Bestfriend!Mingi Drabbles~
Bestfriend!Mingi Drabbles~
smut under cut.

Bestfriend!Mingi who has been by your side since middle school.
Bestfriend!Mingi who has kept a polaroid of you and him from your 13th birthday in his wallet.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to spoil you with his money well because you're his best friend.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to hug you.
Bestfriend!Mingi who always listens to your rants no matter how, when and where he is.
Bestfriend!Mingi who sends you "good morning" and "good night" texts.
Bestfriend!Mingi who buys you chocolate ice cream whenever you're sad because that's your comfort food.
Bestfriend!Mingi who takes you out for some fancy dinner dates because he can. (duh)
Bestfriend!Mingi who accompanies you when you go shopping and carries all of your bags.
Bestfriend!Mingi who teasingly calls you "My princess."
Bestfriend!Mingi who gets protective of you whenever he sees a "bad guy" around you.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to play with your hair and sometimes even braid it.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to rub his fingers against your clothed pussy and feel your wetness whenever you both are cuddling.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to make you sit on his lap while he gropes your breast with one hand and fingers your pussy with another.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to bend you over whenever he wants and dry hump you making you needy and wet.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves your blowjobs so much that he starts crying from all the pleasure.
Bestfriend!Mingi who loves to use his tongue whenever he kisses you, always making you so breathless.
Bestfriend!Mingi who thrusts so deep inside of you as he cums inside you.
"Fuck. Look at all the mess you made baby, See how my cum is dripping outta you? Only I can do that. Do you get it? Only me. After all, we are bestfriends forever, right?"
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More Posts from Animegeek256
can I request a mafia ot8 x reader? where they all kept a secret from her which made her feel betrayed like she wasn’t a part of the team so like she reverted back to her old self (cold, not talking to them at all, being strictly profesional) and each one of them regrets it

Pairing: Mafia! Ateez x f!reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia, Mature
W.C: 4.2k
Warnings: arguments, regret, trust issues, keeping secrets, mention of death and mafia business and deals, traumas and betrayals.
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: Thanks for reading and reblogging. I appreciate all of your reviews and feel free to text me if you want. Spread love to others, not hate. I swear if I write one more angst fic then I will end up crying a river. I have made this fic a little bit less angst and let me know how it is.

"Where are they?" You asked Mr. Na with balancing the snacks in your hold.
He looked at you with a frown and glanced at the papers. It was afternoon and you thought to meet your boyfriends in the office but they were not there. It's unusual for them to not be there without telling you where they are going to.
You pout and placed the snacks on the table and munched on one of your favorites. You waited for him to reply but he seemed to return back to his work. "Hey! I asked you something and you are ignoring me. You know who I am right?" You asked him in a threatening tone and he was still not fazed by you.
"I can't hear you. I'm busy." He didn't look up from his paper-works and you got mad.
You slammed your hand on the table in front of him and glared at him. He rolled his eyes with a bored look on his face.
"How will I know where are they? And also didn't you have a mission this morning? Why are you back so early and annoying me?"
"Me annoying you. I would never." You faked a hurt look on your face and acted to have a heart attack. "I had my missions and I did well. I was really disappointed that those shitheads were not afraid of me at first but were insulting me more. So instead of letting to have them taste of my precious words, I planted some bullets in their head."
He chuckled, "as expected from you."
"But don't you really know where they are...they are not even picking up my calls." You looked down at your phone, still no missed calls or any messages.
"How will I know about it? You are their girlfriend and if they are keeping something so confidential to them, it can only meant that it's to remain within the family and as you are also part of the family so I hope they won't tell me anything about it." He said and went back to his work.
You are their family.
"But they didn't told you anything like if I return or something and where to find them?"
He glared, "no. But they were pretty much in hurry when they left the place and I thought you knew about it. So don't ask me again."
"Jaemin-" "Don't call me by my name during working hours."
You scoffed, "just now you told me that I'm their girlfriend and now you are raising your voice at me. Also, mafia business is for 24/7 so I can call you anything anytime and anywhere."
Jaemin clicked on a website and replied, " it was good when you were of cold personality and kept your distance with everyone. It's pretty much annoying that you always pick me to disturb and interrupt my works."
"Oh come on Jaemin, you love me too much. And just remember if I return back to that self, it will be only when something like in the past has hurt me again. And I really don't want to be like that again. I like being so happy and free everytime."
You were sad and your words were pronounced clearly that made him understand that he should not have said those harsh words to you. He knew how pathetic and vulnerable your past was but still his work load and you in between made him slip those words.
He patted your head, "y/n, I'm sorry. Really. I didn't mean like that. I really love to see you so bubbly. They have totally changed you and to see you happy with them is really the best thing in this building."
"You still don't trust me?"
"No no you are the lovely and the best sister I have got here and please don't mind my words like this. Please don't feel sad."
He was really trying his best to hold back his tears and make you trust him that the little suspicion he had back then when you joined the company had disappeared eventually. He always thought of you as the distraction in their life but now he sees you as a blessing. He is a best brother to you.
"Never. I can't feel sad with you atleast. You are not getting rid of me anytime soon."
A ring from Jaemin's phone interrupted your conversation with him, you both watched the name displayed on the screen 'Sir Yunho'. His eyes went wide and stared at the phone and you clutched yours in the hold.
You urged him to pick it up and put it on speaker. He received the call and you leaned forward to scan the drafts on the computer screen on which he was working.
"Has Y/n returned yet?" The voice from the other end was rough and tired.
"She-" you pressed a finger on your lips and signalled him to not tell them about your arrival. "No she hasn't returned yet, let me ask her."
"No let her be. We will be back soon from the business. If she returns then tell her we are out for lunch." He spoke in a hurry.
The call was passed to someone else. Jaemin was surprised that they just told to not tell you that they were out somewhere and even told him to lie to you. He was watching you how you were staring blankly at your phone.
"Jaemin, what happened?" Hongjoong was angry but still he was trying to contain his anger. The younger boy was distracted and soon collected himself to reply back.
"Oh just, some works are pending so I got distracted."
The call was cut and you stood up. He was about to say something to you but you raised your hand making him shut and you turned towards the meeting room. The room which belongs to you too but now somehow it felt many secrets are hidden behind it, from you.
he watched you walking towards the room with lost eyes and tired form. He shook his head at the thought that it was not good whatever was going to happen because it's not a good decision for them to keep this sudden business hidden from you.
Where were they even? Why didn't they tell you about it?
These thoughts were storming inside your mind after you entered the room. Your fingers curled into a fist and threw the vase which was placed on top of the side shelf above which a beautiful family picture with you smiling with your boyfriends were hanging. You glared at the picture.
"Where are you all? Don't you all trust me that you had to keep this sudden business as a secret from me?"
You harshly wiped away the tears from your eyes and looked around the room. It was same as earlier when you noticed before leaving in the morning. You slowly walked towards the leader's chair at the end of the table.
You sat on it and held the armrest tightly. You turned it around to face the wall behind you. The letters on the wall were piercing your eyes which were designed with orange and black LED mini lights, 'ATEEZ'.
Your family.
"Don't you all trust me as your family?"
The more you were thinking about the situation, the more you felt like convincing yourself that you were just overreacting and after they come back from the place, they will tell you the truth and everything related to it but still somewhere you were impatient.
They know that keeping secrets only triggers you but still they chose to do it.
. . .
"Is she here?" Jongho's voice made Jaemin look up from the computer screen.
Jaemin stood up and greeted him and the rest who were chit chatting in the back. "Y-yeah, she just returned right now."
Jongho smiled and said, "you don't have to work on this today. We need this after two weeks so go have some free time with your friends. Don't stress yourself."
Jaemin nodded and sat down.
"Let's head to the meeting room first and she must be waiting for us in the cafeteria." Yeosang's cheerful voice made everyone laugh and there was a warm feeling in their hearts that you were waiting for them.
Jaemin's eyes followed them going to the same direction where you went earlier. Heavy boots clicked the marble floor with dark looks radiating from them but everyone had a small smile resting on their face because of the thought of you.
Seonghwa opened the heavy metal door only to be greeted by broken pieces of fiber scattered on the floors and then he noticed the vase in front of their picture was lying broken.
