Honestly i half of the time i’ve no idea what i’m doing but i like books and editing and music
30 posts
Angorguesa - I Have Zero Creativity - Tumblr Blog
So, I was relistening to Me, You and Steve, when it hit me HOW PERFECT IT IS FOR SNOWBAZ!! So huh hi Carry On fandom, I did a thing (in 4 days to be exact... I was hyperfixating, as usual).
(if Rainbow sees this: hi! Your books are my lifeblood and you're the best!)

Favourite scene from Any Way The Wind Blows for Baz’s birthday!
And an extra page of Simon playing with Baz’s hair because this is apparently my new favourite thing:

“But I am having the time of my life with Penelope Bunce. And it’s not just because she’s an endless corridor of magical revelations—and not just because she’s excruciatingly cute. I mean … That’s part of it. I’m still human.”
— Chapter 54, Any Way The Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell.

coc 2022 Day 20: Fangs
referenced this iconic line:

I've never turned my back on you. And I'm not starting now.

happy birthday to our favourite dragon boy, simon snow salisbury <3

The fact that Simon Snow is alive.
And I’m hopelessly in love with him.

Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch🦇

Alec Lightwood Bane sketch to brighten your day~
oh god now this is gonna be all i think about for the next few days and i won’t be able to sleep
honestly the only thing keeping me sane is the fact that rainbow Promised us a new metaphorical chapter 61
Does anyone know where I can read Wayward Son online? I can’t ask my parents to buy it online because they’re homophobic and they only let me buy the first book bc they didn’t know what it was about. And since I’m from Paraguay, i don’t know when I’ll be able to get my hands on a physical copy of the book and buy it with my savings :(
I needed to share this video of a someone on tik tok cosplaying as Baz, i almost dropped my phone when i saw this on my for you page

hello! i wouldn’t ask if i didn’t need to but as you may or may not have known i have thyroid cancer and the total cost for surgery is around $5550-$6000 which includes the thyroidectomy and the overnight observation. i’ve been paying for my medicine so far but the surgery is much more expensive. my mom’s healthcare plan covers $1500 of the total but as a full time student and only 1 working parent with at the moment (with 3 kids in college and 1 in high school), it’s kind of hard to cover the full cost of the surgery that is going to be performed on May 31st.
im asking for donations and really, any amount would help or just sharing this post would! i will also be working 2 jobs and taking next quarter off to get through the thyroidectomy. thank you so much!
paypal: paypal.me/cnguyen0614 (@/cnguyen0614@gmail.com)
venmo: @/uwustine
if you are in the carry on fandom, please reblog this post.
i wanna see how big we are
I’m sobbing

How to Take Notes from a Textbook
I’m currently facing the dilemma of how to take notes from a textbook. It’s hard to know where to begin or what’s the best information I need to really understand the material I’m reading. I have gathered tips and resources to better decide the best method to use the textbook most effectively.
-Preview. Glance over charts or photos used on the pages. Read study questions or summaries that might be given at the end of the chunk of pages. It preps me for the type of reading I will do and to think about the questions as I read.
-Read actively. Don’t take notes or highlight as you read. Read a short section before you stop to take notes and highlight. Your first step after you read the paragraph is to highlight a phrase or two that were the important parts that you’ll need to know for future reference. Also, go to the margins (or your post-its) and start writing a question or two for the paragraph. When you’re done with the entire section, go back and try to answer these questions without looking at the book. If you can answer it, you are doing well on recalling that paragraph. This is also a good time to make some notes for class.
-Review. At the end of the reading, write a summary (in your own words) of what you just read. It helps to understand what you retained from the reading and highlight parts you need to review. I also like to go back and try to answer those questions I made in the margin again. The BEST thing I like to do is to answer the comprehension at the end of the chapter. Each textbook has one. Answer those and, if you’re unsure of the answer, ask them during class!
Other tips:
-Try to keep your notes in your own words.
-If something is not making sense, try reading it out loud. That can often help you process the material in a new way.
-Multiply the number of pages you have to read by 5 minutes. That is the amount of time the average college student needs to spend on their reading assignment.
-Writing in the book itself is highly recommended, but if you have some reason for not doing that, you might also want post-its and use those on each page in place of writing in the book.
Write Notes, Not Textbooks
How to Take Notes from a Textbook
Justine G. Feather- HOW I TAKE NOTES

padfoot and moony
click for better quality!
Do you hear me crying

One day he will...

“Because you made me again~”
Happy JK day♥♥

Serendipity ➳ the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

jimin wakes up to … 🐯???

Brother let me be your shelter, never leave you all alone (x)

Gotta thank my dear friend for making this gorgeous drawings for me~! ♥️

Some birthday drawings I did for a friend~💙