Mousekat/partypoison/thedirector Collage And Ideas To Make The Head From My Art Gsce

Mousekat/partypoison/thedirector collage and ideas to make the head from my art gsce
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More Posts from Andnowidie
Danger Days Slang/Words/Terms/etc.
I’ve noticed that there are a lot of interpretations of different DD words, and very few official definitions. So I’ve decided to make a list of what I think everything means. These are all my own interpretations of words/slang, so don’t get mad if it doesn’t agree with what you think. There are a few things in here that I came up with myself.
Killjoy - A member of ‘the killjoys’, a disorganized network of gangs fighting against BLi from the zones. All killjoys have strange names which they go by. Each gang has its own name as well, the most well known being the Fabulous Four.
Neutral - A non-killjoy resident of the zones.
BL/ind - Better Living Industries, a company that has tyrannical control over the people. Also referred to as ‘BLi’.
Draculoid - A member of BLi’s SCARECROW unit. Devoid of all emotion, always seen wearing terrifying masks. Act as the city’s police, and BLi’s military. Often shortened to ‘drac’.
Exterminator - Leaders of BLi’s SCARECROW unit. Control the draculoids. Act as investigators, spies, and executioners.
SCARECROW - BLi’s police/military unit. Consists of security guards, technological security, draculoids, exterminators.
BCU- Battery City Underground. Killjoy-like rebels who work inside of the city, often staking out in ‘underground’ places. Usually act as smugglers of both people and supplies, as well as saboteurs. Led by three unknown men.
Battery City - The city controlled by BLi. Only known major civilization left. Devoid of much color, emotion, and freedom. Also called ‘Bat City’ and ‘the city’.
Zones - The desert surrounding Battery City, consisting of six areas determined by geographical terrain. There were once more, but were destroyed in bombings by BLi. Mainly where the neutrals and killjoys live, but does contain scattered BLi factories and warehouses.
Death Valley - The areas beyond Zone Six. Used to contain farming communities, until the land was destroyed in bombings by BLi.
Route Guano - The main road through the zones. A paved, multi-lane road that stretches from Zone One to abandoned factories in Zone Six. Also called the ‘Getaway Mile’.
Helium Wars - War in the 1970s fought over the resource of helium. A second war was fought in the late 80s/early 90s between BLi and other civilizations around the world, which all then disappeared.
Analog War - A series of large scale fights between the killjoys and BLi during the 90s, beginning towards the end of the second Helium War.
Fires of 2012 - A series of large fires in 2012 which were lit by BLi to sabotage the killjoys, but spiraled out of control and burned several neutral establishments and BLi factories and warehouses. BLi claims to not have started them, but to have put them out.
Pig Bomb - A bomb dropped in Zone Seven by BLi in 2017, destroying the single farming community there and metaphorically wiping Zone Seven off of the map.
Carbons - Form of currency. Consist of flexible plastic bills and hard plastic coins.
Batteries - What everything that isn’t run on electricity runs on. Common commodity in the city, harder to get a hold of in certain zones. Have a very long life span. Can be bought from vending machines.
Vend-a-hack - Gadgets that can hack vending machines to dispense products.
Ray Gun/Laser Gun - A gun that shoots dangerous lasers. Common weapon, used by draculoids, exterminators, and killjoys. Run on special batteries. Occasionally called a ‘zap’.
Mousekat - BLi’s mascot for children’s products. Heavily modified versions are often seen in the zones.
Phoenix Witch - A goddess worshiped in the zones whose main domain is death. Main deity in a pagan religion.
Pornodroid - Androids in the city made specifically for the purpose of sex. Only female models exist.
Zine - A magazine, usually small, handmade ones.
Crash Queen - A daredevil and/or thrill-seeker with an unhealthy taste for doing things that could easily get them killed.
Motorbabies - People who live out of their cars, whether or not they are nomadic. Oftentimes are also gearheads.
Gearhead - Someone who is obsessed with cars/mechanical things.
Rubberburner - Someone who lives their life too fast, burning through everything. Often tend to drive far too fast and burn out their tires. Tend to also be crash queens.
Dust Angel - A resident of the zones, though this term is often only used to refer to young children and the elderly.
Pig - Derogatory term for draculoids and exterminators.
Zone Rat - Derogatory term for residents of the zones, generally used to refer to killjoys.
Zonerunner - People who spend time in the zones but do not live there. Usually BCU smugglers, and other BCU operatives.
Ritalin Rat - Drug addict.
Clap - A physical fight, usually between a killjoy and a draculoid.
Costa Rica - For things to go crazy/become chaotic. (Ex. “Things went all Costa Rica.”)
Dust - Dead.
Dusted - To kill or to be killed, through any cause.
