Hello everyone, I'm a Brazilian artist who is doing a JSAB AU (I use a translator to speak in English and Spanish) Hola a todos, soy un artista brasileño que está haciendo un JSAB AU (utilizo un traductor para hablar en español e inglés).
176 posts
Things May Appear, Change Or Disappear In "JSAB: Cuidado"...
Things may appear, change or disappear in "JSAB: Cuidado"...
Las cosas pueden aparecer, cambiar o desaparecer en "JSAB: Cuidado"...
alison11dependedelclima liked this · 7 months ago
alionanight liked this · 7 months ago
icon-san liked this · 7 months ago
syn-synn3rs liked this · 7 months ago
More Posts from Andromeda-estrelar

It's important to be healthy ( ╹▽╹ )
Es importante estar saludable ( ╹▽╹ )
En cualquier caso, a Boos no le gusta recibir órdenes (por eso se erigió en rey)... Tampoco le gustan los lugares llenos de gente, como un centro comercial (sólo está allí porque le "obligaron" a ir y le dijeron "será por la mañana temprano, no habrá nadie"), en fin, hipocresía.
In any case, Boos doesn't like taking orders (that's why he set himself up as king)... He also doesn't like places full of people, like a shopping mall (he's only there because they "forced" him to go and said "it'll be early in the morning, there won't be anyone there"), in short, hypocrisy.
Background characters belong to
Los personajes de fondo pertenecen a
@icon-san @jsab-boi and @jayden-for-now

Page 12/Página 12
Anterior/Previous Entonces/After
Page 13 is already being produced
La página 13 ya se está produciendo
Thank you ^^

It's important to be healthy ( ╹▽╹ )
Es importante estar saludable ( ╹▽╹ )
En cualquier caso, a Boos no le gusta recibir órdenes (por eso se erigió en rey)... Tampoco le gustan los lugares llenos de gente, como un centro comercial (sólo está allí porque le "obligaron" a ir y le dijeron "será por la mañana temprano, no habrá nadie"), en fin, hipocresía.
In any case, Boos doesn't like taking orders (that's why he set himself up as king)... He also doesn't like places full of people, like a shopping mall (he's only there because they "forced" him to go and said "it'll be early in the morning, there won't be anyone there"), in short, hypocrisy.
Background characters belong to
Los personajes de fondo pertenecen a
@icon-san @jsab-boi and @jayden-for-now
I am Wijdan, 43 years old, married, and my husband has been dead for nearly 8 years. I have 3 children: Hamza, 16 years old, Zakaria, 18 years old, and Israa, 24 years old. We were displaced about 12 times from one place to another and from one school to another, and in the end we are now in the tent in Mawasi Khan Yunis from Gaza Saadu. My family is able to obtain food, drink, food, clothing, transportation, and displacement from one place to another. Please, we need you. Help my children, they need you.
Can you donate please?
Link in bio
I'm sorry, I'm not able to help you by making a donation...

"O Mundo Em Duas Visões"
Perdón por la desaparición ( ╹▽╹ )
Sorry I've been missing ( ╹▽╹ )
Here's a picture that's probably a few months old... (I thought I'd already posted it)
Aquí una foto que debe tener ya unos meses.... (Juraba que ya la había publicado)
Debería publicar al menos 1 humilde página a finales de este mes... Pero no tengo certeza...
I should post at least one humble page later this month... But I'm not sure...