"Who the hell did this?" Hongjoong's angry voice brought the others attention to the situation.
"Welcome back, Ateez."
Their eyes followed the source of the voice and noticed the leader's chair facing backward to the table. They couldn't see the person sitting on it due to the high rise of the leather of the backrest but the voice was pretty much familiar, the one they crave to listen often, almost every time.
You swiveled around the chair to face them and they noticed you sitting on it with one leg over the another and staring at your phone.
San was last to enter the meeting room and when he closed the door behind him, he noticed the whole situation and the destruction on the floor.
"You look cute when you sit on this chair."
You ignored Hongjoong's compliment and he was surprised that you didn't reply him back. If it was some other time then you would have teased him or said that you always look better than him and then he would have placed you on his lap and proceed with things.
"How did your mission go?" You glared when San went to touch your cheek after asking the question. He thought you were joking so he again raised his hand only to get swatted away by you.
"Sir San, please keep your hands off from me. You should not touch me like this way."
He laughed, " are you putting up a new act again from a movie?"
"Hey let's get some food in the cafeteria." Yeosang said and smiled towards you while approaching you.
You gave both of them a stern look before staring at the man standing across from you in the far end of the table. He was watching you intently.
Hongjoong leaned forward and supported his hands on the edge of the table, "why are you speaking like this? What's with your behavior with them?"
"How does it feel to be the leader and sitting here? Very authentic, right leader?" don't call him this anymore because after the day they turned you into this new personality, you always call them by their name just to feel them more closer. It makes you feel a family with them.
"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Seonghwa behind him asked you and you fished your phone inside your pocket of the combat pants and poked the inside of your cheek.
"Why don't you all take a seat? We need to discuss something about business."
Your words were like a business partner waiting for them to make a deal not their girlfriend who was waiting for their return.
No one budged from their place and you rolled your eyes. You stood up but stayed beside the chair and spin it around. Their eyes followed your movements.
"I thought sitting here will make me the leader but I see that's not the case here."
Wooyoung sat in the second chair at the side of the table.
"Where were you all?" You asked.
Jongho scanned the room to see all of them were busy staring at you and so he said, "we were out for lunch." He nodded in the end.
You bitterly chuckled, "from nine in the morning to this later afternoon...almost four o' all were out for so long. Just for lunch?"
"We were not out for so long." Hongjoong said confidently.
"Of course. But that's not according to my watch."
"Why the vase is broken?" You smirked at Seonghwa's question.
"Ah finally the question I wanted.well, I broke it."
"And if I ask you the same question Seonghwa, why?"
Mingi interjected, "what do you mean by why?"
San was still standing confused beside the chair on the other side.
"I am asking you all again and for the last time. Where were you all?" Your words were so loud and this sudden yell made some of them surprised and others were still staring at you.
Mingi was quick to reply, "as he said we were out for lunch."
"Don't lie to me. If you don't want to tell the truth then shut up." You clenched your jaw.
"What makes you think like that?" Yunho asked and folded his hands above his chest.
"Oh come on Yunho, you told Jaemin to lie to me that you were out for lunch when you were actually on a secret business. Am I right?"
He was surprised that you knew about it. Wooyoung leaned back to his chair and said, "y/n, it's not like that. That's just a simple issue."
"Then why can't anyone of you tell me where you all were."
Jongho cleared his throat and said, "it's better for you to not know about it."
"Do you think of me as a spy?"
"Y/n no we can't ever think of you like that. Even if you did something wrong then we can always talk it out with each other but we will never suspect you for anything." Jongho quickly stated.
Hongjoong's boot echoed in the room and he stood in front of you. You glared at him when he placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't try to manipulate me or try to convince me to trust your lies. You promised me to never hide anything from me but suddenly you all are hiding something from me."
He nodded, "I know but I want you to calm down for me. Please." You scoffed. Another presence made an appearance beside you both but you were yet to notice it but when he spoke up you became more annoyed with the same words.
You pushed away the hand from your shoulder.
"Not always everything can be said to everyone. Sometimes its better to keep some things secret."Seonghwa said and held your hands in his and caressed them a little, "it's for your safety and well being."
He seemed to be calm and contented but deep down he was deeply hurt to see you acting distant with him and not even smiling a bit when he was so near to you. He was holding your hand but he wanted to pull you in a hug.
"We just want to keep you safe, y/n." Yunho stated very slowly and he was sad.
He is always the first person to pull you in a hug and fill you with love and praises and today he would have appreciated you for your success and instead of this dark environment, the room would have filled with laughter when he would have held you up and spin you around in the room.
Mingi stood behind you and prevented you to move away and whispered words to calm you down and to take everything slowly. But you were not in a mood. He was still process the fact that you came to know about the secret business.
You pulled your hands harshly from the grip and shouted which made the person behind you to stumble backward.
"Can you all stop pretending that you all did nothing wrong? If I'm overthinking then let me be like this but you know I hate when my own family hide something from me. It make me feels like I am not trusted. It reminds me of my past."
Wooyoung hesitated to speak anything but still clenched his fist, "no love, we trust you the most. Believe me."
You ignored his words and sat on the chair beside him. Seonghwa was about to say something but Hongjoong held his hand up to make him quiet. The past traumas always triggered you whenever someone lied to you or hide something from you but still he did it.
Rest of them were aware of this situation too. Your words were feeling so distant and you being so hyper was normal for you to act this way. Atleast they should have think about this situation before. You held your head over the table and grabbed your hairs and Wooyoung stared at you with hurtful eyes.
You looked like that old y/n who was with cold heart, piercing eyes and distant space with them. Not their usual y/n with the warm heart, sweet smile and confidence.
Hongjoong was about to pass by you to go towards his chair when he halted in his steps behind you, he raised his hands to pat your head but the younger one beside you grabbed it and glared at him.
"I told you to tell her about the situation but still you were persistent with your decision. Look what you have done." Wooyoung didn't mind to raise his voice at his brother but the leader just nodded to his words and retreated his hand back.
He went to his seat and signaled others to do the same. They all were glancing at you. You were near the leader and San who was across from you was glancing between you and the leader.
He wanted to just pull you towards him and take you away somewhere else just to calm you down and make you feel loved.
When you noticed everyone was seated, you raised your head and blankly asked, "I assume you all to start speaking now. And only the truth."
"We were with your dad and Mr. Lee." Hongjoong started the conversation.
"Don't ever refer that monster as my dad. He is no one to me."
"Mr. Lee's daughter..." he paused and looked around for anyone else to continue and Yunho nodded.
Yunho smiled but quickly erased it when he saw your fuming eyes, "his daughter is engaged to Hongjoong and Seonghwa because once we had a deal in the past to save our organization and today we were there to break the dealership with him."
When the topic finally started. each one of them had a same feelings tugging at their heart. the feeling of regrets. All of them were regretting to keep you oblivion to this.
You scoffed, "engaged?" your eyes took in each of their looks precisely and continued, "so its not about only today. you all were hiding it from me for a long time now. and for how long?"
"it's not like that."
"Yunho, I asked you for how long you all were preparing for this business and when all this engagement happened?" you asked and leaned back into your chair. Mingi was impatiently tapping the top of the table with the back of the pen.
Seonghwa patted Yunho's back when he was on the verge of tears hearing your harsh and cold tone. he gulped and started to reply but his lost eyes were staring at you and you were not even minding his presence and Mingi chimed in, "last year. your da- I mean Mr. Byun offered this deal so that we could recover from the loss we had in the last year."
Yeosang added, "we thought to not worry you about this whole ordeal and we could have solved it without including you and then pretend that we were never in this situation."
"we always wanted the best for you. please don't feel sad." Wooyound said slowly beside you and you rolled your eyes.
"So I have been lied for one whole year. you made my only chance to go in vain. why? you thought I will be a problem in this?" you turned towards the leader "were you planning to get married? why did you have to hide this whole thing?"
Jongho was curious, "what only chance you are talking about?"
you smirked at him, "I could have showed Mr. Byun that I have a family which he never gave me. I could have showed him how powerful I am. I am not the weak one he wanted me to be. I could have proved that I am being loved and trusted as a family." You paused and scoffed, “but I think I was delusional all these times.”