Firefight - A gun fight.
Getaway Mile - Route Guano.
Ghost - To kill.
Ghosted - To kill or to be killed, generally through murder.
Hit the Red Line - To run away, usually from a bad situation/home life.
Shiny - Awesome or cool.
Tumbleweed - Someone who wanders the zones, living a nomadic lifestyle, having no home. Oftentimes are killjoys, but there are some bands of neutrals who choose to live nomadically, generally for religious purposes.
Killjoy/Danger Days Dictionary (with definitions)
411 n. Information on something or an update, eg: “Update please… need a four and double ones.” Probably derived from 4-1-1, the telephone number for local directory assistance in the US and Canada.
Battery City n. The city that contains BL/ind’s operating base. Situated in California.
BLI or BL/ind n. Shortened forms of Better Living Industries, Battery City’s ruling corporation; “firmly believe in the sanctity of monochromaticism”. They’re what the Killjoys are rebelling against.
Carbons n. Money/dollars, eg: “These jokers are asking 15k carbons for an Individual.” Shortened to ‘c’.
Clap n. Fight, often (but not always) between Killjoy and Draculoid.
Costa Rica adj. Means crazy or bad, eg: “the fight went Costa Rica”. Often used like ‘go all Costa Rica’ or ‘went all Costa Rica’.
Crash Queen n. Daredevil. Often (but not always) refers to Killjoys with an unhealthy taste for speed; a thrill-seeker. Refers to males and females despite the ‘queen’. Also ‘Crash Kids’.
Dead Pegasus n. The dominant gas station company; popular because it always has a steady supply of gas. Most likely a reference to Mobil, an American gas company who has an iconic Pegasus logo.
Dust n. Dead, eg: “She’s dust by now”.
Dusted v. Killed, eg: “He got dusted out in Zone 3”, “I dusted a couple of Dracs earlier”.
Dust Angel n. Another name for a resident of the zones. Used by Gerard Way and Dr. Death Defying.
Drac/Draculoid n. Vampire-masked Killjoy killers employed by BL/ind; love to party/have a good time.
Exterminator n. The highest level of scarecrow operatives. Korse is the ‘chief exterminator’ according to Gerard.
Firefight n. Fight involving ray-guns.
Flies n. Tiny cameras used to spy on people by BL/ind which look exactly like normal flies.
Getaway Mile n. Another name for Route Guano, the main road through the zones.
Ghost v. Kill.
Ghosted adj. Dead. Usually refers to someone who was murdered or killed, eg: “The only good Drac is a ghosted Drac.”
Helium Wars n. Wars that occurred in 2012, maybe interlocked with the ‘Great Fires of 2012’? BL/ind was established shortly after.
Hit the Red Line v. Literally driving so fast and for so long that you ‘hit the red line’ of your car’s fuel gauge. Refers to running away from something; moving out.
Hyper-Thrust n. A nightclub, most likely situated out in the Zones.
Individual, The n. BL/ind’s ray-guns, sold online via (constantly sold-out.) Cost $14,999.99 or ‘15k carbons’.
Motorbabies n. Kids on the run, children of the carburetor. Survivors, with ammunition and a love for speed. Often a gearhead or someone living a life roaming around the zones in their car. Also ‘Motorgoblins’.
Mousekat n. BL/ind’s mascot, as seen in their ‘The Miracle Worker’ video. Party Poison wears a heavily-modified Mousekat head in parts of the ‘Na Na Na’ video.
Pig n. Generic and derogatory term for scarecrow operatives or BL/ind police.
Pig Bomb n. Occured in 2017 and involved pigs (or maybe police). There isn’t much information.
Retinal Resorts n. Resorts operated by BL/ind where “everybody is famous”; you can go there to be treated and relax.
Ritalin Rat n. Someone who relies heavily on the drugs doled out by BL/ind. Usually addicted to these narcotics.
Rubberburner n. See Motorbabies. Drive so fast that they ‘burn rubber’, slang for destroying tyres.
Scarecrow n. Refers to BL/ind’s security department (Scarecrow Unit) or operatives of it. The operatives are of higher rank than the Draculoids and are above the police.
Shiny adj. Awesome, solid (slang), outstanding, cool, eg: “That new raygun you got off that ghosted Drac is fucking SHINY.”
Tumbleweed n. Someone who wanders in the zones. Usually a Killjoy/smuggler.
Upthrust v. Turn up.
Zaps n. Slang for ray-gun or a laser-blaster. Run on batteries.
Zones n. There are six in rings around Battery City. The zones are often subject to acid rain and adverse weather conditions and are basically desert wasteland that are only inhabited by Killjoys and the BL/ind operatives trying to track them down. Here is a map.
Zone Rat n. Resident of the zones.
Zonerunner n. Person who spends time in the zones; includes smugglers. Also 'Zonehopper’.

I drew this as a little reward to myself for completing my ap exam. Lanyon’s hand and Hyde’s arm look so wonky here but whatever, you never saw it shhhh
Also I just realized that I always draw Lanyon as the more confident one ermmm what does that say about me🙏 he’s just my #1 babygirl idk what to say, I love tall pretty confident men💯

furry /j
imagine being jekyll in chapter 12 having actual legitimate heart palpitations and going "I think tea will fix this" like yeah ok buddy you're from the uk we get it