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Tryna Pull Together A Review That Im Actually Super Excited To Right, But Really Tired

Tryna pull together a review that I’m actually super excited to right, but really tired…

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2 years ago

In school, I always brought two books. For when I finished the first one.

The reason I like reading a book in one day is because I love watching people look at the size of the book in pure horror and then back at me like I just became terrifying in their eyes

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2 years ago

amazing! Awesome! Never forget the utility of home brew for writing prompts.

Dungeon: The Veiled Palace

Dungeon: The Veiled Palace

Sorrow pervades this valley, the painful ache that remains after tears and screams have exhausted themselves and the body can only linger on in faltering surrender. You can feel it in the rain, in the rocks, in the chill of the wind as it pulls the mirth from your bones.

Setup: Forlorn and forgotten thought it may be, the Veiled palace was said to have been constructed by a besotted celestial and played home to a succession of demigod warlords before it and the surrounding lands were reclaimed by nature at the end of the last civil war, transforming into a vast hinterland ripe for exploration.


Though the warlords have been gone for generations, their most cunning servants, a coterie of assassins live on, location concealed by ancient enchantments that cloak their fortress and their movements in near impenetrable mist.  They now sell their services to the innumerable nobles and merchants of the lowlands as the “Serpent-Unseen”, a group the party will only hear of after taking an innocuous job that sees their prospective employer killed half way through and the party hastily pinned for the crime.

In addition to the isolated human villages in mountains, there are also encalves of aarakocra and jaguar-tabaxi in the region, both of whom retain scraps of lore about the palace and its formation, but have become increasingly unfriendly towards outsiders of late. Someone has been wandering their territory and ensnaring their people through the use of a bewitching flute, and all those who try to rescue the ensorceled are never heard from again.

Tales in local roadhouses tell of Tamha, a long vanished village in the mountains that once traded in heavenly treasures, some beautiful or powerful beyond beleif. While these rumors may incite the party to start combing the rainforest for trinkets, they’ve also inspired the Serpent-Unseen’s latest leader, Janbek the collector,  aspirations for his organization far above being petty cutthroats. Having found a few of these trinkets ( such as the flute), the collector realizes that the Veiled palace is a storehouse of powerful enchantments that could lead him and his people to true power far beyond the swords and poisons they currently wield.

Those traveling high into the mountains should be wary, as to hear the locals tell it a soaking wet ghost that appears wandering the roads in the area dazed and confused, bloodless save for the silvery ichor which drips down from a bone-bearing gash in his head. As the ghost story goes, should the specter clasp you in his deathly grip, you’ll start to drown on land, all while he pleads with you to help him find his way home, dissolving into tears should his victim fight their way free.

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2 years ago

Actually, I was more of thinking he focused on being just threatening enough that the Shattered focused on attacking him instead of his clan. Maybe a slightly older Uchiha with a bunch of youngish ones? Like, say, an Iruka aged Uchiha with a bunch of pre-mid teens, with Tobirama was just passing through. He wasn’t going to bother with them but…

Hey, before the Shisui general reveal in Pebble, does Tobirama ever feel an Uchiha Shattering on the battlefield and yeet himself over to deal with it? Just, from dealing with Shisui first hand he knows the initial Shatter passes, so he does his best to keep the Uchiha focused on him until he can knock them out so the clan can drag the Shattered One home. And since that dragged them away from the main battle, the Senju don’t realize it until the peace.

That would be *fascinating* but I don't think it's feasible, since to prevent a shattering an Uchiha requires someone they trust enough to use as an anchor, however temporarily, and Tobirama is. Well. A *Senju*. A very famous Senju. But it would be fun, and I *could* see a few specific circumstances where it could happen. I'll have to remember that for potentially later. :3

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2 years ago

Humans. Just. Humans.

Polished Malachite Stalactite - Copper Crescent, Congo
Polished Malachite Stalactite - Copper Crescent, Congo
Polished Malachite Stalactite - Copper Crescent, Congo

Polished Malachite Stalactite - Copper Crescent, Congo

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2 years ago

I have a severe executive disfunction when it comes to putting my laundry away. Like, I will empty a basket of clean laundry by wearing it and then I have to do laundry again. It frustrated me, because I could do all the other parts of laundry just fine. I got two baskets, one for lights one for darks, because then I didn’t have to separate at the washer. I don’t own anything that a generic warm wash won’t clean.

I’d found a few years ago if I just hang my shirts up to dry no matter what the label said, I could get shirts done no problem. Just put them on hangers and find someplace to hang them. I favor a free standing porch swing we have. But the rest of the load eluded me.

And then our dryer broke, and the tech screwed up the repairs so we didn’t have a dryer for a month. As any responsible set of people who don’t live in town would do, we strung up a clothesline. Suddenly, I could get my clothes put away the same day. All of it, even underwear. Every time, no matter how big or small the load. I just folded it one piece at a time as I dropped it in the basket.

It was a revelation. I am the only person in the family still consistently using the clothesline for my laundry, because it sidesteps whatever roadblock is in my head about putting it away. So no matter how old school it is, find a method that works for you. Sidestep and trick your brain. Outmaneuver yourself.

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