26 l (in)secure writer I DONT WRITE ANYMORE.. maybe one day ill come back. I

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Hello! I Love Blood Lad, So I'd Like To Request Any Headcanons You Have For Beros & Goyle's Relationship

Hello! I love Blood Lad, so I'd like to request any headcanons you have for Beros & Goyle's relationship (bc them & Braz are my faves)!

((The fact this show has practically no fandom is borderline CRIMINAL, so I'm glad to find another fan-)

Hiya!! I love Blood Lad, (remarkablly) has such a small (if not no) fandom. Cuz to be honest, it is a great anime! And the reviews for it were great, but it didn't get picked up for another season! :(

I hope you like it! And that it fits what you wanted, I really need to read the manga to get a better grasp of the two of them!

(Wolf, Braz, an belle are my favs.)



Anime: Blood Lad (If no one has watched it, plz watch it! It's really good and funny!)

Characters: GOYLES and BEROS

Warnings: little possessiveness, sexual undertone, fluff or at least my attempt, not proof read


I made this gif for her, but I can't find any clips of Beros :(

Hello! I Love Blood Lad, So I'd Like To Request Any Headcanons You Have For Beros & Goyle's Relationship

First thing FIRST


It's canon already

Did ya see what happened with Braz? And when he thought she was dead

Home boy in the beginning of the relationship I feel like was over (helicopter) protective of her

Like sure she IS clearly a badass

Can handle her own

But she seems to get easily flustered and overwhelmed

So that just drove him to the edge

It actually kind of put a strain on there relationship for a while

But then she said something about it

It was difficult for him to tone it down

But then he started standing back abit, and only comes in when he really needs too

I feel as though they both are affectionate

But Beroz more

Not that goyles isn't affectionate she just more low-key

With sweet touches here and there, hand holding to the T for this one

Just subtle affection, where Beroz notices and has caught on too it


the kind of hug that gets picked up and kind of shock around

Kissing her just to see her get flustered

Patting her head when he walks by



I think goyles likes to anger Beroz just to see his wild side come out

She think it 🥵

That and kind of entertaining, to see him get so worked up

Like I said in the beginning of there relationship he was 100% over protective

Someone accidentally bumped into her one day knocking her over

You would have thought the guy, stabbed her, spit on her and cursed her with how he reacted

But anyways

I see her being a book nerd, just chilling in a little nook that Beroz crafted for her one day

He likes to read but I don't think its anything major or over the top, idk I just.. don't get THAT kind of vibe from him

Like sure maybe for work but idk

She finds it to be an outlet

He'll ask her what she is reading, and what it's about, and will honestly be listening and later in the week asking how it was going for main characters adventure

They both like to play desktop games, they have some consoles here and there but it's mainly desktop

He had built them both a PC one day

Idk how but he did it, and goyles lost her MIND

They go on cute dates here and there, might even go over to the human realm (if they are able too, or just sneak there)

One day had a picnic in a cemetery

Ya know couple shit like that

Whenever they go over to the human side, Goyles always gets stopped and complimented on her outfits

At first she was like "... What...??"

But once she got use to it

She goes all out

Even has Beroz get dressed up

Sometimes they don't leave the demon realm because they both LOOK THAT GOOD TO EACHOTHER

But Idk I see them as a very healthy, cute couple, it was kind of rocky in the beginning.

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