26 l (in)secure writer I DONT WRITE ANYMORE.. maybe one day ill come back. I
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More Posts from Animesllut666

✨ Character: Yuta OKKOTSU x Gojo FemaleReader.
✨ Warnings: Mention of violence, and decapitation.
✨ A/N: Yo just stopping in and writing a little something sumpin. Let me know if y'all like it! I LOVE feed back. Also I write everything on my phone so, if the format is off, I do apologize.
"What.. are you doing?"
After a long pause, "Nothing."
"Yeah, you want some of my candy?" You offered to Yuta, discarding the severed head of a curse. Walking over to your bag, croaching down to riffle through it.
"I got sour candy, sweet candy, ya know like me, tart candy, savory," You holler back too him, turning around with a handful of sweets.
"You really are Gojo-Sensi sister, aren't you?" Yuuta mumbled out, glancing to his left to see at least 20 mutilated curses thrown everywhere.
He was just two minutes behind you, being thrown out on a mission at the last minute. Worried about not being there in time to help, and thinking of the worst. But once, he had arrived just a short while later, imagine his shock and disbelief of seeing you.
Standing casually in a field, with a head of a curse in one hand and a candy bar in the other. Finally taking notice of his figure, and just a little wave and another bite of the bar.
"Yeah, but I'm not THAT much of an egotistical maniac with a god complex. Or well... Not all the time, I can admit my faults at times," She chokes out, through the candy in her mouth.
"Are you bad mouthing, your amazing older brother again?" Gojo questioned behind Yuuta, scaring the young boy out of his skin.
"Yep, now come on Yuuta, I'm going to show you this new show," His friend and the younger Gojo spoke, picking up her bag and grabbing his hand. Causing the young boy to blush lightly, admiring his friend as she strutted past her brother.
Not only for her beauty, but for her witt, strength and confidence.
All rights reserved for this work belong to Animesllut666.
The characters besides reader, are that of the work of Gege Akutami.
Title: Who would actually like watching Real Housewives shows with you.
Warnings: Gossip, spoilers for RHW, nothing else, but let me know if there is
Characters: Oikawa Toru, (THE MAN) Nanami. Bokuto, Noya, Tanaka.
Anime Shows: Haikyuu and Jujutsu Kaisen.
A/N: Hello! Hope everyone is having a great day, this is part two of this first one . Hope everyone enjoys! Feed back is always appreciated! Also have no idea how to add the "read more" button, I type on my phone. So if someone could tell me how that be awesome
Oikawa Tooru:

I just KNOW for a FACT
He loves real housewives (NY, ATLANTA, NJ, POTOMAC, BEVERLY HILLS), KUWK
Use to watch Flavor Flava finds love, Rock of Love, New York finds love
Basically anything and everything that has drama, and gossip
Never told anyone before, it's something to do for relaxing
At least when he does relax 🙃😮💨
Besides Iwa, he found out once, came over to his place
Unannounced, there was Oikawa, curled up on the couch, popcorn in hand and soda
Alien PJ (use to glow in the dark)
But that's for another time, after that with Iwa and begging him to delete the photos
He kept it secret for years
he gets hit dead center in the face by Issei
"Babe! Are you okay?!" You hollered discarding your phone, the volume still high
Bending down over Oikawa, his face beet red, nose starting to bleed
"You watch Real Housewives of Potomac?" He asked, sitting up real quick, (ya nearly bumped heads)
"y-yeah, I know it's just all gossip and can be scrip-"
"Marry me."
Iwa ends up coming over an dragging him away to take him the infirmary office
Finally comes back and walks you home
"So... Potomac?" He questioned, after he came back it was kind of awkward, since he did ask you to marry him
Most serious you've ever seen him
"Yeah, I also watch re-runs of Girl Code," you shyly spoke, you got picked on sometimes from others (family as well) whenever you'd bring up these shows . So the fact that your BF
This King amongst Volleyball, fucking knows about these shows
Just made you love him and fall for him even more
"Have you seen the episode where they were at the wine tasting, and Monique and Candace were fighting."
"AND CANDACE WAS WAVING THE BROKEN GLASS IN HER FACE!" You hollered in joy, balling up your fists and bring them to your chest in excitement
The whole way to your place, you guys talked about and suggested new shows
And he came over the next day to binge, Flava Flav finds love.

