Hello everyone, I'm a Brazilian artist who is doing a JSAB AU (I use a translator to speak in English and Spanish) Hola a todos, soy un artista brasileño que está haciendo un JSAB AU (utilizo un traductor para hablar en español e inglés).
176 posts
Andromeda-estrelar - Grupinho Querido
icon-san liked this · 8 months ago
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*Risa desenfrenada*

Páginas 1-10
Acabo de descubrir que Tumblr tiene un límite de 10 imágenes por post (y hasta ahora sólo he hecho 11 páginas, lo que significa que sólo queda UNA página para completar mi objetivo de traducir las páginas al español).

"an Old friend of the past.. who is dead.."
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so. No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it. Draw my OC. If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts. Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result. Seriously. In fact, I encourage it. I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC. There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me. I want to see what you have done.

I can't believe it! A record! 103 notes in a few days! Thank you!
¡No me lo puedo creer! ¡Un récord! ¡103 notas en pocos días! ¡Muchas gracias!
It looks good!

A possible wallpaper for your cell phone (it was supposed to be a wallpaper, but then it became the super form of Boos, which then became his normal form)
Un posible fondo de pantalla para tu móvil (se suponía que iba a ser un fondo de pantalla, pero luego se convirtió en la superforma de Boos, que luego pasó a ser su forma normal)