Hello everyone, I'm a Brazilian artist who is doing a JSAB AU (I use a translator to speak in English and Spanish) Hola a todos, soy un artista brasileño que está haciendo un JSAB AU (utilizo un traductor para hablar en español e inglés).
176 posts
Music: Car's Little Song
Music: Car's little song
Tardó un tiempo en completarse... Y seguro que la traducción era un poco extraña, pero mejor eso que nada...
Se suponía que iba a ser una animación, pero me di por vencido en el proceso y sólo quedó un esbozo
It was supposed to be an animation, but I gave up in the process and it was just a sketch
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It's important to be healthy ( ╹▽╹ )
Es importante estar saludable ( ╹▽╹ )
En cualquier caso, a Boos no le gusta recibir órdenes (por eso se erigió en rey)... Tampoco le gustan los lugares llenos de gente, como un centro comercial (sólo está allí porque le "obligaron" a ir y le dijeron "será por la mañana temprano, no habrá nadie"), en fin, hipocresía.
In any case, Boos doesn't like taking orders (that's why he set himself up as king)... He also doesn't like places full of people, like a shopping mall (he's only there because they "forced" him to go and said "it'll be early in the morning, there won't be anyone there"), in short, hypocrisy.
Background characters belong to
Los personajes de fondo pertenecen a
@icon-san @jsab-boi and @jayden-for-now

*evil laugh* *risa maligna*
Quizá se pregunte: ¿qué es esta organización? ¿Quién forma parte de ella? ¿Qué impacto tiene en los cómics? Entre otras cosas...
You may be wondering: what is this organization? Who is part of it? What impact does it have on the comics? Among other things...
But whatever your question... I can only say one thing... This is important, VERY important for the story......
Pero independientemente de tu pregunta... Sólo puedo decir una cosa... Esto es importante, MUY importante para la historia......
Eae camarada 😏

welcome everybody
I am Muhammad Imad Abdel Latif Sharab
First, after an aggressive war on Gaza City and its revival, we were displaced from our 3-storey house in which I and my family of 3 members live.
My father's family consists of 8 members
My grandfather, may God have mercy on him, was martyred by occupation aircraft on 12/14/2023.
The one who was martyred while he was leaving the house to check on our house next to him, which could not be reached due to a brutal enemy who does not differentiate between anyone in death, went out to check on our house, which we were not in because of my displacement to Rafah, me, my father, and our families due to the intensity of the fighting in Khan Yunis, and after that A few days ago, our store in which my father and brothers work was bombed by occupation aircraft. He was working to gather his strength from it and meet the needs of our house, which no longer exists due to the bombing. We ask you to help and contribute, even if just a little, by donating to us so that we can compensate for a little of what we lost.
Many thanks to you 😢
If you do not understand the words well, because I am not very good at English, but I ask you to help me with money so that I can compensate for even a little of what I lost, and I am very grateful to you, my dears😢🥺😢🥺😢🥺🥺😢
... Well, the only thing I can do is spread the word, because my country's currency is worth very little and I'd need a lot to make 1 dollar or something...
So spread the word! Or donate!(the donation link is in her account)