Love Or Fame Love Or Fame Love Or Fame.. LoveorfameloveorfameloveotfamrAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Love or fame love or fame love or fame.. loveorfameloveorfameloveotfamrAAAAAAAAAAAAA
More Posts from Androgynouscloudsurfer

Man I'm so proud of myself I'm so proud and happy l
A lot of first attempts at drawing these characters and I did it with pen so it might look a Lil wonky but hey practice
Ohno I clicked the wrong one
oh good we have twelve poll options now
I feel like Rosaria and Barbara fighting duo would be like this simply put
Barbara: May Barbatos forgive you.
Rosaria: *pops up from behind her ready to swing* But I won't.
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
uh so i never do this but maui is quite literally on fire and there isn't nearly enough care or consideration for. you know. Native Hawaiians who live here being displaced and the land (and cultural relevance) that's being eaten up by the fire. so if ya'll wanna help, here's some links:
maui food bank:
maui humane society:
center for native hawaiian advancement:
hawai'i red cross:
please reblog and spread the word if you can't donate.