Hongjoong clenched his fist on hearing your words and sighed, "Wooyoung and Yunho wanted to tell you about this but I told them and others to keep this discussion away from you. I didn't want to include you because-"
"because you dont trust me. you thought I will support Mr. Byun when you all were crashing to the ground?"
San quickly denied, "no no. we trust you so much y/n. we thought hearing his name or facing him would have hurt you."
Hongjoong nodded and continued, "it would have been more dramatic if people came to know about your relation with Mr. Byun and that you are a part of us inspite of him being our enemy."
"you see me as your enemy?"
"what? no." wooyoung shouted those words at you.
Seonghwa stated quietly, "I'm sorry. I should not have hide these things from you. you should have been told about this earlier. it's really worse for you to find it like this. but trust me we were scared. how to protect you and maintain our organization."
"you made me feel like an outsider."
"I know we did it in that way." Mingi said and looked down.
"After this I can't trust anyone of you like before. Every time now I would feel like you guys are hiding something from me. I will feel like I am somehow related to your enemy and still like before you have the suspicion of me going against you someday."
you paused and inhaled sharply, "I don't know if you guys trust me or not but I have always trusted you more than everything. I trusted you all and whatever you did was to keep me safe and away from this to not hurt me but...atleast you should have let me know about it. My trust would not have broken like this."
Yunho stood up and walked towards you, he turned around your chair and kneeled down, "please Y/n, please we won't hide anything again from you. please talk to me but don't distance yourself from us."
"you gave me no other option. they were engaged all these times, you all met Mr. Byun often and made deals behind my back without even letting me to get a hint of it. I was blinded by the trust that I never noticed you all were lying to me all these times when you were actually going out not to hangout but to meet that monster and this new girl."
You were blinded by the trust that you never noticed they were lying to you.
Wooyoung hugged you from behind, "We only love you. you are everything to me. I never wanted to lie to you but this was the only option. please forget about this and lets go back to normal."
you removed both of their hands from you and stood up. everyone was attentive to your movements. you glanced at the clock and sighed. you were tired and hungry and frustrated. All at the same time and you felt a wave of anger rising inside you.
"you are not leaving us, right?"
"Jongho if I leave right now then where is the thing called 'we can talk out our problems' but yeah that's true that you have made me feel lose my trust on you all."
you paused and then added, "Are you two still engaged with her?"
"yes." both of them quickly replied.
"get rid of her quickly or I will get rid of her from this world."
Both of them nodded.
they all gulped hearing your words and Yeosang grabbed your hand when you stepped forward for the door. you eyed his hand, waited for him to say whatever he wanted but you didn't look in his eyes. you knew if you look at him, you might start crying but you needed some time to recover from this whole situation.
"I'm sorry."
you knew he was sorry but still you were having so many thoughts that you couldn't still place things right on the places. once your trust is broken, it can't be mended so easily and they knew this. each of them were regretting.
"do you trust me?" your words were meant for all and he nodded quickly. you rolled your eyes and licked your lips.
"the ones who trust me, please follow me to the research room, I have kept the pen drive and file there so I can show you the details of it."
"Will you not eat?" San asked you quietly.
"I am not hungry. Finish the research room process with me and then I need to...I will have some time alone."
you glared towards Hongjoong and Seonghwa and left the room, slamming the door shut behind you. They didn't say anything. after all, it was their fault and you felt betrayed with them hiding things from you for one whole year. Mingi was the next one to leave room to quickly follow you and others sighed.
They need to start to build the trust from the beginning. You wanted to hate them but your trust and love for them was too much to hate them. To forget them as your family.
You smiled towards him and pecked him.
you once said, "how can I trust you?"
he smiled and hugged you, "your enemy is my enemy. our enemy and there is nothing that can come between us to tear us apart. you are the precious and the knot of this family. if someone hurts you, we all will be hurt and get scattered."
“We will never lie to you and there will be no secret between us.”
Was that all a lie then?

Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn [open!]
Dirty Little Secret

Genre: Smut MDNI 18+ only
Pairing: sex worker!mingi x afab!reader (best friends to ??)
Word count: 7.6k
Warnings: Porn, eye contact, praising, oral/face sitting (f receiving), use of sex toys (m receiving), reader records Mingi masturbate, dirty talk, begging, Mingi is pretty soft, fingering (f receiving), you’re both desperate, reader is easily flustered and Mingi is a tease (let me know if I missed any)
Summary: Your best friend Mingi stays the night at your place after not seeing each other in a while. When he abandons his phone you decide to play on it, the last thing you were expecting to find was his secret porn account.
After a nice shower, you’re lying in bed watching the show you’ve been binge-watching for days. Suddenly, you feel your phone vibrate beside you, getting a text from Mingi.
Loser (Mingi): Yo, I’m here >:)
A smile grew on your face, jumping out of bed and running toward the door. When you swing the door open, you’re met with a smiling Mingi, his sleepover bag in one hand, his other resting on the top of the doorframe.
“Wassup bitch!” You exclaim.
Mingi smiles wide, pulling you in for a hug, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as your hands wrap around his waist. You swear he grew taller from the last time you saw him.
You and Mingi haven’t been able to hang out much anymore. With your different jobs, your schedules just don’t align. Adult life is lame. Sometimes you wish you could go back to your teenage years, when you both hung out practically every day. After school, during lunch, whenever you wanted. But here you are; you have your own apartment, car, and job, but life is still boring when you can’t see your best friend much.
“Hello to you too,” he giggles.
When you pull away, Mingi steps inside, sliding his shoes off and putting his keys down on the table.
“Oh my god, I’m so excited! When was the last time we had a sleepover? It feels like ages.”
Mingi runs his hands through his short blonde hair, thinking to himself to recall the last sleepover, letting out a sigh.
“Damn, I don’t even remember.”
His hand dropped to his side, and you watched as his black and white beaded bracelet swung around his wrist. You look down at your matching one on your wrist and smile softly.
“Aw, you still wear this?”
You reach over, toying with the beads on Mingi’s wrist. This was a bracelet you made for Mingi years ago, and you decided to make a matching one for yourself. It was basically a friendship bracelet, but Mingi never liked calling it that; he thought it was too cringeworthy. (You know he secretly likes it, though.)
“Of course I do; I never take it off.”
You both make your way to the bedroom. Mingi drops his bag down on the bed, and you plop down on the mattress. He unzips his bag, digging through to pick out his sleeping clothes.
“Before I get settled, I want to shower; I just got out of the gym not too long ago.”
“Is that why you’re dressed like Adam Sandler?”
Mingi snaps his head up, glaring at you with narrow eyes, fighting back a smile.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
You giggle at his reactions, looking him up and down with a feigned disgust.
“Oh honey, you’re wearing shorts, a baggy tee, and flip-flops. If that’s not an Adam Sandler fit, I don’t know what is.”
Mingi rolls his eyes at your comment, secretly thinking it was funny, but he wouldn’t let you know that. Your ego is already too big. He grabs his clothes and washbag, heading toward the conjoined bathroom in your bedroom.
“I’m going to ignore you and shower.”
Mingi stops in his tracks, pulling his phone out of his pocket to hand it to you.
“Oh, before I go, can you charge my phone?”
You grab it, still laughing softly to yourself, and plug it in the charger.
“I got you; now go shower you smelly boy.”
Mingi chuckles and walks off into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, you hear the shower running, and you’re laying back in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Mingi was only gone for a minute, and you were already bored. You let out a sigh, looking around the room to find something to entertain you. You peek over at the bedside table, glancing at Mingi’s phone.
You grab the phone, laughing to yourself. You used to do this thing whenever Mingi left his phone around: take a bunch of funny photos of yourself and set them as his lock screen. You liked to see his reactions when he finds the photos, and sometimes he would keep it on his phone screen for a long time. You haven’t done it in a while, so why not do it again? It was a harmless prank that always made you two laugh.
You turn on his phone, the screen shining brightly on your face, almost blinding you. His lock screen was a picture of an anime character from Chainsaw Man. ‘What a dweeb’ you thought to yourself. You put in his passcode, letting out a little victory chuckle when it let you in. Although your laugh immediately died down when your eyes met with a random Twitter account. That’s weird; you follow Mingi on all social media platforms, but you’ve never seen this one.
