary, mutant, space pirate, pilot, and more if he wanted to get really nit-picky about what or who he was, but in the end, the conclusion is obvious to him. If Scott Summers were to be called anything, he would have to be called a soldier. The thought had occurred to him before, and to be more accurate it would be better to say the thought was a haunted recurring thing rather than a simple musing. He could be other things on top of being a soldier, but he could never quit being one. It was his curse.

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7 months ago

Thinking about this panel... He's such a dad, this is how this emotionally stunted man shows love. He's the type to make you call him when you get to the function... So he knows you're okay... He will pick you up if you're drunk... So he knows you're okay...

Thinking About This Panel... He's Such A Dad, This Is How This Emotionally Stunted Man Shows Love. He's

Laios is like the son he never had... To me... His son who is twice is size

7 months ago
anauthorofsorts - “Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account”
7 months ago
anauthorofsorts - “Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account”
7 months ago
Nobody Will Ever Be Able To Look At You Through My Eyes

Nobody will ever be able to look at you through my eyes

7 months ago

i LOVE reading shitty fantasy manhwas so much bc they genuinely give me a better understanding on how choi han, the og cale henituse and alvers characters are SUPPOSED to be (angsty black haired protag, trashy red haired minor villain, crown prince) and how tcf subverts those tropes. Reading only tcf makes you go “omg yes these characters are so great” but having stuff to compare it to makes you “omg yes these characters are IMMACULATE”

7 months ago
Joels Base (again)

joels base (again)

7 months ago

so I’m looking at short story publishers (fantasy)

Tor, cream of the crop. 25 cents a word. Stories can be read for free (YES). Slowish response time at ~3 months. Prefer under 12k, absolute maximum is 17.5k. Don’t bother if it’s not highly professional quality. SFWA qualifying.

Crossed Genres. 6 cents a word. Different theme each month (this month’s is “failure”). Submissions must combine either sci-fi or fantasy with the theme. Response time 1 month. 1k-6k, no exceptions. SFWA qualifying.

Long Hidden, anthology from CG. 6 cents a word. 2k-8k, no exceptions. Must take place before 1935. Protagonist(s) must be under 18 and marginalized in their time and place. Must be sci-fi/fantasy/horror. Deadline 30 April. Response by 1 October.

Queers Destroy Science Fiction. Sci-fi only right now, author must identify as queer (gay, lesbian, bi, ace, pan, trans, genderfluid, etc, just not cishet). 7.5k max. Deadline 15 February. Responses by 1 March. You can submit one flash fiction and one short story at the same time. (My network blocks the Lightspeed site for some reason, so I can’t get all the submission details. >_>) Probably SFWA qualifying?

Women in Practical Armor. 6 cents a word. 2k-5k. Must be about 1) a female warrior who 2) is already empowered and 3) wears sensible armour. Deadline 1 April. Response within three months.

Fiction Vortex. $10 per story, with $20 and $30 for editor’s and readers’ choice stories (hoping to improve). Speculative fiction only. Imaginative but non-florid stories. 7.5k maximum, preference for 5k and under. (I kind of want to support them on general principle.)

Urban Fantasy Magazine. 6 cents a word. 8k max, under 4k preferred. Must be urban fantasy (aka, the modern world, doesn’t need to be a literal city). 

Nightmare. 6 cents a word. 1.5-7.5k, preference for under 5k. Horror and dark fantasy. Response time up to two weeks. SFWA and HWA qualifying.

Apex Magazine. 6 cents a word. 7.5k max, no exceptions. Dark sci-fi/fantasy/horror. SFWA qualifying.

Asimov’s Science Fiction. 8-10 cents a word. 20k max, 1k minimum. Sci-fi; borderline fantasy is ok, but not S&S. Prefer character focused. Response time 5 weeks; query at 3 months. SFWA qualifying, ofc.

Buzzy Mag. 10 cents a word. 10k max. Should be acceptable for anyone 15+. Response time 6-8 weeks. SFWA qualifying.

Strange Horizons. 8 cents a word. Speculative fiction. 10k max, prefers under 5k. Response time 40 days. Particularly interested in diverse perspectives, nuanced approahces to political issues, and hypertexts. SFWA qualifying. 

Fantasy and Science Fiction. 7-12 cents a word. Speculative fiction, preference for character focus, would like more science-fiction or humour. 25k maximum. Prefers Courier. Response time 15 days.

Scigentasy. 3 cents a word. .5-5k. Science-fiction and fantasy, progressive/feminist emphasis. Fantastic Stories of the Imagination. 15 cents a word. 3k maximum. Any sci-fi/fantasy, they like a literary bent. (psst, steinbecks!) They also like to see both traditional and experimental approaches. Response time two weeks. 

Beneath Ceaseless Skies. 6 cents a word. 10k maximum. Fantasy in secondary worlds only (it can be Earth, but drastically different—alternate history or whatever). Character focus, prefer styles that are lush yet clear, limited first or third person narration. Response time usually 2-4 weeks, can be 5-7 weeks. SFWA qualifying.

Clarkesworld. 10 cents a word up to 4000, 7 afterwards. 1-8k, preferred is 4k. Science-fiction and fantasy. Needs to be well-written and convenient to read on-screen. Appreciates rigour. No talking cats. Response time 2 days. SFWA qualifying.

Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. 6 cents a word. Any length. Science-fiction and fantasy (along with fantastic horror). Good world-building and characterization. Clear straightforward prose. Response time three months. Yes, OSC is editor-in-chief. SFWA qualifying.

Interzone. Sub-pro rates if anything (but highly respected). 10k max. Short cover letter. Science-fiction and fantasy.

8 months ago

me: I have GOT to get weirder!

also me when I do get weirder: *visibly shaking* I'm going to be killed with hammers by everyone for being a freak.

8 months ago
anauthorofsorts - “Tess, You Cant Just Ignore Your Main Account”
8 months ago

i’m just saying aragorn son of arathorn oh im sorry STRIDER (one of them rangers what his right name is i never heard etc etc) didn’t need to be that sexy at the prancing pony. like ostensibly he’s trying to lay low but even dipshit little [relatively] eighteen y/o frodo is like hey what’s the deal with that extremely ostentatiously sexy man in the corner

8 months ago

we got really close one time. monkey #44543 almost wrote Othello perfectly but decided to take some creative liberties in act 3 that were kinda shit so the other monkeys took his typewriter away

8 months ago
You Won! The Enemy Red Dragon Dropped Something! (Gained 20,000 EXP And Falin's Body)

You won! The enemy Red Dragon dropped something! (Gained 20,000 EXP and Falin's Body)

8 months ago
Happy Father's Day! I Like The Way It Turns The Tables Beautifully.
Happy Father's Day! I Like The Way It Turns The Tables Beautifully.
Happy Father's Day! I Like The Way It Turns The Tables Beautifully.
Happy Father's Day! I Like The Way It Turns The Tables Beautifully.

Happy Father's Day! I like the way it turns the tables beautifully.😁💝

9 months ago

i think we all need to complain about LED headlights more. please can we all complain about them more. night driving is nearly impossible for me to do now without having to white knuckle my way through a thousand evil suns. every time i see those headlights in my mirrors i take 2d6 radiant damage. i want to destroy every single LED headlight under my feet like they’re goombas