antisclq - Antisocial Q
Antisocial Q

they/he 21 I will sometimes post art, but definitely not often, life gets in the way a lot I love many fandoms and linguistics

13 posts

When I'm Bored I Make A Powerpoint To Explain An Internet Meme To My Gen-x Father

when I'm bored I make a powerpoint to explain an internet meme to my gen-x father

today's topic is spiders georg...

More Posts from Antisclq

6 months ago

At the risk of sounding anti-intellectual, I think that college should be free and also not a requirement for employment outside of highly specialized career fields

8 months ago


pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual

im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out

7 months ago
antisclq - Antisocial Q
antisclq - Antisocial Q
4 months ago

Currently seething that my day job which I have to do to be able to exist and sometimes drink tasty cider is interfering with my latest obsession-hobby that I want to do 24/7 because I want to get somewhat good before the novelty wears off and I abandon the hobby.

Not even tagging this I'm too lazy.

7 months ago

This is probably the best thing I've drawn so far, I love it and I had to share it.

This is also my favourite moment of louis in the series.

This Is Probably The Best Thing I've Drawn So Far, I Love It And I Had To Share It.

if I keep having this streak of inspiration I'll draw the rest of them too.

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