animegeek256 - Perlita

23 yr old 🌙

911 posts

Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not

hello!! ive been reading all your skz fake texts and im LOVING it. i saw ateez on your bio but im not sure if you write for them too, i wonder if you can make a fake text of jealous bsf!yunho confessing his feelings?? 😔🙏😔

sorry this took forever to get to!! but what better time to fulfill this request than on his birthday 😌 enjoy!! 💕

Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not
Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not
Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not
Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not
Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not
Hello!! Ive Been Reading All Your Skz Fake Texts And Im LOVING It. I Saw Ateez On Your Bio But Im Not


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More Posts from Animegeek256

1 year ago

i want to make mingi mad… think about it:

mingi who’s entire energy changes when you give him attitude

mingi who’s hand wraps around your thigh in warning when you’re out to dinner with the other boys

mingi who levels you with a stare that sends shivers down your spine and tingles to your pussy

mingi who, seeing you smile a little too much with yeosang instead of him, hooks his pretty fingers in your cheeks and forces you to smile as he fucks you in front of the mirror

mingi who gets so mad that he has a little darker intent behind his movements when he chokes you as his cock slides into you

mingi who knows you want him mad to receive his worst punishment so he ignores you in return, his jaw clenching with every word you talk back with

mingi who snarls at you when you say you’ll get attention from jongho instead if he wanted to ignore you

mingi who sits jongho down roughly across from your shared bed, his hips bruising your ass as he fucks you, a hand wrapped around your throat and his eyes dark with his jaw clenched, veins popping everywhere (iykyk)

mingi who apologizes for his rough treatment and then promises to do worse the next time you want to make him that mad

mingi who orders your favourite food just in case you were still plotting a little to get him mad…

yeah, i wanna make him mad. bias man mad 😔🤌

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1 year ago




yunho and his passion, his ambition that overflows in his warm eyes and his voice and his acting, in his dance and singing, in everything. yunho and his smile that literally makes your heart melt in the best way possible. yunho and his face that makes you 'yearn for marriage' (i forgot who said this but so right). yunho and his goofiness. yunho and his black gloves and belts and suits and long coats. yunho and his hair that makes you want to run your fingers through them. yunho and his eyes that look like there are actual stars in them.

also, yunho and his boyfriend/husband vibes bc that has everyone including me in a chokehold 😭😭

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1 year ago

smau (pt. 2): ateez reaction to…

scenario: …you telling them that their stylist needs a raise

pairing: bf!ateez (maknae line) x reader

warnings: suggestive in some, i outdid myself with the picture choice so they need a warning for themselves

author‘s note: this is part 2 to the texts that just went up, you can find the hyung line on my blog already!! i really hope you enjoy it, let me know your thoughts. reqs are still open! :)

Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To


Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To
Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To


Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To
Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To
Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To


Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To
Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To


Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To
Smau (pt. 2): Ateez Reaction To

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11 months ago

oii adm poderia fazer locks das novas fotinhas que o mingi postou no ig?!

❀𝆬 Ateez ( Mingi ) lockscreens.

Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!
Oii Adm Poderia Fazer Locks Das Novas Fotinhas Que O Mingi Postou No Ig?!

Oiii meu bem! Aqui estão, espero que goste! ♡

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11 months ago

brothers best friend w/ yunho

Brothers Best Friend W/ Yunho

this isn’t proof read so sorry for any typos… i’m just too tired to do that right now 😓

you’ve been pummelling the door of your brothers apartment with the side of your fist from at least a couple of minutes now

whether he’s deciding to play a practical joke and leave you hanging is a mystery to you

you can only hope he somehow manages to grow up and let you in soon

it’s an emergency, and the strap of your overnight bag is digging into your shoulder rather painfully

“mingi, i know you’re in there,” you call as you slam the palm of your hand loudly against the wood, “let me in or i’ll tell mum you’re being a bitch!”

threats of your mother usually seem to work; it’s mingi’s fear of your younger sibling privilege, you suppose

he knows that no matter what, he’ll always be the one to blame since he’s older

a system you’ve been abusing for years, you have to admit

the door swings open after a few seconds, and you gear yourself up to give your big brother an earful for being a dick

but just as you open your mouth, you notice that the man that opened the door is in fact not mingi but his roommate and best friend instead


he’s leaning against the door frame, gaming headset around his neck and plaid pyjama pants hanging low over his hips

it would take a much stronger woman than you to avoid looking at his toned chest, so you let your eyes do a swoop over his smooth skin

“hey, kiddo,” you can hear the smirk in yunho’s voice, “what’s got you banging my door down at 10 minutes to midnight? you know my neighbours won’t appreciate this, right?”

you ignore him

“is my brother in?” yunho shakes his head before leaning himself against the door frame

the way he effortlessly towers over you even when he’s relaxed sends shivers right the way through you, all of them congregating at the apex of your thighs

trust you to be harbouring a debilitating crush on your brothers best friend…

“where is he then?” you urge

“with his latest conquest,” yunho just shrugs like it’s obvious

like you should know that your brother was busy sleeping around in your time of need

you’d gag if you didn’t have more important things on your mind; more important things like what the fuck you’re going to do now