You furrow your brows in confusion, Sir Min, the username read. What was this account? And why was Mingi looking at it? Clearly he was just on it; the app loaded up right as you turned on the phone. You read the bio, and your heart pounded.
‘18+ NSFW These videos and pics all belong to me. If you like what you see, sub to my OF;)’
You spring up, hunching over with the phone inches away from your face. You heard the pounding of your heart in your ears; you were frozen, blankly staring at the words on the screen. There was a voice in your head telling you to stop; this felt like something you shouldn’t be seeing. You should really turn Mingi’s phone off and put it away, out of sight, out of mind.
Yeah, you definitely should put the phone down... but your curiosity got the best of you. Your trembling thumb slowly scrolled down the page. Your heart dropped when you saw the first video.
A man sat back in a chair; you were unable to see his face; only his neck down was in view. His sweats were pulled down to his midthigh, and his shirt was hitched up, exposing his soft stomach. Your mouth grew dry when you noticed the way he was teasingly stroking his dick, occasionally slapping it against his abdomen. You watched in awe as a string of spit ran down into view and landed on his pink tip.
What. The. Fuck.
You watched the way his black and white beaded bracelet bounced on his wrist as he stroked his (fairly big) cock. Your breath hitched, and you were ashamed when you felt a pant of arousal rush through your body. Your stomach churned when you realized the man on the screen wasn’t just any man; it was Mingi.
You were so engrossed in the video in front of you that you failed to notice the trickling of the shower ceased. The sound of jiggling from the bathroom doorknob brought you back to your senses, and you immediately turned off the phone and threw it on the bed.
Mingi walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair with the towel to dry it off. You laid back, grabbing your own phone to look as casual as possible.
“I feel so much better now.”
Mingi sighed, throwing the towel on a chair in the corner of the room. He looked at you with a small smile, placing his hands on his hips. You’re heart was still racing, and you had to stop your eye’s from wandering down at Mingi’s topless body. His sweats hung low on his hips, and Calvin Klein underwear peaked at the top.
“About time, I almost died of boredom.”
You sit up, internally patting yourself on the back for sounding so nonchalant. Mingi chuckled and crawled in bed beside you.
“So what do you want to do?”
You stared at Mingi as he grew closer to you, subconsciously scooting away a bit. It was a little change in demeanor, but Mingi noticed it right away. He decided not to think too much about it, and he leaned in closer.
“You’re not going to put on a shirt?”
Your tone was a bit more nervous than you anticipated. Mingi looked down at his topless body and shrugged.
“It never bothered you before.”
He reached over, grabbing the remote to scroll through the TV. He’s right, it never has before, so why does it bother you now? You sit back against the headboard, staring at the TV screen. You’re mind kept thinking back at the video; you definitely shouldn’t have seen it... but why are you a bit disappointed you couldn’t see more?
You never thought Mingi would be the type to sell nudes for money. You knew there was a lot of catching up to do, but you certainly weren’t expecting that.
“Oh my god, I love this movie. Have you seen it?”
Mingi turns to you, his eyes bright with excitement. You couldn’t seem to stare at him; your gaze stayed on the TV.
“Oh, no, I haven’t. We can watch it.”
“Yes! Okay, I think you’ll like this one a lot; it’s hilarious.”
Mingi smiles wide and plays the movie. He lays back in the bed, turning toward your direction to lay his head on the pillow beside you. His hair tickled your arm, and your body grew hot when you felt his leg entangle in yours. You sit up abruptly, and Mingi looks up at you confused.
“I have to use the restroom. I’ll be back.”
“Ok… Don’t take too long, though. I know you just sit on the toilet watching Tik Toks.”
You roll your eyes and chuck a pillow at him. Mingi giggles while blocking your attack. You walked into the bathroom, trying to act as casual as possible. When the door closes behind you, you press yourself back against the wall, trying to comprehend everything.
Why hasn’t Mingi told you about this?
How long has he been doing it for?
Why did it turn you on?
All these questions raced in your head. You hate how you’re acting right now. I mean, Mingi is a grown man; he can do this type of work if he wanted to. You never cared when you found out other people were interested in sex work. So why are you reacting this way when it comes to Mingi?
After you pulled yourself together, you stepped out of the bathroom. Mingi laid in your bed, head resting on his hand as he watched the movie. You sat down beside Mingi, keeping a little distance from him.
“Welcome back.”
He smiled, noticing the way you sat a bit farther, furrowing his brows in confusion.
“I don’t have some kind of disease; come over here.”
Mingi reached over, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer. You gasp loudly, feeling your core ache again at the way he can easily manhandle you. You mentally curse yourself for reacting that way.
It’s not unusual to be clingy with Mingi; you both do it all the time, but for some reason every time he touched you, you couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel to have his hands touch other places.
You let out an awkward chuckle when Mingi snuggled his head in your lap; you’re body tensed when feeling how close he was. You couldn’t believe yourself; you’re really thinking dirty thoughts about your best friend, who is innocently snuggled into you.
The whole time you guys were lounging and watching the movie, you couldn’t seem to relax. Your hands stayed glued to your sides, and you keep getting lost in thought, not paying attention to the film at all.
Your unnatural behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Mingi. He tried to let it slide the first time, but when he saw that your body wasn’t relaxed and you weren’t playing with his hair like you usually do, he let out a sigh. He sat up, pausing the movie and turning to you with a suspicious look.
“Okay, what’s your problem?”
Your head jerked in Mingi’s direction, not expecting him to ask that. You try to find words, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“What do you mean?”
Mingi stares at you with a knowing glance and a small frown.
“You’re acting weird. It’s like you’re scared of me or something. You won’t relax; you’re hardly talking to me, and you won’t even touch me.”
Your heart aches at his words; you were so shaken by what you saw on Mingi’s phone that you subconsciously started to treat him weirdly. You thought for a moment, debating whether to come clean or pretend like nothing happened.
Mingi stared at you intently, waiting for an answer. You can see the slight worry in his eyes. You already knew he was starting to feel a bit insecure by the look on his face. You let out a small sigh.
"No, Mingi, you didn’t do anything wrong to get me upset.”
“How did you know that’s what I was thinking?”
“You’re making that sad puppy face.”
Mingi smiled softly at your words, looking away as you both chuckled. He felt a small pang of relief but was still worried, wanting to know what’s wrong.
“Then what’s wrong?”
He scooted closer, wanting to wrap his arm around your shoulder, but based on your behavior earlier, he kept his hands to himself.
You decided to give in; fuck it, just tell him the truth. You take in a breath before speaking in a shaky tone.
“Well, when you were in the shower. I wanted to mess with you, so I took your phone, and when I turned it on..."
Your voice drifted off. Mingi waited patiently to hear you out. Soon he came to realize what you saw; his heart dropped and his eyes widen.
You turn away feeling embarrassed; you didn’t want to look Mingi in the eyes. You felt so bad; how could you invade his privacy like that?
“I’m sorry; I swear I didn’t mean to see that. I just wanted to take funny photos of myself on your phone. The app was already open when I turned it on.”
Mingi lets out a small chuckle at your nervous rambling. The noise caused you to relax a bit, knowing he wasn’t angry.
“I’m sorry..”
You say quietly, looking like a sad puppy with its ears flopped down. Mingi coos internally at your expression, ruffling your hair.
“It’s okay”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, leaning back against the headboard and hiding your face in your hands.
“Did you see anything?”
You can hear the slight shyness hiding under his attempt to sound confident. You paused for a moment, thinking back at the video you watched, and nodded slowly.
Mingi nervously chuckles at your response, trying to sound cocky and playful to lift the mood.
“Did you like what you saw?”
You sat there in silence, your face heating up behind your hands at his question. Your silence was all Mingi needed to know the answer; he raised his brows and his heart quickened. He mostly said that as a joke, but seeing your reaction ignited a fire in him.
“Oh…..oh. What video did you watch?”
He smirked, scooting a bit closer. You nudged Mingi away, rolling your eyes at his teasing behavior.
“Fuck off, Mingi. I already have the sight of your dick in my head. I don’t need to hear your sexy voice.”
Mingi smiles wide, liking the reaction you’re having. To be frank, Mingi was embarrassed at first when you revealed that you saw his secret porn account. Although after seeing your reaction, he has a newfound confidence coursing through him.