This man
Adult of ADULTS
I see him, as someone that will try and understand his significant others interests
You like to knit or crochet?
He buys books, and watches videos on it, suggests designs or even just goes out to get equipment.
You like puzzles?
Will HELP and even go out and buy a frame and glue to frame it. (something I did with my sister and her puzzles, just a suggestion y'all cheap decor)
So when he gets home from (surprisingly 😲) working overtime
Hears "The only thing fake about me, is THIS!" coming from the living room
And your giggles
He cooly walks in, right at the moment that Aviva FUCKING SLAMS HER LEG ON THE FUCKING TABLE
And he just standing there🧍🏼
😕🤔 😲 😂
Legit his reaction
You got scared shitless
Legit jumped, cuz sure you've heard him chuckle 🤭 or a cute little giggle one time
But this LAUGH
Almost a fuckin giggle
I see this man, as very serious, and very well put together, gets shit done and doesn't deal with nothing
So the fact that he has the cutest most angelic but surprisedly off the wall laugh
Threw you for a loop
"Wh.. what are you watching dear? *Clears throat* Is that her leg? Who is she? Is there more of this series? Can you rewind that, please " Nanami asked, taking a seat next too you on the couch.
"It's real housewives of New York, and that's Aviva she ... Clearly has a prosthetic leg, and-"
You end up having to re start the whole series from the beginning
Got to see Bethany and Jill falling out, Kelly and Bethany having a feud.
He gets addicted
Like... Will Google information about them, finds out when they will coming out with another season
Starts to discover NeNe from Atlanta, along with Porsha, Kandi
Gets into 90 Day fiance
All the spin offs of that
Even the Chantel family (never watched it though for myself, but I saw it)
90 day : The other way, 90 day: Happily Ever After?
When he watched the one with Ed an Rose 😅
Thought he was a PIG
"I'd rather her date Gojo, then this pig, at least I know Gojo wouldn't care about leg hair and not bring up her breath without getting to know what's going on. Let alone mention it in front of everyone?"
"... He also lied about his height, and his intentions."
"God, if only I could jump through this TV."
Ya man
But in short
Nanami wouldn't mind it, I feel like he would get addicted
All rights reserved to animesllut666
You can be groomed for more than just sexual exploitation. You can be groomed into becoming someone’s caretaker, someone’s perfect fantasy, someone’s illusion of a partner they want. You can be groomed into being someone’s experiment or a toy. You can be groomed into believing you owe someone to take advantage of you thousand times. You can be groomed into giving all your resources and labour away. You can be groomed into rejecting your own humanity and offering yourself up as a servant or a resource to someone. Grooming can overtake any and all parts of your life.
Characters: Gojo Satoru x GNREADER
Type: Headcannon
Anime: jujutsu kaisen
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Summary: Gojo Satoru can warp/teleport. Here would be some pros and cons.

Gojo is the type to use his teleportation abilities to pop in at the best or worst of times.
-While you're taking a shower. ("PUMPKIN!" *Que you having a mini fright and falling. I believe he just stands there, and waits doesn't mean to startle you, it just happens. He forgetful 🙃.)
-DRIVING (if he can time that shit right idk.)
-Doctors appointment ( just chilling and suddenly, "Your sick, Hun? "SATORU WTF?!")
- Business meeting.. (after that one time, you don't really talk about work meetings to him anymore. )
- Getting hit on in public, and the person making you uncomfortable? Que gojo.
-Having trouble carrying all the groceries to your place? Que him taking 10 bags, 5 on each of his long ass arms.
- Waiting somewhere due to rain, or just weather isn't sunshine and lollipops? Ya bet he'd pop in with a warm coat or an umbrella. (Maybe even something warm to drink if it's chilly.)
- Even though he IS the strongest sorcerer, I believe if he knows he has enough time he'll just pop in just too see you.