20 year old m(t"f"tm). former "trans lesbian" edging myself more misogynistic every day. fully detransitioned irl, off hrt since january 2024❤️
77 posts
Anothermalemtf - Noone Should Transition - Tumblr Blog
tried on my old binder! i think it fits perfectly, what about you?

i also cut holes in it for my tits! non cishets can dm for pictures 🥰
The masculine urge to get a FTM to date, make her open a onlyfans, and document her process of being detrans’d all the way to pregnancy ♥️
how you should react when your mtf boyfriend tells you he has "bottom dysphoria"

"for me it's just a kink i don't want to actually detransition in real life" yes that's what we all said at first

Lmao guess it wasn't just a kink after all huh What 9 months no E and a shit ton of gaining does to a mf.
yeah, absolutely NONE of the people you know have ever seen you as a man
i want to see you in a binder and a tight shirt just to show how useless it is to try and hide those porn star tits of yours

It works soo well!
You can barely see them! :3
Currently obsessed with the idea of a beautiful gay bishie prince being transformed into a heavy, hairy musclegut having straight guy. With his long flowing hair the only remnant of his former refined beauty
if you see the green light by my name, that's the "rubbing my throbbing maleness to detransing" indicator
also the "available to detrans with you" indicator
Always a delight when a tgirl that has a detrans kink in secret likes my posts~
Don’t worry hon, you’ll crack soon <3

Kinda wish someone would’ve held him down , shaved his head, and plunged a syringe of testosterone into his ass a long time ago. He had it coming to him.
the way i thought id only detransition for the kink for a week or two and its been 8 months😵💫😵💫🤤
Like this post to give a MtF Boy a dose of T
Reblog this post to give whoever you reblogged this from a month in gender correctional therapy
Help each other out!
Hottest relationship is gay man dating lesbian trans girl
Like, if a gay guy said he had a crush on me despite knowing I call myself a gay "girl" I'd honestly just give him head right there on the spot
every mtf needs a cis girlfriend who will go on her knees in front of him, slowly move her tits around his cock, gently kiss the tip, and tell him in her soft voice that he will never be a woman

The masculine urge to get a FTM to date, make her open a onlyfans, and document her process of being detrans’d all the way to pregnancy ♥️
Tits always look better when you know she gets insane dysphoria from showing them off 🥰
The thing abt ftm “men” is that no matter what you do, you’ll always smell like a fertile little girl to 99.9% of animals on this earth. Humans are the exception, though we’re smart enough to just see that visually instead. You know, because most of you have massive fucking udders. If I strapped you down naked, any animal on earth would rape you without even thinking twice about it. Doesn’t matter if it hurts, or even kills you, they don’t respect you because you have a womb. If not even animals respect you, why should I?

you want someone to forcibly shave it off anyway
Pov: You left your two "Men" alone for a minute

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." *Audibly stroking my cock on call*