"No, no, just tell me. Which video was it?”
You glared at him wanting to smack the smirk off his smug face (or kiss it off, but let’s not get needy). You roll your eyes, knowing Mingi wasn’t going to let this go.
“It was...the one of you.”
You moved your fist up and down, not being able to say it out loud. You couldn’t meet his gaze; you didn’t have to see his face to know he was smirking wide.
“Oh that? That’s a popular one of mine.”
“Ugh, Mingi I don’t need to know what gets your fucking fans all horned up.”
You groan, pushing Mingi away. He laughs softly, noticing the small blush creeping up in your cheeks.
"Aw, come on, I know you liked it.”
It’s not unusual for Mingi to talk to you in a teasing, flirty tone. It never used to phase you, but something about this situation in particular makes you ache between your legs.
You roll your eyes, plopping down on the bed, and cover yourself with the blanket. Mingi chuckled as he watched you hide away. You spoke back in a muffled voice.
“I’m going to bed, freak.”
He patted you on the back, still laughing softly, and turned off the light.
“Good night; try not to have any wet dreams of me.”
You kicked him under the covers; he let out a small groan and forced yourself to sleep. Embarrassing to say... you do in fact have a wet dream of Mingi that night. Not your proudest moments, but you’re only human.
Weeks have past since that night. It almost felt like you two grew even closer after finding out Mingi’s big secret. After that night of the sleepover, you both had a deep talk about why Mingi entered this line of work in the first place.
He explained to you how he was struggling with money and his own body image. At first he didn’t want to resort to that kind of work, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Once he uploaded his first video, he grew an audience pretty quickly; that’s when he learned that he liked making content more than he thought he would.
It taught him how to appreciate his body and his own pleasure, and after meeting new people in the same kind of work, he realized that he wasn’t alone in his struggles. Also, the amount of money that comes in was very nice; who could complain?
After he opened up to you, you had a different view on the situation at hand. Knowing the reason for everything, you grew to admire Mingi more, and it never bothered you when he would speak about his "films." He would even ask you for advice or requests on what he should post next.
What you weren’t proud of, though, was the late nights you spent staring up at your ceiling. Phone in hand, the Twitter search tab open as you fight the urge to search his account again. The amount of times you made yourself cum while watching Mingi fuck a flesh light was embarrassing to say out loud.
You were on your way to Mingi’s house, a grocery bag of snacks in your hand. You parked in front of his house, pulling out your phone to text him.
You: “Aye loser, I’m here.”
You gather your belongings, stepping out of the car and walking to his front door. You didn’t get a reply, which was weird. You glanced down at your phone, waiting to see the three dots to indicate he was typing. When they don’t appear, you shoot another text.
You: "I said I’m here 💀"
No reply; that’s weird.
You jiggle the front door knob only to find it was unlocked all along. Usually when he leaves it that way, he expects you to just walk in, and that you do.
When you stepped into the living room, it was vacant; there weren’t any games set up for you two on the table. You furrow your brows in confusion and set your bags down, slipping off your shoes.
You hear a thump noise coming from his bedroom, and your heart drops. What was that? It sounded like something falling. Without a second thought, you rushed to his bedroom, afraid that maybe he fell to the ground or something like that.
You hear a small groan of annoyance coming from his room; you barged in no hesitation and immediately froze when you saw him.
Mingi stood at the edge of his bed, pants down and very hard; his tripod lay broken on the floor. When Mingi looked up at you, he frozen for a second, rummaging behind him to pick up a pillow and cover himself up. You quickly shut the door in your own face, walking away from his room.
Once you reach the front door, ready to drop everything and leave because WHAT THE FUCK MINGI WAS FILMING A PORNO, you hear his bedroom door open and he runs toward you.
“Wait y/n, don’t...”
You stop in your tracks, turning around slowly when you feel Mingi’s hand grasp your shoulder. He was wearing black sweats and nothing else. His cheeks were flushed red, and he was out of breath.
“I’m sorry, Mingi; I texted you but you didn’t answer. The door was unlocked, so I came in, then I heard this sound and thought maybe you were hurt.”
“Y/n, you’re rambling again.”
You shut your mouth, looking away from Mingi. He chuckled softly, moving his hand from your shoulder to his waist.
"Sorry, I didn’t see your message. I thought you would have taken longer to get here, and I needed to film a video.”
You scratch the back of your neck; it took every ounce in you not to look down at his large bulge in his sweats. You clear your throat, feeling awkward and bad for just barging in the way you did.
“Do you, um, want me to go? so you know.”
You gestured toward his bulge, trying to maintain eye contact but failing. He looked down, a blush creeping on his cheeks, before covering himself with his hand.
"Um, I would, but that thump you heard was my tripod falling and breaking into bits, so...”
“Oh, I mean, do you really need that? Just prop it down on the table or something.”
“I can't; it doesn’t get the right angle.”
You roll your eyes at his remarks, scoffing.
“You’re being picky; just put your phone down and jerk it, not that hard.”
Mingi laughs at your words, the tension in the room lifting. Your body finally starts to relax, and you can tell Mingi was feeling the same way.
“It’s not that easy; when I put my phone on the table, the lighting looks all weird. I want to make good videos for my viewers; that way I get more money.”
He rubs his thumb and index finger together. You smile at him, finding his care for quality videos strangely endearing.
“Let me see.”
He takes you to his room; when you enter, you see the broken tripod. It was snapped in half on the floor; there was no fixing it.
“I mean, do you have tape?”
You stroke your chin, thinking on how to help this situation.
“Just get a new one; do you really need to film a video now?”
“Yeah, this isn’t just any video; it’s a commission. I need to film it, or else the buyer would be upset.”
You both ponder for a moment; you wanted to help but didn’t know how. Suddenly Mingi looks over at you, a look in his eyes that you couldn’t pin point.
“What if…you film me?”
Your eyes widen, and your head snaps toward his direction.
Mingi walks closer to you, grabbing your hands with a pleading look.
"Oh, come on, y/n, I need to film this video. You’re my best friend, and I need your help; besides, you’ve already seen my dick!”
You stood there, mouth open, unable to form words. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, and your ears heated up. You scoff at Mingi, looking away, not wanting him to see the small blush on your cheeks.
He keeps trying to meet your gaze, eyes desperate and pleading.
“Please? I’m not going to make you do this if you’re uncomfortable, but please consider. Help your bestie make a bag.”
You laugh softly at his words, looking into his eyes; it was hard to deny that look. After a moment of silence, you thought, Fuck it. Mingi needed your help; you knew you were the only one who could help in this way (totally wasn’t because you secretly wanted to see Mingi touch himself).
“Fine, okay,” you sighed.
Mingi smiles wide, pulling you in for a hug.
“Thank you! Okay, all you have to do is stand here and record me. Pretty simple.”
Mingi walked your body to the edge of the bed, wanting you to stay there. He gives you his phone after opening the camera app and looks at you excitedly. You couldn’t help but think how cute Mingi looked right now. (Despite the fact that he was going to whip it out in a few seconds.)
“Wait, before I do this, you better promise that we will pretend like nothing happened and move on. Don’t think I’ll be your camerawoman from now on, just this once.”
“Okay, I promise.” Mingi chuckles.
You let out a sigh, holding up the camera to point it at the bed.
“Hurry before I change my mind," you huff.
Mingi scurries on the bed, sitting at the edge. He grips the waistband of his sweats, hesitating for a moment.
“Make sure not to get my face. Wait, sit down. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
You roll your eyes, grabbing the chair beside you to take a seat. You were now at eye level with Mingi, sitting a foot away from him. After you take a deep breath, you press record.
“Ok go.”
Mingi moves when he hears the ding of the camera, indicating that you started recording. He reached behind him to grab something; your heart dropped when you saw what it was.
His flesh light.
He begins to speak, talking to the person who you presume bought this specific video as a commission. He stands up, rubbing his bulge through his sweats. You gulp, trying not to let your trembling hands mess up the video.
You look up, locking eyes with him. Mingi twitched in his pants, biting his lip and letting out a small groan. You quickly tore your gaze away, staring at the screen in front of you.