“dammit,” you mutter before readjusting the strap of your overnight bag on your shoulder, “i was hoping he’d let me crash for the night…”

he snorts out a laugh, digging his tongue into the side of his cheek as he stares you down

“doesn’t the guy you’re fucking live like… 5 minutes away from here?”

yunho knows as well as anyone that you and taehyun are not fucking, but that doesn’t mean he won’t tease you just to see that angry look on your face

the way your forehead scrunches and your lips purse into a tiny little pout

holy fuck you’re adorable; what he wouldn’t do to just—

“me and tae fell out,” you spit, your voice muffled through your upset frown, “and we’re not fucking…”

yunho laughs, “not anymore, anyway.”

he dodges the kick you aim at his shins with ease, sliding to the side just in time for you to lose your balance and fall through the doorway

you catch yourself before you can faceplant in front of the man who had been single-handedly ruining your life since you first met him

god knows that the devilishly handsome man would never shut up about it if you tripped in front of him

“enjoy your trip?” he teases as he shuts the front door behind you, trapping you inside of his apartment

he makes a show of locking it before slipping the key into his pyjama pocket

it’s a clear show of dominance to let you know exactly who is in charge

you roll your eyes at him, letting him know that his performance is redundant; you’re in his apartment, of course he’s in charge

“mingi locks his door when he’s not here so you’ll have to sleep on the couch,” he points to the ratty leather thing that sits in the centre of the room

you grimace at the sight of it, knowing that this might just be the worst night sleep of your life

the pealing leather is bound to scratch at your skin, and you just know you’re going to have to peel your skin off of it when you wake up in the morning

you can’t help it when you groan in complaint

“or you can sleep in my bed,” yunho offers, that mischievous smile rising to his face again, “it’s warm and comfy; much nicer than that old thing.”

“are you just trying to get me into your bed?”

he scoffs, “i would dream of it, kid?”

he knows you hate that nickname… he says it with an arrogant look written all over his features

you want to punch that annoying hot smile right off of his annoyingly hot face, despite the fact that mingi would kill you

you want to sleep on the couch just to spite him, despite the fact that you know you’ll wake up feeling half dead

you want to leave and sleep on the cold, wet tarmac outside, despite the fact that that would be an even worse night

a deep breath of air fills your lungs and you let it out with a sigh

“i’ll sleep in your bed, but be warned; i carry pepper spray!”

again, yunho finds it a struggle to hold his laughter in

how can he when you’re so cute? so adorably naive with your little pout and your fucking pepper spray

you’re dumb to think that he can’t see the way you look at him; like he holds your entire world in the palms of his hands

if it weren’t for your brother, he might’ve done something by now

it’s hard to hit when the girl you so desperately want is your friends little sister

“i’m sure you do, sweetheart,” he hums out through his smile, “go get changed, alright? ill be in my room when you’re finished.”

you nod and drop your bag to the floor, your little hands immediately going to unzip it

he wonders what they might look like wrapped around his cock, your prettily manicured nails glittering as your fingers dance up and down his shaft

he looks away for the sake of his own sanity and slips his hands into his pockets in the hopes of hiding the tent that’s forming

god, he needs to get a grip

“bathrooms over there,” he clears his throat before continuing, “take your time; it’s not like i’m rushing to get to sleep or anything.”

and then he leaves you in the sheer hopes that turning his back on you and heading back to his PC will clear his head of all the disgusting thoughts he’s having

the gaming chair creeks under his weight as he flops down into it, slipping his headphones over his ears straight away

his finger moves over to his keyboard to unmute his discord and—

“i did not make us lose,” he hears the shrill screech of wooyoung, “if anything it’s san’s fault for not res-ing me! i was in need!”

“yeah and i had other priorities!” san scoffs, “jongho is a better player; obviously i’d res him first!”

“i can’t belie—”

“hey, yun,” jongho calls out over the argument, “i’m assuming the knocking wasn’t a mass murderer since you’re still alive.”

the other two shut up pretty quickly, both uttering their own cheerful greetings to yunho as if they weren’t at each others throats two seconds prior

yunho chuckles

“it was mingi’s sister,” he hums, “she’s in the area and needs a place to stay for the night.”

he’s met with a symphony of appreciative hums from the three of his friends; yunho had learnt a while back that he wasn’t alone in his feelings for her

“it’s so unfair that she’s off limits,” san sighs dreamily, “if i got my hands on her, even just for one night… i’d put those pretty lips to work, that’s for sure.”

san’s right, your lips are pretty; like two flower petals begging to be touched and appreciated

“sure, dude,” jongho interrupts, “her lips are pretty and all but have you seen her thighs? i’m pretty sure she could crush my skull with those things…”