You swore you saw a hint of a blush creeping on Mingi’s cheeks when you both locked eyes. You watched as his hands ran up his hips, gripping the waistband of his sweats to pull them down slowly. You breathe hitched when his big dick sprung up and slapped his lower abdomen.
You swear you’ve never seen him that hard; from all the videos you (secretly) watched of him, you never saw him like this. His tip was red, leaking cum; a long vein ran down the side of his length. You subconsciously squeeze your thighs together, feeling yourself throb between your legs.
That didn’t go unnoticed by Mingi; damn him, why was he so observant? He chuckled softly, taking his cock in his hands and stroking it at a slow, teasing pace.
“You want it?”
For a second, you thought he was talking to you, but you figured he was probably just speaking sexy for the video. He tends to do that a lot (I mean, how would you know that?haha...).
Mingi sat back down on the bed, slowly stroking his dick and moaning quietly. He reached behind him to grab some lube, lathering it on his length.
Your mouth watered at the sight. God, he looked so good. You wish you could just drop the phone and take his large dick in your mouth. Then he wouldn’t need the lube.
Your try to shake away the thought, keeping a neutral face as you held the phone in front of you. You watch as Mingi bites his lip, taking the flesh light and aligning his length with it. He slowly pushed the toy down, letting out a low moan.
You had to bite your lip to hold back the noises that threatened to escape. Holy fuck, you’re watching Mingi fuck himself right in front of you. Not to mention, it’s turning you on deeply.
Mingi leans his head back, letting out gasps when he moves the toy up and down. Your stomach churned, you watched the screen intently as his hand moved faster, and you noticed the way his hips buck up slightly.
“Fuck, that’s so good.”
You felt his intense gaze, and when you looked over at him, your eyes locked again. You press your lips together, trying so hard to stay quiet. His brows furrowed as he stared at you, fucking up into the flesh light desperately.
You sat there frozen, as if you were hypnotized by Mingi’s pretty noises and desperate eyes. His gasps grew more harsh, and he quickly pulled the toy off him. He panted while his hard dick twitched uncontrollably.
"Fuck, I almost came already,” he groaned breathlessly.
You take in a deep breath; the aching of your pussy became more unbearable the more you watched. You tried everything to ease the feeling—crossing your legs, shifting in your seat. You couldn’t help it when your hand reached down to press your fingers against your clit through your leggings.
Mingi watched your movements, moaning softly and taking his length back in the toy. His eyes glued to your hips as he fucked himself. The squelching from the toy shot straight to your core; you can feel your slick sticking to your underwear.
“Fuck baby…”
He groans, throwing his head back and moaning. You watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down and his chest heaving. The bed was squeaking from the way Mingi’s hips bounced up and down in the toy. He could feel your eyes on him, and it turned him on more than he thought it would.
“I’m gonna….”
He moaned breathlessly, looking back at you with the prettiest fucked-out face you’ve ever seen.
“I’m gonna come for you.”
Your heart clenched (and so did your pussy). At this moment, you knew he wasn’t speaking for the video; he was speaking to you. Your hand reached up to cover your mouth as you watched Ming unravel.
His eyes rolled in the back of his head when he ripped the toy off him, taking his cock in his other hands to jerk it off quickly. He whimpered, cursing out loud when his cum shot up, landing on his fist and stomach. You moaned quietly when you watched some of his release land on the beads of the matching bracelet you both wore.
He sat there for a moment, panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. He chuckled softly, setting the flesh light down and waving at the camera.
“Thank you for buying.”
You ended the recording, slowing, moving your hands down to stare at Mingi’s tired body. He plopped down on the bed, panting while looking up at the ceiling. You clear your throat, standing up on your trembling legs, setting his phone down on the table.
“Well….that was…interesting.”
You stand there awkwardly, hands resting in front of you, trying not to look at Mingi, who was sprawled out naked on the bed. He props himself on his elbows after cleaning himself up, laughing while he looked at you.
"Yes, very interesting; that was good.”
You smiled softly, your throbbing pussy didn’t subside, and looking at a fucked-out smiling Mingi didn’t help. You noticed the way Mingi’s eyes ran up and down your body.
“Do you think it was good?” He asked.
You bit your lip, walking closer.
"Yeah, it was good; you looked really hot.”
Mingi smirked at you, biting his lip. He sits up, reaching forward to grab your hips. You gasped when you felt him pull you closer.
“I can tell you enjoyed it; I noticed the way you wanted to touch yourself. And the look on your face... you looked so cute.”
You blushed at his words; you already felt embarrassment creep up from the way you acted. You groaned, looking away and holding onto Mingi’s shoulders.
“Ugh, stop teasing me. It’s not my fault; you looked so….sexy.”
Mingi smirked up at you; the look in his eyes caused your body to shudder in desire. He gripped your hips harder, hands running down to grip your thighs.
“Oh yeah? I was sexy?”
"Mingi, don’t do that.”
Mingi cocked his head to the side, looking up at you with wide eyes.
“Don’t do what?”
“Don’t talk to me like you want to fuck me. I won’t be able to control myself.”
“Then don’t; let me make you feel good.”
You reach up, cupping his face while you look down at him. You knew deep down you shouldn’t do this with Mingi, but damn it, you both already crossed so many lines. Besides, you were desperately horny, and fuck Mingi looked so hot right now.
You pushed Mingi down on the bed, crawling on top of him while you smashed your lips together. You felt him smirk in the kiss, and his hands reached to grip your waist. The kiss was hungry and needy, tongues darting out to entangle in each other's mouth.
You couldn’t think about how you were acting in this moment because you didn’t care. You sat up, ripping your shirt off your body, Mingi’s hands instinctively running up to grasp your breasts through your bra. He smiled up at you, and you reached down to stroke his face.
“You looked so unbelievably sexy, Mingi. I can’t take it anymore. I need you to fuck me.”
Mingi chuckles, pulling you down to kiss you again; his hand makes its way in your leggings. His finger grazing your wet panties, he groans in the kiss, pulling away to look down at your hips. You feel his fingers push the fabric of your soiled panties to the side, dipping his finger in your folds. He gasps softly, looking up at you with furrowed brows, his jaw going slack.
“Fuck baby, you’re already so wet. Did I do this to you?”
You nod your head eagerly, rocking your hips to grind against Mingi’s fingers. He moans quietly at your reaction, feeling a sense of pride for having that kind of effect on you.
He circles your clit, pressing down while watching your every expression.
There’s that look again—the same look Mingi gave you while you recorded him. You subconsciously rock your hips faster, getting lost in Mingi’s brown eyes. You whine, wanting to feel more; the slow circling of Mingi’s fingers on your clit wasn’t enough.
“Baby, please take my pants off. I need to feel more of you.”
Mingi has never seen this side of you, desperate and pleading. He can already feel himself getting hard again, dick twitching when you begged for him.
“Oh god, don’t you worry, baby, I’ll make you feel good.”
He pulled off your leggings and panties; you kicked them off, pushing them to the side. Mingi took in your naked body, staring hungrily at you. His grip on your hips was tight, and the warmth of your pussy hovering over his hard length caused him to shudder in delight.
“Baby, before I fuck you, I need to taste you; fuck please,” he begged.
You whimper at his words, nodding eagerly and moving your body up till you straddled his face. Mingi held on tightly to your thighs, pulling you down. He did not hesitate to stick his tongue out, eagerly licking up your wetness.
You gasp at the feeling, not fully preparing yourself for the sensation. You entangle your fingers in his short blonde hair, throwing your head back and moaning his name. He groaned the second he had the taste of your pussy on his tongue. Licking slow strips up and down your cunt, he dug his nails in your skin, needing to feel you as close as possible.
You moaned when you felt his tongue dip in your hole, slurping up all your juices. His long nose bumped against your clit; you couldn’t help but ride his face grinding against him.
This is something you’ve always fantasized about, sitting on Mingi’s nose while he sucked at your wet pussy. You felt like you were in a state of euphoria, moaning and whining loudly; occasionally Mingi would grunt against your pussy as well. God, you loved the sound—the sounds of his moans and the lewd slurping filling up the room.
You looked down at him, whimpering when you saw he was already looking up at you. You felt him smile against your core; he shook his head side to side to cause more friction on your clit with the tip of his nose. He licked up, taking your bundle of nerves in his mouth and sucking, massaging the bud with his tongue.