“and you’d be into that?” san questions, a shocked laugh evident in his tone

“hey, don’t shame him,” wooyoung cuts in, “i’d love for a little brat like her to sit on my face; i could tease her for hours down there…”

there’s a swift knock on yunho’s bedroom door and he immediately presses deafen on his headset before sliding it off once more

his cheeks are covered in a deep red flush, his friends words echoing around his skull as he turns in his chair to watch you slip into the room

oh fuck

he can’t help the way his jaw drops, but then again, even the strongest man on the planet would have a difficult time

especially with you in those tiny little shorts

for someone who claims not to be fucking the guy you were supposed to be staying with, your outfit choice sure is… something

they’re thin and cover next to none of your thighs; jongho was right about them, yunho muses to himself

thick and plush and your flesh jiggles with every step you take towards his bed

he’d be happy to lie between them, he thinks, face in your pussy as you squeeze his head with those gorgeous limbs

he swallows the lump in his throat as you sit politely on his mattress

“i’m sorry about my shorts,” you mutter, a little self conscious with how intently yunho was staring at them, “i know they’re not really… appropriate.”

yunho shakes his head, dazed, confused and horny

“they’re perfect,” he mutters before he can realise what he’s saying, “i mean they’re fine… just fine…”

“they’re fine?” you confirm

he nods

“i mean they look comfy; that’s all that matters, right?” he shrugs nonchalantly as if he’s not thinking about how it would feel to rip the flimsy material off of you

he’s starting to regret asking you to share a bed with him

how the fuck he’s going to sleep with you laying next to him, he isn’t too sure

yunho takes a deep breath before clearing his throat

“if you want to head to sleep, i’ll be right there. i just want to play another round with the boys.”

you nod before crawling into his bed… crawling

he can’t even focus on how sweet you are when you’re obeying his every command

not when your ass is facing him and those tiny shorts are doing nothing to hide the fact that you’re clearly not wearing underwear beneath them

they cling to your sticky—holy fuck you’re wet?—core, the white material going translucent as your slick soaks into it

he can’t tear his eyes away from your hole, which he can fucking see clenching around nothing through those teeny-tiny shorts

it’s a good job he doesn’t have to; before he can lose his mind and rip those shorts from your body, you’re covering yourself with his thick quilt

the way you wrap yourself up and tuck the material between your knees would be cute if he hadn’t just had his soul destroyed by the sight of your pretty pussy

a few deep breaths, and he finds the courage to turn back around to his pc and press un-deafen once more

but even with the sounds of his friends chattering in the background, and his fingers eagerly dancing across his keyboard, he can’t help but let him mind wander to you

what you’d look like underneath him, your face all screwed up in pleasure as you beg him for more

how you’d sound when you beg him for more

how your fingers feel as they dig into the plane of his back

fuck, he’s in so deep

and the worst of it is, it’s not just fucking you that he’s daydreaming about

he wants to know what you’ll look like in the post sex glow, when he has you tucked into his chest so soft and gentle

he knows you’ll be beautiful; so soft and pliant in his arms

he’ll whisper sweet nothings to you just to see you smile and blush

he’ll press soft kisses to your lips just to make you squirm and giggle

god, he needs to be fucking sedated

a quick glance behind him lets him know that you’re asleep; good, he doesn’t want you to hear what he has to say next

“guys,” he helplessly calls out, “what the fuck am i supposed to do?”

“what do you mean?” jongho asks, “is this about mini mingi?”

mini mingi… you couldn’t be further from your brother in yunho’s eyes

he doesn’t want to fuck mingi into the sheets before helplessly confessing his love to him

“yes, this is about her,” yunho relents, “what the fuck am i supposed to do when she’s explicitly off limits?”

“fuck her,” wooyoung says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world, “what mingi doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“he’s my best friend,” yunho groans, sounding pathetic even to his own admission

“okay and?” wooyoung scoffs

yunho slams his head down on the desk in exasperation

it’s soft enough to not make too loud of a noise; he doesn’t want to wake you up, after all

but it’s also hard enough to let the headset slip loose from his ears

and he hears it

something that makes him perk up and rip his headset off for what seems like the hundredth time that night

no… it can’t be


your voice is small from the other side of the room, but he hears it as if it’s clear as day

you moaned his name

“yunho, need it,” you whine again, every so slightly louder this time

yunho gulps as he spins his chair around to see you, jaw slack, face screwed up and hips bucking into his quilt that you’d secured between your legs

he freezes

“yuyu,” you mewl

yunho can’t help the involuntary groan that comes from his lips

it’s now or never, he decides

he shuts off his pc, not even bothering to say goodbye to his friends—they’d understand—and takes a second to compose himself

sweaty palms rub against the material of his plaid pants as he rises from his seat and takes a few tentative steps towards the bed

the floorboards creek, but it doesn’t wake you

“yu,” your voice is so sweet, he thinks to himself as he comes to a stop by the bed

a hand on your shoulder shakes your body awake, and before yunho knows it, you’re staring up at him with your big wide eyes

fuck, he’s going to destroy you

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