Your legs trembled around his head, and you pulled his hair, causing him to moan louder. His hands roamed up your body. Holding your waist to grind your hips again this face. He wanted to feel you, wanted you to smear your pussy all over him, make a mess.
“Mingi…you are…so good,” you gasped.
Mingi’s desperation turned you on greatly. He was so eager to please you; it was evident that he was just as needy for you as you were for him. Years and years of tension all let out in this moment right here.
Embarrassing to admit, you were already feeling your orgasm creep up. You were so lost in the pleasure you didn’t even notice when Mingi’s hand snaked down your hips; the feeling of his finger prodding at your hole made your body tremble.
You fell forward, catching yourself with your hands resting on the mattress above Mingi’s head. His index finger pushed inside you slowly; you tried so hard not to let your arms give out beneath you. Mingi pulled off for a second to chuckle, sliding his finger in and out of you with ease. You whined pathetically and clenched hard around Mingi’s finger. Mingi, push your body up so you could sit up right.
“You wanna lay down, baby?”
His finger continued to move inside you at an agonizing pace, running his hand up and down your stomach soothingly. You couldn’t even form words; all you could do was pout and nod. He smiles at you, cooing at your expression before speaking.
"Aw, look at you; you’re so pretty. Come on, lay down on the bed for me.”
You whined when you felt his finger leave your cunt, making you feel empty. He helped you shift on the bed, laying you back against the soft mattress and crawling over to you. You looked down at Mingi, subconsciously spreading your legs wide as if you were inviting him in.
He chuckled at the sight, his head immediately dipping down back to pussy. He softly licked your clit, looking up at you and pushing his fingers back into your hole.
“That’s it, pretty girl; you take my fingers so well.”
You whimper, shyly looking away, feeling more vulnerable under Mingi.
"No, baby, don’t look away. Look at me.”
You felt a wave of need wash over you at his command, snapping your head back down to lock eyes with Mingi.
“Keep looking at me, okay? I want to see your face when I fingerfuck you.”
He entered another finger in you, pushing them in and out of you. The lewd sounds of your wet pussy squelching were music to Mingi’s ears. He moaned softly, dipping his head down to suck on your clit while he fingered your hole.
Although Mingi’s mouth and hands felt absolutely amazing, you couldn’t help but feel more needy. You needed more; you needed to feel Mingi inside you. You could scream if you didn’t get to feel Mingi’s dick in you right now.
“Mingi baby, please, I need more. I need... to feel you inside.”
He smirked, replying back in a teasing tone.
“Aw, but I’m already inside.”
“Nooo, you know what I mean.”
You squirm under his touch, whining desperately to stop his teasing.
“Come on, use your words.”
You felt a blush creep up on your face, closing your eyes for a moment and taking in a breath.
“Please….fuck me. I need to feel your cock inside.”
Mingi’s body ignited at the sight of you begging for him; you looked so desperate; how could he say no to a face like that?
“Good girl.”
He pulled his fingers out, crawling up your body and smashing his lips on yours. You instinctively reached up, entangling your fingers in his hair. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in impossibly closer.
“You’re so fucking cute when you beg for me,” he grunted.
You could only reply with a whimper, cupping his face to keep his lips on yours. You’ve never felt this desperate before, but there was something about Mingi; you just needed him so badly. You felt his length prod at your entrance. Mingi kissed your cheek softly, then pushed in.
The moan you let out was embarrassingly loud, but you didn’t have enough care in the world to dwell on that. Mingi’s jaw went slack; the feeling of your warm pussy enveloping him was almost enough to make him cum.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to hide your face in the crook of his neck. You felt Mingi press soft kisses on your skin, letting you adjust to the feeling of his big dick. Once he felt your body relax, he thrust his hips, his dick rubbing against your slick walls.
Your moans muffled in his neck, and your legs trembled against Mingi’s waist. Mingi let out quiet moans in your ear, sucking and biting marks on your neck.
“Is this what you wanted, baby? You wanted to feel my dick pound in you.”
"Yes, baby,” you whine.
You moan at his words; the feeling of his hard cock thrusting in and out of you made your head reel. You both held each other closely, and you could feel his warm breath on your skin; it all felt so intimate.
“You’re pussy is so good; you’re so warm.”
“Mingi, I love your dick; please don’t stop fucking me.”
You felt his dick twitch inside you at your praise. He pulled away, adjusting himself so he could kneel in front of you. His hands gripped your hips tightly, and he plowed in you even harder and faster.
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head, your jaw going slack as silent moans escaped your lips. He moaned at your expression, biting his lip and grunting loud.
“Look at you, baby; you look like you’re enjoying yourself,” he chuckled breathlessly.
You reached forward, gripping Mingi’s flexing thigh; you needed to grasp onto something to ground yourself. Your moans grew high-pitched as you clenched around his length. You felt your release approaching quickly; words struggled to form from the way Mingi was fucking you so good.
Mingi threw his head back, moaning; the clenching of your pussy made his stomach churn.
“So tight,” he whimpered.
“I’m going…to cum,” you managed to let out.
Mingi let a wad of spit drip down onto your clit, taking his thumb and gently rubbing the nub in circles while he fucked you. You watched in awe, feeling a pang of desire at the sight. You arched your back, and the way your tits bounced in your bra was too enticing.
Mingi reached up to push the padding of your bra to the side, letting your breast spill out. Your nipple was now exposed to him, and he leaned down to take it in his mouth. You gasp, holding his head in place as you grind down on his dick.
“Cum for me, baby, please; cum on my dick, I’m so close.”
That was all you needed to reach your peak. Your moans got stuck in your throat, head throwing back against the pillow as your orgasm coursed through you. Mingi panted heavily, letting out beautiful sounds as he tried so hard not to cum in you.
Mingi’s hips stuttered, pulling out quickly to stroke his dick. It didn’t take long for him to cum for the second time that night. It landed all over your stomach. You lay there, breath heaving, feeling Mingi’s warm seed land on your skin. He caressed your thigh soothingly, moaning softly as he came down from his high.
He plopped down on the bed beside you, pulling you into his arms as he panted against your neck. You both laid there for a moment, trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. The silence was broken when Mingi let out a small laugh, pulling his head up to look at your face.
“Didn’t expect our hangout to lead to this... I’m not complaining though.”
He smiled, cupping your face to stroke your cheek. You covered your face in your arms, reality hitting you like a bus. You laughed, your face erupting in a red tint.
“Holy fuck Mingi, that was…”
Mingi slowly pulled your arms down, wanting to see your expression. He smiled wide when he saw the blush on your cheeks; he couldn’t help but plant a kiss on your burning flesh.
“Amazing?” He asked, almost hopefully.
You turned your body to face him, cupping his face; your voice came out softer than intended when you spoke.
“Yes, it was amazing.”
Mingi pulled you in to kiss you softly on the lips. You didn’t know what this meant for your friendship, but you didn’t want to ruin the moment with that thought. All you wanted right now was to enjoy his affection, basting in each other’s warmth.
“You’re sending me that video, by the way.”
He laughs at your request, nodding in agreement and pulling you in so you could lay on his body.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be getting a first preview of all the videos I post from now on.”
a/n: Wow this fic took longer than it needed to. I hope you guys enjoy my first official story. I got many great requests for future stories, so keep an eye out for that ;). If you guys possibly want a small part 2 for this one let me know!
check up on it, work up on it, dip it, pop it

dom!Yunho x sub f!reader. 18+. minors fuck off. tags: fingering, size training, pussy & ass spanking, teasing, overstimulation, nicknames (slut/good girl), Yunho is called Daddy. a/n: what can I say? I got horny and my fingers slipped *shrug* PS. if you recognise the title, we're friends now. sorry, I don't make the rules. w/c 357
who in ATEEZ would love to have you bent over his lap to play with your cute little cunt to see how many fingers he can fit in your tight, needy hole, and why is it Yunho?
adding one finger at a time, feeling how your pussy squeezes them tight, only to get used to him as he keeps pushing in and out achingly slow, making you wiggle your cute butt in frustration. but whenever you don't stay still, he'll pull out, smack your slick pussylips as many times it takes until you lay still. and start all over again, taking one digit at a time instead of whatever number you'd worked up to. get you all dizzy from arousal.
but since you're such a slut for Yunho's fingers, it's impossible to stay still. it feels too good when he pushes those long digits deep inside your tight cunt, filling you up just right. he has to hold your wrists behind your back with one hand, while the other is busy spanking your ass and pussy, and he starts over again, and again... you get more wet each time, the squelching sound of Yunho fingering you so clear even when he goes slow.
your slick folds get all sore and puffy before you've learned to be obedient and take daddy's fingers like the good girl he knows you are. when he thinks you've been stretched enough, he'll change pace. thrust his fingers without mercy, hitting all the right places, knowing your body like the back of his hand. now he wants to see how many times he can make you come.
oh, it's too much, is it? then why do you keep clenching around his fingers every time he hits that sweet spot and spanks your ass? why do you keep moaning like a little bitch in heat, chanting "daddy, daddy", when he circles your sensitive clit? aw, did baby get all quiet now? you can't hide from Yunho how much you love it when he plays with you like this. you're so easy to read, like an open book — but a little slut with open legs.
Mingi version 18+ minors dni
Perv!Mingi who is obsessed with your ass, constantly touching it in some kind of way. Hand on it when you're walking, groping when you're cuddling, slapping it when you're walking by, jiggling it when he fucks you
Perv!Mingi who wants you so messy for him and loves to cover you in cum multiple times in one night
Perv!Mingi who wants to tattoo his bite mark onto your ass
Perv!Mingi who will want you to never wear panties around the house so he can have access to you
Perv!Mingi who would use your hair to wrap it around his cock to jerk off before cumming on your face
Perv!Mingi who takes pictures of your ass when you're walking in front of him
Perv!Mingi who loves to spit on your pussy
Perv!Mingi who will offer you a massage just to then massage your butt, covering it with oil
Perv!Mingi who loves your squeaks whenever he smacks your ass
Perv!Mingi who gets off your voice messages
Perv!Mingi who is obsessed with eating you out when you're doing every day stuff
Perv!Mingi who wants you to cockwarm him in your ass when you're sleeping
Perv!Mingi who loves to use your shower gel to jerk off in the shower because it smells like you
Perv!Mingi who has a polaroid of him fucking you from behind in his wallet
Perv!Mingi who wants to see you drool every day, sucking his cock, being fucked by him, randomly coming up to you telling you to open your mouth for him until you drool
"my good little cumslut. fuck, you look so good bent over. shit baby, your ass feels so good, how could I ever resist fucking it. you're doing so good, taking it all the way for me. yeah, drool for me, my pretty little slut"
before you go

san x reader (afab) / genre: smut, pwp, established relationship / warnings: unprotected sex, cursing, hair pulling, oral (m receiving), spanking, slightly possessive san but its for the fun of it, jealous san, creampie, pet names (baby), wc: 1.1k / r: 21+
unedited but delicious, also done for the jealousteez collab club project @pirateeznet — have fun hornies!

“Why do you have to go so early?”
San’s pouty voice resonated from the living room all the way to the bathroom, where you were finishing with your makeup, ready for tonight´s concert.
“We talked about this Sanie, you can’t convince me to stay, you know how much I spent on the tickets?!”
He was about to reply with another plea, but he shut completely when he saw you got out of your bedroom, doing a spin and showing your finished concert assemble. San stood up, looking at you with wide eyes in admiration. “What do you think?” you said, spinning again, making your pleated skirt dance against your thighs, making the chains around your waist dingle.
“Fuck! You look so hot, no! you can’t go like this, baby” he got closer, grabbing your waist and admiring your form. His eyes turned sparkly and his pout became almost cartoonish. “You've been talking too much about that Jake guy, and now he’s going to look at you like this, bounce like this, for him…” he added, sounding rather sad.
“Don’t be silly San, he won’t even notice me!”
“He would be an idiot if he doesn’t” He said, pulling you back against his chest.
You giggled, finding him amusing but knowing he is actually being serious. Truth was San couldn't handle you going to concerts, even less, guy concerts where a dude you won’t shut up about would be performing.
“That’s sweet Sanie, but I doubt it,” you said, kissing him and throwing your arms around his neck. “Let’s make a deal, go home and after the concert, I’ll crash a your apartment and make it up for you, I promise”
San looked at the ceiling, considering your offer, but after a moment of deliberation, he thought of something. “I would be less mad about those guys seeing you dance in this outfit, If I get to fill you up good before you go, that’s my condition.”
“Huh?!” you knew he was joking, he wouldn´t put conditions on you for going out or not, but this was cruel from him. He knew how fucking hot he was when he talked tried dirty talk on you, and what it provoked.
“Choi San, you wouldn’t” you glared at him.
“I won’t ruin your pretty outfit, I promise.”
Moments later, you were on your knees, soft pillow under them not to hurt you or ruin your fishnet tights. You look up to San, your eyes search for him and he looks down with drowsy eyes. “You look so pretty, baby,” he groans, and curses when you increase your pace, dick hot and heavy in your mouth. You gag and his teeth press onto his bottom lip, if you didn’t knew him better, you would say, in agony,
He grabs his base and urges you to go one more time with all you got. The sounds you make as you suck him up are driving him insane and you can feel it on how his dick throbs against your throat. He is so loud you swear all your neighbors know what you are doing, but you don’t care.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he groans, hearing you gag on him, “Shhh, baby, look at me” San lifts your head gently and your lashes flutter, “Fuck, are you crying?” He gasps but you don’t stop, taking him all in until he hits the back of your throat again.
“You want me to load onto you in all places huh?” You nod and he curses again, “Crying because you want my cum on you so bad? thought you were in a hurry to leave, baby” You shake your head slightly and he giggles unable to resist how your lips and tongue work on him.
Just as you are about to need to grasp some air, San thrust three times into you rather harshly. San sees that you need air and pulls out, “I love fucking your mouth, but I don’t want to ruin the makeup you spend so much working on” He then takes your arm and pull you up, immediately turning you over and bending you over the arm of the sofa, lifting your skirt, realizing is not tights what you are wearing, but stockings.
“Are you fucking kidding me?,” He grunts and presses against you, dragging his cock against your folds, hearing you whine and whimper, until he’s satisfied. “Where are your shorts?”
“Sanie, I haven't finished dressing up!” you cry.
“Sure thing,” He chuckles darkly, pushing himself into you with ease, “Such. A. Slut” he said, pushing into you harshly with every word. You moan, feeling how San turns your face towards him and kisses you sloppily. It’s so messy and the angle is awkward but the both of you need to be connected in every way.
when San breaks the kiss, and grabs you by the hair, it’s harsh but at the same time he doesn’t want to mess up your recently done hair, and despite spit dripping out your mouth thanks to the kiss and San slamming into you like a fucking starved man, you feel so enamoured by him that you start to tear up again.
One hand on your hair and the other on your stomach, keeping you close to him as he slams in and out, while sucking on your neck, making sure to leave some kind of mark for you to display later tonight. “Baby, you like that you're gonna be jumping and dancing with my cum inside you all night, right?,” you nod frantically, and San feels like exploding at any second. “Want to be sure you don’t forget about me baby, gonna fill you up so good”
You moan and he takes the chance to leave your hair and stick two fingers into your mouth. Wasting no time you start sucking them, at the same pace of San’s thrusts inside you. San hits your sweet spot and you sob into his fingers, accidentally taking them out.
“San please, please!”
“What baby, you wanna come already?”
“Please baby, I want to come”
San increases his pace and it's becoming rather sloppy, so you know he’s close too. “Fuck then come with me, let’s come together bab— yyy!” San lets out a whiny moan that you sure resonated in the entire building. He pressed himself against you and you rode your release at the same time that you felt San’s hot cum filling you up. “Just like that,” he breathes out, moving a little to see if his cum is leaking out of you as he wished. “Mine, mine only.” He says, spanking you loudly.
You moan and San chuckles, helping you stand up. He smiles, kissing your temple before he goes to pick up some tissues to help you clean up before you need to change stockings.
“Now go for those shorts, or else I’ll fuck you again until the concert is over.”
He huffs, dimples showing as he smiles again, and then he squints. “I mean it.”

@mingsolo please do not re-upload/translate to other sites